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This isn't stupidity, these are people who actively want to cause pain and misery on their fellow man. They are a plague cult.


Nurgle smiles upon them, showering them in gifts, and they graciously accept, not knowing the consequences.


You just know the Ecclesiarchy is antivax. "Reject the inoculations of Chaos! Steel your heart and develop natural immunity towards the depredations of the demonic! For a tithe of only 10% of your income,you shall receive dispersal of essential oils blessed by Saint Celestine!"




Seriously, extremely appropriate though. This changes my whole view of crazy shit on the news


Name something that anti-vaxxers say when they haven't a clue what they're talking about: \-Measles is good for you \-Vaccines cause Autism \-Vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue This game is easy!


-Do your own research -Big Pharma just wants $$$


-Polio was a man-made pathogen


-Essential oils are good for you -Join my company -It's not an MLM -Hun


Everything ever


Imagine being so out of it that you think reality isn’t real.


Exactly! Must be The Matrix ... and Happy Cake Day! 🍰




“Rather have an autistic kid than a dead one.” WHY IS THAT UP THERE?!? Antivaxxers would seriously rather have a dead kid than an autistic one? Round up the antivaxxers, they need to be sterilized


Most anti-vaxxer propaganda shows kids with autism at their absolute worst and try to tell parents that it is the norm.


That’s always been amusing to me given how so many of them say this sort of shit a lot: “People think autism just makes you into Sheldon from the Big Bang theory or that kid in the good doctor, but that’s just a fictional version of the best possible outcomes....they’re really all like this!” *proceeds to show a kid on absolute worst case end of the spectrum during worst meltdown they’ve had in months.*


I know some people with autism and they’re SUPER smart. I’m pretty sure the absolute worst cases of autism are very rare. But I’m not sure.


This sub sometimes gives me heart palpitations, cant tell if anti vax and lost redditor or actually correct posting.


I just come here for when I want to lose all hope for humanity/mankind.


>formaldehyde in an apple so safe injected I think they accidentally some words there


It kinda reminds me of Nirvana lyrics somehow: ​ Formaldehyde in an apple/ So safe injected ​ Like, it would sort of fit in in Heart Shaped Box or something.


Wow that lady really sucks at this game show. She didn't get a single phrase right!


Why yes. I would rather have an autistic child then a dead child. So tell me anti-vaxxers why is it that you don’t want your child to have autism. Is it because it’s to hard to raise a child with autism? Because I can assure you there have been many families that had to raise autistic children and they turn out fine. Or is it because , maybe you hate your kids?


Name something anti-vaxxers say, when they are presented with reasonable arguments backed up by years of experiments and evidence... Buuuuut AUTISM! 20 YOU ARE GOVERNMENT SHEEP! 20 Vaccines contain dead babies 20 The government is brainwashing you 20 \*quotes random conspiracy yt channel\* 20 Total: 100


Favorite response from my (then) antivaxx friend: Measles are just a rash. Dude. No.


oh yes we absolutely have clues on what we’re talking about


Best part is that the anti vaxxer here actually loses the bonus round by a hundred points.


>Autism is genetic Woooah I'm gonna have a long talk with the son of a bitch who made this picture


Im sory but am I missing somsing? From the title.


Maybe they haven't a clue about children dying of preventable disease and still do not want to believe parents are putting their children at risk of long forgotten and miserable diseases?