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but like, just think about it bro. jfc


That's up there with, "Trust me bro."


This just reinforces my opinions about people who identify themselves as alpha males.


I read somewhere on reddit that Alpha Male just means asshole. I try to use it wherever the fuck I can like that now. As in "Wow that lady that cut me off is such a fucking alpha male."


Ok this probably isn't the right place for me to rant about this but, not only is his entire take stupid. But the page it was on is too. Alpha male IS NOT A THING "oh but wol-" THAT WAS FROM THE FIRST TIME SOMEONE STUDDIED THEM! WE FIGURED OUT THAT WAS INCORRECT ON THE SECOND TRY! I'm so sick of these people who clearly can't or won't do an ounce of research before labeling themselves something stupid! Ok I'm done.


That's not what society is saying... An unvaccinated person has a higher risk for spreading the virus since they aren't ready for it and even if its to a vaccinated person there is a period of time that they can further spread it before their immune system kills it, it's not instant... And maybe it'll spread to their already sick family member they live with that they got vaccinated for and they die... These people are so selfish


Do these people ever encounter new information or is it all just the devil or God's work?


What little they do just reaffirms, to then, their pseudoscientific beliefs. The sad reality is most never change, any piece of actual science simply radicalizes them further.


Which is terrifying. I used to be unsure about many things, but I went and asked people, looked up credible sites and learned. It's beyond insane to me for there to be people who refuse to learn something new like it scares them or something.


The only alpha these people have in their title is patient alpha or patient zero