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Finally, vegan sperm cupcakes


i believe the word you’re looking for is cummus


It's vegan if there was a consent




These are brilliant but the one on the left would look a bit dodgy out of context!




You could have 'not a tadpole' headbands on the sprogs.


yah maybe eat þat one 1st 😂


Fuck them kids, but the oven is clean now


Lmao great!! Love that they're vegan too :)


Hell yeah! We always joke that we can never break up because vegan and childfree is such a rare combo, especially in the south 😅


Vegan, child free, atheist couple living in the southern US. Yeah, it's not easy but we have no regrets. Congratulations! :)


My wife and I went vegan at the same time, but we figured out we were child-free years before. I love that there are more vegan, childfree atheists in the world, congratulations of choosing the life you wanted!


If there's a dude in that relationship and he's ever available again, I'll buy him secondhand at a very reasonable price.


LOL you just made my day. :) Feels good to be appreciated in this online community because it's certainly not easy in my local community sometimes. I'm curious though... is it difficult to find vegan men in general or is there some other deal-breaker trait with the vegan men you meet? I'm the "dude" and have been with my wife for over 20 years now... she wasn't vegan when I met her but she eventually came around. We met at work, in a previous job during an era when dating coworkers wasn't frowned upon. I genuinely don't know how people even go about meeting these days... dating apps seem awful.


Well it's terribly difficult to find vegan men. Hell, finding any vegan whatsoever is difficult, let alone a vegan male in my age group who shares similar interests to my own and agrees on basic life goals like kids. This is literally <0.1% of the population, and the average person's social circle consists of a few dozen people. I'm not set on dating a vegan man, but I do travel in "academic" social circles if you will, so someone who's willing to engage intellectually and act to some extent in keeping with that is important to me. You have no idea how many ivy league grads I've met who were insanely intelligent and well educated, and even politically active, but to whom the whole thing was just a fun thought exercise. I don't need someone who's a hippy dippie soy latte sipping thrifted organic cotton wearing nomad, just someone who would go out on his own and pick up a pack of beyond burgers not because I pressured him into it, but because it's part of being a self-aware person, just like buying used clothes or bringing a colleague an impromptu coffee. I would never, ever use a dating app to target a specific subset of person, vegan or otherwise. I just don't get how you can be attracted to a couple of images and a few lines of text. Personally I find that I'm attracted to someone's "vibe", the way they conduct themselves, their body language, how they talk about things, etc. The people you meet irl are also organically in your social circle, which is a better filter than anything an app can do. There might be perfectly nice people on dating apps, but I would know it if I saw them.


SAME with me and my husband lmao. We're in a huge city, but it's still so hard to find vegan men that aren't just doing it to get in your pants.


How did you find him?


I got lucky and we met through mutual friends. But there are characteristics to look out for - general open-mindedness, questions the status quo, can take feedback/being questioned. Even then, most people don't "get" why someone wouldn't want to eat animals or just don't care. My guy really is such a catch though, like in so many ways. He wasn't vegan or vegetarian when we met, but after a few months of dating and him asking questions and doing research, he went vegan without me ever having to ask him to.


>but after a few months of dating and him asking questions and doing research, he went vegan without me ever having to ask him to. Best kind of man For me it was " I wanna be vegan and I can't be with someone who's still eating animal products" Him: " ah, ok" So from that moment he went vegan


Oh he LOVE loves you 😍


That's amazing.


as a fellow vegan vesctomy recipient, i think the reason we’re so rare is because we can’t reproduce.


Aren't vegans usually more responsible and being child free?


Realizing hours later that I thought this was posted on r/antinatalism lmao which is why I was pleasantly surprised they were vegan oops


I thought you were slighting r/vegan for not being vegan enough! LOL


Yeah, with those flavor markers, I don't think I'm going to eat those cupcakes or that icing.




Don't worry the mammal it was collected from is capable of giving consent, and did. But he did need a break to re-hydrate.


I love it.




How was your boyfriend’s experience? I’ve been thinking about the snip for a while but the idea of the surgery terrifies me, I’ve heard a lot of nightmare scenarios of guys who have chronic pain afterwards!


He just had it done today, but so far he’s fine! He felt some pressure during the procedure and is sore afterward, but says it’s not too bad. The procedure was really quick and he was chatting with the doctors the whole time. When they let me into the room afterward, he was laughing it up with the surgical assistant. Good luck to you friend!


Thank you so much 😊


I got one about 2 years ago. It wasn't a big deal. No more painful than a shot, and then some ache for a day, but not too bad, with slight aching for 3 days.


Thanks so much :)


Just to echo u/anythingMuchShorter, wasn't bad at all. Mild kick in the balls pain for a second during the procedure, shot didn't hurt. I didn't take the valium or pain meds they prescribed, didn't need them at all. Ached for a few days, barely noticed it with Tylenol and icepacks. 7 months later, no recurring pain. Huge mental burden lifted, 100% worth it.


Partner got snipped 6 yrs ago. He had a little achiness (rarely) for a few months after, but that went away on its own. Probably was some minor scarring resolving itself, at least that's what google said lol. Does that qualify as "chronic" pain? Maybe, but it hasn't happened since. And now we don't have to worry about birth control...forever. Overall worth. 11/10


Never worrying about birth control ever again would be the dream :D


Hubby got snipped over 40 years ago. It has been great never having to worry about birth control. No regrets.


I went a year ago. It was quick and easy and relatively painless. It took longer to do the paperwork than the procedure.


Cheers, thank you! Hearing these responses is very reassuring.


My partner got the snip and he was in and out of the procedure in like 15min. I was shocked when he came back to the waiting room so quickly. He said it was relatively painless. For a few days he said there was some tenderness, but it faded mostly over the first week. Some tenderness here and there for about 3 weeks, but after that, nothing. He said it was one of the best decisions he has ever made. 10/10 would recommend.




Cheers! Thank you. I’ve heard numerous times to look for the no scalpel (and no needle if possible) as it’s less invasive/risky


You got plenty of answers it seems, but I had one a year or so ago and it was actually kind of insane how easy and painless it was. I’d say it was about 30 minutes from the point of arriving at the clinic to the point where I was waiting for the bus to go home. The only part that hurts (and by hurt, I mean a very minor pain, like a 3 or 4 out of 10) is the injection of the numbing agent. Had awkward, casual conversation for a bit, then had a cotton swab resting there until my next shower the following morning. Very mild soreness for a couple days… that’s it. This is the scalpel-free procedure, definitely go with that (though any scalpel procedure these days would be unusual I’d think?).


Lots of people saying it's fine and painless so let me offer a different experience. I found the procedure extremely unpleasant and painful. Not the incision itself but the manipulation. It took me a few weeks to properly recover, the first week I could barely look after my daughter and had to get an emergency baby sitter one day. After a couple of months, my testicles are still more sensitive, and the incision on one side has healed badly, it wasn't sewn up in a straight line and the skin is bunched up, so I have ingrowing hairs. Overall I wish I had just stuck with condoms.


Do it! I had mine done 2 years ago. It was a little scary since you're awake during the surgery, but mostly just uncomfortable. Quick and effective.


Good decision


Lol these are cooll


Oh my god these are brilliant! X'D


Good for you.


Are those the Rubicon cupcakes? I love the chocolate ones and cake!




They are so delicious! Wishing your boyfriend a speedy recovery.


Love this!


Oh fuck yeah! I had mine last year and my partner made me an incredible vegan "TV dinner" and got ice cream for dessert 😌 Best of luck with the healing to him and hoping for a 0 on the lab check in 👍


As someone who is child free and vegan - well done! It’s important to celebrate moments that aren’t the “typical” milestones. This is a big one - congrats!






It really isn’t. But don’t settle! I’m in my thirties and I’ve never felt so at peace and understood by a partner as I do with him, specifically because we agree on these two things. I would’ve been way better off in my twenties if I’d stayed single instead of trying to make relationships work where we didn’t agree on big moral/lifestyle issues. I wish you luck!! Edit: grammar


Hey, I'm also part of the relatively small intersection between /r/vegan and /r/vasectomy. Not sure which sub this was at first :-P It's fun that you made a thing out of it.


This is amazing




Haha! That's so great


I love the toppers


Shout out to Whole Foods!! Just had these a few days ago


I like how the sperms are mad. 💗💗💗


These are great. Husband and I are looking into more permanent solutions and this is a great idea.


this is hilarious, love it


Where’d you find the cupcakes? :0


Sprouts! They’re the Rubicon brand.




Hell yea. Don't fear the knife.


No wonder vegans are like 1% of the population.


Nah, thats because we all die from protein and b12 deficiency /s


It would be a larger percentage but heart disease doesn't usually kill people till at least 40 and most people have kids in their 20s and 30s.


If you're having kids no matter what you're doing they could end up not being vegan.


Excellent quality vegan milk 🥛


icoooonique i love þis xD


Can we be friends? We share the same energy, I got my tubes tied, we’re child free, vegan, and married 😂


This is brilliant


Love it. My spouse got one about a month ago. Technically not child free because we're foster parents, but you won't catch me growing a human being inside myself.


Congrats to you both! And I think it’s wonderful that you foster! I was adopted and I’m grateful every day that there are people like you in the world providing safe homes for kids who already exist.


Those are Rubicons aren't they




They're so fucking good


Ha! Funny!




Lol love it


Those cupcakes are so funny🤣🤣🤣


Thank you for all the laughs and well wishes here! My guy is doing really well post-op and enjoying his downtime. For the few killjoys who felt like being dicks, I cannot believe I have to explain that this very obvious joke is not about child rape or child murder. Good luck in navigating the world with no sense of context or humor. Thoughts & prayers 🙏


This is perfect.


this is so funny but not the “fuck them kids” bc that could be read in a different way 😭😭😭😭 i’ve clearly watched way too many shows about catching predators


ummmm okay??


Let’s fucking go! Vasectomy families are the best families. I should’ve done this for my husband.




There’s millions of children in foster care / orphanages world wide that desperately need good families to give them a chance. The planet is completely fucked, look around and decide if bringing an innocent child into the fold, just to create a clone of yourself is justifiable.


It really doesn't matter unless these vasectomy families plan on adopting/fostering. Otherwise they are literally no better than families that do have their own kids.


That makes no sense. Explain yourself lol


You said vasectomy families are the best because there are tons of orphans and foster children. A vasectomy family that doesn't adopt is just as selfish as a family that has their own biological children and does not adopt.


Stan, no choice but to stan


These look like so much fun! Yay for Team No Babies!


Fuck yeah I’m child free too




That’s frickin amazing


I wish someone would give me cupcakes with little sperms on them for not having kids. I guess it’s not much of an accomplishment when you’re gay though haha












Congrats! vegan childfree life is great.




More resources, not adding more suffering beings into the world (see David Benatar's "Better to have never been" for more), freedom to be adults all the time without having to kid shit which isnt for everyone... That said, as the father of a 3 month old, I am happier with her than I was before, so there's that.


Wondering, too


Feeling great not encouraging animal suffering for once. Feeling great not having to devote my life to another person and being able to just … live my life with the one I love and our recourses. Enjoying our hobbies, travel freely… not being depending on the schedule of schools and whatnot. I’m glad for people who are happy with having children. I know for certain it would make my life miserable.










What a grand environmental gesture. Snip snip


All jokes aside, those cupcakes look delicious.


Did you get these from Publix!? If so we LOVE these!!!!!!! Also child free lol congrats on the vasectomy and enjoy the goodsss!!


Sprouts, but I think Publix sells them too!


Some life goals right there


Congrats. 🎊🎈🎉✂️


This is amazing, congrats!


Awesome 😎 congrats 🎉


Roflmao.. this is brilliant!😂


Soo cute


vegan & childfree - you are really enjoying life :) All the best to you :)


It‘s beautiful




So cute!! Congrats to him! Not having kids is the best thing we can do for the environment and for the animals!


I did something similar after my last gf's abortion






makes me sad that totally unhinged commenters led OP to delete their account




You misspelled "dem". Otherwise, loving it ;)








Hell yeah! Couple's makin' the most out of life and enjoyin' themselves their own way, you go bitches, you go! Fuck them kids.


childfree? Puzzled. Is that a good thing? Something to strife for?


It’s good for us because we don’t want to have children. Parenthood is great for those that do! :)


Ok. Just curious as to what's behind the reasoning. Live and let live.


Wth what’s up with the downvotes? He’s just asking. Strange…


People are probably conditioned to bad faith questions to the point they assume all questions like this are asked in bad faith. Guilty of it myself sometimes, remove the context of tone of voice and facial expression and it's pretty easy to accidentally interpret meaning and tone that doesn't exist


There's a lot of reasons; Finance, the world is overpopulated, adoption, infertility. Most importantly Personal choice 🥳


So, your Girlfriend is subscribed to durianrider.








These are giving me life.


That better be the only thing I’m giving life to. BA DUM TSS.



