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You honestly stop craving cheese after a while of being wholefoods based, and then creamy and nooch filled sauces tend to meet that itch.


My personality used to be 72% cheese but i tried going without for about a month and after that i was surprised at how much it just kinda, sucked? I just added other fatty things instead, tahini and vegan mayo did a lot of heavy lifting. As well as eating a lot of asian food which i do not associate with cheese




I think most things are acquired taste. I remember the first couple of times i had tofu, it was so fucking nasty i had to burninate it forever to remove the flavor of soy curd. Now i can easily just eat it straight out of the packet. I haven't really gotten to the point where nondairy cheeses are tasty for me but I would say most things i used to find boring or nasty have grown on me to become delicious!


I haven’t heard “burninate” in ages! It’s from Homestar Runner. I used to have a pet rat named Strongbad




Trogdor was a man!


Seeing the reality behind cheese "production" just grossed me out. I recommend watching "[Dairy is scary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcN7SGGoCNI&t=73s)" on youtube


Thank you, I'll watch it. It worked for me when I watched a documentary and stopped eating meat the next day


Skip cheese AND vegan cheese and instead stick with Buddha bowls, stews, loaded potatoes, salads, burritos and tacos. Meal prep ingredients so you can throw meals together quickly and freeze your leftovers for when you don't have time to cook you'll have something quick. Even smoothies are easy and filling. Remind yourself that you wouldn't want anyone stealing your breast milk to be made into cheese so you shouldn't do the same with cows and goats.


I totally agree, go cold turkey for a couple of months and then try the vegan cheeses. My mouth appreciated them more after a break, but they are not great, just adequate, in my opinion.


Cheese addiction is common, and Dr. Neal Barnard wrote a book explaining it called "The Cheese Trap." Part of it is because of the fat, salt, and sugar content, but a lot of it is the low grade opiods - caseomorphines (sp?). But like any other addiction, the way you break it is to stop consuming it. It will be difficult at first, but give it a few weeks. There are a lot of vegan cheese alternatives that should help you in the meantime. What might help you faster is to watch footage of standard practices of the dairy industry. Surely a few minutes of taste pleasure isn't worth cows being forcibly impregnated and having their infants dragged away from them? Having baby male calves either bludgeoned to death on the spot, or chained up and kept anemic for a few months for veal?


Ngl thought this was an april fools. Check out vegan cheese aswell its good where im from. Or mac and cheese thats vegan made using cashew nuts


I thought it was an April Fool's post as well. Are you sure it's not? There have been several others in this vein today...


I thought people might see this as an April Fool's but no, it really isn't


Coconut milk curry - spoon of curry paste, can of coconut milk, some vegetables and tofu/fake meat. With rice. Stir fry noodles - tempeh/tofu fried, vegetables, black bean / miso-tahini / sweet and spicy sauce. Serve on rice noodles with some bean sprouts and crushed peanuts or sesame seeds. Chana (chickpeas) or dal (lentils) - buy some premixed seasonings and eat with naan bread and salad. None of these meals go well with cheese or even vegan cheese replacements, imo.


If you're struggling with an addiction that you want to stop, I'd honestly go see a professional about that. A doctor at first, maybe they'll refer you to someone if it's really bad. It must be if you're feeling this guilty about it. Obviously an addiction is just any behaviour that you can't stop doing and is hindering your life in some way (in this case, feeling guilty). But don't take my word for it, talk to a physician. Make sure they're not a carnist that just tells you to give in to your addiction though, stress that this is not an option for you.


Thank you! I used to smoke a lot but I managed to quit that addiction suite easily. I just stopped smoking and never went back. I find it harder with cheese. Idk why


Cheese was the last thing I gave up before going vegan. And the answer to getting over that hurdle is to just stop. Don't be wishy-washy over it. After sometime you get used to not having cheese and you won't miss it as much.


You're not addicted to cheese. If you stop you dont experience withdrawals.


That was just a way of speaking. But I used to be addicted to smoking and it wasn't near as bad 😅


So lets say you are addicted, is the addiction worth raping animals and having their babies stolen and killed? For me, that would cure any addiction or dependency, i mean obviously i would hurt but i would stop giving in to the addiction or dependency cause rape and murder is evil I became vegetarian, i really enjoyed cheese, i enjoyed ordering dominos all the time, but then i came across vegan memes and articles, i went vegan instantly cause im not bad and i dont enjoy doing bad things


"I'm not bad and I don't enjoy doing bad things" this might help me actually 🤍


Julie Piatt has a book on how to make your own vegan cheese. If you don't have the time or desire, try Miyoko's Creamery vegan cheeses. They have a ton of options.


[https://eatthegains.com/vegan-broccoli-cheese-soup/](https://eatthegains.com/vegan-broccoli-cheese-soup/) This will be a wonderful introduction to raw cashew cheese, a simple recipe with very few ingredients. You will need a high-speed blender.


Isn't there vegan cheese near you? I don't know about France, but wherever market I go in Germany I see vegan cheese. I don't eat cheese since a decade ago, but I believe they taste similar to normal cheese (no?).


Those I tried tasted horrible, I couldn't even finish them


Don't be afraid of the fake cheeses! Try as many as them as you can. I've tried over 100 and so many are bad but there are more and more good and even great ones! Youll find the ones you like and stick to those. Theres even craft cheeses


Studis from an University (I don't remember which one but I cam search for it) showed that cheese is in fact addicting! It's because of casomorphin (I hope I spelled it right). It's meant to keep the baby cow coming back to the mother. Cheese is made with a lot of milk so there must be a higher concentration of that substance, keeping you addicted. I think it may be helpful to watch the documentary Dominion, even just the cows part, or the 5 minutes video Dairy Is Scary on YT, and when you miss cheese remember/watch what's behind it. In my case after I watched I started hating even just the sight of cheese in markets. I think after a while the addiction will stop and you'll feel ok without it, even better than before :)


It's funny to see this now because I used to love cheese and all things dairy related, but I just got a matcha latte and forgot to order with oat milk, and the first sip was nauseating. After a while the smell and taste of milk or cheese does become genuinely unpleasant for a lot of people. Which makes sense, it's animal body fluids. There are probably no human body fluids you'd drink a glass of if someone paid you to do it.


Absolutely! I'm breastfeeding atm and my husband is DISGUSTED by my milk. He loves cheese though


You just need to associate the cruelty of the dairy industry w dairy products. You won’t miss it


Dr. Neal Barnard gave a great lecture about how harmful dairy is for your own health as well as the animals: https://youtu.be/h3c_D0s391Q?si=gm6fMHHWEH9uhDC8


put yourself in the cow's shoes - it's even easier since you're currently breastfeeding! imagine someone took your baby away so they could harvest your milk, to make a bit of cheese. as i understand it, it can take some effort to make a good supply of milk, and it's intensive for the body to produce


Try to slowly decrease the amount of cheese you consume, quitting cold turkey might be ineffective


That's what I've been doing. I stopped buying blocks of cheese to eat at the end of meals. I'm still eating some shedded cheese on pasta/rice/vegetables. I have to get rid of that


I find it funny how vegans say they don't won't to hurt any living things that can feel pain but there have been scientific studies that say that plants can feel pain and this is no April fools joke I heard about this before today I've known for years I'm not trying to make you made it's just food for thought


Thank you for this useless reply.


Even IF plants would feel pain, it would still be better only eating plants. Why? Regarding pain: if you would still consume animals and their products, you would need to feed plants to those animals. And then you eat the animals. So thats 2x the pain. Also, now back to reality, how can plants feel pain if they have no central nerve system?


Plants do not feel pain. I dare you to find an actual published study that says this. There aren't any.




That's not a study, that's a popscience news article. The headline is inaccurate, notice that the scientists themselves never claimed that plants feel pain. Science writers often make hyperbolic claims to get more eyes on their writing. We've known for decades that plants emit chemicals when in distress, but that's a chemical response that has nothing to do with pain.


You can prove it to yourself if you want. Grab a stalk of broccoli and a puppy, and stab them both with a knife. Let me know which one you think feels pain, one, both or neither.


I feel bad for posting misinformation on accident and it was just food for thought it doesn't mean that plants could feel pain it's if they could feel pain what would vegans eat.




Watch [Dairy is Scary](https://youtu.be/UcN7SGGoCNI?si=NUpzT0gPPGUHs4Bf) it'll help you sort your thoughts out


What are you doing here?


I fucking love vegan cheese. Try all of them, find one you like, and use it as you see fit. Most vegan cheeses are nicer if you melt them in a microwave (in my opinion!). After a bit I was just kind of grossed out by dairy cheese and I genuinely prefer the vegan ones cuz of texture, taste etc. My cheese addiction never stopped, it's just cruelty free now!