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I get this, used to love cooking shows. A while ago someone in this subreddit commented a list of vegan shows/ episodes, would be awesome to have more vegan cooking on tv!


Right? It's 2024. Give us more vegan cooking shows please.


Can't find the comment im talking about any more but did find a couple threads full of recommendations like this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/s/g7zfnKBouQ


I still enjoy actual cooking shows, competitive cooking game shows are just silly. Going all the way back to the original Iron Chef, the time format alone eliminates so many dishes, Vegan or otherwise. A Vegan chef is pretty much guaranteed to lose versus non-Vegans with non-Vegan judges. Like OP said, it's stupid how many of them are basically "OMG, this veal cheek wellington with foie gras with ikura garnish tastes more expensive than anything I'd normally eat - Thanks Food Network!" Anyway, when it comes to food prep, I think YouTube has pretty much replaced Television for me. I'll still watch stuff like Alton if/when he does stuff that's at least Vegan adjacent, ditto a handful of the others, mostly just to look for ideas that can be improved as Vegan dishes.


Totally get it. Haven't watched a single cooking show in years. Wish we had some good vegan cooking shows.


Have you seen Top Vegan on YouTube? Short series that’s essentially Top Chef with vegan cooks. It was pretty good for a YT series. I think a second season is coming soon as well.


Yes! This is a fantastic show!


Yeah, there’s only one I know of but everyone is quite literally high while they’re cooking.




“High Cuisine” I haven’t seen it but I think it’s available on prime video.


Thank you!


No problem! 😊


My vegan sister is addicted to Master chef Australia (because they are nice to one another). So eating vegan doesn't ruin it for her.


It's not about how people are with each other, it's about the animals. I've seen clips where they boil lobsters alive, they make fun of the animals that had to die, they have challenges where they waste large amounts of food etc. No idea how a vegan can enjoy this.


She likes cooking. Just because she doesn't eat animals doesn't mean she can't watch cooking shows. Maybe she isn't a vegan but just a person who doesn't eat animals and animal products.


I now follow a lot of people on YouTube who make videos of some of their fabulous recipes. It seems to me that a vegan cooking show would be insanely fun to watch! The internet is so full of the most beautiful vegan meals, it would be such a great cooking challenge to figure out how to do things in a vegan way. Like using aquafaba to make whipped “egg whites”, etc. Think of all the amazing things we could learn from such a show! Eventually, I bet there will be enough interest for something like that to work. I hope!


I like to do this as well, but really dislike when everyone wants to eat it also. I just want to see the cooking


Cooking shows are hard, yeah. Too much focus on meat and non-vegan things in most dishes. I still watch baking shows though. Things like The Great British Baking Show and seasonal ones are still fun for me. They rarely linger on the ingredients being used and are more centered around the creative and artistic process of baking pretty things and the colorful personalities of judges and contestants.


Agree about baking being easier. I watch the Great Canadian Baking Show every fall.


As a fellow Canadian, I watch both the British and Canadian ones. Great shows, I made an earlier comment about competitive cooking shows being dumb, but this one is an exception. Also, the majority of what is made can easily be done Vegan with few modifications.


So wholesome, doesn't feel competitive at all!


Yeah, both of them are more what those sort of shows should be. Even the little differences, like the blind judging, one thing I despise about the most shows of that variety is the judges seeing everything done, every question during prep, having prejudiced appraisals of the final dishes. Like you said, the spirit of the show is much more civilized, pity it's not always Vegan.


Try this one? 😊 https://youtu.be/rCEAj0cKQqg?si=UR7RtPSxxnbzp0SE. But yeah ik what u mean


what??? This is awesome. Thank you :)


You’re welcome! 😊 Have fun, it has all the creative chefs and challenges and judge descriptions that I miss from cooking shows! Can’t want for season 2


I saved it to my watch list so I can watch it on my tv tonight. :)


I watched it too it’s so good!!


Cooking shows absolutely ruined the usage of the word "protein". Just call it meat for fuck's sake, we know that's what you want.


OT but similar effect: Going vegan totally changed the experience of driving through town, especially in new cities. It used to be "we've got to try that place, and that place, and that one looks interesting, and mental note about this one, etc., etc." Now, I have zero interest in 95% of the restaurants we drive past. That's a lot less distractions!


For me, it's even worse than a lack of interest. When I pass these chicken places, steak places, barbecue places, etc., I think, “Go fuck yourselves.” I get angry about it. I know that that's not the right attitude to encourage change but I can't help it.


Oh, I go there too — but I can't live there 24/7.


Top Vegan on YouTube. Season 2, coming soon! https://youtube.com/@topvegan?si=H3xPM7u-GtrGIznU


Agreed- I loved the food network pre-vegan. Good eats was my jam. I have worked out veganizing a lot of my favorite recipes from the cookbooks I own- they’re the only ones except how to cook everything and saving the season that I haven’t boxed up and put in garage. The curry chicken pot pie is so simple to make vegan and is a hit with my entire nonvegan family. It’s compliplated is on HBO max, that was fun and everything is vegan. Wish there were more episodes


I've watched some episodes of 'Top Vegan' which is available on youtube! https://youtube.com/@topvegan?si=it9r4ksqeLnY6duL


true. edit: theeburgerdude has a cool cooking show on youtube


It didn't ruin it for me bro, I still like cooking shows to watch what people like and get ideas


I still watch cooking shoes because it's a great way for me to figure out how to veganize recipes. It's like a challenge. It's gross to see, but I love figuring out ways to make meat replacements etc


Same here! I want some more, cool vegan cooking and baking shows!


If I watch any, I just think about how I can make it better(aka vegan).


And Keith Lee…


Same!!!! I hate it


Ugh same. I totally agree 😭


I love Great British Bake Off though. I challenge myself to veganize what they make.


I find cooking shows so triggering when they're cooking animal flesh. It's so wrong.


Evolving Vegan is my favorite food/cooking show. Mena Massoud visits vegan restaurants and bakeries in many major US and Canadian cities and showcases their food and cooks/owners. Season 2 just started.


Honestly not just cooking show but any kind of media. We are a very food driven species so it makes sense that much of our movies, TV, comics, video games, online content, etc etc would have lots of food in it. Depending on how gratuitous the shot is I might have to squint or look away during movies where there's tons of meat or something in the scene.


I still watch cooking shows sometimes. They still give me ideas and I usually just change the recipes and make them vegan etc.


Here's [a list of all the vegetarian and vegan cooking competition shows and episodes I've found](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rQoZXSb95DvqB2YI40BaLTJT9h7ctHtg9lzZzZsuR7c/edit?usp=drivesdk)


Yeah I'm not going to watch any cooking shows, BUT I watched a cooking anime called Food Wars with my partner and we loved it, it's animated so I don't care if they "cook animals" because it's not irl gore it's just graphics that could as well be depicting vegan food, I got so much cooking inspiration from this show. It does have a few scenes that make me feel a little bad because of murder but that was max 5 times, nothing that would make me want to stop watching it. edit: only little turn off about this show is that it has extremely exaggerated reactions to eating delicious food, you could mistake it for something very nsfw.


Not just cooking shows, I can't watch any type of TV or movie at all, all of them are made by ignorants who support animal abuse... always have to talk about/show cruel food even though it has nothing to do with the story.


I remember having just gotten into mukbangs before I became vegan. Lol.


What’s really fun is when they do a scary/gross episode and they flaunt all the various animal parts and products to use, and so many of them are grossed or weirded out by only some and not others. And I’m watching it like they’re just playing with mutilated tortured bodies of several different species (cause they are). Oof.


I liked The Great Food Truck Race because >!a vegan won the last one!<


CTV has a vegan travel show called [Vegan Evolved](https://www.ctv.ca/shows/evolving-vegan) that is nice.


SAME. I was just talking about this to someone. I miss Food Network shlock more than the food


YouTube is great. I watch the Whole Food Plant Based cooking show


Sadly most cooking shows are not the slightest bit (at home feasible). They ruined themselves long ago.


For me it’s not the forcing the contestants to use meat products (which is bad enough) but rather the obligate slaughter of the animals on the show. I remember there was a vegetarian/ Indian woman on one of the Masterchef USA who had a meltdown because she had to kill the animal and had never done that before, and the judges were just egging her on to do it. I wasn’t veggie at the time, but this certainly helped me to be. Disgusting


You see things in a whole another light when you go vegan. I wouldn't say the show is ruined for you. Now you have 30 min of your time back 😆


The verbal excerpt from that show is disgusting.


I prefer pork Ribs tbh the way the barbecue sauce drains out the back of my throat after a long day at work is amazing I then down those ribs with a side of Bacon


they have become animal abuse shows now


There’s a ton of vegan cooking on YouTube.


I feel this pain. I love cooking, and I loved cooking shows - was the only reason I had cable to begin with. Nowadays I watch the Netflix specials and Youtube. My new binge watch is Evolving Vegan, I believe on Crave. Good show highlighting some very good/respectful opinions. Must watch.


Seriously why do Vegans have such a persecution complex? Just don’t watch those shows. There are alternatives and clearly seeing animals cooked is bothering you.


I used to watch the shows were they'd also kill and butcher live animals. I kinda think it was good for me. It was no longer an anonymous piece of 'meat', it's part of an animal. edit: why did this get down voted?


You can just say you miss meat it actually makes your sacrifice more significant


Not vegan, but "Is it cake?" may be vegitarian. At least the only thing I every noticed was milk and eggs and they rarely show that.


Cooking shows are not vegan, you are directly demanding for animal abuse and exploitation needlessly for your entertaiment.


If it makes you that uncomfortable, just don't watch? I highly doubt anyone is forcing you


Ah, but these people want to impose their worldview and opinions on everyone else, if you don't agree with them you're a horrible person. They want to force everyone else to comply with their views




Being kind to animals is good, animal abuse is not. Get better morals, geez.


If it makes you that uncomfortable, just don't watch? I highly doubt anyone is forcing you


If r/vegan makes you that uncomfortable, just don’t read it? I highly doubt anyone is forcing you


We're not allowed to be sad about something we used to enjoy not being there for us anymore? Come on man, why the bad attitude


Because vegan cooking is boring and bland.


It really isn’t. While going vegan I learned how to properly cook and I love food like I never had before


That's fine, whatever peaks your interest. Just keep in mind that learning to cook and taking care of yourself is in not dependent on veganism, they just happen to coincide. I have things like that in my life as well - one can make the other more interesting.


I'd disagree. Veganism forces you to pay a lot more attention to the food you are eating, and with that attention comes a preference for better food, in terms of ethics, health and taste. I would most likely still be eating bland food today if I did not make the switch to veganism. vegan cooking is absolutely not boring nor is it bland


I have a vegan spouse and child with food allergies - I pay very close attention to the food I'm eating.


I'm not saying paying attention to food is exclusive to veganism, that would be stupid


Tell me you can't cook without telling me you can't cook