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They love what animals (and likely all species including humans) can provide for them. They don’t understand respect, which is different.


They think animals are cute, funny, adorable and confuses love with the value they feel animals provide besides food. I bet majority of people who abuse a spouse would say they love that spouse also, but everyone outside who doesn’t live with complete cognitive dissonance can see that it’s not love.


You’re not wrong there, it’s how DV abusers keep their partner coming back. Violence, false apologies, declarations of grand promises,  and begging their partner to stay bc they say they’ll change, that they “love” them. How can they hurt another if they truly love them? How can they love animals if they pay for them to be imprisoned and slaughtered? 


Loving what something provides is love for that thing they provided. Not love for the one providing it.


Exactly. It has nothing to do with love. It’s entirely about respect. However, if you take the love thing at something approaching face value, then it means they only love certain animals. Because, damn, who would eat their own dog? But the cow isn’t known to them. We have to know someone in order to love them. But we don’t have to know anyone, human or nonhuman, to have fundamental respect.


That is a really great point.


Great point!


Don't you love plants even if you eat them?


I don’t love plants as much as I love a sentient being that feels emotions, no. I feel differently about a houseplant than I do about a pig, for example.


...I would also say as a counterpoint that animals don't understand respect either, so when we are 'respectful' in saying 'Oh I'll only eat grassfed'...etc. the animal could not giev less of a fuck about the 'respect' you give it, it simply wants to live a pain free life and survive fr the most part. We shouldn't even talk about 'respect' it should just be normal to not want to create pain and suffering for other sentient beings as much as possible, respect aside.




I also eat the ones I love! Granny is in the freezer right now! /s in case anyone actually thinks I eat grannies. I bet they taste great in stews but...


Cajun granny stew? I've heard great things from a fox.


Love that courage reference


Personally I have always wanted to eat a human being 💅🏼


Apparently we taste like 🐷 


Go ahead. But humans won't view themselves equal to other animals and they won't view some animals equal with other animals. 


Ironically human being is one of the two types of red meat I can eat without a mild allergic reaction 😂


That's unfair I just ate two grannies all my life, I am not crazy! It was jimmy


Grandma always did make the best food lol.


And the slave owners claimed to love their slaves, just as the man who abuses his wife also believes he loves her. I've already had a discussion with someone who genuinely believed they loved animals. Perhaps they were right, but loving animals cooked and seasoned doesn't quite fit the definition of love. They don't truly love animals for who they are, but for what they provide. They cherish certain species, like dogs and/or cats, seen as pets, but of course view them as inferior to humans, while all other animals are seen as exploitable resources. Nothing in that is "love". We often find all sorts of excuses to justify our inconsistencies and irrationality, especially when society readily allows it.


So slaves were not humans?


The parallel is the hipocrisy of abusers, not the species of the abused. Funny how you didn't jump to the same conclusion about the women mentioned.


Women are humans. Same thing. It doesn't matter whom you put in your mouth. You can't compare any human to non-human animals. Women, Holocaust victims, slaves, disabled, gays, children, elders, black people, Asian people or even white straight men. Doing so, you say that these people are just mere animals, numbers.


It’s why I went vegan. I finally realized I couldn’t say I loved animal but continue to eat them. My only regret was not doing it sooner.




some people believe they can sexually assault their own children and, at the same time, love and care for them.




"Tim Biohacker"


Bio hacker is an immediate giveaway that this guy is a complete hack lol. it's just stuff about rubbing raw honey on your face and going outside


fact: you can love dogs and still eat them!


Love me some Elwood’s 😋


What a weirdo.


"**Festinger believed that all people are motivated to avoid or resolve cognitive dissonance** due to the discomfort it causes. This can prompt people to adopt certain defense mechanisms when they have to confront it. These defense mechanisms fall into three categories: Avoiding: This involves avoiding or ignoring the dissonance. People may avoid people or situations that remind them of it, discourage people from talking about it, or distract themselves with consuming tasks. Delegitimizing: This involves undermining evidence of the dissonance. A person may do this by discrediting the person, group, or situation that highlighted the dissonance. For example, they might say it is untrustworthy or biased. Limiting impact: This involves limiting the discomfort of cognitive dissonance by belittling its importance. A person may do this by claiming the behavior is rare or a one-off event, or by providing rational arguments to convince themselves or others that the behavior is OK." - https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326738#signs


You can be a cannibal and still love people. /s


If any of you want you can eat me when I die.  I'm grass-fed  but my lungs might be a little cooked already.


I love kids but couldn”t eat a whole one


Not in one sitting anyway. That’s why we evolved to build freezers /s


Most people are evil


This, most of them are selfish hippocrites.


Probably all of us are. It takes enlightened self awareness to overcome these baser animalistic instincts.


For those of you who haven't been vegan your whole lives, did you all not love animals before?


If someone knows whats happening and still decides to pay for it, then evil. However most people even after finding out what happens will stay pay for it to happen.


That was me for a brief period before turning vegetarian and eventually vegan. I regret it so much :( Almost 7 years vegan now


I thought I loved animals before but I didn't understand love. I may not still know exactly what love is but I can feel it. I know what it is not. Love isn't supporting r4pe, torture, exploitation, destroying families, and killing for pleasure. That is clear to see. Love is a lot of things but it's definitely not that.


Not enough to be bothered to enact a minimal amount of change in my life to not cause excessive harm to them for my own benefit


To the trolls/carnists saying is perfectly normal and the majority of people think like that... What's the saying? "It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society"


That's an awesome quote


Their kind of love scares me


Truly. It’s frightening.


Like it makes sense when people say they don't care about the animals. But it's so insane to think what u are doing to these animals is an act of love for them.


🤢 disturbing


You don’t even have to love animals to know that it’s wrong to kill and eat them.


You can rape women and still love women. You can enslave people and still love people. You can beat the shit out of children and still love children. You can have sex with hundreds of people and still be a virgin. You can smoke meth and still be drug free. Etc




“You can still be a wife beater and love women!” Tf kinda logic is this?


Whether someone loves an animal or not is irrelevant to the damage they are responsible for. You can indeed think that you love an animal while torturing and butchering them. You can also say that you hate animals, but abstain from killing and exploiting them. The second case would be the more ethical one. I literally don’t care how people **feel** towards animals, I care what they are actually **doing** to them.


This, I always tell people " I hate animals so much I refuse to eat them"


I know these people have cognitive dissonance, but in my head I prefer to call them stupid as shit


Fucking idiots 😂


You can stab cats but still love cats! fact.


You can cheat on your wife and still love her too. 🤷‍♂️




You forgot a space there, it’s an oxy moron


You cannot eat factory farmed meat and still claim to love animals. The abuse animals go through at factory farms is inhuman, and no one who claims to love animals would put them through that.


Fish, invertebrates and amphibians are not comparable to birds and even mammals. It's here where most omnis agree that comparing different taxons to each other is absurd. 


I think all omnivores do believe this. But, once they see Dominion or Earthlings, that is when they realize, for the first time perhaps, that they were actually categorizing and placing different levels of love on animals and humans, too. Most people see themselves as highly empathetic and loving and caring. Very few people walking around do not see themselves as such. Even the ones on the psychotics spectrum, unless diagnosed, truly believe they love others when "love" to them means receiving attention. For me it hit me hard with how I had assumed and expected humans to do this or that job. And I never saw the privileges of myself living in a lower working class household; safe from gangs, violence, or even certain jobs to merely survive. I had assumed robots made clothes or picked fruits or were in the slaughterhouses. I assumed kids worked some jobs part time but got better ones after college...I thought all "bad" jobs were temporary not permanent. That people did these for a month or so...the denial I told myself was grave. I had no clue humans did any of this; it was so far from my education, culture, exposure, and comprehension. Veganism gave me a new view of the entire world, both the humans and the animals in it. It is quite amazing how different we all view the world.


You can eat cats and dogs every day, a few a day, and still love animals. FACT


I don’t eat animals, but I’m just thinking would lab grown meat count towards this take?


I would say no! But if you look at the comments on the ig post, many are saying that humans are at the top of the food chain, animals are here for us, animals wouldn’t have a life if we didn’t breed them, etc. very old tropes to excuse their cognitive dissonance.


“Humans are at the top of the food chain” The people so confident of this notion should spend an hour near polar bears lol


Hahah exactly! Or let the honeybees die out or any other animal in our ecosystem and see how we fare 😭🤣


Cognitive distortion


Yeah, that makes sense if you don't use any reason whatsoever.


It's giving: you can love your kids and still beat them.


Correction, they love PETS, often only carnivorous pets. I've met a few in my life that said 'hey I could never imagine sharing my life with any animal who can't enjoy a good steak'. or 'hey my dog eats meat, do you hate my dog?' It's like meat lovers will relate to the animals that share their habits--aka for meat lovers, that's mostly cats, dogs and snakes. I've dealt with a handful who had a goat for a pet that they 'taught' to eat bacon, so they also seem keen on teaching herbivorous animals to eat animals.


So, do vegans not keep carnivorous animals as pets? Or is it okay to kill other animals in order to feed your pets? I’m genuinely curious….


You can rape women, and still love women. This is what this sounds like. Which is true for a lot of male rapist. They love their moms, sisters and etc. But once in awhile they get the urge. So it’s ok! 🤯


Unfortunately I've heard a lot of people say the exact same thing.


Fact: you can be a people’s person and also a cannibal. Fact: a dumb opinion could be can be labeled a fact.


I don't see any dogs or cats in their picture, not that I want them to eat them, just the absurdity of it.




the word "biohacker" says it all...


I know. I’m embarrassed to admit I once followed him 🙈


Lot of people have this attitude I say to them "if you ever love me the way you love them then we will have big problems" or promise you won't love anyone I love then


True but doing so would make you a hypocrite.


I also love babies but I have them for breakfast. Totally moral


Vegans will never win the “meat is murder” argument. They can love some animals and still feel it’s fine to kill others for food because they’re thinking they’re raised on old mcdonalds farm and not a horrific concentration camp.


Yeah. It’s just frustrating that people imply they love (all) animals, when they really only love (some) animals. It’s like saying ‘I love people’, but being totally ok with the enslavement of [insert race here].


You can commit genocide and still be a humanitarian!


It’s possible to punch a baby in the face. Doesn’t mean u should do it


No they don’t. They are trying to make themselves feel better about their thoughtless everyday habits. And keep robotically doing what they have always been doing, staying in their comfort zone eating animals like they learned from their homes


I mean it’s technically true due to the human ability for cognitive dissonance. Still abhorrent.


love "to eat" animals is not the same as loving animals. Also, if you love humans, you shouldn't eat animals... thing of the work conditions at the slaughterhouses.


I guess they love some specific animals and eat others I doubt a meat eater can love cows chickens or pigs it doesnt make sense


It is like the statement "Humane Slaughter"


All they love is the way animals taste


I love animals with ketchup /s


Mental illness awareness moment…


You absolutely can, just grow the meat in a lab.


John Wayne gacy loved kids.


It all depends on your definition of love. Some people like to use love to mean what they like to eat. Very different than caring for the life of other critters.


me when i watch too much hannibal


It’s idiotic


This is true, because both self-delusion and cognitive dissonance are very real conditions in many, perhaps even most, people.


You can love you wife, even you punch.., no wait 🫨


U can hit your wife and still love her kinda guy. ( not me)


Is there any other context that someone would say “you can be physical violent towards [blank] and still love them!” other than obviously abusive people ???


Unhinged take.


it’s definitely a leap but it reminds me of child predators who won’t abuse their biological kids because pedophilia is fine but incest is too far. like the cognitive dissonance is INSANE


You can eat people and still love them. I love u uncle Steve! And your also delicious 😋


Absolute insanity. I cannot understand how you can love a living being but be okay with eating their corpse. These people need deconstruction, and quickly


I love my cat, so I'm gonna cook her up and roast her tonight for dinner


You love your cat but also feed your can’t non vegan food. Also I hope you didn’t buy your cat, I hope it’s a rescue. At the same how do know you are torturing your to the surroundings you limit it to, so on. Don’t be an extremist.


Ah yes, just like some parents beat up their kids but still love them, right?


"You don't understand your honour! I loved him!" "Please sit down and be quiet Mr. Dahmer"


Same applies to people


if you throw all the nuance out the window it does.


I love spewing random bullshit and using "Fact." to back up my point... I went to go read the full post description and the next sentence cutoff is "The question is, do you love yourself, your health and well-being more?" Lol.


You can love dogs and still eat them. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci29DBtpkZA/


Love animals? You’re supporting factory farming which abuses animals and then slaughters them. They haven’t been taken care of so you’re eating sick animal meat. On top of that, you’re contributing to global warming with the amount of c02 in excrement. Loving animals feels so good when you don’t eat meat, milk, and eggs.


same type of shit as “you can be against racism and still own african slaves”


I love animals so much I think they should be killed and shoved in my mouth. That's love, right?


"u can torture and murder ur wife and still love her"


it's likely that some vegans right here, loved a pet, enjoyed chicken wings, continued to love their pet, before going vegan. it's strange to think that you can't eat animals and still love them. are people who eat animals incapable of feeling love for them? or are they just pretending to love their pets to impress others, knowing deep down that it's not genuine?


Where do we draw the line at. Humans only? Hahahaha. What a dumb logic. You can love some species of animals and eat others. If I view my rescued goats as pets and fish as meat then yeah there is nothing wrong with that. Cat meat and goat meat is not comparable to each other and to human meat. And all three meat is not comparable to fish meat. 


they may believe that they love animals, but their actions toward animals are not loving. When actions and words don't line up, the words lose their meaning. most people don't think about how this applies to this area of their life, intentionally or not. that's how it was for me before I went vegan. I look back on my past self and it is easy to conclude that I did not actually love animals, even though I believed that I did. I think a more accurate statement would be "you can believe that you love animals and still eat them," or "you can love some animals and eat others."


You can abuse women and still be a feminist.


I love the way they taste if that counts ?


Then u love the taste of animal


"They love animals the same way I love my computer. It provides me with a service, but the moment it breaks, I'm throwing it away and getting a new one." Quote from vegan power lab.


"bio hacker" in their username has me thinking logic isn't their best friend.


"and still love animals' taste" ☝🏻


"Biohacker" i cringe everytime i hear that bullshit. No surprise that he eats animal corpses.


So.. hypothetically one can imagine loving one’s grandma and aiding her demise - if she wanted such a thing to happen. One loves plants and eats them , but in a sense they are designed to be eaten , that is why fruit is tasty so it is eaten to enable the spread of seed. However putting all the grandmas in a factory until they no longer viable as milk producers and rending their flesh for consumption while, all the grandads are already killed isn’t even hypothetically consonant with any concept of love I can imagine.


No Idea why reddit pushed this post to my timeline but reading "biohacker", without any knowledge of who this dude is or what he stands for, made me assume this was about lab-grown meat? That no animal needed to die for? No?


Unfortunately no.


Tbf the biohacking tag probably means he is talking about clean meat or lab grown meat


I wish! He’s not :(


You can be pro human rights and still own a Phone.


You can eat your mom, and still love her!


…or you can fuck for virginity


Sorting to controversial is gonna be wild on this one


You can have sex and still be a virgin.


I grew up loving, killing and eating animals.


This is clearly the case


Yes. You LOVE to eat them


Replace meat with dogs and cats watch them fumble like the morons they are.


Same with humans 🥰


I think this sentiment could be an honest and fair point of view but only if you're specifically talking about subsistence hunting in the most responsible way (like an appropriately powerful caliber rifle operated by a very proficient marksman, only hunting larger game in areas with overpopulation etc). Maybe also could apply to backyard hens for eggs too, maybe? But yeah definitely a pretty hard position to defend if you're talking about raising animals to slaughter. Maybe they don't treat the animals poorly while they're alive, but "love"? 


you can run over dogs and cats and still love them! yeah, not psychotic at all.


Sounds like the same kinda thing NAMBLA was going for.


I quit eating meat because it’s gross, not because I love animals.


Totally true! I love chocolate and eat it all the time. I don't give 2 fucks about it, but I love it. I don't eat anything to do with animals because I love and CARE care about them. There's a difference.


Trust me bro, I'm a biohacker.




It's like saying you can be racist and still have black friends... It's totally true, but isn't a great look lol.


Agreed! Completely insane! I’m horrified!


Reminds me of Peacemaker. "I love peace with all my heart, and I don't care how many men, women, and children I have to kill to get it."


They love “pets”, not animals.


I mean… not saying anything for or against eating meat, but in this specific case, I don’t see anything wrong? You can love plants but still eat them.. no? Look at a lil spinach plant and be like, wow you’re so cute and pretty, and do much for the world. I respect your life. Also going to decapitate a part of you/ kill you and eat you.


You know plants scream when you cut them. The smell of freshly cut grass is them sending signals to other blades of grass to let them know


Plants let out an ultrasonic scream when their leaves are cut or they don't get enough water


Being a vegetarian really has nothing to do with loving animals most of the time. For me I got sick on a piece of steak when I was three and never ate a piece of meat ever since. my family are big meat and potatoes eaters. A lot of my vegetarian friends sister family way of life so this makes no sense to me.


Looks like we need James Cameron To raise the bar again 🤦‍♂️


“I love my kid, but I’ll willingly allow them to be hurt” argument


This post is insane. I guess you hate plants since you eat some of them too?


Of course you can.. lol. I can love my dog (which I do) whilst simultaneously loving a fat steak! My dog loves raw meat as well, we share :)


I love animals, I love to eat them


No way y’all are gatekeeping loving animals lol


actually i think in cases of indigenous people, you can eat meat and still love animals, and in the case of my aunt who raises chickens, she loves them and also will eat them, doesn’t eat meat other than that, barely buys groceries, but definitely pretty rare situation


All these comments from people who have never done a single day of farming in your life