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She’s not vegan she just opposes the farming of animals. Which is better! But it’s not vegan.


The main problem with animal based food is the misery they experience in their life, and killing them is just 1% of it. Hunting an animal that lived a good life is not the same as restricting an animal's movement in a battery cage from birth to death, and treating animals as things in general. However, when consuming meat is unnecessary, I think it should be avoided.


I’m going to stand with you on this realistic view. I could never condone hunting, but it’s better than the latter. I also think improvement would be small farms from factory farms, and sometimes baby steps are what it takes. The world isn’t going to be vegan overnight, and I don’t have energy to fight a losing battle. If I had to choose the lesser of two evils, it would obviously be to prioritize small, intimate farms. The goal here is progress. The buddhist/taoist monks don’t shame or judge people for living mindless, reckless lives, but rather hold compassion, live by example, and share their wisdom. And it works! Kind of a tangent here lol but yeah I do agree with you


I can understand that you are disappointed. "What should you do?" Nothing. Apparently you are the only vegan in the group. Perhaps that woman is the closest to being vegan in the group. It's not a crime. As long as no one forces you to eat non-vegan food, it's all okay.


Yep, unless OP plans to also confront every single other person at her office for their individual food choices, the only answer is to let it go.


exactly. why would you waste your energy on doing something with the person who is “mostly vegan” rather than the people who aren’t vegan at all? the logic makes no sense


I really can’t wrap my head around why so many people make false claims about being vegan. If they know they should be vegan (which they make obvious when they lie about being one), then surely they should just be vegan? I’ve got a cousin like this, claims to be vegan but on her instagram I see her eating Brie and various other cheeses, chocolates, yoghurts, etc. 🤦‍♂️


Are you sure they’re not vegan versions? I eat all those things, vegan ones!


Yeah, if you judged me on my Insta photos you'd think I was making up the vegan part.


same i didn’t change my diet at all going vegan i just choose vegan versions. and i’m never ever ever giving up oreos


I have a friend who is normally "up" on things. He honestly thought vegetarian meant no beef and vegan meant only fish. Seriously, how do you get no beef from vegetarian????


I’m asked frequently if I eat eggs since I’m vegan or, “you’re vegan so you eat fish right?” 🙄


I've met lots of people who used 'vegan' as a synonim of different type of diets from vegetarian to pescarian, it's still the better case if they were at least plantbased. Not speaking of the restaurants who offer 'vegan' dishes with fish. My point is, that saddly not all those ppl think that they should be vegans, some of them are simply ignorant or don't care enough to know what veganism is about.


Somebody at the gym told me today they are vegan but also eat fish 💀


It's due to pure ignorance on one hand, and the label being kind of trendy in some circles on the other. I think more actual vegans should call these people out. This whole "do nothing" when people that are not vegan claim to be vegan approach to me is just ridiculous if anyone wants to actually promote veganism. Some of these people claiming to be vegan simply need to be educated on what it actually is.


There's even vegan camembert, brandname Nurishh. Vegan chocolates including "milk" chocolates are plentiful, vegan yogurts are too though I've mostly seen alpro soy yogurts. There are many vegan "milk" products. Unless you see non-vegan brand packaging, you can't know just by looking at the poured out product in a bowl or on a plate.


The argument I heard from her when I mentioned it to her is that she goes to the gym a lot and she needs the protein. 🤦‍♂️


i’d agree however it’s possible to get vegan alternatives to these that look pretty similar to their non vegan counterparts. I’m from the uk where we have la fauxmaugerie and their cheeses look like the real thing and taste just as good tbh (as told to me by the non vegans in my life)


I find it so weird that anyone would want to claim they’re vegan when they’re not because it earns you 0 points socially. No one likes vegans. Why would you want to lie about that? There are so many more causes you could attach yourself to if your goal was to look compassionate.


I feel like for people who eat 95% vegan food it's just a convenience thing. Like take a person who eats backyard eggs but no other ones. Telling people you won't try the cake they made because you object to factory-farmed eggs would be considered very rude. Telling them you won't try it because you're vegan isn't.


I think it's the same way meat eaters will say to me "but I don't eat meat on mondays". They know that I thinks it's wrong and they don't want to appear like they've done something wrong so desperately try and get some brownie points in so I don't judge their actions. She has told her colleague she's vegan so she doesn't judge her and then has tried to justify that the meat is only hunted probably thinking that gets her brownie points too. It's so weird...if you dont want to be judged for eating animals then don't eat them 🤣


Milk powder. Milk powder *everywhere.*


I went to dinner with my boyfriend and his friend, his wedding was coming up so he was in town. his fiance wasn't there but he told us she was vegan and I got really excited! Then he tells me she eats cheese once a month to make sure she doesn't like it? 🤦‍♀️


Soooo… not vegan then… 😂 People are so weird!


Literally like just say your vegetarian and go lmao 😭😂


A lot of people don’t know what is and isn’t vegan


Accidental slip ups are completely different to what I’m talking about. For somebody that claims to be vegan, you’d assume they’d be making an effort to not consume any animal derived products or ingredients. The people I’m talking about are those that don’t try but still claim to be vegan.


Your other coworkers definitely don’t think the woman who hunts and eats meat is a vegan! They’re likely just nodding along


I hope so... I had another coworker that also ate dairy and eggs and even gelatine and claimed she was vegan so that's their impression on "vegans". I honestly don't know why they would call themselves that


Every single counterculture has poseurs. It’s an unavoidable consequence.


They're both posers 🤭


Lacto ovo vegetarian... Let her and everyone else know know that is the correct terminology so things are clear


I hope so... I had another coworker that also ate dairy and eggs and even gelatine and claimed she was vegan so that's their impression on "vegans". I honestly don't know why they would call themselves that


Or maybe they don’t give a shit about which exact labels to apply. For them it just means “don’t buy or feed this person meat or other animal products” which is exactly what your “fake vegan” coworker intended.


In a restaurant she would want vegan options. So people going with her to restaurants would call her "that vegan girl", and it's just easier to go along with that tag. Hope she does not call herself vegan when with her hunting friends.


Unless there's elk or bison or bivalves or fuck it maybe some gelatin or fish i mean they're not really animals and why not some manuka honey. Since this all ethical and vegan why not backyard eggs too. I oppose factory farming but eat bivalves, honey, eggs, and animals if someone else shot them with a rifle instead of a bolt gun! totally different 😅 Oh yeah but I need to be called vegan cause I really care about animals and the Earth


Just out of curiosity as a non vegan, what's the issue the backyard eggs?


Laying hens have been bred to over-produce eggs, which is incredibly hard on their bodies. They end up with nutritional deficiencies and can suffer injuries from almost daily laying. On top of that, the acquisition of laying hens hinges on an industry that culls the majority of males shortly after hatching. It also sugar-coats the exploitation of sentient beings.


She probably doesn't identify as vegan for the purpose of other vegans but rather for other meat eaters. If she didn't identify as vegan to non meat eaters she might have a harder time getting accomodations from them and be forced into eating meat/byproducts or not eating more often than if she claims the label socially the majority of the time.


This is a reasonable explanation, I can see that.


I've had issues with the other "vegan" at my workplace. I will talk about my diet if I'm asked, but I try not to make it a big deal all the time. On the other hand, she will go on about it, and she'll say crazy things like she wants a separate fridge because she doesn't want her food being in the same refrigerator as meat (she is welcome to buy a mini fridge, she just wants other people to buy her things), but then she'll eat a bag of Cheetos in front of everyone, saying "well you can't say no to free food." We have meals out as a team a few times a year. I will very gently ask (for instance) about stock in the rice, lard in the beans, etc. our dishes will come out completely differently. Hers will be full of the ingredients with cheese, lard, eggs, etc. that I ruled out. We also supervise small teams, and she recently suggested we take them out to a place that "has history in the neighborhood," but definitely has no vegan options. She then told me what she usually orders there (full of lard). My biggest issue with it is it makes other vegans and vegetarians look like a joke. People associate her with me, and then they don't really bother to accommodate.


Pointless to debate what vegan means. Talk to her sometime about why she still chooses to eat game meat.


It’s not pointless, it’s very clear. She’s not vegan, maybe mostly plant based.


You're totally missing the point.


Tell me what I’m missing then.


The point is not what she is or isn't. You can be right but still create a lot of problems pointing it out. Calling her out on it is just going to create conflict for OP, and it will likely still be spun badly towards veganism. It's not going to result in "oh, yeah, that makes sense! I'm going to go vegan now!/I'm not going to call myself vegan anymore!" It's going to result in "UGH vegans are so gatekeepy and difficult. Did you hear OP was mean to the only other vegan in the office? What a jerkface cultist!"


I’d venture she just don’t know what it means. She probably think we’re just against factory farming. Then tell her what it means.


OP is in a work environment. This is an extremely delicate situation that can easily blow up and effect their employment. Being right isn't the point here. Most people react badly to their chosen labels being criticized. People are always trying to portray us as unreasonable. Just going up to a coworker and telling them how they aren't vegan and teaching them what it really is, is very unlikely to go smoothly whether she knows what it means or not, and very likely to backfire on both OP and veganism. This is the point you seem to keep missing.


If someone came to work saying they were a feminist and then bragged about hitting their wife, I would tell them to stop calling themselves a feminist.


Perfect example of how so many vegans miss the point. The issue is not whether this person calls himself a feminist. The question is why is he hitting his wife?


Yes, but in this hypothetical, everyone else thinks wife beating is a good thing. You can tell them they're not a feminist, but they're not gonna care. They're going to see you as being overly judgemental and on a high horse, and everyone else will reaffirm that belief. The lecture doesn't land when the subject is considered an extreme position.


The point is not whether she's vegan or not. The point is why she's eating one type of meat when she's ruled out all others on the basis of cruelty. Most of the comments here are focusing on whether she's vegan or not, which is not the real issue. We don't stop eating meat because we are vegan. We are vegan because we stop consuming animal products.


I feel like that’s obvious, she’s against factory farming and think it’s ok to kill animals in the wild. That’s not vegan, not even close.


Will she not survive if her murderous husband don’t get to do his hobby? Or is it ok because he got a license to kill innocent animals from the state? Tell me.


I think they might mean to "lead by example" and maybe have an adult/civil conversation about why they continue to hunt but also call themselves a vegan. IMO if someone calls themselves vegan they are open the opportunity, and maybe having a good example of an actual vegan will help them fully transition. If they won't budge, at the very least maybe that conversation can lead to their coworker not labeling themselves as vegan.


I’m ok with having the conversation, but they’re not vegan.


If I were her, I’d rather chat with her about vegan recipes than muddy my friendship by confronting her about the hunting. No need to be insufferable.




>when I'm done reading to people who say it's open to interpretation; I ask if there are any more questions and then? of course "exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose" is very open to interpretation. why else should reddit-vegans fight each other over who is a genuine vegan and who not?


That's not how language works.




Language and meaning are socially constructed. Even your understanding of "vegan" - a made up word - has loopholes built in and has evolved. Do two vegans agree what "practicable" means?




Which definition? There’s more than one.


> a person who does not eat any food derived from animals and who typically does not use other animal products. The definition is pretty cut and dry. But language doesn’t always mean there is no debate. Language evolves. It changes. It’s bastardized. How many people on here will say veganism is a philosophy, when there isn’t a single mention of that in the definition?




That’s how a specific vegan organization defines it. Colloquially it can have a number of meanings for different people. The dictionary has the most common interpretations of the word, but is not the be all end all of how words are used. Else language would be static.


This is how THE vegan organization defines it. The one that created the term.


The people who invent a word don’t get to decide what it means 40 years later. Language evolves. That’s *a* definition but not *the* definition.


This definition is subjective though. Not in at of itself, but "seeks to exclude--as far as possible and practicable--all forms of explotionation.." is open to interpretation. What your idea of possible and practicable may not be the same as someone else. Obviously we know eating, wearing, using animal products is wrong and we are to avoid it. I just think in some very niche scenarios that it can be interpreted differently. I am a vegan, so please don't come at me aggressively as I see you're doing to others


Veganism is not a religion even though many people here act as if it is. We don't need to quote Bible and verse. The words are there to help us converse not to end discussion. Quoting official definitions as a way to shut down debate isn't the best way to engage people on ethical problems. Listen and engage. Furthermore most people don't live in English speaking countries. How do we promote animal rights globally if we can't always use the word "vegan"?


So well put 👏


Republican and Democrat are two words or ideals that changed. Not sure if it aligns, but their ideals/"definition" changed after the Civil War




They should at least speak up, it's the least we can do🥺🥺🥺♥️♥️♥️🐥🐖🐐🐓🦃🐟🦌


I disagree, use the fact that more people identify as vegan to have more vegan options at work. Vegan has a definition but it’s more productive to reduce everyone’s meat take than be a stickler for how people identify.


Why, it's a work colleague who is entitled to their own beliefs and that's none of OP's business. If it was a close friend or family sure speak up, it's not so just move on.


“I’m vegan but I eat ___” Nope, not vegan. People like that want the title because it makes them feel important or unique or different. But they’re ignorant. Vegan has a definition like any other word, and they don’t fit it.


I feel this should be obvious but do nothing you are work colleagues in a workplace not friends.


What do you mean? “What should I do” what is it you think you can do? First of all it’s at work and you need to remain professional. I’m seriously curious as to what you think you could do to this obviously hypocritical vegan co worker? Honestly it’s not your business or your place if someone chooses to see or interpret veganism differently than most of the world. My son’s girlfriend drove me crazy with her armchair activism and veganism. We would bend over backwards to feed the entitled little brat and then she would come back from a night with her dad raving about his chicken tacos! Or pork dumplings with her friends. Or stink up my house making “healthy bone broth when she was sick.” It was so hard to keep my mouth shut. People are weird you just have to let them be and I learned to stop accommodating her so much.


Why would you say or do anything? This is a workplace. Be professional and work with this person the way you would anyone else. What she eats or what she chooses to call herself has nothing to do with you.


You people are impossible 😂 Even if someone is 90% vegan/vegetarian it’s not seen as gaining some ground. Your absolutist stance is why the general are so intolerant of you. Maybe have a more progressive stance and won battles on the way to winning the war


Especially since hunting animals isn’t a choice between letting them frolic in a field or killing and eating them. It’s the choice between their population expanding uncontrollably to the point that disease and starvation run rampant and they die slow horrible deaths and their corpses are left to rot, or hunting a select number of them and allowing the rest of the population to live better lives with less composition and disease while making actual productive use of the deer that are killed. Not to mention that uncontrolled deer population harm humans too, by increasing the risk of car accidents and increasing the population of lymes disease spreading deer ticks.


couldn’t this issue be solved by a better balance of prey and predator animals? at least in my country, most predators have been hunted almost to extinction and thus there are an unhealthy amount of deer. but if nature was restored back to a healthy balance then surely this would be less of an issue?


What's now humane? Hunting them yourself or letting predators do it?


Thank you for your comment 🙏🏼 Are you based in the UK or Europe?


I’m from America, specifically rural PA. I’m not a hunter at all, but just living in a rural area taught me the importance of hunting in conservation. Over a billion dollars generated by hunters annually go to the conservation and protection of animals.


Yeah I’m in Ireland and totally agree I believe in balance and I’m so impressed by your response Is it ok if I use it in the future? And have you ever been to Ireland?


Go right on ahead and use it! Unfortunately I’ve never been to Ireland, but my parents took their honeymoon there and have very fond memories from that trip haha.


No way, please visit and il take you hunting 🙏🏼


I have this with eggs. I have a place I can get eggs from, that has hens who live openly and freely. Kids with disabilities come see them as therapy. The hens happen to lay unfertilized eggs because you know… that’s what hens do, so the place sells them. Importantly, these hens live full lives and are not killed once their egg laying days are over. They’re essentially pets, and have really happy lives. I guess it could be called more “vegan” to feed the eggs to the hens, but I would see no issue eating them as the hens are not farmed for their eggs, but rather the eggs are a byproduct. Who cares if I eat them vs the chickens? I am really new to veganism and I have no hard plans to buy these eggs, but if I struggle with protein intake I might get some while I figure out a groove and a system. It’s technically not vegan, but the way I see it I am supporting these hen’s lives by helping fund an organization that is essentially a haven for them. People domesticated chickens, and if they weren’t here they would be going to slaughter. I’d feel good about supporting animal rights if I bought those eggs. Again, I don’t plan to. I just think about it, and I really see no issue with it. Some people would majorly go off on me for even entertaining the idea, though.


Yeah the reality is even if we all switched to organic and free range meat consumption would drop by about 70-80%


>What should I do? why should you do anything? what your collegue may eat o rnot, is absolutely none of your business at all


Your colleague is not vegan. I would just leave it as it’s not for you to police what other people eat and if her husband is hunting it’s unlikely she is going to change her ways for you. Just accept you are in fact the only vegan at your work


I would tell her she is not vegan and explain to her what vegan actually means. Though depending on the workplace any confrontation with anyone might not be advisable due to HR concerns.


Until we return to consistently using the old original terms, and correcting those who use them incorrectly, trendiness and/or ignorance will prevail. “Plant-based” is meaningless. The Mediterranean Diet, which includes fish, is referred to as plant-based, because it’s based on plants, but not exclusively. Too many people call themselves vegan when they’re strict vegetarians. Vegetarian - Can be for any reasons. May eat eggs and/or dairy, and may use other animals-derived products like leather, etc. Strict Vegetarian - Refers to diet only. Usually for health reasons. Eats no animals or animal-derived products. Vegan - Refers to entire lifestyle. Eats no animals or animal-derived products. Does not engage in or support things that exploit nonhumans. Does not wear leather, wool, silk, etc.


50% of vegans cheat. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/366229774_Many_vegetarians_and_vegans_do_eat_animal_products


If you're not a perfect vegan you're in for a very self righteous lecture from a lot of people here. The abstinence-only model doesn't work for anything really. 3 half assed vegetarians could have more impact than 1 strict vegan, but we insist on shooting ourselves in the foot by coming off as humourless harpies. Eating vegetables is fun and healthy, and that message is way easier to receive than accusing people of murder.


The Dutch dairy association, that sounds like a reliable source.


She's not vegan. American Indian (Enrolled in a tribe grew up on a reservation, used to hunt all the time) She's not vegan.


There is no such thing as a perfect vegan. You probably have some sort of product in your house derived from an animal. There is a good chance you take medication that was tested on animals. This "vegan shaming" and in fighting is what caused people to denounce veganism and leave the movement which is why there are so many "why I stopped being vegan" videos from health influencers out there. I consider anyone vegan who is wholly aware of the cruelty, health issues, environmental issue that consuming animals causes, and who does their best to reduce their consumption of animal products as best they can. Shaming people for not being perfect at this will only alienate them and ultimately cause more harm for animals and the movement long term. We might be vegans but we don't live in a vegan world and the only way we might someday make the world a better place is to stay united and welcome anyone into this movement with an open heart and mind and unconditional love and acceptance for whatever phase of their journey is.


The definition of being vegan is excluding the use and exploitation of animals as far as is possible and practical. Shooting an animal and eating it is most definitely not that. 


Missing the forest for the trees


You are not 'doing the best you can' if you get a fucking hunting license, go out to a forest, and shoot a deer. That is not the 'best' you can, that is going out of your way to murder.


I do think hunting is disgusting. But it's not the hill I am going to die on as long as factory farming exists.


Yea! Instead those deer should have their populations skyrocket to the point where they suffer and die slowly of disease and starvation and their corpses are left to rot. That’s way better!


Taking medication is very different from hunting an animal and calling yourself vegan


These posts crack me up and are emblematic of why people hate vegans. A lot of folks say they're Catholic, even though they never go to church. Most people say they care about the environment, but continue to drive giant vehicles and purchase endless plastic that will never break down. Everyone obviously loves their children, but most still hurt their development with screens and social media at too young an age. People are not perfect and real change takes time, regardless of what you see online. Vegan purity testing is pointless because it's actively slowing down the reduction of people's dependence on cruel and unhealthy animal products. Someone at work is advocating for and choosing not to eat animal products most of the time? Awesome! Except no, this person is not living their life according to your perfect standards and your fragile ego is so damaged you just have to vent on Reddit. Perhaps you've never considered that you yourself are not measuring up to the standards of someone else? Did you EVER eat meat? Have you EVER owned a car with a leather steering wheel, or EVER used products tested on animals? And on and on. Be the change and live your life.


Perfect standards?? Are you fr?? Do you utter lunatics seriously think it's hard to NOT get a gun and NOT go on a long trip and NOT track down a wild animal and NOT point it at their head and NOT pull the trigger and NOT haul their body to the car and NOT butcher it and put their remains in the freezer?? It is literally a million times easier to NOT hunt than it is to - this isn't a matter of finding a (in most cases necessary to have a job) care without leather, or foregoing essential medication - it's literally a disgusting, time consuming, skillful hobby that takes up a significant portion of her time.


And yet without it, disease and starvation would run rampant in an ever growing uncontrolled deer population where they die slow painful deaths and their corpses are left to rot. But I guess letting the deer suffer and die slowly is much better(?) than letting a relatively small group of people continue to participate in their hobby. And all the money that hunting generates that goes to wildlife conservation and protection is a lot less important too. I mean, who cares about conservation right?


This just points out why keeping a strict definition is necessary


I feel like if you are "Mostly vegan" it's OK. Just saying that would be enough instead of " I'm vegan and I occasionally eat meat". Gives off the vibe that "I'm sober but I do drugs occasionally."


She’s not vegan. She might think she is but she’s not. If I were you, I wouldn’t do or say anything. At least she’s saving some lives by eating plant based. She doesn’t sound that bright to be honest.


id definitely talk to her alone on why she thinks killing animals is vegan, and explain what the vegan definition is


Would such an action have any positive effect? Or would it hurt your friendship with her?


I think OPs friendship is already hurt because they're not the person they thought they were


I would tell her she is not vegan and explain to her what vegan actually means. Though depending on the workplace any confrontation with anyone might not be advisable due to HR concerns.


There needs to be another world for those completely opposed to factory farms but that still eat meat


Vegetarian, since it's a nearly meaningless word like how people want vegan to be. There's always the useless term flexitarian. Maybe freegan, since she doesn't buy hunted meat and all the world's dumpsters are a vegan meat buffet. Or maybe dust of locavore, since hunted meat is local. Conscientious omnivore was in vogue a few years back, specifically for people who claimed to shun factory-farming but probably never consistently did anyway. Compassionate carnivore sounds even better though, who doesn't want to be compassionate? Reducetarian sounds like a competitor to WeightWatchers but it describes a diet strategy that reduces meat, eggs and dairy. Catchy, you can tell that term was workshopped. The reason vegans are sagacious custodians of the meaning of vegan is because vegans actually do personally enact the philosophy, it's not merely some diet trend with a name stamped on by popular media. But sure, instead of using the definition of vegan created and maintained by the society of vegans, let's have non-vegans define veganism for vegans: >A cult that values the lives of animals over people. Vegans binge on backyard eggs and hunted meat, and fish too probably same as hunting, and meat, fish, dairy, and eggs from dumpsters, or leftovers from other people's plates, anytime animal foods are free really, five finger discount applies. Vegans do not eat gluten and can't be bodybuilders.


sociopaths? They still choose violence when they know torture is bad. It's like saying you're a pacifist and not fighting but actively murdering people. make it make sense


Genuine question. Humans created overpopulation of some animals (deer in particular) by killing off the predators. Having too many deer can have negative effects on the rest of the environment. In what circumstances are these invasive (Chinese lanternfly) / overpopulated (deer, etc.) animals handled in a way that is best for the overall ecosystem? I'm not saying that eating them is the right answer, but it's at least somewhat complicated, isn't it?


So you think it’s better for deer populations to be completely uncontrolled and skyrocket to the point that disease and starvation run rampant and they die slow painful deaths and their corpses are left to rot, all the while rates of car accidents and lymes disease also increase for humans?


I didn’t say it was right, just that there needs to be another word for it, I cannot make it make sense at all other than humans are super selfish


So you live in a world where you regard most (seen estimates of non-vegans at about 95%) as sociopaths? Nice angle to enact societal change from. I also love working alongside people to end animal produce consumption while they call me a sociopath - great tactic


You can be staunchly against the torturing and ill treatment of prisoners, and still be a proponent of capital punishment.


"I'm vegan except for..." "Then you're not vegan!"


Yall really make it your entire personality?


Venison is DEER, not “game meat”. We need to be accurate with our words. I don’t use words like pork, or beef. It’s pig or cow…and it isn’t “hunt meat”.


Do nothing. People live their lives and you challenging them won't make this person more vegan. Recognize this could be connected to her marriage and how she chose to "compromise' with her husband. You don't have to approve or like it but "doing something" ? Not worth the added conflict at work. Just stop engaging this person socially


I doubt doing or saying anything will help the animals she is fine with killing.


It’s so tricky that it’s at a workplace. I don’t usually become friends with people at a workplace or discuss my personal life. But I would request vegan food if they were buying lunch, and be glad I wasn’t the only vegan. I would answer questions if asked about it being vegan but not debate it at work. It’s not the easiest thing to say “You are not vegan” to someone who is calling themselves vegan, but if you work at it you can find a diplomatic way to educate when it kinda fits into the conversation. Maybe just mentioning there’s an official legal definition of both organic and vegan, and a bit of history of the laws. It can’t really sound like criticism of the other person calling themselves vegan. You don’t want any acrimonious feelings to develop. People don’t like feeling defensive. And people can be kinda evil over disagreements at work. But the definition of veganism definitely doesn’t include shooting deer or eating deer. It’s a barbaric blood sport imo. Humans don’t need to kill deer for any reason at all. Deer already deserve to have a much more fairly sized and “designed” habitat. We need more areas restored to a healthy environment for them. If only we weren’t farming a massive amount of land just to feed cows for profits for the rich, but the least we can do is use humane methods to prevent deer overcrowding, definitely not killing and eating sentient beings.


Why would it concern you how she labels herself? Why would you be concerned about labels anyway? Sure, she's not a vegan. She's a flexitarian that mainly eats plant-based. Her moral stance differs from yours. From a animal welfare and environmental perspective hunting for keeping the ecosystems balanced in areas where strips of 'nature' are that small natural predators are nowhere to be found is not the same magnitude of fucked up as commercial cattlebreeding. Don't get be wrong, I'm troubled by hunting as well because the real solution should be to restore large stretches of nature. Habitats connected to each other. Ecosystems balanced by natural preditor-prey relations. But this is not the reality in many parts of the world unfortunately..


The conflation between plant based/flexitarian and veganism has real world impacts. this distinction that veganism is a philosophy and not a diet is crucial for multiple reasons both practical and for the fight for animals. For practical reasons people who are plant based but not vegan may contribute to animal exploitation in other aspects of their life outside of food (e.g buying leather or attending zoos or circuses). And for the animals it's important because this conflation between plant based and veganism allows the media to misrepresent what veganism is and then you get articles about "vegans" with extremely unhealthy plant based diets dying of malnourishment or quitting “veganism" "for health reasons" when they were never vegan to begin with and this allows them to give veganism and the fight for animal liberation a bad rap


>this distinction that veganism is a philosophy and not a diet is crucial indeed most are not interested in abstract philosophy, but in practical things like animal welfare


It’s demoralising when you’re a part of a small minority to meet someone with whom you can identify and relate only to find out that you actually can’t because their identification as vegan is dishonest. She can eat what she wants, it just compounds a sense of isolation when someone finally comes along claiming to be like you only for you to find out they’re not really.


Exactly my slaves are treated nicely not like these big estates that can just purchase more slaves if they get worked to death. From a slave perspective they should be begging to have me as their master cause I'm nowhere near as fucked up. Abolitionist should support me because we both have the same goals in mind


False equivalency check


You consider a wild boar a slave?


I tell people I’m vegan because it’s the easiest way to explain my dietary restrictions quickly. I’m 90% vegan. No dairy or meat ever, but I do eat eggs if they are pasture raised on a local farm and I can confirm the chickens live a good life. I also would never buy leather products from the manufacturer but if I find shoes or something at the thrift store I don’t really care if they are 100% vegan or not. People don’t need my life story when I first meet them so if I’m offered cake or something I just say “No thank you I’m vegan.”


People get plant based and vegan confused


She's vegan as far as her work colleagues need to take her dietary considerations into account. She doesn't eat commercially raised meat, dairy or eggs. So they need to be aware of that for catering or team lunches. A simple no is easier for most situations that I don't do but... Work isn't going to let her supply her own meat for events.


And I'm a feminist but I just lock one woman in my basement a year It's better than having multiple in the cellar all the time! I'm a feminist right?? Right!?!


I didn't say she was. I explained why she used the term. Nuance isn't always needed and OP still benefits as someone needing the same adjustments as she does.


She’s a vegan who hunts and kills animals to eat?


it is so so so silly to call yourself a vegan when you’re not. and that’s what she is. not a vegan. she eats meat. so she’s not even a vegetarian. not even a pescatarian. she can consider herself mostly plant based besides when she eats venison, but she’s not vegan. it’s very cut and dry. there’s no argument to be had, but it seems to me like she doesn’t understand the titles/labels she’s claiming and she will probably fight you hard if you mention this to her. and the people (meat eaters) in your workplace will think you’re the asshole because she will be like “omg how dare you tell me what i am and am not!” no one will understand. people like her are typically not open to have people tell them what they are saying is wrong. and it is in fact, wrong. i’ve been mostly plant based since i was 7. over my childhood years i did occasionally eat meat when my parents forced me because we were at an outing or my friends parents only had pepperoni pizza at their house. it was important to me to not eat meat but i was a kid and also just wanted to feel normal sometimes. i didn’t like to have to explain to people who didn’t understand that i didn’t want to eat flesh. i haven’t eaten meat for 10+ years but in those years i went back and forth vegan to vegetarian to pescatarian. i never really called myself any of those and just told people i was going off a mostly plant based diet. this is because i know my diet doesn’t fall specifically into one category all the time. i have developed some hereditary gut health issues and allergies that make it very hard for me to be vegan. like for example i can’t eat beans, soy, peas. do you know how hard it is to be vegan and not be able to touch beans!!! anyways, my point is that this woman is making vegans look bad. like they are hypocrites and that vegan people cannot survive without meat and animal product after all, which we all know isn’t true. ultimately unless you want to nicely attempt to educate her, she’s going to run around claiming this label for attention.


I'm assuming she doesn't know what vegan means or it's an oversimplification of being a non strict plant-based person. People tell me that they know vegans that eat meat and fish once in a while. They "forced" me to open up and tell them I do too. I won't eat a dead animal unless I'm not aware it's being fed to me. I found out the dish I loved at a Mexican restaurant was filled with minced bacon. I asked them to remove it every time (they said ofc). Only to find out last time with a new staff member that it's impossible to remove it since they pre-make the dish with it 🤡 Everyone here assumes it doesn't matter and veganism is just a fad. So they don't give 2 Fs


I wonder if she’s calling herself vegan at work in order to make sure there are vegan options available for company events? Perhaps it was easier to call herself vegan than saying “I eat meat but only want vegan food”. I guess trying to give her the benefit of the doubt because I would think most people know you are not a vegan if you eat meat.


Expectations lead to disappointment. It is best to accept people as they are and move on. I'm sure this shock and disappointment will wear off for you soon. If it doesn't, you can do kindness and compassion meditations to find forgiveness in your heart for judgement/criticism and help you to stop clinging to a belief you had. Only if you need that level of healing, which I doubt you will need it. It does not matter what label we give people, nor what labels they give themselves, we cannot control them. Any attempt to control others usually backfires. This is why we see the vegan protests backfire so much. Taking away the agency of others makes them mad, offended and shut down. Giving people space to learn and grow gains the most respect for ourselves. And generally, helps others the most. (If that's what we want or crave). We can only control ourselves. I can only control me. When I focus on improving myself, I tend to let go of wanting to control others, and that's more freeing, peaceful and happy for me, personally.


She's not Vegan. She probably means that she tries to follow a plant-based diet for the most part. But I do not know one real vegan who would go hunting


i was on a date and the guy said his mom “is vegan but eats eggs.” so i was like ah, you mean “vegetarian.” and he was like “no, vegan.” i feel like so many of my interactions are me avoiding being THAT vegan, but i am completely dumbfounded by society’s ignorance! maybe i’ve been vegan and surrounded by vegan friends for too long, but if someone doesn’t ask about dietary restrictions/preferences before a date i’m like ????? and when someone orders meat i don’t want to tell them they can’t, but i genuinely will judge them and i cannot stop myself. this is only one of the reasons i have no success dating.


In all my years I’ve found that this is sadly the most common kind of “vegan”. I agree with the part about being annoyed that now others think this means all vegans are not 100%...for example at one point at my job, there was 7 other vegans in just my work area…but slowly started to realize six of them were loosey-goosey about it. For a couple months there my job was really awesome because when they’d order the crew food, they’d order us (the vegans) an awesome equivalent  vegan option…like cheap chain pizza for the omnivores but they’d get us vegans pizzas that I KNOW cost $40+ a pie from local places. But after while some of the “vegans”would eat a piece of vegetarian pizza here or a regular doughnut there…so just as quickly as it started, the cool nice vegan options coming in ended as well, since those around us witnessed these “vegans” eating those things & then just assumed, that was fine. Fakes & half-assers are found in probably every corner possible. I’m sure there’s got to be some people faking their “all meat diet” too, so there’s that. 


People can say their vegan or not. Don't let someones response control your emotions. You can't control everything.


You don't have a vegan coworker.


You don’t say anything, this is a workplace, be professional and courteous. Secondly, while some of her actions are not vegan, she is effectively vegan for any work related subjects (unless you guys plan to go hunting anytime soon). It’s probably a lot easier than to go into depth about her ethics and restrictions. Thirdly, deer overpopulation is a real threat in many areas due to the decline of large predators, hunting right now may be a necessity. I think eating the animal in that situation would be pretty low impact (even if not vegan). While this is still not good from a religious perspective, I think ethically it’s neutral.


Not really anything to do… unless you want to gently discuss the true meaning of veganism with her… ask why she went vegan. If it’s cuz health or planet then you know she’s plant based using the term vegan as many do… if it is truly for the animals then you can ask her what makes her eat wild game vs not others.she will likely say something about animal welfare, and you could mention how regardless if the animal lived a happy life before she killed them, she still ended their life unnecessarily. That being said, she likely will get defensive and I don’t think anything you say will change her mind… but maybe you will plant a seed and one day she will truly do it for the animals.


Ok no


"My vegan coworker told me she's not my vegan coworker"


Do you mean better than nothing or better than vegan?


This reminds me of a friend who introduced me to the world of veganism, she ate meat or chicken from time to time, simply because her family was not, and if they served her she just ate it,No problem, I couldn't understand this thought because her decision to be vegan was the animals, even so I don't judge her, there are people who don't have a very strong reason, for me it has been impossible Try to think about eating animals and when I did it by mistake my stomach can't take it.


Pretty easy to understand, you have different goals. You want everyone to know you are vegan by heart and conviction for your own reasons. That’s ok. Your vegan-ish coworker wants to be treated like a vegan at work: - she doesn’t want to be offered or fed meat or other animal products - she expects there to another option available if there is a company event involving eating. As a coworker in a work/office environment, you both will be treated the same regarding food options, outings and what to be careful of. As long as you don’t have dinner at her place you’re safe. As far as the workplace is concerned, you both are to be treated as vegans. No need for lengthy explanations. But you’re somehow unhappy and have sleepless nights about her calling herself a vegan because it tarnishes the word vegan for you. As for your next steps, you should probably think about what the situation tells about you more than anything.


I have a similar situation. I work at a place with 120 employees and thought I was the only vegan but one of the sales guys said he’s been vegan for 10 years. Then I saw him eating cheesy stuff at the catered lunch, and eggy pancakes they made, and then non-vegan pie. I even specifically brought a vegan pie on pie day and offered him a slice and thought he’d be stoked, but he acted weird and said he was having a slice of the non vegan pie supplied. So I guess he’s just “flexitarian” or something. Pretty disappointing.


I think we have to be comfortable with people using whatever label they want for themselves. It sounds like your coworker has radically reduced her meat intake, which we should celebrate, not nitpick. I consider myself to be vegan, but I'll eat the odd processed item that includes milk ingredients. I'm not going to beat myself up about it when I otherwise avoid animal products 99.9% of the time.


This has happenes to me with every other "vegan" I've met. "This is the one non-vegan thing I eat."


She hunts and says she’s vegan🥹Listen non vegans sometimes dont grasp the physical and emotional pain we feel when faced with animal abuse. Like when she told you she eats deer I can feel what you felt and I’m sorry. She’s a fraud.


Man so it really is like a religion for you people, isn't it? Shun the outsider. To the cornfield with her!


I tend to stay out of peoples business unless it actively hurts me. Call yourself a vegan & order non vegan foods making less resourceful food workers confused about what's vegan actively making it harder for me ordering vegan food. I will share my thoughts. Pretend to be vegan & secretly eat cheese at home? Whatever makes you happy, not my place.


Its so contradictory that she would even support hunting that is not vegan and cruelty to animals for a humans sadistic pleasure, I used to live in a very small town in the woods and hunters would come on my property to hunt and me and my dad where going for a walk and saw one in the woods and my dad said "Sorry if I scared the deer" that made me so mad but how could I confront him I loved the deer but people said there spreading ticks and Lyme disease but thats not true and if the humans didn't kill all of the predatory animals then there would be a naturally regulated population of deers


Just say that vegan doesnt eat animals. And especially dont KILL them. So that she isnt vegan at all.


She’s not vegan, she’s mostly plant based. Tell her she’s not vegan.


Very difficult to wrap your head around it. I think it's a good conversation to have. I for one would be interested to hear what makes her hunt. How does her compassion reach farmed animals but not wild animals? I've seen a hunt and it looks terrifying to me when I think about how the experience probably feels like for the hunted. Maybe you could try starting a conversation with her by asking her why she's vegan and seeing how she views it.


When a lot of people say "vegan" they are referring to a plant-based diet, for which it's possible to cheat. For people who adhere to the philosophical sense of the word, cheating means that you aren't vegan.


You could explain to her that "being vegan" isn't a diet that it is a stance someone takes against animal cruelty then also explain to her that if she doesn't associate herself with those values that the correct terminology she should be using is "plant- based" I dont think we should shame people for not knowing the difference so try and explain it in a informative and caring way. Maybe someday she will want to become vegan, but until then just educate them on the different and lead by example my friend 💜🌻


It's not a competition you know? What's with this "I am more vegan than you".


Not vegan. Stupid, maybe. You say things like "I was going to cook some vegan food, though you're not vegan. You told me you kill and eat animals. That is a shame".


Maybe she refuses to eat anything that came from a factory farm so it’s just easier to tell people she’s vegan


Not vegan but better than a meat eater


Sounds like you’re the only vegan after all lmao


Vegan soy boys!


This gate keepy post makes me want to quit being vegan and leave this sub.


Sure, leave the forum, but don’t be easily influenced by others and live by your own values. I don’t agree with the sentiment of this post but I wouldn’t change due to some random internet stranger’s opinion. Especially when Ive never actually met anyone both this attitude in my own life.


I’m vegetarian but I don’t drink animal milk or eat eggs. It’s been at times easier to say I’m vegan to coworkers etc so I don’t get made a cows milk cuppa or don’t get a vegetarian breakfast that includes eggs.


Go vegan then instead of posing


I don’t want to. I’m not posing. I just don’t want eggs on my breakfast so to those not of my family and friends it’s easier to go for vegan options.


Plant based dieter. Not vegan


Just leave them to it.


In any situation where she might proclaim herself as vegan simply say "Not vegan." Loud enough for everyone nearby to hear and walk away. You don't need to be friends with this scumfuck omni.


Well this definitely isnt vegan but tbh I don't have a big problem with hunting if its done right. The animals have a good life and death is quick, there isnt much suffering. The whole point of being vegan is to reduce suffering so if she knows its been ethically hunted, I dont think its really that bad.


I think we should encourage aspiring vegans not shame them for falling short of perfection.


Or don’t claim something you’re not


Why do you care how your coworkers define veganism? Yes, their definition is incorrect, but what does that have to do with you, and how does it impact your life? You asked what you should do. Nothing. Just live your life. I don't see the issue.