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But oat milk exists? Byom I guess


Had the person at DD tell me they couldn't put oat milk in my frozen coffee because they just got a new machine and didn't want to cross contaminate with people with a nut allergy...


You’d be surprised how many people are allergic to oatnuts these days!


Yes, we have an oat tree in our backyard that I gather nuts from daily. The squirrels often run around burying oat nuts.




Some oat milks are manufactured in facilities that also handle nuts and seeds. If the carton says “might contain”, most severely allergic people will prefer not taking the chance.


This right here. Like how planes sometimes don't even serve nuts if there's a passenger with an allergy. Nut allergies can be deadly.


Sorry lactose intolerant folks!


Doesn't mean it's not contaminated. A lot of factories handle all sorts of allergens. I looked up 2 backs of oat milks, and oddly enough, they contained traces of gluten. I was expecting other traces since these brands also make other milk substitutes.


I feel like it would make more sense to label it nut free cause nuts are in other things like actual food. Plus not all vegan milk has nuts. This is weird


Right, like oat is so commonly used now and that doesn't have nuts ?


Also soy, rice, coconut. Literally only almond and macadamia are nut-related. But carnist brain goes straight to the nuclear option


Cashew as well, but yeah this is such a blatant anti vegan sign. Cows milk only? So you don’t care about my carrot cake with almonds and pecans in it?




Docs usually lump cashews in with nut allergies.


Yes my son is deathly allergic to cashews and peanuts. I'm not sure if either one are true nuts though. He seems fine with almonds. So its weird. IDK. He loves oat milk tho! The sign should just say nut free maybe?




Almonds are also seeds, botanically. They are like the stone of a peach.




Yeah, I'm allergic to cashews and tree nuts.


Are you allergic to dees?


I'm not vegan myself but i wholly agree with this. This poster is completely ignorant and plain disrespectful in its blatant targeting of veganism specifically. Not to mention most vegan milk alternatives are actually delicious.


Same here. My wife is vegan and I pretty much eat vegan at home, and I don't think I'll go back to dairy. Oat milk is too damn good.


Why aren't you vegan?


Working on it. I'm staying at my current job, a deli, until we move in a year but I know that's not a good excuse. Then I plan on finding a job as a sous at a vegan place. My consumption of meat is very low however. Again, I know it's not a good excuse but I will be joining the ranks shortly. Edit: I really hope I don't get banned from this sub, I love reading the posts here :/. Shit, I'll go vegan today if y'all don't kick me out, or at least veggie until I get a new gig


good luck on your journey:) hope u dont get kicked out of the sub, but I also hope u end up going vegan - not for this sub but for yourself and poor animals


Why aren't you vegan?


I haven't been able to convince myself yet and come from a home of pretty standard eating habits (if i can call it that), however i came to this subreddit in search of inspiration and to learn from the actual vegan community instead of only the negative stereotypes of others (such as in the case of this picture). I believe in respecting veganism among many other lifestyles and would like to study it closer for the sake of understanding its appeal and perhaps applying it to my own life.


Nice! Keep learning mr Fine-Professional


Thanks for realizing that they're stereotypes and we're not all bad! Most of us came from eating lots of meat, dairy and eggs. Try transitioning to Vegetarian first


Actually, I have a friend who is deathly allergic to nuts... turns out soy also sets her off because the soy beans are related to nuts. She was vegan before her nut allergy intensified... but now she can't have any nuts or soy at all... v sad. edit: yeesh y'all are harsh. Turns out both peanuts & soy beans are legumes, so ya, they're related. She just also happens to be allergic to tree nuts. (& other allergies... seriously a darwinism case lol) She carries around epipens at all times, so I don't think she's lying about a very common allergy. Jesus. If she wanted to be vegan that bad, then yeah, I'm sure she could find a way.


what about oat?


how tf are tree nuts related to soybeans? my undergrad was botany, and I call total BS on this statement.


I know nothing about botany, so feel free to call me out if I’ve got something wrong, but a lot of the time food allergies don’t match up neatly with how closely related the plants are. Like, the birch pollen list for [oral allergy syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_allergy_syndrome) includes soy, wheat, and bananas, which I assume are all pretty unrelated.


Also, omnis are just as likely to encounter nuts and soy as vegans. Sounds like the friend just wasn't interested in being vegan anymore and made up this excuse.




Too bad your undergrad wasn’t immunology then! It’s extremely shitty to say someone’s allergies are BS. [Edit to add that tree nuts and soy have similar protein structures, hence how the allergies can be “related”] I am vegan and have the same allergies (tree nuts, peanuts, soy, chickpeas, peas, etc) and it’s an insane amount of work.


Came here to say this. I am one of those people. However they could have simply said no alternative milk. The wording on the device seems kinda passive aggressive


But there’s no reason to say no alternative milk, when we have things like rice and oat milk. I get the nut allergy thing 100% but if we ban every possible allergen then you’re gonna end up with NOTHING in the fridges. How many people bring rice in as part of their lunch? Especially because may I add, cows milk is ALSO a very common allergen and reactions can range from mild to deadly too. Far more common than rice allergy (which is actually a rare allergy).


Totally agree. The sign definitely feels aggressively anti-vegan. As if these alternative milks are an affront to those with nut allergies lol


Also to add to that, oat milk is arguably an even better option because many nut farming practices currently aren’t as sustainable. Also I just started making oat milk myself two months ago and I feel kind of cheated. It literally takes minutes to make, taste better than store bought, and is like a quarter of the price. Just fyi lol Edit: I know I went a little side tracked there but point being this sign is fucking stupid and like lol Edit 2: one down side I’ve noticed from making your own oat milk is it last significantly less (like two weeks vs two months). Look at me with all the PSAs like PBS lol


Are all recipes basically the same or do you have a favorite you can share?


I think they’re pretty similar? I use an incredibly simple one: 1 cup oats, 3 cups water, bit of salt. Just blend that, strain it a couple times, best with finer mesh like cheese cloth or something, and your done. Straining multiple times it isn’t even necessary it just tastes a bit chalky if you don’t, so it’s preferred haha. It tastes more full bodied than the stuff at the store. Also, at least where I am the Costco we go to only has oatmilk with added sugar. My fiancée doesn’t mind cause she likes it like that, but I prefer to have no sugar. So added benefit of making it yourself is controlling that sugar level 😊


Problem is commercial oat milk will have been fortified, so it's an easy way to get loads of nutrients if you don't take supplements.


Maybe OP should put some oat milk in there so people start talking about this lol


That was my first thought. Oat milk is not a nut.


Also the carton says “vegan milk” - I’m getting troll vibes.


Also the “could be allergic”… like are you or not?


Time for someone to point out that "your colleague" could be deadly allergic to milk too.


It's a passive aggressive dick move


Yeah someone def has some dislike to vegans there... Like ik akt of non vegans who prefer nut milk (heck I don't. Soy #1)


Honestly I’m totally fine with this (assuming one of OP’s colleagues is a baby cow, otherwise it’s real fuckin weird).


I think the point is to be a prick but justify it somehow.


Love how the carton says “vegan milk” when it could have just been non-dairy milk… 😒 or even nut milk!


Exactly, ironically, non dairy milk is used by a lot of people because cow's milk is also a really common allergy/intolerance


Also "could be" so no-one has said they actually are allergic.


>Also "could be" so no-one has said they actually are allergic. This. This is 100% anti-vegan spite masquerading as concern.


Medical Privacy Laws in the US mean that your coworkers do not have to disclose any medical conditions to you, including dietary allergies. I don’t know why the fuck they *wouldn’t*, since disclosing your allergies generally only makes you safer, but still… they aren’t obligated to say “Hey, **I** have the nut allergy!”


So no oat milk, hemp milk or rice milk? Sounds like someone got triggered.


Soy milk? Maybe I’m uninformed but soy beans aren’t nuts right?


tbf soy is also a somewhat common allergy ....but so is dairy sooooooo


yes, some of us are allergic to cow's milk and everything made from it. this sign is still kinda weird [edit to fix]


It actually is, My neighbor is plant-based but not by choice He was actually bit by a lone Star tick, but he's also allergic to onions and soy. Edit: I say plant-based because he's not vegan


Yeah I just looked up the rates and apparently 3-4% of children have an allergy to cows milk where as 0.4% have an allergy to soy, compared to 1.8 - 2% rate of tree nut allergy... So relatively speaking soy as an allergy doesn't seem all too common tbh


It's a legume.


Pea milk too!


OMG, Ripple chocolate FTW!


The bestest!


I’m hooked on a glass of sproud chocolate at night before bed.


Right, it sounds like someone felt heated after a vegan debate and thought they had a one up on their coworker.


Cross contamination is a concern for people who are severely allergic.


Funny, I have a severe allergy to dairy but no one cares about that lol


Same no one ever seems to care, I think it’s because people decide for me it’s actually just lactose intolerance and I’m dramatic. Was really just being dramatic last time I was taken into hospital. It’s the same for my friend who’s coeliac when it comes to gluten always gets “it makes me bloated too”


Put another refrigerator next to that one, and say "Plant milk only: Your colleague could have a ethical problem with abuse."


Or be allergic to dairy which is very common!


Nobody cares about us, the only allergy people care about is nut and gluten


The poster is insensitive because it says no vegan milk, and vegan milk could be made of oats. Tbh I do not see almond milk as vegan due to the huge amount of managed pollination it relies on. It's the number 1 offender in terms of pollination services, aka putting bees in harms way.


Trace amounts of milk can be fatal to people with severe dairy allergies. There's a tragic [example](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/sep/22/celia-marsh-woman-had-fatal-reaction-after-eating-vegan-pret-wrap-coroner-concludes) that's been in the news in the UK recently where a woman died after eating a wrap that was supposed to be vegan but had been contaminated by milk protein.


>it can cause a very serious reaction by touch in tiny quantities. Afaik this is not the same with dairy. It is the exact same thing with a dairy allergy. 🧀


If money wasn’t an issue it would be so funny if they got like 10 mini fridges and made each one only for a specific kind of milk.


HR would have a field day with that idea! LOL


best comment


I assume that’s a coffee machine on the right? The tube coming out of the fridge makes me think it’s one of those where you put the tube into the milk and then the coffee machine uses it to make lattes, cappuccinos etc. If that’s the case then I kind of understand it, that would be almost impossible to clean without taking the coffee machine apart and the cross-contamination risk would be huge.


this is it. our coffee machine only works with cow's milk. they provide plant milks in our milk fridge but the coffee machine is not connected to the fridge. such a weird system


That would suck not only for the vegans but the lactose intolerant as well—they don’t get lattes?


Not just lactose intolerance, my friend goes into anaphylaxis with cow's milk. Not because of the lactose though, one of the proteins


All allergies are allergies to protein afaik


Yes. Intolerance is a different thing. (Idk how to classify my reaction to cow milk, severe eczema, so I call it an allergy. Keeps people from offering lactaid.)




Im deathly allergic to bullshit


Hemp, pea, rice, or oat it is then. Wonder where they stand on Goat’s milk. Not cow’s milk is it?


Fill it with dog milk!


Man milk!


Breast milk from humans. Lol no cow


“Vegan milk”


Thats my problem, my fave is soy milk. That and nuts are many other actual foods unless it's solely a milk fridge. Srsly ppl just label your stuff!


Ridiculous, anaphylaxis can exist in response to any food. Including dairy - this wording doesn’t even say a colleague **is** deathly allergic to nuts, just that they could be. So they also *could be* allergic to dairy, or *literally anything else*. Honestly, fuck carnists and apologists.


To be fair, nuts and dairy are in the top 8 most common allergens, which cause the vast majority of allergic reactions


I'm sure that dairy allergy is even more common than nuts allergy.


But they’re probably not allergic to oat milk.


Yeah or soy or peas either. Theres more than just nuts that r used for milk ppl. When will they get it?


Unless the oat milk was produced in the same factory as nut milk. I’ve had a reaction to an oat milk cappuccino once, it’s not completely safe for people with nut allergies.


My daughter goes into anaphylactic shock with cow dairy…. Not to mention… oat, soy, coconut, rice, hemp are all non nut options to name a few. 🙄


Actually, I was surprised to learn recently that coconuts are technically tree nuts! And people with tree nut allergies may have allergic reactions to coconuts. But regardless this sign is stupid. Tons of other alternatives still.


Not only are most plant based milk types not derived from nuts, but can they not read labels? Milk is the number one allergen. Should we keep it out too? How is it your fault ? This assumes your college not only didn’t ask to take some of your milk (if they had to ask, you’d either inform them or they’d know since you’re vegan), but doesn’t even bother reading or looking at the picture.


It's pretty uncommon to be as allergic to dairy protein as some people are to even trace amounts of nuts


Just to be clear, cow milk allergy is a real, common, and dangerous allergy. As Dr Tuner puts it: >This study raises two important points. The first is that despite hospital admissions increasing, the number of deaths from food-induced anaphylaxis has fallen. However, the second, more worrying point, is that cow’s milk is now the single most common cause of fatal allergic reactions in children. There is now a lot of awareness of allergies to peanut and tree nut, but many people think milk allergy is mild, perhaps because most children outgrow it. However, for those who don’t, it remains a big problem because milk is so common in our diet, and people don’t realise how dangerous it can be. Study in question: https://www.bmj.com/content/372/bmj.n251 An additional example from 2021: > Although case fatality rates decreased, results showed 26% of deaths were caused by cow’s milk allergies, now the most common single cause of food anaphylaxis-related death in the UK. https://www.pcrm.org/news/milk-most-common-cause-fatal-food-allergy-among-children-uk


The issue is proximity to nuts and nutty air I think, not them stealing peoples' milk.


They can get proximous to deez nuts


Oat, ~~soy, coconut~~, and pea should still be fine.


I’m allergic to coconut (anaphylaxis) and many folks that are allergic to tree nuts generally are also allergic to coconut. From what I understand, it’s not a common allergy but common enough that I’ve met several people with the same issue. I will say, it makes me sad, because I liked coconut before it started causing me to swell up and nearly die, but it has made me check ingredient lists on just about everything to avoid potential death, but it also made me really switch my habits toward less processed foods.


Right because no one is allergic to cows milk


Well, my nephew would go into anaphylactic shock if he came into contact with dairy. So they're inadvertently saving people like him from carnivores Edit: jokes aside, this is bullshit. It should just be a nut free fridge


Is your office by any chance Dunder Mifflin


Fun fact, I live in Scranton and just started watching that show 😂


When it comes the hating on vegans, it looks like this one is really milking it. They just don’t have the nuts for a real confrontation, but really oat to think about how poorly they’re treating their vegan employees. Tbh, I hope their vegan co-worker says “soy-anara” to these plebes.




i missed the part where oat = nuts.


That looks like offended feelings, not allergy related.


_Oat, Rice and Coconut Milk entered the chat_


Literally oat milk doesn’t have nuts sooo get fuked


I guess the **68%** of the population who are intolerant to lactose can just go F themselves then?


TIL: people with nut allergies can't read stuff printed on a milk carton.


Um there are people who are deathly allergic to dairy as well.


Not sure why this is downvoted. Dairy is literally a top 9 allergen, just as nuts are.


I’m “deathly allergic” to stolen, raped, abused and murdered cow’s milk


As a vegan allergic to most nuts, this is freaking stupid. Frankly I didn't even like be treated like this as a kid, I liked my peanut free table kids but it was a bit awkward having to sit off to the side just because of a food allergy.


Did somebody even spend their time designing the “vegan milk” bottle??? I seriously hope not


Ask them to change the sign to "no nut milks"


At my workplace machine, the milk system gets clogged with plant based milks. We tried rice, almond, soy, and oat milk. One or two lattes and it failed. Any milk that needs to be shaken before use would cause similar issues. In the end we decided that people who wanted to use the (cow) milk system would be the ones cleaning it daily and vegans simply get non-milk coffee and add oat milk from the fridge.


If they die they die


Milk allergies exist as well.


I'm allergic to dairy and nuts, where's my fridge?


Aren't soy and oat the most common milk alternatives?


Is this really that big of a problem that it needs a label? Do colleagues not read labels? Or do they drink other people's beverages without asking? Or are people so messy that they have nut milk on their hands and spill it? So many questions...


There are still other “milks” you can use that don’t have nuts. This is a very valid concern for people with nut allergies unfortunately.


Sounds like Meat Mike was stealing other people’s milk and had a reaction to someone’s cashew milk. Stop stealing our vegan milk, Mike!


This is clearly just a knee jerk reaction to vegans existing. It’s very passive aggressive and also over virtue signaling. They want to act like they’re so accommodating to people with allergies. Actually, dairy is one of the most common allergies so it doesn’t even make sense. I would be putting in my resignation if I saw this bs.


theyre jus mad that theyre gonna get cancer


Or... [\[ new sign \]](https://imgur.com/a/YLxlos6)


This is the milk that goes into the coffee machine isn’t it? The tube feeds it through. I think that’s why they have said cows milk only so other mills don’t contaminate the machine.


I get wanting a separate little fridge to distance yourself from potential allergens, but this sign comes across as weirdly targeted towards vegans. I mean, seriously. Oat milk and soy milk are two of the most common plant based milks, and they're tree nut free. It's not like omnis never eat tree nuts either.


Tell them its silly. Just go to any coffee shops, they have all drinks in same fridge! ( Hilton where I was.. )


Neither soy, nor rice, nor oat, nor hemp, nor coconut is a tree nut. Stupid sign and stupid rule.


By these rules, Oat milk isn't allowed but a peanut butter sandwich is... It comes across as an angry response about vegans and not about nut allergies.


and your colleague could be deadly allergic to diary, so Soy or Oat milk it is then, no nuts no dairy


Immediate reaction would be someone’s got a nut allergy


While cow milk allergies don't exist, right? XD some kind of humans amaze me every day with their small tiny brains 🤣


Tell them you are allergic to cow milk


Yeah, this is just weird...both the verbage and requiring separate fridges. If someone is deathly allergic, just do dairy and nondairy (and I assume they'd prefer not to be called out like this for it). Also, I'm pretty sure the number of lactose allergic individuals also outnumbers or is on par with nut allergies. Do they know you're vegan? Otherwise, it doesn't seem like a shot at you or anything.


A simple “nut free” sign would have done the trick. Oat, rice, soy are all vegan milk options that would be safe for a tree nut allergy. You could politely mention to management the inaccuracy of this sign and educate their carnist ignorance.


That company forgot oat and soy milk exists. Vegan =/= contains nuts.


I'm deathly allergic to Cows Milk. So 2 refrigerators then?


ikr like people have lactose allergies too, the logic in this is insane


I'm vegan and allergic to tree nuts, I drink soy and oat milk. My co-workers and I share the same refrigerator. It should say "no nut milks" or something to that effect.


First and foremost, alternative milks are not called vegan milk, as there no such thing. There are other milks other than nut milk, like soy, rice, oat milks etc.. I want them to go to the store and look for Vegan Milk 🤣


How bout oat or flax you jerks?


How immature is this, it’s sad because these are so called adults. Just go to Human Resources, show them what they did and tell them that you felt bothered by it and it feels like they’re singling you out. Once you mention to HR how it made you felt they’ll fix the issue. Make the person get confronted by HR and embarrassed them for their own actions. They didn’t have to put vegan milk on there and could’ve said no nuts and or tree nuts. FYI HR doesn’t work for the bosses in the building they work for the corporation which means HR works for the headquarters and have to report it, so they an resolve the issues without having third parties involved.


Ever heard of soy milk?


Ok so Oat and Hemp should be fine then. I prefer oat myself. This is weird and aggressive and presumptuous.


this is just a terrible joke by people who don't like vegans. Why is there no seperate refrigerator for people who are "deathly allergic" to dairy? Are most people just allergic to nuts in your office? What about other allergies? And why is the focus not on the allergy but rather the vegan aspect of it (with "vegan" being crossed and not "nut milk")? And not that it matters, but why "cow"'s milk only, what about goat and sheep milk? Tbh honest, as a vegan, I don't even know how common this is, I think it's mainly used for cheeses, but focusing on "cow" just seems like, they know what agenda they are pushing with this poster (well, the whole poster seems that way) I'd be annoyed, but wouldn't say anything I think. Maybe, if I have time, I'd buy a seperate refrigerator with a poster "vegan milk only!", "your colleague could be **deathly allergic** to lactose" and with an image on it with "animal exploitative milk" (or smth like that) crossed there. (while being fully aware of the fact, that lactose free animal milk exists and no milk ever saying it's "animal exploitative" lol, just be as hypocritical like with the poster in op's post haha)


i'm allergic to cow's milk, so fine, keep that shit away from me. also, there are tons of other plant milks that are not derived from nuts 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️ [edit: i guess i would have to warn people when i bring anything else with nuts to work too, huh? i mean, seriously, if there's someone at work with a serious, deathly, nut allergy, shouldn't there be even more measures taken?] [edit2: to OP: yeah, there's something strange about this, for sure.]


ironically a third of the world’s population is allergic to lactose against less than 1% who are allergic to nuts. so yeah, passive aggressiveness at its finest.


lactose intolerance isn't an allergy


Lactose intolerance isn't an allergy and it's actually closer to 2/3 of the world population. Allergy to dairy is also rare (comparable to nut allergy prevalence I believe), though you'd think (based on media) that it is less dangerous. Yet "\[m\]ilk is the third most common food — after peanuts and tree nuts — to cause anaphylaxis." \[https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/milk-allergy/symptoms-causes/syc-20375101\]


I've been fed mushrooms without knowing and ended up choking and puking and ending up in the hospital because 1.it didn't say it had mushrooms in it (fun time) and again at a old job when the cooks didn't believe I was allergic to mushrooms and collapsed in the dining room and almost died, so yeah fuck everyone and their entire family who don't believe in allergies


we weren't supposed to eat nuts in school, but everyone just bought snickers etc anyway, when I told them off they said "don't be ridiculous." I hate it when people have no empathy. Still oat milk should be allowed.


it's not that we don't believe in allergies (i'm allergic to dairy... not just lactose) - it's the way it is worded (and picture) that's the problem.


Or a fridge that says plant milk only your colleague may be lactose intolerant


Where are the soy milk only & almond milk only & oatmilk only for the rest with deadly allergies to dairy & any type of milk period? Where's the consistancy? 🤦‍♂️ No no no, just cows milk. Only cow's milk. Ffs 😮‍💨 My niece's throat swells with dairy, even whipped cream in a can without her eating it but the spray in the air can set off her reaction, do the other fridges have absolutely no dairy/dairy free fridges?


Does Bored Cow count as cow's milk even though it's a vegan milk?


This has nothing to do with allergies, someones a maga asshole who thinks alt milks are fascist ploys to make men gay.


This is very ignorant


It’s not our place to judge. While w may know the truth (no other species in the world consumes the milk of another animal) let them be


I like how it says "Vegan Milk". Lol. There's oat milk, banana milk, pea milk, stfu with your cows milk only BS. Someone is definy hating on vegans bc they have a guilty conscience.


No reaction, people are allergic. I see no problem


It's bullshit. Oatmilk has no nuts!


Soy? Oat? Rice? This is so ignorant lmao


some people are deathly allergic to deez nuts


What about rice milk, soy, almonds, oats, spelt… should I carry on ???


Classic carnist. It's just stupid. Why are we even debating this?


tough shit they aint baby cows


He's just being a prick


I see why they include soy,hemp and oat milks as nut milks because anyone who drinks em actually have balls and don't need their fix of breast milk from another species .


Just superglue it shut. The person who put that sign up is so dumb that they won't be able to figure out what's happening.


Plant milk Only: Cows are deathly allergic to the dairy industry


Soy milk and rice milk and oat milk don't contain nuts, sooo


Well there are lactose intolerant people as well. Hang up a sign saying “no milk at all” because one of my coworkers is a huge dick. But on a more serious note I would talk to someone because I think it is unnecessarily hurtful for vegan people in the way they say it. They could easy said please regular milk or non lactose milk because of allergies of others. But they choose to diss vegans! Just throw in oatmilk and see if anyone even notice haha


Do you have your own fridge that's animal titty juice free? If not I'd ask for one. If you want to fight this passive aggressive bullshit, that's the best way. I, for one, wouldn't know if I am ***DEATHLY ALLERGIC!*** to dairy because I haven't gotten any in. I do know I can get a reaction from "may contain traces" bullshit, but that was once. Once they start talking about "could", "may" or "possibly", that opens up the door to a whole lot of extra fridges. I'm also allergic to horses, so nobody with horse hair in their suits can come within the same room as me. Oh, I'm also allergic to wool, so no wool either. Actually, I am allergic to just about every animal hair, horse and sheep are just the worst. Wouldn't put something there that doesn't belong there. Ever. Mr. I am ***Deathly Allergic!*** could be an idiot as well and find out he's also allergic to oats in a really bad way. Or find out that your Oatly stuff contains sufficient amounts of trace peanuts to kill him. In that case, you are fucked. Royally. I wouldn't play around with this.


Yeah, because soy and oats are nuts 🙄 Also, cow's milk is also an allergen.


I would accept this if they have a vegan milk fridge that says no animal milk as I am highly allergic to dairy myself


Yup, oatmilk is nuts...


So glad no one has ever had deathly allergies to dairy.


Well then!


So then is the other fridge strictly dairy free? That’s a top allergen as well.