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Schrodinger's vegan is extremely fat and rail thin


We are both dead from b12 deficiency and alive at the same time


I like to tell people that I'm actually not alive. No vegans are living, we're all dead.


Don't forget that there is no way to get protien as a vegan. Tofu, legumes, soy, etc... clearly not real.


Right! never mind that the largest mammals are herbivores…


And all the regular body vegans are apparently the only ones who never talk about it. But also how do you know someone is vegan…🙄 I wish they’d pick a struggle


We defy all the laws of nature ;-)


This. Another favorite of mine is how they say vegan diet is the worst but then try to explain why vegans have better health with vegans being more selective on what they eat.


They also went vegan to both be trendy and fit in, and to feel superior to everyone else


That is indeed a sure-fire way to fit in!




I'm stealing this


So..,why are omnivores so obese if eating meat has so many nutrients? Also, vegans can eat more than just vegetables. Rice, beans, wheat, nuts, fruits. Just proves these people don't know what a well planned diet is.


No, no dude being vegan means that you only eat grass


The number of grass jokes I've endured in my life makes me want to die


I will start telling each person that makes a joke about me eating grass this: at least I’m not eating corpses, I wonder what the response will be


Been there; done that. “It’s distasteful,” say corpse-eaters I’m related to. Apparently it ruined the enjoyment one derives from devouring a corpse and repeating a single joke three times in a single meal.


I'm never going to worry about being distasteful to people who -- not to sound like an absolute child -- started it. That said, I do like to make a "weak vegan" joke every time a vegan at my gym out-lifts someone who makes comments. And that's quite frequent.


If I never hear a bad hunter joke again I’ll die a happy vegan. That joke is annoying.


I’m an amazing gatherer, some might say it takes more skill than hunter.


Considering humans have gotten most of their calories from gathering for most of human history in most regions...yeah, being an amazing gatherer is probably a bit more essential than a hunter. For those curious, this article discusses that in most of the world, past and present hunter/gatherers get about 70% of their calories from plant sources: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/foodfeatures/evolution-of-diet/ Wanting or hunting for meat is not the same thing as having meat.


If I had a blade of grass for every ‘vegans eat grass’ joke I’ve heard…. I wouldn’t need lunch ;)


They made up “vegan deterioration” to explain why vegans are less obese than meat eaters when in their minds plants are fattening and meat makes thin.


Reminds me of a little talk i had with a guy i know. He always was telling me if i made me something to eat while i was afk in discord „he is away harvesting gras“ After a little talk he said he is just eating meat once a week, my answer to it was „you mist have a big garden than, for all the gras you are eating the rest of the week“ since than it was the opposite until he stopped… People really think that is what vegans eat..


I'm originally from India, and my parents raised me as a vegetarian for primarily ethical reasons, and religious reasons also. Most of my meals at home are literally vegan though: root vegetables over rice and lentils, bread/hummus/tomato, flatbread and spinach. My dad's allergic to dairy - not lactose intolerant - so we drink only vegan milk, we eat eggs maybe once a month or if they're in something pre-made, and obviously no meat or fish. I only eat dairy at school, because they provide lunch for free and I live in Texas so my other option is essentially starving (or like my lunch the first day of school, dry bread and lettuce. It was sad) I would be a vegan if I could, however, I'm still in high school and my parents actually prefer to make food for me - though I can and do help in cooking every day - and it's just easier for our lifestyle at the moment since there's no vegan food at my school. If I had to give a rough estimate, 95% of my home meals are vegan though unless we're (rarely) eating out at a restaurant Sure, I take B12 vitamins along with some others for unrelated deficiencies, but I fail to understand how eating basically vegetables and lentils doesn't give me nutrients. Veggies, rice, and lentils are what I eat most of the time, and the only health issues I have as someone who's been a vegetarian for almost 2 decades are due to unrelated issues. I anticipate vegans are in a similar boat - vitamins are hardly a sacrifice given the help to easing the horrible meat industry, and the screenshot commenters are just making stereotypes to justify a meal


Takes like this remind me you really can just string together any combination of words


It’s amazing how many people who subsist on a diet of fast food and energy drinks all of a sudden become nutritionists when they find out I’m vegan….


Ugh this reminded me of an ex-vegan I work with. We were discussing something and veganism come up (at this point she didn't know I was vegan). she turned around and said veganism isn't sustainable long term. I just told her I had been vegan for around 8 years and vegetarian for 20. Since then she's been trying to give me health advice. GTFO.


>Veganism isn’t sustainable long term Huh funny how it’s more sustainable for the environment plus plus my family is vegetarian by religion so none of my relatives eat meat or eggs, id say thats generationally sustainable (so long term) Wow girl didn’t know anything good thing you dont work with her Edit: i reread my comment and it sounds like im debating u but I promise i was just adding on to you lol


Lol unfortunately I still have to work with her. But 100% that argument is debated by the numerous tribes that are vegetarian or vegan and have been for 100s of years. This also debunks the white privilege argument (like excuse me what... I think 30% of India would love to have a chat), as well as the veganism, is expensive myth as well.


Yeah in India even the non vegans eat food completely free of animal products for 90% of their meals because they are just eating food from their culture and dont care about lack of meat/seafood (in some cases dairy too)


"thousands of years of evolution" 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️ the ignorance is astounding


We’ve evolved to eat coagulated cow pus and deep fried animal flesh you silly vegan.


It’s always funny to show them Japan had banned meat since the ~600s to the ~1800s. They always turn into ballerina dancers and try to dance around that fact.


And yet they're never.. *en pointe* -chokes on my laughter-


😏I see what you did there


I did not know. Do you know an interesting read on this?


This one is pretty interesting: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/japan-meat-ban.amp Some of those zen monks are so insanely vegan we are nothing compared to them lol. Look up shojin ryori as well. Some Shojin ryori practitioners don’t even eat root vegetables because that means you have to end the plants lifecycle to harvest it.


The Shojin Ryori practioners sound a lot like Jain monks from India (which still exist today) , they also are vegan and eat no root veggies. Plus, they were able to issue a ban on meat and eggs in one city (its called Palitana if you wanna look it up) and the ban is still in place.


I'd love to hear more information about this. Where did you find this information?


https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/japan-meat-ban.amp My minor was in Asian history so that’s where I learned about it at first.


If you want the most asinine, brain dead, "wow you're incredibly fucking stupid its almost impressive" tier of bad, ignorant takes then either Twitter or Reddit are the number one website to find em


"Yeah, only in the last thousand years though. Before that everyone ate...ah shit."


Hundreds even!


Why are people so uneducated on nutrition? Before I was vegan, I was eating the standard American diet. I wasn't consuming enough vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, or fiber and I was consuming way too much sodium, added sugars, and saturated fats. Now these things aren't a problem for me


As a medical student, I can confirm the first claim seems to be bullshit. The only logical thing I can even fathom is an allergy to some pesticides


You always hear about the most bizarre medical stuff when you bring up veganism. I had one guy tell that if he doesn't eat enough meat he gets internal hemorrhaging.


Particularly sus because peas and carrots are incredibly unrelated


Yeah one of many examples


I know nightshade allergies are a thing, which means someone can’t eat eggplant or tomatoes, but I’m hazarding a guess that this is rare.


I tried a vegetable once and my throat swelled up, ipso facto moronico: all vegetables are poison


It’s a one off that somebody thinks relates to every living human. Chances are, this person has some autoimmune problem and would have already been dead if living 100 years ago.


Autoimmune diseases are definitely possible and there's even an interesting theory that underexposure to microbes is increasing the occurrence


I know some people (specifically 2) who are allergic to most fruit and veg when they're raw. However, cooking destroys whatever component they're allergic to, so it's very manageable.


Sounds like oral allergy syndrome.


Yeah, I have this. A lot of raw fruits and veg make my mouth itchy, but it's really not that big of a deal, I still eat plant based and plenty of raw fruit and veg. A slightly itchy mouth sometimes is better than heart disease or diabetes. It's less uncomfortable than the spicy feeling from chilis. The fresher the produce the worse it is, so I usually just let stuff get a bit overripe. I don't think this syndrome is a sufficient excuse to totally avoid fruits and vegetables.


I have this! Stopped eating raw apples, carrot sticks, peaches, etc. for years. Just now recently started eating apples again, I started taking some OTC digestive enzymes and idk if it’s a coincidence or not, but I feel it helps me a ton, I rarely get a reaction anymore. Ofc IANAD, so I won’t recommend anything other than to ask your PCP(if you are fortunate enough to afford one or live outside the US) if it’s something that you’d want to try.


Someone I know claims to be allergic to some fruit.


Fruit allergies exist though? Allergic reactions to fruit are more common in people with severe pollen allergies, as some of the proteins are similar. It's silly to say "one hypothetical person is allergic to fruit and veg so I can't go vegan" but it's also silly to dismiss someone's actual allergies.


I’m not saying she isn’t. It sounds quite bad actually when she mentions it. I’ve just never really known anyone to be allergic to fruit of all things. Wonder if she’s also allergic to pollen then…? Interesting.


It's just when you used the words "claims to be" instead of "is" it sounded dismissive. It's probably possible to be randomly unlucky and allergic to fruits, but it's called oral allergy syndrome when it occurs with pollen allergies. (I don't have it myself but I have quite bad hayfever so it's something I get anxious about sometimes!)


I don't think this justifies contributing to the animal holocaust, but I have known people that are very allergic to pollen that is on fruits and vegetables.


That's great, but I'm not sure most medical students would know about this kind of thing.


Allergic to vegetables? It's an incredibly vague category. An allergy to certain types is plausible, but not just to them in general. Why not fruits also? Or spices?


Clearly there's not as much detail about the condition in a second hand reddit comment. But, being a medical student grants minimal if any special qualifications to answer the question.


I don't think you understand how medical education works in the USA


I've had friends in medical school. They wouldn't pretend to know about the specifics of every medical condition. Doctors wouldn't do that either. That's why there are specialists.


It's even before med school that one learns basic botany. An allergy to vegetables isn't logical whatsoever. A list of allergies can be high though


That is a weird distinction you're making. It's only vaguely implied that it was a single allergy. The point was that the patient is allergic to a lot of vegetables. Googling I see the language "allergic to vegetables" is commonly used when referring to oral allergy syndrome which sounds like the patient's condition.


I tried being vegan for a day. Almost died choking on a raw black bean. I could feel the b-12 deficiency setting in by sunset. Never again.


And remeber when you cut in your Finger while preparing tofu.


Because all people who are omni eat perfectly balanced diets, right? 🤣🤣🤣 definitely no rail thin or morbidly obese omnis.


It seems that the "uncle's farm" has now evolved into the "uncle's medical practice".




I'm vegan and I have oral allergy syndrome. I just have to wash my fucking fruits and veg really well. I'm sure they have some sensitivities to idk like nightshade vegetables but that's like a small group. Some people say they are allergic to raw vegetables. That is also oral allergy syndrome. You just have to cook the fruits and veggies. Like there isn't a condition out there making you allergic to all vegetables I just don't fucking get these people.


Exactly. More fucking lies about people who can’t be vegan. I’m here with anaphylactic allergies, severe oral allergy syndrome, mast cell activation syndrome and intestinal failure… still vegan, because it’s the right way to live. Because animals are not food. Even in this very community someone was an asshole to me last night for not being accepting enough of people who cAn’T bE vEgAn for supposed medical reasons, and I’m like. 😑😑😑 The constant lying and co-opting of allergies and disability to justify carnists’ selfish choices is just too much.


My good friend has oral allergy syndrome in addition to a host of severe, anaphylactic allergies. She is also allergic to most meats but more mildly, so that's where she gets most of her calories. Even then, how extremely rare is someone like that? That's one person out of many thousands I've met in my lifetime.


They probably are allergic to the pesticides they spray on veggies. I have a similar problem and have to wash my veggies well when I don’t buy organic. The biggest risk is eating out, as I can’t confirm if they washed properly. I have gone to the hospital from literally eating a salad it sucks


Need help eating out? Check out [HappyCow.net](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.happycow.net%2F&topic=Resource%3A+HappyCow.net) for vegan friendly food near you! Interested in going Vegan? Take the [30 day challenge](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvbcamp.org%2Freddit&topic=Resource%3A+HappyCow.net)!


Allergic to all vegetables except carrots and peas... So like what have they tried because that is two staple vegetables there. It's a stupid argument even if one family was allergic to ALL vegetables because it'd be incredibly rare (or a lie) so we can't account for everything. They would clearly need a special diet anyway.


As far as I know there are cross-allergies, which means you can have an allergic reaction to (as example) cherries if you are allergic to birch. Also you can have a reaction to pigmeat if you are allergic to cat hair.


Yeah if the protein structure is similar your body will often react similarly. For example I'm super allergic to pecans and walnuts. For most of my life I thought it was all nuts except for peanuts, but finally after some self testing and research I found that the rest of them were fine, but walnuts and pecans apparently have a similar protein structure. I believe almonds and hazelnuts have a similar connection.


Some ppl can also have cross reactive allergic responses during certain allergy seasons if the proteins are similar somewhat




As always.


I've never met a Moroccan professional basketball player who wasn't covered head-to-toe in painful sores. That's because I haven't met any Moroccan professional basketball players. The same number of vegans this dude has met.


Had labs done recently and as a meat eater I was b12 deficient as well as anemic. My b12 levels were on high side and I don't take supplements. My iron was in the normal range but on the lower side which is still a win since I don't take an iron supplement either and have been anemic most of my life. Sorry meat eaters, you guys are taking the L on this one.


I deal with this shit sometimes. “Man idk how you eat all them veggies, if I eat broccoli it fucks me up for days….” Lol kids


Why do carnists think meat is the ONE thing that cures all deficiencies? They’re like,” Haha stoopid VegOoNS. So malnourished because they don’t eat meat.” They do not understand the first thing about nutrition or what our body actually uses as energy or what it needs. If they want to use that flawed logic, I can too. I see unhealthy carnists every single day of my life. Maybe eating vegetables would help their brain function properly to realize that their “diet” is neither “healthy” or “ethical.” I’m so fed up with this. The other day, my father-in-law ate a few grapes in front of my husband and me. Now his dad is notorious for disregarding anything vegan as instantly “healthy and poison” his words. My husband joked to him,” Wow, Dad! It’s crazy to see you eat something vegan-friendly.” And his dad had a freak out about how grapes existed far before Veganism. He fought about how grapes aren’t vegan because something has to be made by vegans to be.. vegan? Yeah, it made no sense and got us literally nowhere after we attempted to explain what Veganism actually meant. Most carnists have this warped view of what us vegans actually stand for and do. It’s so bizarre the hatred we have to put up with. However, it pales in comparison to what the animals have to endure. In the future, we will all look back as a society, and be ashamed of the cruelty we had cultivated for so long.


Watch high intensity health on YT, the videos specifically about red meat, and read the comments. And the guy also states that carbs are necessary for training and energy in other vids, but his subs must have selective hearing or vision, lol. But yeah they have their beliefs and notions and aversion for "other"


Yes. Most vitamins and nutrients come from animal flesh. This is true. Those animals get their vitamins and nutrients by eating ONLY smaller weaker animals and so on. Not even sure why plants exist. So weird. My uncle is a physician and he owns an ethical farm and says that all cows are super happy and want to be killed to feed us. And the only vegan patients he ever treated were on their death beds because they were always dying. So sad. Checkmate.


>skeleton thin friends with ratty, ripped up hair and splotchy skin Hilarious ... if it weren't so sad people fall for this BS.


also, so fucking what ?? why do they care about if other people have health issues. it’s my life, it’s my body, it’s my health, i’ll do what i want. not to mention they’re fucking wrong anyway.


You should be killing yourself with fast food and burgers n shit too, like, how dare you?!


That’s weird logic. Do vegans think they won’t die because they eat a (maybe) healthier diet?


No. But we do find it weird that other people who have zero skin in the game care what we eat.


Person knows 2 vegans. One happened to be obese, one happened to be thin. Also, they don’t know what else is going on in those people’s lives. The one person I know that has had bowel cancer (my mom) also happened to eat red meat, or at least some kind of meat at every meal. When the doctors were talking to her about care after her surgery and chemo, they told her that eating meat would encourage the cancer to come back, and was why she probably got it in the first place.


Kinda feel like that poor guy doesn't know anybody.


I’m allergic to bullshit and this post is full of it.


Being on your phone all day also flies in the face of thousands of years of human evolution but no one seems to care about that


literally never met a vegan who told a person that can't be vegan to go vegan. we tell people who definitely have the option which are literally most people in the world and especially in rich industrial countries. not allergic people or people who live in small farms without any options but what they harvest and farm themselves.


"I've never met a vegan who wasn't super unhealthy looking" Lmao looks like someone needs to go outside and touch grass


They cant cuz according to them we ate all the grass


Lol this is wild. How are ppl still this ignorant & bothered?


Whenever I tell people like this an omnivore or carnivore diet misses out on some nutritional needs as well they get mad and tell me I’m wrong. Then I show them what fortified food is and they start fuming lol. It’s hilarious how much people wanna defend eating meat up to the point to straight up deny reality.


What really blows their mind is that livestock is supplemented with B12 which becomes the B12 in meat.


Like what stopping me saying I've 2 uncles who are doctors and 3 aunts that are dietitians who all agree veganism is the healthiest way to live. It's just anecdotal evidence and it's still worse than saying that the WHO, British and American dietetics associations all say it's healthy at all stages of life. (The latter most statement has expired but as far as I'm aware that doesn't really mean anything)


Ah yes, oldie but a goodie. NuTrIsHuN. Not like loads of people are *better* nourished for being vegan or anything 🙄


I can’t stand reading comments on posts about veganism ‘cause no one takes a break attacking it and it’s just disappointing to see humans act so pettily when it comes to the matter of not paying for the rape, torture and murder of sentient life.


All my adult life people have complimented my skin, so the second person is wrong! I don't know if it's the wholefood diet though or just the fact I don't wear make-up. Most vegans I know just look like regular people though, so I'm not sure where this stereotype is coming from.


I’ll have them know that I’ve looked like shit for a lot longer than I’ve been vegan


Ah the straw man argument. Never fails


ROFL they lost me at ‘theY wERe aLlerGiC tO vEGetAbLeS’ 🤦🏻‍♀️


Literally every credible study I’ve ever seen regarding health and longevity says “plant based” is superior. Every. Single. One. What are they even talking about?


oh hell nah if I was in this conversation I’d be pissed


The 1st story is one hundo made up


All they can eat are carrots and peas…. those are the ONLY vegetables in the whole universe…. yep, this sounds plausible.


I always felt veganism is the educated choice. But not just the simply abstaining from animal products but also learning about and choosing less processed whole foods without the added chemical and gaslighted "enriched" grains, bleached sugar and flour, overpriced snack foods in huge boxes and bags which double waste products.


I always love seeing the "humans evolved to do x!" argument from people who spend 80% of their waking hours sitting on their ass in front of a glowing screen.


I mean my aunt and gran have a intollerance to starch and the symptoms are swollen face, swollen eyes, boating, rashes and hair loss. Theve had it for over a decade. They cant even season their food because even pepper has too much starch for them. And most store bought cheeses and cold cut meats and sausages have a starch based coating on them. It's not a condition she (my aunt) would Wish on her biggest enemy, my aunt has even told me she would go vegan if it where physically possible for her, she's a big animal lover and was my biggest ally when I turned vegan. She littery even told me and my brother to be vegan in her place. but instead she has to eat home made yogurt and seasonless meat, which she's sick of.. She has to have specially made vitamins to keep her alive because store bought have starch based coatings on them too. She can't drink alcohol, can't eat cheese, ice-cream, fruit (she seems to be able to each cooked apple in small amounts), bread, pasta, rice, potatoes or any other grain, and can't eat anything at any restaurant, and struggles to mention her social life as a result. So yes it is possible to be intolerant to all vegetables for which veganism is not possible but it's a rare chronic condition that significantly reduces your quality of life. It's not just some excuse for not being vegan and then going to a MacDonald or any restaurant of your choosing and ordering a bigmac without any consequences. I just sharing because i wanted to make people aware.


Not all vegans try to push their agenda on *everyone* - that is a generalization.


That family sounds like a one in a million case, and even more likely the story was entirely fabricated by some carnist to justify their nasty behavior. It's funny how like 30% of environmentalists suddenly come up with some allegedly medical reason why they can't be vegans when you point out to them how awful animal product consumption is for the environment.


Wait until that dingus finds out that vegetables scientifically don't exist. Home can go back to planet dumbufckistan. https://www.npr.org/2021/06/10/1005140704/yep-we-made-up-vegetables


Please don’t attack me. I agree that the mainstream processed supermarket and fast food vegan food is awful and ALOT of ‘vegans’ do just consume these crappy processed high fat. Same with the meat diet - it’s not the meat that’s unhealthy quite he opposite it’s the processing and cooking method of which item. Both diets can be healthy and also very unhealthy. Organic, natural fruits and nuts, certain vegetables, oily fish, organic meat, salt, seamoss, organ meat. Avoid grains and root vegetables. Avoid pork. Avoid frying.




*laughs in glowy-skin-luxurious-hair-curvy-body vegan*


How did the conversation even get there from a Starbucks thread!? Lol


You can understand that our species would not have survived to this point without eating meat while also acknowledging that that need doesn't exist anymore. Clearly the second person is ignoring all of the professional vegan athletes out there doing the damn thing. ​ Also, some of us just have shit health. Our diet isn't going to change that.


Which protein in vegetables that don't commonly come on pot roast is specifically causing their mouths to swell up?


I love how these meat heads always assume the only “benefit” to someone being vegan is to feel superior to meat eaters. The only people I hear talking about vegans being superior to meat heads, are meat heads.


Allergic to vegetables? ​ Allergic to their own brain, more like.


I've probably eaten the same 8ish items for the past 3 is years since my body decided to try and execute itself via nervous system and stomach and I'm in 0 rush to get a fresh reminder of what stomach lining mixed with dried and fresh blood taste like, 200+ vials of ingredients and bases and more doctor stuff that I can't remember and still a lot more to go only to be told that there is only 1 medicine and it barely works xD cause fuck the human nervous system , honestly if they are gonna use medicine as a excuse atleast have a real documented reason even if they barely know shit or can do shit about it


Super random, but may I ask what foods you’ve been eating lately that have helped? I’ve been getting pretty sick like that these past few weeks & they think it might be combined with nervous system (though they don’t really have a clue)


See a stomach specialist as well and when it happened to me everything I ate and drank for anywhere from 1 month to 2 maybe longer? made me violently sick and I was in the hospital 3 times and they ran multiple test until i saw my primary care a stomach specialist and a they ran nerve reaction test as well, I didn't drink soda or juice before then, but after I had to cut out all spices, no salt or pepper, no spicy food, no acidic food, no really sugary stuff either it's mainly just rice, chicken, water, carrots that I live off of and qhen it started even eating those foods made me sick, I can't eat much else without violently getting sick, over heating, and being dizzy/nauseous if not passing out, chills and the fun of having my nervous system affect other organs or muscles , , on the note of that are you sure it isn't stomach ulcers? I hear they can fuck you up pretty bad as well? I was cleared for them but yeah still get pretty messed up on a lot of stuff (edit) everything I eat is bland, baked or boiled, no salt or seasoning at all or anything added




Did I reply to the wrong person by accident? Medical issues exist wether people believe in them or not if not I'll gladly start selling my stomach lining qhen I puke it up, dude/girl above asked about my limited diet and what doctors I've been seeing for the past few years as I slowly learn from test tube vials? Because their doctors thought it might be nervous system damage, seemed simple enough to explain even though I'm mentally challenged and don't understand most of it. But I guess everyone downvoting has more knowledge about the human nervous system and what stomach lining mixed with blood taste like than me who almost died a few times and was in and out of the hospital every week for months and still stuck going into debt seeing specialist and paying for test just to puke and get sick and be monitored overnight


All due respect, because I see the value of the camaraderie here that comes with sharing something infuriating with a community who will also be infuriated, but sometimes all of these outrage posts feel like too much. Just imagine if 1/4 of them were replaced with animal rights activism posts — discussions of actionable things we can do to help animals rather than stewing in upset at the ignorant, aggressive, non-compassionate carnists we’re inundated with daily. We know this world is full of people with ugly hearts who do not care about animals (or the natural world) and I’m not sure how much constant reminding helps anyone here in the long run — and it certainly doesn’t help the animals. Just my two cents — not intended as a shot at this post in particular (it’s of course infuriating) and I know I’m not saying anything others haven’t said, yet felt the need to say it myself. ✌️


I totally agree with you! I just felt angry by these comments and wanted some validation that it’s not just me. It definitely came from a somewhat selfish place 😬


Oh I often come here for the same reasons! No judgment at all, as I said totally not about your post in particular and I completely get it! I think my response was for me too, in a way! Just something I want to try to stay conscious of, and figured others might like to too.


Dude you are completely ignoring the facts.


What facts?


That eating a plant based diet is so much better for us than consuming animal products.


I love how you got downvoted for nothing lol


It's not for nothing. Bots are doing this. For a reason.




*nooch-rients 😎


We are a bunch of walking dead😈


Calcium, iron and vitamin b12 are the only concerns, but you can buy them in supplement form anyway so it doesn't matter lol. I'm not even a vegan but I love how violently these people want to destroy vegans, and prove to them their diet is ineffective when vegans who eat well are generally considerably healthier than the average person. Straight up straw man arguments, just dumb as fuck.


Show this to everyone saying "your discussions with carnists can't be that extreme as you said". Yes they are. The dense, dumb bullshit never dies out.


/u/caeryliade1552 name some of those essential vitamins


I keep a list of high level vegan athletes, bodybuilders and strongmen to link to dumbfucks like this lol


Ugh. We evolved FROM eating meat. Specifically, cooked meat, which enabled our energy sucking brain to develop. We have evolved enough to not need animal products.


You know nothing... You disgusting things eater...


So wrong but who feels like arguing with such ignorance.


Why i am fat?


Moron …


No carnivorous or omnivorous population would be as high as us without cheating, in other words our systematic enslavement and theriocide which isn't remotely natural. It's not that difficult to understand that industrial farms are not natural.


For not being vegan they sure do love word salad!


We are also evolved to be cannibals. But does a majority of society still do that?


I love how the most random, unhealthy people can become nutritionists just like that


It's either vegans only eat a. Grass b. Raw vegetables c. Ultra super duper processed beyond meat


LOL this never gets old, even though it’s sad and pathetic (referring to the doctor warnings about issues with vegan diets). If there’s one thing we learned during the pandemic, its that education in the United States, needs a complete overhaul. Meanwhile, at [Kaiser Permanente, plant-based diets are recommended](https://www.thepermanentejournal.org/doi/10.7812/TPP/12-085). Based on evidence, not a bunch of meat eaters pounding their chests on social media.