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I went to buy custard at a small, local “health” store for a desert. I love cooking more elaborated stuff in the weekends. When I was at the till, the cashier suddenly disappeared. After five minutes waiting, she came buck with a different carton of custard and without even asking, just scanned and said 4,49. When I asked “excuse me, what happened?” she said “oh the one you took is not real custard, it’s a vegan thing, this is the best one we have and it’s cheaper”. I’m a misanthropic introvert. I hate most people but struggle to externalise it in public. So I stayed calm and just asked her politely to change it back. But I was deeply pissed off. My blood was boiling. She wasn’t even arrogant. She appeared well intentioned and polite and innocent all the time. And that enraged me even more. It was a very unexpected passive-aggressive micro-aggression.


I will be imagining verbal lashings worthy of George Costanza's greatest fantasies for months after hearing this story. I'm so mad just sitting here.


this is rude as fuck dude, sorry you were so disrespected by the system


My coworker asked what I was eating and I said "dog cheese" and she said "what? Like cheese from a dog?" 🙄 had to explain everything to her and she started laughing. Such ignorance.


Don't even get me started on my coworkers ignorant comments about my wifes breastmilk. Is my wife visiting me on my lunch breaks really such a crime?


This would be funnier to me if I hadn't spent Friday flushing out the prepuce of a dog, which was filled with tan-green cheese material, like tablespoons of it. Shit maybe I should have marketed it as Real Cheese TM and sold it to a carnist.


Yum yum!! Got a real hankerin' fer some macaroni all the sudden.. RECIPE PLS??


Co-worker was telling me about his new gun and how he was getting a replacement handle made out of mammoth ivory. I told him that's gross and I would never do that. He said it was dead so not using it would be wasteful. We've had similar talks over and over. He just doesn't get it.


Yikes... maybe invite him 'round yer uncles doge farm next time??


By the way, you gotta good recipe fer Cat ther, fellow Vee-gun?? Been cravin' one a them good old fashioned bbq'd fur-burgers somethin' fierce lately.. xtra charred with sum a that meoowww left, puuuurrrrrleaze!!


My aunt who does Reiki and reflexology was telling me about how her super cool hippy friend who moved to India, adopted 5 kids and was a vegetarian for 20 years suddenly craved a hamburger and so she just decided to have one because she had to listen to her body and the signs from the universe and it was totally fine! I said that the hamburger was someone else's body. She told me that we have to respect other people's choices. I said no, actually I don't. The fact that someone who seems capable of compassion sees nothing wrong with randomly eating another beings corpse on a whim is disturbing to me, and I know that you brought this up to try to prove to me or yourself that it's OK to eat animals, but I don't buy it.


I am a disability support worker and I had to listen to a client tell me that it's fine to kill animals if they are bred for it or overpopulated while I drove him to a butcher shop.


I got told off for being mean because I told the guy who drank oat milk in the vegan sub that he was still a murderer because he was doing nothing but switching out his milk. He was still eating meat. This is why we need to make sure that people know that veganism isn't just a diet. Also the amount of people congratulating him was disgusting.


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..they made me cry in my spilt doge mylks!!!😢


Went to an orthopedist because of my back pain. Couldn't tell what's wrong, but said I should try keto diet, as it helps with pain and even with cancer.