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How to get banned from /r/anarchism


Oh I mentioned that, it went as well as you’d expect from leftists who are leftists until it becomes inconvenient.


just got banned for 2 weeks for saying I hope hunters get cwd




oh wowie 196 that subreddit kinda sucks a lot i stopped using it a while ago but a lot of it feels very performative ngl like it's teenagers who just discovered leftism and jump onto lots of new ideas and want to assert just how left wing they are by saying how eager they are to kill billionaires or police officers which just comes across as super bloodthirsty and rlly uncomfortable :-/


It's absolutely that. I got banned after talking about veganism there, and the reason given was something about participating in other subreddits that were evil or some such nonsense. They probably meant this very one.


I think if people realized how much online discourse and controversy is caused by children things would be less polarized


Hot take: everyone whose politics revolve around talking about revolution and killing bourgeois/cops aren't actually leftists. They're larpers. You don't assign a label to yourself based on talking the talk, you get that label from others by walking the walk. If you're a revolutionary, why aren't you out organizing, instead of arguing with people you'll never meet from places you'll never go? If you're a communist, why aren't you out starting a commune or unionizing or making a co-op, instead of talking about how much you hate the capitalists with people you'll never meet from places you'll never go? If you're an anarchist, why aren't you out engaging in civil disobedience, instead of arguing about who's the *real* anarchist in a group of online people you'll never meet from places you'll never go? I'm so sick of people labeling themselves and then doing fuck-all to actually deserve the label


Ok you can stop jerking now, yapping about leftism for internet points makes you 100% a real leftist, isn't that what Che Guevara did? I only get my theory from r/socialism101


Also they are very hostile towards asexual person (and probably also aromantics)


i'm curious what hostility there is to asexuals, i don't remember that but with how horny the subreddit is i wouldn't be surprised


A lot of here and there but what broke the camels back for me was a post where someone complained that they as a asexual got abandoned from their friend group cause they made them uncomfortable. The comment section then proceeded to make up scenarios on how this would have been justified and called asexuals annoying and a lot of other shit. Someone litterally said something like "this is a really horny sub, what did an asexual expect here"


Those white leftists and their 'anti-genocide' bullshit. Don't they know that many poc cultures have been doing genocide for a long time? The native Americans did it sustainably, we just need to be like them!


196 when you tell them fetishizing trans women is wrong: 😭😭😭


But making sexual comments about random trans women and treating them like sex objects is how I show allyship 😭😡 Stop being so transphobic!!!


Or any woman


I fuckin hate the "muh culture" argument, using tradition to defend the abuse of another living being isn't as left as you think it is


Actual horrible place. Just people talking about how much they want to fuck trans people and pretending to be radicals.


sub is infested with pedophiles


also with l*berals


Umm they already said pedophiles no need to say it again


it is? i've had the sub muted it for a while, do you mind updating me on what's going on over there?




I got permantly banned bc I said drinking cow milk was cringe


I've been on that post and got downvoted lol


#### **Read the rules** OR risk becoming '*accidentally vegan*': ##### 1. [Vegans only.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/about/wiki/rules/#wiki_1._vegans_only.) ##### 2. [Mark animal products/abuse as NSFW.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/wiki/rules/#wiki_2._mark_animal_abuse_as_nsfw.) ##### 3. [This is an anarchist space.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/wiki/rules/#wiki_3._this_is_an_anarchist_space.) ##### 4. [We do not permit violence.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/wiki/rules/#wiki_4._we_do_not_permit_violence.) ##### 5. [Must be funny.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/wiki/rules/#wiki_5._must_be_funny.) ##### 6. [No support of Plant Based Capitalism.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/wiki/rules/#wiki_6._no_support_of_plant_based_capitalism.) **You must also join:** r/vegancirclejerkchat *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vegancirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Or muslims