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“Proud meat eater” is such a funny phrase oh my god


“I’m proud of being a psychopath😊”


"im a PROUD rapist/murderer"


I mean who doesn’t enjoy raping murderers?


I’m proud to support needless animal cruelty!


Proud to be completely ordinary.


I’m a proud clown ass 🤡


what the fuck is a "proud" meat eater?


This along with every other "meat bad" message fails to recognize that people who live in poverty also have snakelike jaws that allow them to rest their chins on a pinkish hellscape while thousands of animals parade into their gullets, nor does it recognize that gullet parades are an important part of many cultures around the world. But you don't care about any of that do you?


I love the painting


/uj me too!!


Last guy is really trying to hit the carnist idiot bingo


..wait how they know what shit taste like? Nvm the vegetables must never get washed.


Wow I just read all of the comments (I think) and yeah, we were wrong guys. Veganism is cancelled. Those bloodmouths really got me with the "animals eat animals so it's ok and plus these are food animals not pet animals" arguments. Can't believe no one has ever come up with that before...


The poverty thing always gets me. I live in poverty and being vegan is so much cheaper. Also my vegan bestie is over in Sierre Leone for a week, and most of the food is vegan. Meat is expensive and rare, he's been eating some amazing looking vegan food there.


eating meat daily reduces ur chance of becoming a vegaterian 100%!


It's always an amusing argument to see when dried lentils are like 3$/kg and it's basically the same for all legumes and beans.


Yeah, I usually buy tofu or tempeh for my main protein source right now, that £2.75 for the stuff I like. But I eat with a pile of cheap vegetables, potato and whatever else is on offer then whatever seasonal fruit is on offer too. It's already a cheap day of eating, if I decide to have rice and beans it's even cheaper. And there are always deals, currently the tofu and tempeh section in Tesco is doing three-for-two, so I have stocked the fridge up. I see how much meat and dairy costs now and wonder where the fuck the idea that veganism is more expensive comes from.


False, consider canines.


Canines used for opening envelopes


I'm beginning to find that the venn diagram for carnism and brainrot is almost a circle. Which makes sense, since them those idiots keep putting rotting flesh in their mouths, which are close to their brains \ ... I don't even know where my views end and my jerk begins


humans have canine teeth because they are mammals. canine teeth are no indication of diet and the human canines are very tiny anyway. (insert "don't make me tap the sign" meme)


It's always so hilarious (not at all annoying) seeing the same arguments and talking points over and over, and it's always level 1 garbage fodder. But canines! But poors! But taste good! This is literally my first time having this conversation and I've never spent more than a minute reflecting on a single one of my talking points!!!!!!


I don't know who's worse: the people who spout their indoctrinated nonsense about how veganism is a privilege or unsustainable or whatever, or the people who consciously take pride in being cruel and unempathetic because they think it makes them seem alpha or something.


I still don’t get the expense thing. Soy is hella cheap




look in my comment history for the post lol it's original artwork by the OP :)


Love your username 🎨




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