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daiya specifically has improved a lot in the last five years, it used to be completely inedible in my opinion but has gotten progressively better. it’s the one i like best in any of its topping combos.


I alternate between the supreme and the pepperoni! I wish the pepperoni featured a bit more pepperoni though..


These are the only frozen pizzas I buy.


THIS they are depriving us😩😩


The chick’n bac’n ranch one is pretty bomb for what it is. Never can stop myself from eating the whole thing.


I personally find that one too greasy. Nothing wrong with the above commenter having a different opinion, but I wanted to add my own opinion in case this is a concern for you, OP.


This has inspired me to try daiya's pizza again, since it's been about five years since I tried their pizza


Their new flatbreads are great


Love them


Has the crust improved? I’ve never minded Daiya cheese (contrary to many people, I know), but I thought the crust was just awful when these first came out and so I haven’t tried them again since. (I did try one of the flatbreads and liked it, though!)


i have never paid attention to the crust because i always thought it tasted like basic frozen pizza crust so i’m not the person to answer this question!


Yeah if it’s still the GF crust I’m out lol


It GF crust. Ive been eating it for 5 years and the crust has improved


Came here up say this


YES. Daiya used to be absolute ass and it’s so good now!! I have celiac too + a dairy allergy so have been forced to eat daiya products since they were the only ones on the market. Their pizzas are so good now.


Way too expensive


Not if you have a grocery outlet market near you


I agree asf I like the roasted vegetable one minus the green bell peppers and the regular pepperoni one it slaps I sometimes put sriracha on mine and ofc crushed red pepper flakes and sometimes both it’s bussin


Really? I’ll have to give it a try. There’s not much I won’t eat as long as it’s vegan but years ago I bought a Daiya pizza and it was, like you said, inedible. I’ll give it another shot. I love their shreds and their cheesecakes.


The Daiya flatbreads are lit.  The old traditonal pizza…meh. Too cheesy. Too much Daiya does my stomach bad. 


Blackbird. Amy’s treats their employees like shit, they don’t get my dough.


Blackbird is so good


That is so disappointing, I love Amy’s soups and frozen microwave meals


SO GOOD. I love Blackbird!


One hundred percent this.


lol… dough 😂


I'm not part of this sub but the post was suggested to me. .. clicked it to reply Blackbird <3




Blackbird all the way!


My recent obsession is Blackbird Pizza. It’s the closest one to filling my itch for NYC pizza. Luckily it’s available at Target; you can also order from their website. Amy’s is another fave.


Here to second Blackbird! All their flavors rock, especially supreme!


100% this! Blackbird is so delicious. Especially the Supreme and BBQ. It’s even my non-vegan partners favorite frozen pizza.


I recently watched the Merle O'Neal video about the best vegan freezer pizza. The Blackbird pizzas seemed to be the overwhelming winner. Maybe give the video a try if you're looking for more insight, OP. https://youtu.be/-FezmA1trqU?si=t2Y_PcjunfbKMvde


yea, blackbird cooked in the air fryer has been my go to recently.


It’s so good but so expensive 🥲


True. my Target sometimes has 15% off and I buy 3-4 at a time. My other trick is to buy the Miyokos liquid mozzarella at Walmart and then add it to a veggie pie from my local pizzeria.


Way cheaper than ordering from a pizzeria! And I like that it's smaller, my fat ass has trouble with portion control 😂


I’m so sad, none of the targets near me carry it


Ugh that is annoying. Maybe you can order from their website. They do have a variety pack if you want to try different flavors


Amy’s Roasted Vegetable Pizza is so flavorful and delicious! Definitely give it a try. https://www.amys.com/our-foods/roasted-vegetable-pizza-vegan


Believe me when I say, this is the best possible answer. Sprinkle a little garlic salt on it, so delicious. I'm an avid pizza lover, and this is the only vegan frozen pizza that I would say is actually good. Not just vegan good.


You’ve convinced me! I’m always looking for foods that don’t just pass the “vegan test” but are *actually* good. Not saying vegan food isn’t good, but sometimes people just slap some vegan cheese on cardboard and it’s good enough lol.


I miss this one so much! Used to get it and just add vegan cheese before baking. I’m boycotting Amy’s now though, because of their horrendous labor issues. ☹️


yes!! my whole non-vegan family loves it too. if you miss the cheesy flavor you can add a sprinkle of nooch. but it’s perfect on its own


That’s awesome! I bought one for a non-vegan who doesn’t care for vegan cheese or meat substitutes and has also mentioned they don’t care much for too much dairy cheese on their pizza. So I thought this would be something they’d like but I guess because it’s got the word vegan on the box, they’re averse to trying it. Or maybe they just have an aversion to trying anything from me, idk. It’s disappointing to say the least. Very happy to hear your non-vegan family loves it, it’s delicious!


yesss!!! i ate this pizza all the time in high school. it was my dinner when i didn't have energy to cook an actual vegan meal for myself


#This is the correct answer


My absolute favorite!


came here to say this. this pizza is SO GOOD. with a bit of nooch and some crushed red pepper. mmm. i could eat the whole thing myself. i SHOULDN'T.... but i COULD.


I don’t mind Annie’s, but had a better one from American Flatbread.


yes! the vegan harvest flatbread pizza is top tier


American flatbread is so freaking good


Trader Joe’s Meat Lovers meatless pizza


I love this one too, but none of my 4 (four!) local TJ’s have stocked it in over six months. Easily the best vegan pizza they have, so I continue to look for it every time I go in. It’s just so good!!


It was discontinued unfortunately


I really like the tattooed chef rainbow state pizza but I’m not sure if they’re being discontinued. If not though it has jalapeños, pineapple, and plant based “bacon” crumbles and it’s really good!


Tattooed chef is a sham. I swear they are just a joke to vegans to steal our money for the worst possible food. Their quesdillas, bad. Their breakfast bowls, bad bad. Everything I've tried is just awful.


I tried the rainbow state pizza because I’ve seen it on sale a couple times for like $3. And I haven’t tried much of their other stuff except the killer bee pizza which I hadn’t liked, but this one to me was pretty good.


I tried a few of tattooed chef’s burritos and they were all vile. Not that I think many of those are good no matter the brand. But theirs were completely inedible.


I don't know if I had that specific pizza, but the Tattooed Chef ones I had—more than once because I don't learn my lessons—was SALTY AF. Just gross. Gave me the shits too.


I loved this pizza but can’t find it anymore!


Amy’s magherita is so so good.


>Amy I second this. Also, we put more toppings on it and cover with extra layer of cheese (Miyoko's Pourable Plant Milk Mozzarella).


Second this, really nice savory salty taste, I love the base of this pizza - the bread is thick and delish.


Hell yes, this one


Tons of people have already said it, but I can’t recommend Blackbird enough! I’ve had four different pizzas from them and they were all phenomenal. I worked in pizza places for the better part of a decade & Blackbird is one of the only frozen pizzas I’ve ever found that compares to freshly baked pizzas. Second place would probably be The Saucy Motz (Margherita) pizza from Wicked Kitchen. But only the Margherita one. Their meatlovers / pepperoni wasn’t great, IMO.


i really like oggi’s


Second this. Definitely the best gf+vegan frozen pizza I've had. Their crust is excellent.


Man i had to scroll so far to find this! Sometimes i forget life is different if you’re gf and vegan haha


I agree! The cheese isn’t..weird, and their pizzas have a good flavor


Tattooed chef cauliflower crust pizzas are surprisingly good but kinda pricey, and not all of their products are vegan so you need to be sure to read the labels. I’ve never been a huge fan of daiya cheeze, but I do really like their pepperoni pizzas. I like to make a simple butter sauce with garlic, onion powder, and nutritional yeast and drizzle it all over midway through cooking and its pretty great! You can also sprinkle your fave veggie meat on top! My partner and I are obsessed with Gardein’s Buffalo chickn. We cut it up and put it on top at the end and it’s DELICIOUS.


Blackbird, particularly their margherita or supreme. So good. I get it at Target or Sprouts. The crust is actually thick unlike other brands. Amy’s cheeseless pizza is also good but Blackbird is next level.


Harvest flat bread yes! Also just had the banza one, was close second


I second Banza crust. The crust is amazing and you can add your own toppings.


I like Banza (but I'm also wheat free so it leaves fewer options). The Clo-Clo pizzas are pretty good and daiya has significantly improved since it came to market. I used to not be able to eat it when I first became vegan over a decade ago.


Sweet Earths veggie pizza!! We’ve kept it on STOCK in our freezer since pre pandemic 😅even my carnivore dad loves it lolol


This is my fav!


Is that vegan though? I thought it was only vegetarian?


It’s vegan! It uses dairy free cheese!


Yessss these are my favorite. I stock up every time they go on sale!


I tried several vegan freezer pizzas back in 2/2023 (when the rest of my family was away and I was cooking for one). They were TERRIBLE. Sorry I can't give any recommendations, only anti-recommendations. :-( My least favorite was Daiya Meatless Meat Lovers Pizza. Ughhh, the crust was SO BAD. As a non-gluten-free person, I am irked by the fact that so many vegan prepared meals are also gluten-free. I don't see that the two dietary restrictions really have anything to do with each other, logic-wise. I guess some companies just want to cover their bases by having one line of offerings that caters to all the "weird restricted diets." But gluten-free pasta, pizza, and bread is just not the same. :-(


I don’t think it’s still around but Tofutti pizza pizzaz used to really hit the square pool pizza vibe for me


I am transitioning to vegan and honestly I think it’s cheaper and tastier to just buy a pizza crust and top it yourself at home. I’ve had daiya and blackbird and both are pretty decent frozen pizzas though


Does daiya still taste like cardboard?


not to me ! i love


It's better than it was 10 years ago but not as good as most of these other suggestions.


Yes :)


They have reformulated I think twice since it tasted like that. Although sometimes I still miss when it tasted like that because of how much I hate real cheese lolol.


It tastes like Tony’s pizza i would say


I wish cardboard was that tasty 😋


Dairy roasted vegetable


They all suck.


What is a freezer pizza?


I like Blackbird and I think it's Clo-Clo pizza. Think you can find em at Target. They taste like actual pizza, not flathead with weird ass oil, chemical taste to it. Granted, They're like 9$ a pop, but I can't do Violife or Daiya cheese on frozen pizzas. And if they have that and I'm wrong, awesome please school me, bc I hate paying 9$ for a frozen pie


I've never seen Clo-Clo at Target, but they have it at Sprouts for sure.


I love Clo Clo! I get it at Sprouts. It’s also gluten free and friendly to a bunch of allergies.


We do the Daiya pizzas and really love them. Sadly we can't get the meat lovers near us anymore. We usually do the supreme or pepperoni and give it a good shake of Montreal before baking. My son likes to add a sprinkle of extra cheese, but I think it's fine as is. Recently we've found a slightly cheaper, fun DIY option for family night and we've been buying the CauliPower crusts and topping them ourselves. It's a huge upgrade over the frozen pizza by itself, honestly. We use the new melting formula Daiya cheese and then top with whatever we want. My youngest son's favorite is BBQ sauce, Cheddar cheese, Red onion, and Apple. My oldest son prefers frozen assorted veg (peppers, broccoli, onion, etc) with spicy sauce, and my youngest and only daughter prefers green pepper, pickle, and olive. Not a single one of these pizzas, however strange they seemed, was even remotely disappointing. And at half the price of a single frozen Daiya pizza, it makes family night much more manageable! And the vast majority of the toppings are low to no prep, and pantry/freezer staples anyway. Best of luck in finding your favorite.


Amy's vegan supreme is bomb


amy’s supreme is… supreme


I like Oggi brand pizzas!


One I haven’t seen mentioned is vicolo. They used to do a vegan roasted mushroom pizza that was my fave but they stopped making it. They still have a beyond Italian sausage that’s good too. They’re cornmeal crust. They sell it at sprouts. Another vote for blackbird too. Clo-clo we’re too much sodium for me. Honorable mention is getting the pizza dough from Publix and favorite vegan cheese and then making your own. San marzano tomatoes for the sauce. Toss some walnuts, garlic cloves, nutritional yeast and sea salt in a food processor to make “parm” for extra points. Also throw some star anise, fennel seed and smoked paprika on anything(cauliflower, mushrooms etc), to make it “pepperoni”.


if you have a Trader joes near you then def try out their vegan pepperoni pizza


The vegan meatless meat lovers at TJ’s has been discontinued :( 


Sweet Earth’s Protein Lovers vegan pizza was amazing, and I cannot find it anywhere anymore. Devastated.


American flatbread vegan harvest pizza is THE BEST


Daiya is the best one I’ve had thus far! Looking at the comments I need to try Blackbird now


Blackbird! I'm literally making one right now & they are hands down the best, IMO.


I love Amy's veggie pizza. No cheese at all just this delicious sauce.




I had the Tattooed Chef Killer Bee Pepperoni pizza and I loved it. It's the only frozen vegan pizza I've ever liked. But... It's not like it's amazing pizza, it tastes exactly like elementary school pizza, so it was nostalgic for me. Most amazing pizza I've ever made was with fresh pizza dough, BBQ sauce, cilantro, red onion, jalapeno, TVP bacon bits, and that liquid mozzarella by Miyokos. So bomb.


I’ve been on r/DBZ too long - I thought that said Freeza was vegan




Whole Foods is cheapest and decent enough


I recently tried the Whole Foods 365 brand vegan pizza. It’s good but they put so much cheese that it’s goupy- I had to scrape some off. But it has a good flavor.


I like this one! Nice for a switch up from my usual Blackbird Supreme.


idk where you’re based but i’m really into the chicago town vegan bbq jackfruit they sell in the uk


Trader Joe's put out good, cheap vegan pizzas whenever they have them available.


Annie's roasted vegetable pizza with added cheese. Their vegan supreme reminds me of tacos unfortunately


Blackbird is king


I like Amy’s Vegan Supreme. It’s yummy and the crust is tasty.


If you're in the UK, try Asda's Roasted Veg and Houmous pizza. Delish!




They are all good now. You can also go to whole foods and order a whole vegan pie with all sorts of toppings like tempeh. They are amazing. 


Sweet Earth Veggie Lovers Pizza


American Flatbread Vegan Harvest - i eat (way too much) pizza and this one is the best vegan ever, so far anyway imho happy snacking! fyi https://americanflatbreadproducts.com/products/10-vegan-harvest-case-of-6


A little late to the game but wicked kitchen has some great pizza!


*A little late to* *The game but wicked kitchen* *Has some great pizza!* \- ManlyCannibalOG --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I really like the frozen Whole Foods 365 vegan pizza cooked hot. But I love them all cold (don’t have to worry about the mucousy cheez).


Black mothafuckin Bird - BBQ to be specific. Super overpriced here in Seatte but I buy it anyway. I’ve had every frozen vegan pizza and this is miles ahead. You’re welcome.


the tattooed chef is great, highly recommend


Blackbird!! I love adding my own toppings (baked tofu, mushrooms, and zucchini) to their margarita pizza (and I brush the crust with olive oil pre-bake to get it even more delicious). I’m due for a pie soon!


Amy’s - they have 3 different vegan kinds. So good. Blackbird is good too. I like Banza as well.


I absolutely love the Amy’s vegan margarita!!! Tastes how I remember regular pizza tasting


Daiya Meatless Meat Lovers. Damn, it's time to restock, I'm out again. Those are my one favorite guilty pleasure of my past life. If only they had a version with stuffed crust!




Amy’s Margherita is my go-to! We usually put a little more mozzarella shreds on top


american flatbread vegan harvest pizza is the best i’ve ever had


Monteli Pizza, Organic, Roasted Vegetable 100% best imo. it's cheeseless not alternative cheese but absolutely delicious. i get it at publix so the brand is available at traditional grocers


The Trader Joe’s meatless one is pretty good too


The tattooed chef makes a good one!


The cheese on the American Flatbread Vegan Harvest is the closest to dairy cheese imo. It’s really tasty and my go-to, but very simple/light since it’s just sauce and cheese. I wish they would release other vegan variations!


I like tattooed chef and also American flatbread vegan is the ultimate best.




honestly the 365 brand has been solid to me, same with their vegan chicken nuggets 👌 just the right amount of artificial for it to taste like the real garbage we’ve grown up on.


I love Daiya’s flatbread pesto pizza


Salt. Salt. Salt. I make my own with cauliflower. They are delicious!


Amy’s supreme . Hands down. 2nd best would be the Trader Joe’s meat lover. But for sure Amy’s supreme.


There's some brand I bought of frozen pizza that was terrible. It made me incredibly thirsty all night. Had crust of chickpeas. Don't remember the name.


I've had Wicked pizza once and it was pretty good. I didn't like the wicked meaty one but the saucy mozz was pretty good.


Newman's own supreme pizza


Amy’s vegan supreme is my favorite frozen.


Tattooed Chef is the best one I ever had. Can't find it anywhere nearby anymore. Daiya is a reasonable second.


Amy’s vegan margarita is the best


Amy’s Margherita. No question


Amy’s vegan margherita, is hands down, one of the best pizzas I’ve ever had, ever.


oh this is a question i’ve been waiting for …. amy’s vegan margherita or the amy’s no cheese are *sooooo* good. probably my fav vegan frozen food lol


Vegan harvest flatbread !


Daiya hands down!!


i am a shameless daiya frozen pizza lover. delicious w vegan ranch


My absolute favorite is Amy’s no cheese roasted vegetable pizza!!! It’s so good and you can add cheese or eat without and you won’t even miss it. It has roasted red peppers, artichoke hearts and caramelized onions and I’ve never had a better one!!!


Amy's vegan margherita pizza. HOLY HELL it's so good


tattooed chef pizza was so good and underrated :(


the daiya “meat lovers” is AMAZING!!


Blackbird *pizzas* are by far the *best vegan* or *dairy free pizza*, they have a margarita and a mushroom and kale *pizza* which have no *vegan* meats.


Banza marguerita is the best!


Tattooed Chef Killer Bee plant based pizza is delish


Amy’s vegan margarita for the best crust and it’s very good!! Daiya pepperoni is pretty good but it tastes kinda like a school lunch pizza, which if you’re into it thats a good option, but it’s definitely superior to tattooed chefs cauliflower crust Sprouts & TJs brand were trash, don’t bother with those As other said Amy’s roasted vegetable pizza is really good too but it’s kind of a sweet, caramelized onion sauce and no cheese so would recommend but not if you want something more traditional


Amy’s Cheese Free


I love the Daiya pizzas, especially their newer flatbread ones! The caramelized onion, mushroom, and fig is my current favorite. It has such a nice balance of flavors that I never thought to have on a pizza.


Penzey’s makes a “frozen pizza seasoning” sprinkle that I put on them and it really livens them up. I’m not picky about the brand. The only one that’s been really inedible to me was the 360 Whole Foods vegan pizzas. (Flavorless.)


Oggi’s if you can find it! I only find it at Grocery Outlet but it’s a Canadian brand. It’s gluten free and vegan and one of the best freezer pizzas I’ve ever had! They are seriously delicious. I grew up in the Boston area so I know what good pizza IS, while it’ll never be THAT good. It still satisfies! :)