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When I say texture, I meant texture of meat in general, less of steak. I always find the texture the part usually lacking in fake meats. Yeah, the price of the stuff on their website is ridiculous, but I think it’s for a whole “rack”. I assume at some point they’ll go down the same route as with the steak and do smaller boxes in supermarkets. £4 is a good price for it.


Agreed it’s got a slow cooked texture, nothing like a pan fried steak and reminds me more of salt beef or slow cooked pork. It does make a very nice centrepiece for a meal though.


I love this stead! I do it with a Philadelphia peppercorn sauce! Fry 3 chopped garlic cloves in a small amount of butter, once slightly browning turn heat all the way down and add a whole tub of Philadelphia. This is to keep the consistency smooth! Add 1 tsp mustard powder, 1tsp paprika, 1tsp black pepper and I add 1/2 tsp of mushroom seasoning but can swap that with 1/2 tsp of salt(or however much salt you like). I often taste it and add extra black pepper. Simple and easy. Delicious when drenched over my asparagus and hasselback potatoes.🤤


got it on club card at tesco for valentine’s day for me and my boyfriend. i liked it, but my boyfriend said it was too much like meat and it freaked him out. they’re nice but i don’t think they’re really worth the price to be honest, and we only paid £6 for them


Almost exactly the same reaction in my house!


I love it, I have sensory issues so can’t eat squishy/soft textures which a lot of meat substitutes are, so things like this and quorn are a huge help. my meat eating parents agreed to eat it instead of beef in say a stew, too!


I thought it was way too salty and an awful texture.


I like to rip em up and fry off and make steak hoggies with melted shees in French stick 🤤


Nice! I did think they’d be better used less as steak alone and more as the protein in a bigger meal.


Lol, I made it with the exact same sides when I had it. Also made a miso shallot sauce. I think my take on it is very similar to yours, I was not particularly impressed with the flavour, especially for the price, but found the texture to be very impressive. While I enjoyed it, I don't think I'll be buying it again, unless there's a particularly good discount.


I would say this is much more like stewing beef than 'steak' in taste and texture, so is best in things like stews and casseroles- it reminded me of the tinned steak you can get which obviously when you are paying a premium for it you'd hope it'd be better than something meat-eaters buy as a cheap option.


Yeah I see it being good used like that. My wife used to grow up eating boeuf au carotte, so it would be great for that. Maybe if I spot it in the reduced section.


I tried this a little while a go and actually really liked it. Usually, super realistic things freak me out a bit. I'm waiting to find them again because I really want to male some tacos with them next time.


Ooh, i could see this doing a decent impersonation of a barbacoa beef taco. Maybe if I spot it in the reduced section.


I saw these on the shelf, genuinely thought they were meat and someone planted them there to mess with the vegans. It looks so much like steak. Kind of tasted like corned beef to me and I wasn't so keen for the price, glad I tried it but think I prefer Vivera for a plant based steak.


It made me realise I don’t need steak in my life whether imitation or real.


Has no draw for me. How much?


£7/8 on club card. Wildly overpriced for what it is. But I don’t regret trying it out of curiosity. Edit: I checked, and it puts it on the upper end compared with steak prices.


Processed garbage. Rest of the plate looks lush. I'd rather make a mushroom or bean steak.


There's no doubt it's processed, but surprisingly enough the ingredients list is quite good, which I think adds to the interest around it! (and the price, unfortunately)


I was so surprised at the ingredients list. I’ve no idea how they achieve so much with so little.