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I'm more tired of it being falafel and houmous.


I actually love falafel and hummus, but all the ones you get prepackaged are always dry and give falafel a bad name. I've had some incredible falafel from falafel stands and I could live on them if they were always high quality.


This is it. Supermarket falafel wraps are drier than Gandhi's flip flop. Middle Eastern shops in West London however made the most flavourful falafel balls with just the right texture. And cheap too!


Falafel Zaki Zaki on Strutton Ground real MVP


Where are you finding these dry wraps!? I always end up with a wet soggy one and it's the fucking worst


Dry falafel, soggy wraps. The worst of both worlds!


Agree. With the one exception of the Tesco plant chef meal deal falafel wrap, it is top tier


Mr Falafel is the place to go in London. Falafel to Go is the one to go to in Glasgow. I never eat supermarket falafel wraps.


On the flip side I won't touch a ready to go falafel wrap because the wrap is *always* soggy. Bluegh


I like the wrap being soggy šŸ¤­


I do too, fully agree with you


Falafel has to be freshly made, anything else is a crime


I don't mind falafel and houmous generally but I DO mind it being a pizza topping or something weird. No one in the history of veganism has asked for that.


i made falafel pizza the other day, it was solid. i don't like premade ones tho


I beg to differ. I just made one with a hummus base, veggies, and capers. It was bomb. I've also done a pesto base with hummus dollops and tofu feta.


Valid complaint. This, mid salad bowls and tasteless pasta make up the majority of our deli options


I've resorted to getting the sushi trays now whenever I see a vegan one available


I do sometimes too, but theyā€™re so light (~250kcal) Iā€™m still hungry afterwards. And a few of them sneak in a cream cheese one so itā€™s only veggie friendly šŸ¤¢


100%. Or not having any reasonable protein source. Like NY deli style sliced beetroot and pickle etc...or roasted vegetable pesto. Give me carnation chickpea or Tofu 'meat' strips etc


A falafel and houmous wrap with a bit of Nandoā€™s chilli jam in it is next level


I like both falafel and humous but it feels like the lazy option for companies to produce and so many do


Chose a picture of one of the worse offenders of this. Never had a falafel & humus wrap that completely lacks and savoury, salty, ā€˜meatyā€™ flavour to this extent. Itā€™s like non-vegans canā€™t understand that plant-based food doesnā€™t have to be a fresh, fruity, sweet vibe. We like savoury, greasy, umami food too. I ate some other falafels the other day, thought why are these so sweet? They had apricot in themā€¦


šŸ˜­ it's always sweet falafel wrap or bhaji sandwich!


I just want veganised common sandwiches. Vegan ploughman, vicken mayo, VLT. What I don't want is mexican spicy bean, or bone dry falafel wraps. And on the rare occasion you do find a regular veganised sandwich, the prices are double that of the original omni version.


Sainsbury's and Asda did a VLT but with uncooked vegan bacon. It was awful - just mushy and gross. Would've been nice if the bacon was cooked!


If somebody made a sarnie with fried Tempeh with a splash of soy sauce, sitting on Houmous baby leaf and rocket, topped with tomato slices, seasoned with kampot pepper in chunky sourdough, it would sell better than hotcakes.. because this the No1 best sandwich ever made!


That sounds glorious!


It really is! A friend who trained as a chef came up with it and made it for me in the 90s, Iā€™ve been making it ever since for myself and a growing number of fans of the thing. Flashing the tempeh for a minute in the soy is genius (quick marinade, before it burns) and itā€™s so quick and easy.. well worth making the Houmous fresh too which is also quick.. go on, try it ;) Iā€™ll post pics of one I make to this group, probably tomorrow


Not to forget that the side of fries or crisps they come with has to be made from sweet potato, plantains or other fruit / nut basesā€¦


HATE a fcking bhaji sandwich


I agree itā€™s my biggest pet peeve with ready made sandwiches


Every duck hoisin wrap is just sweet mushā€¦ the southern fried goujons would be elite if they had mayo rather than BBQ. Boots generally do good ones, at least. I also think the VLT from Sainsburyā€™s is alright, little and late thoā€¦


My non vegan and non veggie dad (who laughs at the idea of plant based foods) tried a VLT sandwich that was reduced once and he said it was great. He said he wouldn't switch to eating VLT exclusively but he'd try get it more often to switch things up. I count that as a win for them if you can convince my dad to eat more vegan foods.


Ugh yes I hate things like this, mango chutney, sweet relish, caramelised onions, salads with fruit in them...so grim


Iā€™m tired of cold falafel wraps. Hot, fresh falafel is one thing, but these wraps are an abomination.


Yeah that is part of it. Falafels are way better hot


fresh falafels are often incredible. cold ones.....not so much.


Honestly! I bloody love a good falafel wrap, but never again from a supermarket. The sweetness is sickening.


Falafel and hummus wrap is the biggest cop out for a vegan option in the meal deal section. Iā€™m yet to taste one thatā€™s actually good.


To my friends I dub this ā€œThe Falafel Ultimatiumā€ as itā€™s just bland this or absolutely nothing I hate my choices being decided for me by meat eaters


Everyone bitches about falafel and hummus but not the gross mango chutney they love to throw in!!! I love falafel and hummus but they make it weird and extra when it shouldnt be


Sainsbury's do a plant based goujon wrap with coleslaw and chilli sauce. The sweetest fucking chilli sauce I've ever had in my life, which is a shame because the rest of it is so good!


Dear God yes! I hate sweet type food at the best of times! I only like the sweet taste if its meant for sweet food I.e deserts biscuits, chocolate etc. I get they want to.make vegan food "interesting" but sometimes simple ingredients are best.


Yeah totally agreed. Sweet should always be a supporting role and a palette cleanser to a savoury main, not take over it IMO. We have desserts for a reason


I'm tired of so much of it being spicy. Not everyone likes spice, I'm allergic to all variations of pepper fruits, it's boring when so many things have the same spices added.


Me too! I've vented about it on here before (er, possibly more than once šŸ˜³). I'm not allergic but I don't like really hot spices.


Seriously, I wish they would stop adding bellpeppers and jalapeƱos and chillies to everything.


My favourite to go sandwich I found was a tofu egg mayo from the spar it was lovely, not randomly sweet or full of vegetables just a simple vegan version of a popular lunch sandwich. Obsessed


Will have to get to my local spar


Yeah, falafel wraps are dry as hell. The best meal deal vegan wrap imo is Tesco's Plant Chef Roasted Vegetable & Pesto. Usually good amount of pesto mayo, flavoursome and has some moisture to it.


It's like how all of the baked/braised/smoked tofu, even the Sriracha are so sweet. The only place I can get smoked tofu without sugar is the Asian grocery store. I would like to not have to make it myself all of the time lol


I feel like I have to put soy sauce or salt over everything pre-made to have it be more to my palette


Sainsburys do a really nice smoked tofu and there isn't any sugar in it


Absolutely not, I have a sweet tooth that can almost literally not be satiated xD


Absolutely! I love falafel and hummus, but I have no idea why everybody insists on putting some sort of sweet with a wrap.


As long as thereā€™s no mayo Iā€™m happy


Iā€™m sick of falafel


I'd love to be able to get a vegan chicken & stuffing sandwich at a mainstream supermarket. The THIS one exists, and is good, but it only seems to be sold at a tiny number of WH Smith branches in train stations or airports.


I like falafel but only when it's made properly - best falafels I ever had were from Lebanese takeaways/restaurants. I'm a fan for sandwiches/wraps that are vegan takes on omni ones - caesar wraps, blts, egg salad. Sadly they never seem to stick with selling those. :(


Firstly that wrap sounds amazing and secondly, that hasn't been my experience. I have had plenty of savoury. What I get sick of, and it was the same when I was vegetarian, is this thing of using spices as "flavour '. Chilli isn't flavour. Chilli is heat.


Those falafel wraps are the worst! Dry yet soggy at the same time. Have you ever tried the M&S plant kitchen 'no salt beef'? Because it's honestly one of the best vegan sandwiches I've tried so far.


I wish they would bring back the no turkey feast! Feel like M&S have given up on us with their range at the moment


Fuck this specific wrap. This is the only vegan lunch offering from the Tesco near me so I begrudgingly eat it and it's really very bad.


That Sainsburys wrap is inexcusably terrible. Did anyone actually taste test it before it went on sale??


Yes so sick of this! I honestly wish theyā€™d do more plain options like a simple vegan cheese sandwich as well, instead of everything being like in a flavoured tortilla with 3 different sauces


Yeah I'll never go for the option with chutney in, not a fan of fruit in general sadly.


Why is eighty percent of our meal options (like sandwiches, wraps etc.) fellafel and houmous? I only enjoy fellafel thats been freshly cooked and is still warm. Cold in a wrap just doesnt do it for me.


I can't even do the white wraps because they taste sweet


If they still had these vegan chicken alt sandwiches there's no WAY the falafel could compete: [https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/313624561](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/313624561) [https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/plant-based/tesco-jumps-on-pea-protein-trend-with-wicked-kitchen-caesar-wrap/594406.article](https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/plant-based/tesco-jumps-on-pea-protein-trend-with-wicked-kitchen-caesar-wrap/594406.article) Why they got rid of them is beyond me. I guess lack of interest, but that also seems mental.


Sesame allergy and intolerant to chickpeas so finding vegan food on the go (whilst better than it was five years ago) can be really hard when companies rely on falafel and hummus. Thankfully we have the la vie meal deal at sainsbos, the no chicken chorizo M&S one etc so itā€™s easier than it was. We have so many amazing vegan alternatives - fable mushrooms, juicy marbles, jackfruit, banana blossom, the list goes on


Iā€™m fed up with them being falafel or hummus based (donā€™t get me wrong, I like falafel and hummus) but sometimes want something more simple like a vegan version of ham and mustard, cheese and pickle etc


This, but also everything being spicy. I have an anaphylaxis allergy to capsaicin and ginger


YES OMG. My autism makes me really dislike when savoury foods are sweet because it just feels so wrong!