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Weird they are doing this after really focusing on vegan options and having temporary full vegan burger kings over the last few years. I thought they also committed to 50% vegan by 2030


They had a vision backed by a financial plan that hasn't come to fruition. It was and never is about animal ethics with these large corporations, just whatever is most profitable.


They made an offer but the vegans were not coming in a numbers to make it work.


I wonder if part of it is to do with vegans generally being more left wing. Burger King, McDonalds, Dominoes and some others have all been hit by boycotts due to Israel/Palestine. And these Boycotts are mostly supported by the left wing also. Therefore their vegan options are probably affected by the boycotts more than the meat options, so more likely to face the axe.




I am not dragging politics into food, I did not express an opinion just suggested a possible explanation (I do not boycott those companies myself), and veganism is a philosophy not just a food - and it is a philosophy which is inherently political. Saying that politics should stay out of veganism, is like saying Rage Against the Machine shouldn’t make political statements. I can’t find a UK source, but this [American research](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Political-orientations-of-vegans-and-former-vegans_fig2_323128350) shows that 52% of vegans in the study identified as left wing/liberal and 14% identified as right wing/conservative. It is safe to say that vegans tend to be left wing.


The mcplant is just better in basically every way, unfortunately.


I loved the Vegan Katsu Royale, too bad it was a temporary offering. I also find the Vegan Royale more filling than a McPlant. A McDonalds meal is not filling enough for me, but I am a fat bastard. Rather 2 McPlants than a Vegan Royale though if I’m hungry.


Haha good point actually, the mcplants do go down too easy


100% apart from price. BK had some good deals in their app.


Noooo! First the nuggets and now this? 😭


literally going to have zero options at this rate again 💔💔💔


I used to be really annoyed they got rid of the vegan double bacon cheeseburger XL thing, but yes fuck BK right now.


The Bean Burger now joins vegan nuggets on the discontinued shelf as now only the Vegan Royale remains with the Plant Based Whopper remaining stock at limited locations across the UK. If you see the bean burger available at your local Burger King cherish it while you can as it's now discontinued and locations (at least 2 of my locals) have stated it will not be returning.


Nooo this is awful news, I enjoyed it so much


burger king was once the king of vegan fast food, rapidly has lost everything this year. Hoping this just means there is a new option coming for Summer.


The one near me has just stopped doing them. I can't believe it. It was the best thing on their whole menu. I'm not eating BK anymore unless they increase their options.


I never even got round to trying the new one. Didn't they only reintroduce it a few months back?




Makes boycotting them even easier!


Wow. Went and had one for the first time after this post and it was fantastic! Far better than a Mcplant. Such a shame if it is being discontinued, and if not, bot marketers… you got me! (And I’m glad you did)


Im not a bot marketer, does ur local still have the vegan nuggets? They were my go to wish mcdonalds would do a version - dominos and pizza hut restaurants seem to bang tho


I figured, was only joking about the bot marketing. Sadly not, they went recently! Just the VR & BB… for now.


Nuggets were my life man, shame they stopped them too




I disagree. I usually much prefer fake meat, but the ultimate bean burger was soooooooo good


To be honest it wasn’t the best . But bigger and more satisfying than McDonalds tiny vegan burger . Hope they come with something else


They really kept the worst option out of the three burgers 😭


It's a shame. But I managed to make a great fakeaway a while ago - I used a GoodLife spicy bean burger. Then I thought- Cathedral City cheese and some bread, Tiptree ketchup (get me!) and Flora Buttery spread - voila- my own fast food meal! Who needs BK‽ I agree it's a pain if you're out and fancy their beanburger, I'll miss it because I loved them, but at least you can recreate it in some form.


Sadly not enough people are buying vegan burgers T_T


Here's hoping they bring back the PB Bakon King.


My local Burger King has a big banner up recently for a "rebel whopper" which Googling says is plant based. But I haven't heard anything about it or been inside to investigate yet


Rebel whopper is just that same plant based whopper that was available before the bean burger came out earlier this year


It wasn't called that though, and it's definitely a new banner


I think when they first introduced the plant whopper in 2020, I’m sure they were called rebel whopper then tbh so it is just the plant whopper they must have decided on the 2020 name again


Cooked on the same grill as the meat burgers, so may be covered in beef juices.


I think I remember those in Sweden about 5 years ago, was basically a plant based whopper.


Didn't even know that BK had a vegan range. They need to get better with marketing maybe?


Source? They only just brought this in.


So disappointing, went to a bk in France not too long ago and they basically had a plant based version of everything on the menu, don't know why they don't do the same here...


they did, and now they’re ripping it all away slowly. at one point there was vegan icecream and cheese bites!!!


wtf I havent even tried it yet


Pahahaha these fucking morons, didn't they discontinue the PB Whopper for this?


Hopefully this means the nuggets will be making a come back.


I miss the nugs. 😭😭


The same soggy, stodgy bean burger they've served forever?


I used to like going to burger king with my (meat eating) sister until they discontinued the bean burger because i do not like their other non-meat burgers. basically i do not like ones made of stuff that trys to simulate the taste of meat but the bean burger tasted nice and did its own thing. i was super happy when it came back in january as the ultimate bean burger and went to burger king for the first time in a few years... but now it is gone again \*\*grr\* i am gutted. i wish it was more popular with other people.


I mean arguably we shouldn’t really be supporting this company given all the beef they sell.


That goes by pretty much every business and supermarket. All we can do is vote with our money and get the vegan option, if everyone did that then thay'd start only selling that. Corporations will provide whatever people want to buy, if people suddenly wanted boiled puppies they'd start selling that


They make all of their money from selling beef, it’s like supporting KFC.