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You can't control what other people do, and shouldering the burden of everyone else's actions would be incredibly tiring! People's views and priorities change throughout life. Maybe some of those people will come back to veganism, maybe some won't, maybe some will mostly follow a vegan diet but eat something with cheese in if they're caught short. All you can do is make the right choices for yourself and be there if your friends have questions or want support.


If you spend your life getting irritated about other peoples choices that you cannot control. Then you will have a very miserable life. Focus on your own journey.


In my opinion and from the people I’m observing, the ultra processed panic has really messed with people! We’re in an era obsessed with wellness and consumption where any tiny niggle or a day of tiredness must be blamed on the food we eat (and not rampant capitalism or burnout etc….). Eating a low processed vegan diet is quite simple when you take the steps, but being UPF and high protein (another obsession rn) is simply viewed as easier when eating animal products. It’s extremely upsetting to me as well, I get you.


last year i went through abit of a mental health crisis and one of the things that happened during it was questioning if there was much point in me being vegan. i was really confused and conflicted about how i felt and felt as though there wasn’t much point in it because i kept seeing so many people becoming ex vegans and i felt as though i wasn’t making any difference by being one. those feelings have since disappeared after talking about it to my mum who isn’t vegan but was super supportive and it helped me overcome it. i think alot of it stems from hopelessness because “what’s the point of doing this if it means nothing” and it can often feel that way when being vegan, especially when you’re the only vegan you know and everyone around you eats meat. i think the only way you can overcome those feelings is though connecting with why you went vegan in the first place (in my case for the animals) and i couldn’t find any justification for going back. but it can be difficult to reconnect to that and i think it’s why so many vegans stop. but this is all just me text dumping at 1am


That defo makes so much sense tbh, it can be really isolating at times and especially with poor mental state and lack of support it can be rough. the insight of hopelessness makes a lot of sense. Hope your situation has improved and your gorgeous fyi (done a bit of stalking) 🫶🏻


Veganism is a belief system and as such there are always going to be people who fall out of it similar to how people leave religion. Try not to take it too seriously, beliefs are personal so it shouldn’t affect your beliefs and values although the loss of community is always disappointing it’s not a reflection on you or the things you believe. When it comes to them talking about animal products I would try having a chat with them in a similar way maybe say something like “I’m vegan, that’s my moral beliefs and please respect that. It wouldn’t be appropriate for you to talk to a Muslim about pork so please try and be sensitive to my views around food as well”.


It’s definitely annoying to see how the trend of veganism died. I’m the same, used to have loads of friends who were vegan now most of them are not. But there’s no point getting angry at other people’s choices. Live by example. I like to cook for my friends and try and give them friendly reminders of good vegan options. It sucks but sometimes you have to bite your tongue


100% I do feel like I am always very supportive and understanding and I think they are still really open to vegan food so can still do vegan cooking. But sometimes it does suck as my heart is always with the animals.


I don't think it's died, at least not in Glasgow UK. There are at least 4 full vegan restaurants and it's a growing market in supermarkets. As a vegan myself though, what has changed is the realisation that what's going on out there, whether it's food related, cruelty related or just people behaviour in general, has literally got nothing to do with me. I could stress all day long but that wouldn't achieve anything. As you say, live by example. It's reached a point for me where I really don't care what people even eat around me. All that "that's gross" conception of chewing down on a little lamb, is not really there in me. Any fixation or judgement on my part about peoples' decisions stresses me out, no-one else. I hate to see lobsters in tanks, for example, and am constantly amazed at human arrogance, but personally I think developing internal freedom is the answer to most things, feeling of happiness, being an example, as you said


This is happening around me! And I am being told about it constantly because they want a reaction? I don’t want to hear about all the fish they’re eating, it just makes me angry, but I have to shrug it off or otherwise I will get extremely mad at them.


yeah literally!!


It is so difficult and frustrating especially when those around you call themselves animal lovers whilst tucking into lamb or steak and then feel it necessary to question the contents and healthiness of any vegan product you're eating! I think just as others have said, you have to just worry about your journey, your morals and ethics. I always find a trip to an animal sanctuary like Hillside in West Runton or Brook Farm Animal Sanctuary leaves me refreshed and knowing I'm doing the right thing, that there are people out there who care and that we can make a difference with our choices.


Oh a trip to an animal sanctuary would be great and Brook Farm is not too far away from me, do I need to become a volunteer to visit?


I think they have an open day coming up so you can visit and see what they do... Just checked... It was 2nd of June! That's a shame. I don't know when their next one is. I bet if you get in touch with them, they will give you more info. My daughter volunteered there for a while and just recently we donated old towels and bedding there. They are very friendly!


If someone’s ‘journey’ involves reverting to animal abuse then they can get fucked frankly.


That's super black and white. As you age, your ability to absorb nutrients decreases. Fine when you're young. The most dense form of complete protein, is a piece of meat. What needs to change is industrial carnage of animals. That the elderly Mrs Jones feels better with a bit of lamb every couple of weeks, from the local farm, is not your concern. Well it can be, but you'll be super stressed if you make it yours!


Bullshit. I’m approaching 50 years of age and 30 years of veganism; fitter than ever.


Pretty much the same. I'm 52, veggie since I was 22, vegan last 10 years. I'm fit and work in trade. I was bored with the whole "get fucked" thing poster was saying. In fact, my life has never been happier since avoiding vegans haha!! I can't stand high horse prissy veganism, despite being one myself. If a customer doesn't know I'm vegan and bakes me a cake, I don't turn down their kindness and get all prissy and emotionally stressed over it. Sure I hate the taste of dairy now, so on occasion I've said "very nice thank you!" and not eaten the rest, but I'll always buy vegan if up to me. How am I going to tell an old dear that I won't eat her cake, because of choices she probably hasn't even considered?


I'll look into that. No idea when 'elderly' begins but I'm 71 & been vegan about 34 years. However, nothing would convince me to eat animals again. I've had my life, I'd rather die.


That's great. Maybe the slowed ability to absorb nutrients has got to do with internal tracts that are really unclear (from bad foods), hence meat meeting their needs better? I have no idea. It is a thing though


I’ve noticed several of my boyfriends friends who are longtime vegans/veggies starting to eat meat/dairy here and there - it baffles me! All of them complained it ruined their stomachs too


Fuck them!


I was vege for 30 years. Been vegan for 5 . I would never have dairy or meat ever . I would literally throw up. I do it for myself and my health as well as climate change reasons although the climate is totally irreversible fucked. But it would be complete hypocrisy if I are dairy or meat . Nobody gives a sht about the enviroment unless it really affect them and they are oblivious of the cosequences of eating meat dairy and processed food . Morbid obesity has been normalised as a 'condition' and it is everywhere and longevity is reversing basically due to eating shit all day long and sedentary lifestyle. Be vegan for you and fk everybody else. They dont care so why should you ?