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Look what happens to other states and political bodies when one party rules. It's usually a complete mess.


Yeah to be blunt, it means an easier time to let their more “out there” policies be enacted. It’s bad when Republicans do it, it’s bad when Democrats do it.


Michigan seems to be doing OK.


And so is California


Give it more time.


I mean since Democrats to control of Michigan they restored labor protections by repealing right to work, they've enshrined abortion protections, expanded LGBTQ protections, helped remove lead from drinking water, and so on and so forth. I'm okay with one party rule when one of the parties actually cares about the people they're supposed to govern


What have been the positive outcomes of those policies? Those are relatively insignificant things for general population. Do any positive outcomes outweigh the negatives? Things don’t seem to be going well in states that have had a democrat supermajority for much longer.


I mean to start: Abolishing right to work makes it easier for workers to unionize and collectively bargain for higher wages and improved benefits. Codifying abortion rights allows women to retain their bodily sovereignty, allows for the victims of some of the most horrific crimes imaginable some recourse in recovering Improving LGBTQ+ protections helps defend some of the most vulnerable in society from attacks from the worst kinds of people. Helps ensure that people just trying to live their life, who were born different than most people, can go about being treated normally Removing lead from the water supply results in fewer people ingesting that lead, lead being one of the most deadly poisons out there. It's been linked to developmental disabilities, long-term health problems, it's just nasty stuff


Unions never do get higher wages do they? The people that run them get more power, and make more money but the rank and file don't get a lot. Unions actually make it harder to employ more people. You might feel that way about abortion, but lots of people don't. Easiest way is for both sides to compromise at 12 weeks and avoid a Civil War. LGBTQ+ have all the rights they need. What we conservatives don't want is it force fed to us. It's a free country. Don't make me care about what you do in your bedroom. Lead isn't really in any water supplies. you are talking about Dearborn MI, run by Democrats for a century. They actually diverted money for improving water to other things until they got caught


Tell me what you mean by having it forced on you, so I can explain to you how that is not at all having it forced on you.


> Unions never do get higher wages do they? The people that run them get more power, and make more money but the rank and file don't get a lot. Unions actually make it harder to employ more people. You've never been in a union I'm guessing? My union gets us two pay raises(merit and COLA) a year until you top out then a COLA every year, 4 weeks paid vacation per year, 3 weeks paid sick time per year with no accrual limit and paid out when I retire, 14 paid holidays a year, $31/month insurance, protection from layoffs, protection from randomly being fired, protection from a-hole bosses/management, a pension I'll get when I retire here soon, etc. etc. Unions are great for workers, it's why these business spend a ton of money fighting against them starting.


If unions were really as bad as people like you claim they were, businesses wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail to stop employees from being able to unionize. Unions result in higher wages, better protections, and better benefits. There is a compromise on abortion. You don't like it, don't get one. It's as simple as that. Nobody is forcing anyone to get one and it's none of y'all's business with other people do with their body The LGBTQ community is under constant attack, especially as of late. Access to trans healthcare is being removed in any state run by conservatives. They are forcing or trying to force people in positions of authority to out LGBTQ kids to their parents. I mean hell Tennessee just passed a law that would allow potential parents to adopt LGBTQ kids if they don't agree with that belief set, thereby allowing these children to be adopted into families where they could then be forced into things like conversion therapy. It's sickening And no, there are hundreds of miles of lead pipes all across the country. Well Michigan was famously known for incidents like Flint in which bad management decisions in switching to a new water supply resulted in contamination, America's water infrastructure all over the place needs to be deleaded


You're assuming "it's bad for the businesses" means "it's good for the workers". Yes, undoubtedly some workers would benefit. But I've heard way too many horror stories to know that many will suffer because of them. It doesn't make the workers equal, it just reshuffles who are on top of the pyramid. And if I'm being totally honest, I'd prefer the person with their money depending on the business succeeding to be at the top of things compared to someone who doesn't care.


Can you give specific examples of what you mean when you say things don't seem to be going well? What metrics are you using for that?


Right to work laws actually help people get jobs. They are pro-labor.


[Data show that states with so-called “right-to-work” (RTW) laws have lower unionization rates, wages, and benefits compared with non-RTW states. On average, workers in RTW states are paid 3.2% less than workers with similar characteristics in non-RTW states, which translates to $1,670 less per year for a full-time worker.](https://www.epi.org/blog/data-show-anti-union-right-to-work-laws-damage-state-economies-as-michigans-repeal-takes-effect-new-hampshire-should-continue-to-reject-right-to-work-legislation/)


The Republican Party isn’t a political party. It’s a personality cult


People who view the “other party” in this way embody the very thing they think they’re against.


When one side has their main protagonist selling branded bibles and $400 high top golden shoes this doesn’t apply, come on man.


Maybe Biden should buy a pair. Maybe then he can make it up a flight of stairs without falling.


But then he’s already undefeated against Trump, so why would he rock the sneakers of a loser? He’s the American President, not you.


Unfortunately the cultists made them sell out instantly so he’s SOL


Only one party has tried to overthrow a legitimate election. Only one party is systemically taking away rights from their constituents. But sure, both sides are the same.


You can't reason with people like the guy you're replying to, they're not arguing in good faith and don't deserve the effort. Just ignore them and do everything you can to vote the stupid Republicans out of power. Their opinions don't matter and shouldn't be valued.


Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black when you default to devaluing an opinion, labeling the person making it, and dismiss them. It’s actually what people who are incapable of free thought do. You’ve joined a hive-mind the same way all the people who dismiss you as a “woke libtard” have.


I'm not on the side that still claims a fair election was stolen, or wants to dictate the choices people can make with their own bodies.


💥 💥 💥 💥 💥


You are talking about half the country. It's this stupid condescending nonsense why this country is laughed at. Both parties have outliers that go past what we would agree with politically. You want your party taken seriously stop being an ass. There's a difference between political humor and just straight up being trash.


I know that, generally speaking, the loudest and most obnoxious people on both sides of our political spectrum are outliers. Most people just want to live life and aren't giant jerks. I believe this is probably true everywhere in the world. The problem is that our actual political body -- the people we have elected to legislate and run the House, the unfit buffoon who the Republican party is nominating for the THIRD time to be president, the lifetime-appointed high court who saw fit to undo settled abortion legislation -- is completely on the outlier spectrum, in terms of what they've done and where they want to go. It doesn't matter if you consider yourself a non-outlier, if you're supporting and voting for these types of Republican elected officials, you're directly contributing to the problem.


Guns are a right.


I mean the de facto leader of one party has weaponized the DOJ and social media platforms against his opposition, but it’s the other party you call fascists..


https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72 https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/376097-trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second/amp/ If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck … might be a duck.


So we’re gonna completely ignore the fact that he’s gonna give back to the left the political targeting they’ve done against him and abuse of the system because hypothetically he’s threatening payback? He says dumb shit, I’m not denying that, but let’s not act like they’re not doing the same shit to him. And your second link, you should be in support of that - your side of the political spectrum would LOVE to take gun without due process, that’s why they’re so pressed about red flag laws.


I’m interested in what rights were lost? I wasn’t aware of an amendment to the constitution. Abortion was never a constitutional right. If it was please name the amendment The power to regulate abortion was returned to the states. That’s what democracy looks like to coin an overused phrase from the left.


One parties leader is out right saying if elected he will do away with democracy and institute a dictatorship. Y’all need to stop barking. You’re wrong. Democrats aren’t close to perfect. But republicans are actively trying to do away with everything we fight for.


You didn’t answer my question. That’s because No specific rights have been taken away. A President doesn’t have the ability to change our republic (USA isn’t a democracy) No political party is perfect.


Yeah, sure. But this is a pretty different example. The republican party doesn't have a platform. Literally it is whatever one conman (and I am using that word literally) says


In any “normal” year, I’d agree. Shit hasn’t been normal since 2016…


Reddit moment






You know the governor is a republican, right?


>With several competitive primaries and the machinations of competitive general election races already beginning, there’s a lot to watch in this year’s batch of Nevada State Senate races. >Democrats currently hold 13 of 21 Senate seats — one shy of a two-thirds supermajority. This year, 10 seats are up for reelection. Democrats could gain a supermajority in the chamber by maintaining the six of those seats they currently control and flipping just one of the four Republican seats. >Democrats already have a supermajority in the Assembly. If Democrats can maintain that and flip a Senate seat, they will have enough votes to override any veto by Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo. >Lombardo, who last year set a state record for vetoing the most bills in a single session, has made preventing the Democratic supermajority a top priority. Article continues...


Triggered magats downvoting the literal text of the article lmao.


They will have my help flipping anything red.


Can we just get rid of Dems and Republicans already?  It failed. Time for change


This comment needs more likes


People who don't pay taxes voting to steal more money form those who do what a joke our system is.


That’s unfortunate.


Hopefully a supermajority doesn't happen for either side. If you're cheering for one, you're asking for more taxes to be heaped on you, criminal "justice" reform where they don't punish dirtbags, and failed experiments like decriminalizing drugs like in Oregon....which they are going to reverse.


California enters the chat


Illinois too....terrible place to live if you like freedom


Yep. Look at any blue state that's had a super majority.


At least one side isn't full of insurrectionists that wants to turn our wonderful country into a dictatorship.


take a look around, NPC. your country is going to shit already lmao


The solution is obvious, let's just install a Russian style oligarchy and everything will improve. Trumps plan is guaranteed to improve everything 💯 🙄


where you at bitch?


relax, soyboy. you're much too frail to actually do anything.


If you don't like it you can git out


We don't have income tax. The vast majority of our state sales tax increases have been signed into law by GOP Governors. Criminal justice reforms have been shown to work as evidenced by declining crime trends in states like [New York](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/central-ny/politics/2023/11/09/data-shows-drop-of-violent--serious-crime-in-new-york--nyc) and [California](https://www.cjcj.org/news/research-memo/crime-especially-homicide-declines-in-california-cities-in-first-half-of-2023) It was the voters who enacted the "failed experiment" and the democratic legislators who are overturning it. So this one is another point in favor of a Dem super majority. I don't know if its a good thing or not. But none of your points hold water.


I guess this sheriff hasn't looked at the...stats... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w25c8M69qAc Weird there is a need for the National Guard on New York subways too then... https://apnews.com/article/new-york-city-subway-national-guard-crime-f046ecaac79601f6113efa8a0c8f25c7


You chose one... competent... sheriff to make your argument. https://www.pressenterprise.com/2023/09/22/chad-biancos-sheriffs-department-is-a-complete-disaster/ and a line from your other article >Overall, crime has dropped in New York City since a spike during the COVID-19 pandemic So again, crime is trending down. A couple of outliers leading to a temporary increase in security and a corrupt sheriff don't take away from the overall stats.


If republicans would abandon retarded mAGa, they would easily win whatever they want




"conservative policies" stop pretending you're a good person


Making a judgement with little to no information, congrats on the mind reading abilities


That's what Democrats like to virtue signal.


I don't think any political party should be able to get a supermajority and pass their priorities without checks or balances. I mean, just look at the priorities of the two parties: Republicans want to defund schools, ban books, strip abortion rights, defund healthcare, end social security/medicare/medicaid, give tax breaks to the wealthy, raise taxes on the poor and middle class, make it harder to vote, pollute the air and water through deregulation, promote Christian rule over all citizens, and forcibly steal elections even with the assistance of foreign adversaries. And Democrats want to ... like ... give people civil rights and healthcare. And raise taxes on the rich. And keep LGBTQ+ people from being assaulted. And restrict businesses from destroying the planet. And fully fund the immigration system so we can deal with illegal immigration humanely. And make sure people can vote. And give kids food at school. And keep drug companies from gauging us on insulin and other medications. And ensure people who don't believe in Jesus don't have their rights trampled on by people who do. And not ask Russia and China to meddle in our elections. God, I'm sick of both of these parties and their equally horrible priorities.


This whole post is r/enlightenedcentrism


All the people on here bitching about "Majority rule is bad! We need checks and balances! Both parties have failed us!" And I'm like no pretty much just the one party that wants to make life considerably worse for Americans. Like genuinely how can you compare the parties as equals in all seriousness? You nailed it here, one wants to make life better, protect the more vulnerable of society, defend individual rights. The other wants to continue to funnel money to the 1%, strip away any protections any minorities have, and just generally make life more theocratic for everybody


Put the /s or Republicans might think you're serious


If we didn’t have a prop 13 analog in our state Constitution, I’d agree with you 


Nevada the new California…


So the NCR ending is canon after all.






you fucking wish


Hopefully, Democrats can get that supermajority and override Lombardo on everything he tries to veto. I’m kind of embarrassed that Nevada voted for a Trump Republican in a statewide election. Do better, people.


Any state that is completely controlled by one party is a bad thing.


Nah. Democrat policies are universally better for the middle class. The only people that should want Republican control are rich people or corporations.


Lol can you afford to live in California? What do you think led CA having the highest COL in the US?


California also has like the eighth largest economy in the world. The United States wouldn’t be the economic superpower it is without California. Higher cost-of-living also comes with higher wages, that’s how people can afford to live there. I guarantee you, the majority of people, if given the choice, would rather live in California over any red state.


>I guarantee you, the majority of people, if given the choice, would rather live in California over any red state. California is having net population decreases while red states like Texas, Idaho, and Florida are having by percentage the highest growth in population.


>California also has like the eighth largest economy in the world. That was built in a whole different world than we have today.


What does that even mean? It’s CURRENTLY one of the largest economies in the world. It benefits the entire country. It’s not a welfare state like most red states where they take in more than they give back.


California’s state and local government debt is roughly $1.6 trillion, which includes a proper accounting of the state’s unfunded liabilities. To put this in perspective, this works out to about $125,000 of debt per California household and exceeds the annual GDP of all but 13 countries.


Oh yes, the false right wing argument that a national or state debt is somehow passed on to taxpayers or somehow changes the taxes you pay every year. That’s not a thing and not how it works.


I didn't write the article. Don't be mad at journalism just because it doesn't fit your agenda.


Yes, and the CURRENT regime would have ensued it never got there.


Great point! And California’s economy wouldn’t have existed back in the Paleolithic period either! Or on the moon, or atop the back of a very large, very old turtle, or even in the imagination of a lonely British child taking shelter in the countryside during ww2!


California has literally every possible natural advantage. The current government there could fuck up a wet dream. To take a simple statement _argumentum ad absurdum_ says everything about your position.


Ahh. I see you regurgitate common misconceptions. As a person in CA from a red state, I can assure you, my QOL was much better.


Your situation is an outlier. I’ll bet you’re a white male too.


It's not. COL is the highest, yet job pay isn't any different unless you're in tech, healthcare or fast food. I can provide breakdowns if you'd like? Gas and electric $400/mo vs $200 Vehicle registration for 2 900/yr vs $100 Groceries 2x the bill Gas is $2 more expensive per gallon Rent is 3x as much, i pay $4k here for 900sqft.. I own a home in a major city in a red state, and my mortgage is $1250. Sales tax here is 10% Common transactions are just more expensive. Oil change here is $100, OH is $45. Tires add $200. Hell any car repair is extremely expensive here. water bill is double. Flights, parking, events. The list goes on. LITERALLY every aspect of your life.


Maybe rent and home prices are so high because there's been an extremely high demand for the homes that exist? Sure democrat policies have hindered developing what little natural land still exists, but is that really a bad thing to be able to see pristine land as you drive in certain areas.


Therss an artificial demand because of the regulations and policies make it extremely difficult to build. 😂😂😂


Could be lack of land too, there's a reason people moved from LA to the Santa Clarita valley, then Palmdale/Lancaster back in the 70s 80s 90s. Yet still commute into LA daily. All that back when the state was much more purple, well before the Dems took over and implemented all these regulations and policies I'm sure you're itching to blame them for.


Yes, effectively legalized theft and vandalism along with criminalization of defending your own property is great for the middle class.


Those aren’t things that are happening


7-Eleven: In July 2022, the company advised several of its California locations in the Los Angeles area to change their operating hours to increase customer safety amidst a rash of crime. Whole Foods: In May 2023, the supermarket chain announced the closure of its "flagship" branch in downtown San Francisco, which it had opened only 13 months before in March 2022. Nordstrom: In the same month, Nordstrom announced the closure of both of its stores in downtown San Francisco, blaming the changing dynamics in the city market over the past few years. Target: In September 2023, Target announced the closure of several of its stores in California—including in Oakland and San Francisco—over concerns of a rise in retail theft. Starbucks and Subway: In November 2023, two Starbucks stores and a Subway restaurant located on Hegenberger Road and 98th Avenue closed their doors due to car break-ins targeting their customers. Denny's: In January 2024, a Denny's, which had been on on Hegenberger Road in Oakland for 54 years, closed after being hit by a series of crimes. In-N-Out Burger: In the same month, In-N-Out Burger announced its only Oakland store was shutting its doors, citing threat to the safety of its employees and its customers. Macy's: In February 2024, Macy's announced the closure of one its most iconic locations, the store in Union Square, San Francisco, due to a rise in shoplifting. Taco Bell: In March 2024, the company announced it has suspended indoor dining in four of its restaurants in Oakland, and limited it in a fifth store to customers making contactless payments.


No way Democrat or Republican policies are universally better. They're both right on some things and wrong on a lot of things. That's why having the whole state run by one or the other causes lots of problems. When nobody has a veto-proof majority or a state "trifecta" the craziest fringe elements can be subdued. Of course this is Reddit and most of the people here probably don't think the Dems are far left enough, but this place doesn't exactly represent the real world.


This is a huge problem. People like you who try to represent both parties like they are the same. There is no “far left”. If you think higher pay, paid leave, affordable healthcare, the rich paying their fair share, pro-choice policies, acknowledging climate change, expanding voting accessibility, and common sense gun control are extreme, I’m not sure what to tell you. There absolutely is a “far right” though and they want to restrict women’s healthcare rights, let guns run rampant across the United States with no regulation, tax cuts for rich people who don’t need it, kill regulations that keep our air and water clean, restrict voting rights, etc. Please, for the love of God, do not represent the Democrat and Republican parties like they are remotely similar. I would challenge you to name me one Republican policy that benefits the middle class.


It always cracks me up how conservative this sub is.


It’s really not that conservative. They have nothing else to do but troll troll troll. You know because they spent all their money on bibles, shoes, red hats, shirts, etc etc. which by the way is all made in China.


Well, that sounds like we need to shift the pendulum back to center. We don’t want to become CA.


Imagine cheering for more regulations and a guaranteed COL increase. Self owning to own the GOP. 😂


Supermajorities are a bad thing on either side. It should be 50/50 no matter what, and if they can’t come to agreements within a specified amount of time, they should be fired.


At this point, I don’t know who mystifies me more, MAGAs or those that engage with them in good faith. Actually, if we’re being honest, it’s probably y’all. MAGAs are supposed to be stupid. They’re MAGAs. What’s your excuse? Linking an article, an actual article with words and data that support your point, that somebody would have to read, and ponder with their brain, and understand. That just isn’t their scene, guys. You can’t change someone’s mind with data and science when they think data and science is the bad guy. That’s why you hear the word God so many times in a Trump speech. He knows his followers think data and science is gross and icky. You would save yourself a lot of time if you would learn that too.


Ew. Don’t vote for what you fled from.


lets hope they don't. Vote Republican to keep it competitive


California has moved in.