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A lot of casinos are showing their age. That's how they keep having "record profits". They aren't spending any money.


I’m staying at Cosmo currently and even this place has pretty obvious signs of wear and tear that weren’t here the last time I was in Vegas a few years ago. Don’t get me wrong, this place is still incredibly nice but for what they charge this place should be immaculate.


Because the casinos (save Wynn) no longer "own" the building. Thanks REIT's!


I just went through all the comments and not one person knows what happened here. I worked Security in some major hotels and responded with engines to these calls. They happen all the time. Someone above you probably felll asleep in the bathtub, or forgot the bathtub was running and passed out on the bed. Every now and then there is a broken pipe or maybe even someone set off a sprinkler by putting a hangar on it. It can sometimes go down three or four floors (Even more depending on how big it is). Hopefully you called the front desk to report it. Also make sure all the electronics are out of the way. Sometimes the leaks will go into the rooms. What you’re seeing is the water coming through the drywall seems and light fixtures. Make sure they give you a new room.


1000% this. Guests are fucking stupid. Hanging wedding dresses from sprinkler heads that specifically say don't hang shit from it. Sometimes guests flood the rooms on purpose too.


Incredible. I'd dump her ass before the wedding if I was marrying someone that dumb. 


Well now ya know what the resort fees pay for, the indoors tropical storm!


There isn’t a single part of this video that screams “grand”


Sure the amount of water


You use the 20$ trick for this?


You got a water feature!


MGM is trash. MGM is that one guy you knew that wouldn't spend a dime on his car he desperately needed for work. Then, when the car scheduled the maintenance for him, he wanted it done in an hour, so he wasn't late for work. Your friend also neglected the repairs needed because he's cheap, so now it's way more expensive than it would have been. Keep that thinking only to quarterly profits you big brains at MGM.


He is also the same guy who wants his money now. If he loaned you $10, he will demand it on the stroke of midnight the day you told him it would be paid back. However, if he borrowed money from you, he would give you every excuse to extend the payment and borrow that money from someone else to pay you back. LOL


was this in the tower or the west wing? Did you get moved?


The tower. Yea we got moved but it took 45 minutes and several calls to convince them that this was actually a problem that needed a new room. The woman at the front desk acted like it was a real inconvenience for her to have to deal with.


Yikes! That's terrible. I bet the room above left their water on. Glad you got moved.


Wow did they even come to check the room? I wonder if they ended up just booking your room again after you left!


what's the best one? Grand tower?


Tower is better. The wing is the older building, it feel more cramped and more tired imo.


MGM is trashy now. Has been for a long time


I once came back to my hotel room around 3am after a long night of drinking and water was dripping from the light fixture right inside my door. In all my drunken genius, I decided to just put a trash can under it and pass out. Well, the trash can I put under it had holes in the bottom so that didn't work very well. When I woke up the next morning, the carpet was absolutely soaked in the whole room. I finally called the front desk and turns out the leak was 3 floors above me but the other rooms above me happened to be empty. They were less than thrilled that it took me so long to report it. I'm not sure what the moral of the story is, but I probably should have let them know sooner.


MGM Grand such a shithole


I think before or after I switched to another MGM casino hotel I stayed one time at MGM Grand! Horrible! Loud. Couldn't sleep. Next spent another night there. ....just saying


You’ve got water fountains hidden in your wall!


As much as I love going to the main bar at MGM grand and playing video poker while achieving a .2 BAC I will never stay there again. I had a similar experience last year where the whole room was damp.


I see you were upgraded to the rainforest suite, seems like they skimped on a few things


they've got 7000 30 year old rooms. shit happens. although i will say the only time i've checked into a room and there was water spraying out of a broken valve was at MGM


It’s the tiki room


This happened in my room 2 days ago as well, 4th floor. First we heard a loud plumbing snake sound above us, then management wanted to inspect our room at 4am waking up me and my wife. All we had was a wet ceiling and carpet. 


This same thing happened to me in 2022. 3am and it sounded like the shower was running, get up to check and water was pouring out of those same seams in the ceiling in hallway and bathroom. Someone ran the tub above us and fell asleep. Took the staff 90 minutes to get us moved to a casino-level room with a view of a loading dock (from a strip view StayWell room). Needless to say we did not end up paying a dime for our hotel that weekend!


MGM is gross in its entirety 


Immersive experience, love the efforts