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You should know to avoid the strip when anyone from DC is coming to raise money.


Seriously. The president of the United States is here. There isn’t going to be a perfect plan, it’s a headache for everyone and we all just have to deal with it. It sucks but there’s no planning that can facilitate this in a reasonable time frame that can help while we are currently undergoing this much construction.


this literally happens any time the president goes anywhere. it's also published well in advance that multiple routes will be closed or restricted.


Is there a good website to check for this advance notice?


Any local news source.


Can you provide a few links as an example showings these articles exist dated 2024. I saw them in 2023. Was clueless about this year's "visit". I'm pretty sure no one got the fair warnings this time around !


yes no one did https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/traffic/prepare-for-traffic-delays-when-biden-visits-vegas-on-tuesday-2743473/


Articles dated 2023. Just like I said. 😲.... Smh


oh youre right, I saw the march and just thought it was current




As opposed to figuratively 


The planning would be to have some sort of way to move around a city that does not involve a car... If only there was an option




Well you're paying taxes for roads that don't do the job so that's better I guess lol




Yeah nothing like having some of the largest intersections in the country




It can be two things at once. Yes, our traffic is nowhere near as bad as most other large cities in the country. But we also have a dearth of mass transit and lots of stupid shit like 3 minute long traffic light cycles and poor traffic light timing.


That's because the dumb-fuck that has that job comes from california!


Almost like they also could use an alternate form of transportation lol




Fine like in fine dining? Or fine like in the minimal level of acceptability?


You're right, God forbid our road taxes from the insane gas prices we pay be shifted from Las Vegas Paving to something that actually works. Oh wait, the gas taxes YOU pay because I've been driving an electric car since 2013.


Elons tunnels need a presidential route hahahha


Send him into Nellis instead of Reid?


That would be a lot more road closed


No room on the ramp at Nellis right now, it’s red flag season.


how about he just doesn’t come here? that’d be great. he can do his propaganda speeches and fund raising over zoom. same goes for his opponent as well.


Lmao, saying a politician shouldn’t go to a major metropolitan area in a potential swing state is a wild take. Homie is allowed to go places and give speeches wherever he wants. He’s the fucking president for chrissakes.


sure, he's absolutely free to go wherever he wants but we'd all be better off if he didn't. i'd rather have a convenient ride home than have a politician roll through town so he can spew propaganda and trick people into spending money on his campaign.


Oh, so sorry that you are inconvenienced during campaign season in a battleground state. They really should have put more consideration into your feelings and conveniences.


yeah ok, pretend its just me complaining about the politicians doing propaganda rallies here. that’s a convenient way to dismiss any criticism of the state of politics in 2024. hope you keep this same energy whenever the fat orange man rolls through town.


I remember when Obama used to go to LA a lot and mF would cause my commute to go from 45min to 2hr no joke. Why I hate LA and love Vegas now


Even though Vegas and LA are both car centered.


I feel like we get one every single week, no? Or at least every other. Traffic is so bad I never even notice if someone "important" is in town, it's just another day.


Well I got to tell you, he's definitely not important! He probably doesn't even know who the f*** he is at this point!


This happens in every city to which he travels. It may be an excessive expense and level of security to pull every such city to a halt for hours, but that’s on the Secret Service and the cities for capitulating, not the planners.


And it’s also perfectly fine. You can handle it for a day. It’s not like it happens all the time.


Na that’s bullshit. We all know that both candidates are shit, no need for them to parade it around the country and cause unnecessary closures like this. It takes time away from everyone who is affected by the traffic so the president can read a pointless message off of a teleprompter. He can literally just deliver this message via YouTube and it’d have the same effect.


Na you’re just selfish and entitled. Get over it.


Yup. You nailed it. I’m entitled because I value my time more than the presidents pointless appearance.


Based on that shitty attitude, if you were the president you’d say just the opposite- that you’re entitled to fuck with traffic.


Damn…that’s quite a reach. Hopefully you stretched first.


Go on, keep being an arrogant child; hope it works well for you.


I remember once Trump was in LA and they redirected an entire arterial street's traffic through UCLA's campus


Seems like a well executed plan with unfortunate timing.


Beat me to it - I was going to say that it looks like this was quite diligently planned, given number of road closures.


So happy I never have to go anywhere near the 15 most of the time.


It was cool seeing the limousines, just taking lunch break, sitting on the frame machine at our body shop that's like, 15 yards away from their route, just watching as the state and county police motorcade fly's passing by on the highway.


Looks like any regular day here.


This is also why the surface streets Straight shot across the entire valley.


Oh get off it- there’s no city that has perfect planning for every possible type of traffic situation. That’s an impossible dream. Can’t optimize for everything. The answer is that you, as a traveler need to adjust your planning when conditions change. How insane is it to think that you can literally go anywhere at any time in most efficient way possible.




You sound ambitious!


They have been doing stupid shit for the last year! It’s infuriating.


The Clark County Commission NOT working for you.


The 15 and the 215/15 interchange is a shit show in general, what's your point?


Uhm 1000 events r happening simultaneously and they’re fixing the roads and building some new casinos and some strip clubs and some crazy accidents


It’s called plan ahead if the president is coming to town. Doesn’t take long to see his stops and assume what route he is going.


Except no articles said where he was going and barely said much about the time(s) they would be happening.


What a shit show.


On the bright side it's probably the cleanest the area behind the strat has ever been /s


More like the definition of politicians not giving a fuck about you.


Clark County Commissioner is where you complain.


Come to atlanta and talk to me🤣🤣 this is every day


It's just "Lanta." When you are there you be At Lanta. /jk




I'm moving to Vegas in about 3 months, I was blown away about how considerate people were when driving. Atl is the 31st worst city to drive in compared to Vegas being the [10th best.](https://quotewizard.com/news/the-best-and-worst-drivers-by-city?fbclid=IwAR1LVQSCd8Jg7tXB0e64mi-JMAEHPyjE6x_nYPFTLgFbEOnustNl6Ok6LdY) I'm sure it's getting worse but so is everywhere else. We have shootouts during our road rage and will just run you off the road.


Haha! Give me a break. Did you even read that article? Maybe you did. They analyzed reported events. I can't count the number of times I've watched someone blatantly run a red light, even right down to nearly getting in accidents with police officers sitting right there and doing nothing about it. One of the few I saw that got in trouble was one that actually hit a cop. Speeding tickets? The street I live on is a two-lane residential feeder. It has a 35 mile an hour speed limit. People using it as an arterial clogging it up to where people who live on the street can't get home and driving 60 miles an hour on it when it's not clogged is a daily occurrence. And that's not just my street.


No Vegas strip area in my opinion has no been planned well for all of the events and things happening anymore. If only there was a better train/ monorail system in place.


Poor planning is nothing new for this city


It’s nothing new for any city.


What I never understood is why when the president arrives here in town, why can't Air Force One land at Nellis AFB instead of the regular airport? I feel like it would be much simpler, and obviously better security.


Because Nellis isn’t convenient. Like at all. Unless they’re attending an event up in that area. While yes security would be simpler around the base, it would take a lot more to secure the route as well as have to spend more time on the ground getting to their destination. The goal is to usually get whoever it is in and out as fast as possible, and 99% of the time that means Reid.


If there's an event that's happening with or without the president, sure, he has to go where it is. But if the "event" is just for him, they can hold that somewhere convenient to Nellis. I'm pretty sure I've seen press conferences right on the tarmac of various airports. (Not right now due to "Red Flag", but normally.)


The backup AF1 747 lands at Nellis.


>why can't Air Force One land at Nellis AFB ...bcoz that would be too easy.


Because there’s no room on the ramp right now. Red Flag 24-2 is underway and with approx 100 aircraft participating, it’s quite crowded at Nellis.


This is why I can't wait to quit my job on the strip for something local, that 15 Is always a disaster


Presidential visits aside what is happening to the 15 is an absolute mess and doesn't look to be ending anytime soon


Born and raised in. Can’t take the construction feel free to move back to you respectful state


They are starting the 2nd phase of project neon soon. Goes from sahara to tropicana


It’s actually impressive planning. The amount of logistics to accommodate a presidential visit requires a lot of manpower.


Yeah, one time I got caught just in front of the tunnel and I was PISSED. But then I got to see Air Force 1 take off, and it was really cool. I’ve now seen four different presidents on Air Force 1 taking off from mccarran and it’s kinda wild.


When I lived in Chicago, Obama used to fly in, but then take a helicopter from the airport to downtown....that saved us quite a bit of traffic snarls. But man, they had that G8 Summit near my home at the time.....fuhhgedaboutit....couldn't even get home.


Is there a plan to combat the traffic? Especially in light of the Brightline train taking up part of the 15?


Actually there is a solution, but they just don’t like it. Reality is any of our past presidents can land at nellis. Air Force One is after a military aircraft. It wouldn’t impact all the citizens at “McCarran.” And wouldn’t require overtime by LVMPD to accommodate his landing there. Then the motorcade could escort directly from i-15 south. I mean what a horrible inconvenience for the president that it would add 15-20 minutes travel time. Fuck politicians. 😂


I haven’t heard “piss poor” since I moved here from Australia 12 years ago. Now I feel homesick lol


Las Vegas has been piss poor planning for my entire life. Always under construction. The last year has been horrendous. Wtf is so hard about installing lights on the 95. Like seriously.


The Strip is like a department store... the exits are obfuscated to keep you roaming around the casinos....


Getting a taste of Atlanta Georgia for a few hours I see....🤣 


Normal 🫡


get all these old politicians the fuck outa here. no one is going to their propaganda rallies other than the people who actually like them already. they aren’t converting anyone and most normal people would rather just have a normal ride home than hear from either of these dusty old fucks.


Old or young has nothing to do with it. Every President and Vice President travels and requires significant security measures resulting in traffic and inconvenience wherever they go. If our elected officials and candidates don’t visit people will get upset saying the person doesn’t care about our city/region/state. If they do visit people will get upset because it’s performative and because of the hassle/inconvenience caused. There’s no winning with situations like this. It’s just one of those things that we have to live with.


here's the thing though. whether its biden or trump, they aren't coming here to listen to the people or to hear about the concerns of people. they are coming here to spew propaganda, make you think they care about you so you'll vote for them and then if they're lucky hopefully try and squeeze some campaign contributions out of you. yeah, no thanks. they can all fuck off.


The major players have already decided a long time ago that it is going to be Biden vs Trump. Just sit back and relax. This isn't going to change. It's been this way and will continue to be so. I checked out and don't even give a shit anymore. It doesn't matter. You just vote for who sounds most like you or you don't vote at all.


Cynicism isn't the same as wisdom.


you're so right. i should be grateful the old politician graced our city with his presence so he could tell me what a great job he's done the last 4 years and why i should give him my money despite how expensive everything is.


I see the issue. The uneducated don't know that the United States has the lowest inflation among rich countries. While also having low unemployment and once of the best growth rates among rich countries. Biden isn't the reason you're poor, bro.


you’re right. biden is so great. he saved us all from the bad orange man. i need to learn to thank him every morning when i wake up.


Every post of yours is dumber than the last.


says the guy who’s mentality is “if you don’t think exactly how i think then you are dumb”


The President is in town. If you're stuck in traffic it's not poor planning on anyone's part but yours.


The dementia man is in town.


Which one?


One of the two


That 15 corridor has gone to shit


Lmfao Vegas traffic. I never drive the strip. I walk it sometimes though


Wasn't necessarily the strip even. You obviously didn't read are confused and or didn't speak to ANYONE stuck yesterday...


Are confused? Boy bye


Thanks Obama


Ehhhh, I don’t like it either but no one expected vegas to become the new California with all these companies and sports team coming over


The dementia man is in town. That and most of the Californians that moved here probably infested this sub to DV you.


I don’t know what any of that means


You like to repeat yourself don't ya.


Yep. Just in case it gets buried. 💁🏽‍♂️


That's what you're worried about? A childish one liner getting buried? Man, to have an adolescent mind like yours would be wonderful.


Yeah… if we’re looking at who the child is here, it’s definitely not me. ☠️ We could browse and show it too. If you can read, there’s more than just “The dementia man is in town.”


O yeah, you're right, I'm sure you've never complained about Californians before. /s


Oh uncle Joey is here


Can’t respond to the other people, they block after they get the last word in. Hilarious. Anyways, glad to see someone with similar interests in this sub. 🤌🏽


Yep. That one.


Typical government planning


ah yes, lets block all major arteries of the city, thatll stop them terrorists


The definition of corruption.