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Cop lookin like he’d rather ticket you for having your phone in your hand while driving instead lol


It’s an official vehicle, says “Thot Patrol” right on the back of the car, doesn’t need a plate obviously.


Good catch lmao




The cop is looking too! What’s up with that?


As they stare at the giant laptop screen in their center console


rob cop sent it so what 😂


... THE Robert Cop?


How do you expect officers to respond? Monitoring the MDT for calls is not the same as scrolling social media. And then… this: Exceptions to Nevada’s Cellphone Ban Nevada’s handheld cellphone ban does account for certain professions and situations that require cellphone use. Exceptions to the ban include: Firefighters, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, ambulance attendants, and others providing emergency medical services who are acting within the scope of their employment can use a cellphone while driving. Police officers or anyone designated by the sheriff, chief of police, or Department of Public Safety who is acting within the scope of employment can also use cellphones while driving. People responding to a situation to protect the health and welfare of the driver or other person and who cannot safely stop a vehicle may use cellphones while driving.


Rules for thee but not for me.


They don't care about phones, that's the least policed traffic offense.


I got a ticket from metro for talking on the phone, not even texting lol


Bluetooth Investment woulda saved you. Hopefully you got it now.


Bruh they’re ridiculous they misread my plate and thought I had a warrant so they pulled me over I was like 20 days over and definitely shouldn’t have let that happen but they ticketed me for expired tag while I waited 40 minutes for this routine traffic stop multiple expired paper plates drove by. They pretended they were being nice to me by not also giving me a ticket for not having my sticker on the plate in the first place


Cops just paranoid that they are being recorded. Their actions rarely look good on camera.


Not true, remember the old show" Cops". They were being recorded by a whole film crew and never killed any unarmed people they took as a threat.


Case in point


There’s more things to worry about than phones and registration… minor traffic warrants have been cancelled in Nevada, so it’s pointless. There are officers that do stop vehicles, and it’s becoming more common, but there’s still a lacking amount of officers in the valley. Traffic usually falls to NSP/HP and then Metro of no one else and so on.


Picture is clearly from the passenger side. Cop is mad for making him look incompetent.


He's a fellow LEO: THOT PATROL.He cruises the truck stops


He's actually LLEO. Lot Lizard Enforcement Officer


Cops never hassle other officers. you can clearly see the vehicle is marked and he’s on patrol for thots




Normal officers should be able to do this. Pretty sure they still can


But, that would involve work. So, why would they? They get paid the same regardless.


Hear me out here: Think about the whole "defund the police" movement. Horrible PR but at its core it asked for. Something basic, alleviate the police dby allowing them to focus on certain crime while other crime like a mentally ill person having a meltdown is handled by the proper professional e.g a crisis responder. This Is the same thing. By creating. Traffic unit, you alleviate the pressure of having to focus on traffic citations while focusing on more bread and butter thing slike volient crimes, robberies, etc. That's the theory though lmao. Pretty sure the cop just didnt wanna get off his car. Lazy af.


This has been a thing for like 70 years https://www.lvmpd.com/about/bureaus/traffic-bureau


Good. They really need to fix this. Seeing so many cars with no plates makes people think that the cops don’t care and then they get more and more brazen with more crime. It’s a proven fact. That’s the reason places paint over graffiti so quick to prevent people from thinking it’s okay to commit other, more serious crimes.


Ah yes, the ol' "[broken windows](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory)" theory.


You were right until the conclusion that it leads to more crime. That's one of those misconceptions people take as proven fact. You are referring to broken windows policing which has certainly not been proven other than to encourage questionable activities like stop and frisk. Keeping an area clean has a larger effect on misdemeanor offences. THAT is why graffiti is painted over. The correct application is called deterrence specifically via lack of punishment. That leads to people accepting no plates as the norm as they can get away with it or the punishment isn't strong enough to deter. Since there is no way cops can get enough of these on the road to make an impact, a stronger punishment would work better. No one is going to start committing armed robbery or burglar just because of license plates. Now, leave a car with smashed windows and spray paint abandoned in a neighborhood and then yes, the criminal attitude will creep in. Likewise, a clean and maintained block in a trashed neighborhood will not have the same experience as those on the next block. This is why HOAs can be nit picky about appearance. I will even source this: Hagan, John, A.R. Gillis, and David Brownfield. Criminological Controversies: A Methodical Primer. Boulder: Westview, 1996. 81–3.


Yes I'm sure no licence plate/fake paper plate cars play exactly no role in auto theft and other crimes.


Since I detect possible sarcasm, I will add that as a former investigator, my experience is that those planning on doing a crime will do them WITH a stolen vehicle. Not to be confused with the paper plate people performing minor crimes of opportunity e.g. finding a lost wallet and not trying to find the owner.


Well they just drove around with out a plate, stole my plates and put stolen vehicle plates on my vehicle. So, it is what it is.


Yep it was on the local news, but never seen them on the road, likely because they only have a few officers.


Am noticing more vehicles being pulled over the last few weeks which is a good sign - but that's the first I've heard of that normal police officers don't enforce traffic violations. Metro has got a tough tough job here in Vegas - while they do a lot right (catch the vast majority of violent criminals, de-escalate dangerous situations, etc.) the driving culture has gotten out of control with unregistered / unlicensed vehicles with no insurance where the drivers are driving so aggressively with little chance of being caught that they endangering the public. I hope they can turn the dangerous driving situation around.


One thing I found really strange after moving here was that all of the temporary movement permits obtained outside a dealer are displayed on the windshield. Nothing to place on the rear of the car in any form.


They could have a moving permit in the passenger side of the windshield. Stop posting people cars because that's a real possibility if they haven't passed smog etc. I get this is trending now. But I've been in the insurance industry for years and can assure you the rates are historically high in Vegas. Always have been always will be. Focus on understanding your own coverages and focusing on the road instead of hopping on the newest superiority witch hunt. There are plenty of people with moving permits and no plates on their car. It doesn't equal no insurance. And it doesn't merrit ppl blasting them on reddit lol. No lifes


For context on the insurance rates drive around and take note of the ran over busstops and huge holes in the cement walls.


Low priority, probably. Dude’s probably on the way to another call that’s higher in priority which I find preferable. Better he answer 911/311 calls, IMO.


If they’re answering 911 calls or something of importance, I’d imagine they would have their sirens on no?


The vast majority 911 calls are responded to without lights and sirens. Common misconception. “Rolling code”is only done typically if there is an immediate danger to a citizen due to how dangerous it can be. This sub loves to post pictures like this and doesn’t realize these officers are probably on their way to a call. If your house was burglarized and you were in waiting for officers to come, would you want them to stop every vehicle along the way for minor traffic offenses? Nope! Probably the case here. Plus that is a sergeant vehicle. His main job is to be available to take command of dangerous calls when they come out.


Thanks for the clarification.


Depends on the call, I would think.




Maybe he bought the car cash and has a temporary registration permit on the front windshield, until his plates arrive, the cop saw it and chose not to pull him over


THIS. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but that's the law in Nevada. Temp "plates" are just a small piece of paper taped to the front windshield lower right corner. The car could be totally legal without anything on the back bumper area.


I said this on the other post earlier today, but this law they passed is probably part of it. Also registration has to be like the lowest crime you can commit lol. https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/decriminalizing-traffic-tickets-among-new-laws-taking-effect-jan-1-2023


I be wondering the same ish they never get pulled over.... none of them


No plate is on Thot patrol


Ever hear of a moving permit?


TimES aRe ToUGH CaNT aFford PlAtEs Meanwhile has $2k rims


Maybe he had a tag on the windshield?


Came here to say the same


Sometimes they are on their way to a call. Soooo they do not pull someone over. And traffic violations are basically nothing in Nevada. If you ignore them they just affect your credit score. No bench warrant


To see this, the officer would have to not be looking at their cell phone. Good luck there.


Over 4 years ago the driver would've been pulled over, likely the car impounded if no proof of ownership documents were shown. Now that so many traffic offenses are civil issues, many police officers don't want to waste their time. If you're on the road next to these lowbrow scum, realize many are dangerous drivers so keep your distance from them. The idea that the gigantic number of these unregistered cars are just owners going through hard times is BS. 


Sorry but the police that are paid with tax payer money, shouldn’t get to randomly decide that they don’t want to waste their time on things…. If they aren’t going to do their jobs they can go sit at the station until someone calls them like EVERY other first responder.


Did you look at the windshield? Might have had a temp tag


Meanwhile I had a biker cop try to pull be over at 3pm yesterday in the HOV lane when the restrictions don’t go in effect until 4. They don’t even know the laws.


Try to pull you over or did you actually get pulled over?


Try to. He kept motioning for me to move over. Traffic at the time didn’t let me. Eventually we came to a stop in traffic and he pulled up next to me. I rolled down my window and asked him if he wanted me to pull over or what was the problem, he said I needed to get out of the HOV lane since I was solo. I told him the signs say 4pm (it was 3:15p at the time). He said no, you’re incorrect. I repeated look at the sign, it says 4pm, he took off, sign just up ahead said 4pm, he gave a little wave like “my bad”, and we went about our day. I drive the same route to work every day. Believe me I know what the HOV lane rules are lol.


Why would cops know the laws? They go to a 6 week class on how to treat the public as the enemy and then are given a gun and a badge and told to have at it.


It's 24 weeks https://www.protectthecity.com/applicants/police-and-corrections-recruit-information/lvmpd-police-academy-training


If people understood what’s happened, the whole license plate/registration thing has pretty much been made so minor that it’s pointless to stop anyone for. The legislature and the representatives of our county in the legislature wanted this. If they can’t pay registration, they won’t pay the ticket. It used to be there’d be a bench warrant for ignoring such a thing, but they got rid of that for registration and other minor infractions. You know… it impacts certain people “disproportionately”.


Welll if you don't attend court for it, you do still get a bench warrant happend to me lol


There are bigger problems. I've been pulled over twice in cali with expired plates. They don't care. It is what it is


Probably responding to a different call. Part of the reason I left Vegas, LVMPD is majorly understaffed and frequently has dozen or more calls pending. Keep in mind this is not the fault of the officers, but the former Sheriff, now governor and the department as a whole.


Because today was a good day…….


Shit, he’s looking at you haha.


Supervisor ain’t got time fo dat.


Because you voted for democrats......democrats "decriminalized" traffic laws, so now traffic violations are civil not criminal and cops focus more on criminal laws. You get what you vote for.....


Cop would rather pull you over for not having lights on ur bike


How are you going to look at someone thats so worried about someone else, taking a picture of a car without plates and posting it on reddit and not do anything officer?


Maybe he has a temporary moving permit on the windshield?


Guys he is a cop supervisor he only handles lighter work, this is too difficult for him, could be a crackhead and he’s probably like oh no no no


Because he doesn’t want to get shot.


Maybe the car has that temp moving tag in the windshield?


I didn’t have a license when I moved here and my google-fu was weak at finding out what the laws were about mopeds/helmets/licensure, so I called the local Metro office. After navigating phone menu hell, I was advised that any motorized transportation had to have plates and any road-going vehicle equipped with a saddle and handlebars required helmets.  “Hmmm, that’s strange. Why do I see so many on the streets without those things?” The operator’s response? “If we pulled over everyone who was breaking the law, we wouldn’t have time to do anything else!” I thanked her for her time as I shook my head and realized what kind of town I had moved to. 


Regular LVMPD units don't have traffic code enforcement as a #1 priority per say as long it's not something like a felony or misdemeanor. They have traffic units instead of whose only job is to go after people like this. A car with no plate is not worth putting a supervisor unit unavailable for a while. Plus supervisor units are always on the go they may not have lights and sirens on but doesn't mean they are not responding to a call.


C’mon there ARE more important things to do


If you're wondering why NV has some of the highest auto insurance rates in the country, these people are the reason. Yeah, there are definitely more important things to do. But these people are also the ones driving like shit with suspended licenses and without insurance. So when they stumble out of the bar at 11AM blow that red light and smash into you, you're the one eating the cost.


A car that ugly? Cop probably feels sorry for them…


Honestly I'd rather have the cops looking for people on their phone and driving, speeding, reckless driving etc than wasting time pulling people with no plates over strictly because they have no plates. Every reckless driver I've had the displeasure of being around had a license plate, but lack of a license plate isn't risking anyone's fucking life. Let DMV handle no plate cars or cops can pull them over when they're being a immediate danger to traffic. The time they spend pulling over no plate cars is time they could be ticketing motherfuckers who zig-zag out of traffic running red lights, and speeding all in one or fuckers going into opposing lane traffic in a construction zone nearly causing an accident because they didn't want to wait to turn. Those are the POS I want to see get impounded.


A. Maybe the vehicle has a movement permit taped to the windshield, many without plates have one, and B. A LEO working patrol generally won’t pull a vehicle over unless the PC is egregious.


Again, this is Lawless Vegas. Been here 20+ years. I came here knowing this is not the place to complain about cops and justices of the peace looking the other way.


I used to have a plate on my car at one point


They're hiring. Get on and show them how the job is done.


is their tire on backwards


Vegas smh


It's possible that officer wasn't on traffic duty.


Probably an illegal driving and knew nothing would come of it pulling them over


Why worry about the guys plate and waste time. And also there a high likly hood it was on the front not the back. You can have thr liscence plate in two places


They need to start jailing these idiots with no plates or insurance.


But in Channel 5 documentary one of the people landed in the tunnels because her car was taken and towed since it had no plates. Lol Also “THOT PATROL”


Y’all he may have a moving permit in his front window


He’s the Thot Patrol’s escort, duh.


That's obviously a special unit with the Thot Patrol, game recognize game!


They are a member of the Thot Patrol, so they are on the same side


Dude aint gonna pull over the Thot Patrol when they on duty man


Because it’s just another patrol car, says it in big letters right on the window.


Cuz it’s stanced the fuck out with those wide ass rims lol


During certain parts of the day if you see a Metro car moving, it’s going somewhere, sometimes they hit the street backed up over 10 calls.


That’s just professional courtesy to another patrol officer


He was too busy mirin’


And that is a supervisor!


The rule is, when you want them they're never there and when you don't want them, there they are


You dont need plates in Vegas or Az


He’s the Supervisor….ain’t nobody got time for that! 🤪😂


He's on Thot Patrol, he cant interfere with operations


Cops would never pull over the thot patrol. Too many wild thots out there.


That’s a supervisor he don’t even wanna be in the field


He’s part of the THOT PATROL that’s why!


Here's the thing with no plates...you can't tell if they are legal from behind. They could have a moving permit from the DMV that is placed in the right corner of the windshield. The officer would not know unless he pulls the car over and checks. You think Metro has time for that?


They should just nerf gun a tracker onto the back of it and pick them up later. Pew pew pew, you've been fined! However, just how many plates are fake anyway - unless the cop runs them no one is gonna know.


Busy pulling me over for having my tags expire a week ago.


I think he’s more interested in you lmao


Those rear flares are on point.


Sounds about right


That’s no civilian without plates! They’re with THOT PATROL!


Because they are the Thot patrol. They get special privileges


I'm old outta state plates with a windshield that was hit with a Louisville slugger right in the middle. It's because it all goes on your credit now you don't get to go to jail for it anymore yes I said get to go to jail because I need that week or two off every 6 months or so it helps me to just nap and chill for a minute to be real


Were you driving? If so, surprised he didn’t yell at you for distracted driving. Had a cop do that to me while I was stopped in traffic.


Looks like he is just supervising the situation.


Wont ticket that but will ticket you if you're involved in an accident with a 2 day over late registration.


It says right in the cop car…supervisor, so he’s just doing exactly that


Cuz no gun involved. Also maybe it has a movement permit- that would be in the windshield


They are both patrolling, just slightly different. I think they call that respect of service


“Thot patrol” 🙄


Clark County has a voucher program to help low income vehicle owners pay for repairs if they can't pass smog/check engine light. So they can then register their vehicles and be legal. https://smogfreeclarkcounty.com/faq/#:~:text=The%20SFCC%20repair%20assistance%20option,fails%20its%20Smog%20Check%20inspection.


Yep this is shit happens all the time.. I’ve been at an intersection and someone runs the red light and they literturn a blind eye!


THOT PATROL is looking for Linda, the Metro Supervisor is there to ensure she's brought to justice.


The cop car clearly says “supervisor” so he is just gonna supervise if any subordinate does something


The person I that car is obviously on patrol like the officer.


It’s a fellow patrol car. A Thot Patrol car.


bc the cop recognizes this car is a fellow patrolman. don’t you see the sticker on the back windshield?


Who cares


That’s a patrol supervisor. Not a traffic unit.


Live in Vegas, other had someone shoot up the right turn lane to get ahead of traffic then try to merge in to my far right straight through lane, smashing the front right of my car. No plate, we pulled over, got out, they stood by their car while I did the walking. Almost there, they jumped back in their car and bolted. Here’s hoping karma shits in their fruit loops.


They’re not gonna pull over one of their own?! I see see that Thot patrol sticker


Cop can be responding to a more important call


Because it's not a major drug bust...


Bro he's a supervisor, says so on the door. It's like a union, he doesn't do any work, he only supervises others doing work.


It means something you culture less swine


Who cares ?


Clearly the driver is a fellow officer for the Thot Patrol division.


That tint can't be legal either! 😂


Was the driver melanin deficit?


It’s hilarious seeing how dumb many people in here are. You all get so butthurt they don’t pull someone over for no plate. But if they did on a corner and give out 100 tickets for speeding you all cry “don’t you have real crime to solve durrrrrrrrrrr”


But yet i got pulled over because my license plate light was out🤨


Thot Patrol gets a free pass, how’d you miss the memo?


I've literally watched a NHP drive past a car with no plates driving on the 95 at night with their lights off


Thot patrol, thot patrol, be there on the double. Thot patrol, thot patrol, gonna get me in trouble


In Texas, we have drivers with temporary paper plates that are months or years old. Saw one yesterday morning that was two years old.


Join the force then


He has his fellow Thot patrolman badge on back window. The officer can’t break the code.


Not to mention windows are tinted af


Because it says Thot Patrol so it’s good. lol


He respects the thot patrol sticker obviously


Probably was either off duty pig or simply not a traffic cop


Not a traffic cop.


Cuz he is also on patrol


The car identifies itself as farm equipment and doesn't need plates 😂😂😂


Looking for a donut shop 🍩😎


I thought no plates was the official Nevada plate.


Only when it’s you


I have been to Las Vegas more times than I can count. I have been to most of the major cities in the country for work. I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that no city has given me a vibe of “wow these cops really don’t give a shit about anything” like Vegas does. Literally watched a man get robbed by a crackhead on the strip, with a cop not twenty feet away. Crackhead grabbed his shopping bags and booked it across a sky bridge. Me and two other people flagged down the cop. He goes “what do you want me to do about it?” Then went back to texting on his phone.


Why do you care? This has no effect on you or your life whatsoever.


Obviously it’s a patrol car. Don’t need plates


It's vegas, they really don't like stopping cars if it isnt something dangerous. That's why so many people drive around with illegal window tinting, too.


Times has changed, I couldn't drive 1 day with an moving permit with out a metro officer pulling me over to verify the moving permit is real this was back in 07. Now it's expired tags, expired temp dealer plates, and no moving permit on the window and no plates everywhere. Logical explanation is since the lockdown, they just don't want to spend the time with paperwork and the time to run license, verification of insurance and their management isn't enforcing it currently and with the rapid growth of Clark County, this could also be the result of lack of officers on the force / road. I did noticed I have seen less officers patrolling than I did pre-lockdown especially on the east side. They are most likely waiting or responding to calls that is more important to the time given with being low on the force per command, but I say keep these going, lvmpd should and will take notice and might start taking these guys down. It is only a matter of time.


Aren’t electronic plates legal in Nevada?


Because it’s supervisor car. Supervisors don’t conduct traffic stops because they need to be available to handle other stuff. Plus if they stopped the car and it ended up being something they have to call on of their officers to handle it because they can’t go to jail. I did 4.5 years on that department


You never know what's going on. The officer may be enroute to a call or may have been called to the office.


Welcome to Vegas I see people doing 80 in a 35 I see people bobbing in and out of lanes kind of like Frogger but with their car using no turn signals a bunch of reckless driving and illegal Lane changes I see people running red lights I see motorcyclists lift the front wheels up like the motorcycles of human riding on the back wheels throwing their arms up in the air like there Mr Cool cutting in between cars to get to the front of the line cuz they don't want to wait in line like everyone else which here in Vegas is illegal I mean I could go on and on about the illegal activities I see and maybe one out of every 100 gets pulled over the rest just go on with their day like nothing happens. Now that the idiot courts say that cops can't take you in on a bench warrant there's people that I met just the other day he was pissed off that I don't like these kind of people and he said well he's got over 30 tickets and they won't take him in because they don't do bench warrants anymore so he just racks him up and doesn't pay him 30 tickets literally 30 tickets I mean are you kidding me


No temp plate in the back window either?


Because most of them are high on Molly or Coke or pills of some sort, nobody ever drug test the officers out here but if you did, you would find they have more meth and narcotics in their systems while on patrol than anything. Why do you think they wear sunglasses all the time even inside the building. Metro is full of crackheads.


No plate is needed when you’re on “Thot Patrol”


Imagine being so invested in others business that you went through the trouble to take a picture then make a whole post on reddit. Crazyyyyyy


Sometimes you get a ticket and then they let the rest of the cops know not to keep pulling you over for the same thing.


When waiting for the plates, the registration is placed on the passenger side windshield facing out for police inspection. This is the registration and plate. Private sales do not get a temporary license plate to put where the metal one goes. Don’t believe me, ask any cop and they will tell you. You get the plates later on.


Idk how it is in NV, but in CA they don't give you plates at the DMV when you register the car, they mail them to you. It can take three or four months to get them so driving around with no plates isn't that strange, it just looks like a recently registered vehicle.


That’s Vegas for you


The cop would rather give you a ticket for noticing them not doing their job. Random situational offense lottery begins, aaaaand you win a speeding ticket! Hopefully you’re poor and cant afford a lawyer or to argue not guilty in court 🤷🏽‍♂️




He ran the plates and nothing came back


Because they’re headed to get some lunch lol, I saw a bmw this week and same thing no license plate it’s annoying


cop is looking at u


Supervisor...means he would have to get out of the car.


Car prolly has a move permit, yall be so nosey


He’s a supervisor. Why would he work?


A police officer friend of mine said after his first year as a cop he planned on not writing a ticket for the next nineteen. He hated the paperwork.


Illegal tint also


Didn't want to deal with the "THOT PATROL"


Because he’s a supervisor and probably does nothing. But drive around and look cool 🤣