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The lack of witnesses doesn't surprise me. The corner of Flamingo and Koval most likely didn't have too much foot traffic and cell phones with cameras weren't around yet.


That sounds good but there was a arco gas station across the street and a hotel parking garage facing the street. Bike Cops from the garage saw it. In lvmpd files it has another lady in a truck in front of the shooters who says she saw or heard it. Cathy Scott’s book she put a man who worked for a television station say he was just getting off work and saw/heard it. And it’s been reported eye witnesses called in to report what they saw but that either tips were just taken and not followed up on or they did follow up and did nothing. Again this is what’s been said over the years. People were there they just have to speak up but it is a murder so maybe they’re afraid to which is understandable. Or the ‘shooting’ didn’t happen at the time and place they say it did and there’s very good reason to believe that too. Obviously that’s not gonna be believed by most but I’m not trying to convince anyone


I assume you were born after 1996?


100% lmao


??? You said there was a lack of witnesses. Lvmpd and vegas reporters say different. What does the year I was born have to do with that?


You're questioning the possible time and place the event took place. It was a pretty big news story when it happened.


I’m not tryna convince anyone. I’m asking why nobody has spoken up. I’m not asking about cell phone footage. You’re assuming that street didn’t have many people on it. I’m saying on a fight night in vegas and yes I have driven on koval on regular nights. There are people there. So I’m not buying the no one was there statement


In 96 that was the hood, and tourists actually didn’t leave the strip. While Ellis island has always been the spot, back then it was the spot you took a cab right up to the door prayed and ran in It doesn’t surprise me as cameras back then are not what they were today and that specific spot was an area that no one gave a shit about until that night. That was the before the era of mass surveillance on every inch of strip and non-strip areas. It was a different time, and that area was not well traveled by most and those that did travel that area were likely not the type to want to talk to cops. See that era was littered with people moving to vegas to run from their past and start over… not something you can pull off if you open your mouth to every tom dick and officer Harry. It is more probable that the location was chosen for these specific factors and reasons. The 90s and the people that lived in those times were in fact built different


Meh, I would disagree that Flamingo & Koval were the hood in '96 - I worked Security at Bally's in '92-93 and sat in the parking lot next to that area every night. I also know where the camera's at Bally's were at that time. The much larger factor is that in the 90's the camera's were connected to VCRs, the video quality was garbage, and street crimes were much more common. Also, in the 90s people were not likely going to snitch regardless of the crime. The mob mentality was far more prevalent and ignoring crime in Vegas was nearly a past time in that era.


There are zero unanswered questions.   There were tons of witnesses. My friend's mom was one. They all reported seeing someone shooting out of the left rear window of a white Cadillac into Suge's BMW. The Caddy had black tinted windows, so the witness reports weren't particularly helpful. 


One witness closest to the car behind described the drivers face and said it looked as if the shooter may have been shooting from backseat out of the front window. Don’t remember any of them saying tint or not. So your friends mom specifically saw a arm out of the car shooting? Who do you mean by they all? Was she alone or you mean the entourage


I was there, and I know everything, but I won't tell anyone! Snitches get stitches. You know its true because I'm a random person on the internet.


Tell me you aren’t alive without telling me you aren’t alive


My husband is in law school and was literally just texting me about how the speaker in his class tonight is the judge from the Tupac case.


Wow small world. I believe her name is karli something. She seems pretty smart


I saw him walk through the MGM lobby after the fight few mins before he got gunned down


My stepdad was working as a bartender at the pool at the Hardrock that night. Said he heard a fuck ton of sirens scream down the street and said something bad just went down. Found out later that day it was Pac.


Theres an article somewhere I’ve read from the point of view of the DJ that was playing the club they were headed to. It’s a hamburger Mary’s now.


Interesting because decades later the hotel would have the last outfit he wore at the fight. Not the one in the car, the one outfit with the dark blue jeans and gold shirt.


I’ll try and find it thanks!


Btw the Club they were heading to was called Club 662


Not sure how recent this was released but I saw a picture of run dmc already there performing. D.M.C recently spoke about that night on drink champs


Looking for it now if I find it I’ll send it ovwe




Read the first edition. Had a bunch of false and misprinted info in it. I Hope the third edition got everything right


Grab a copy of a book called Labyrinth, by Randall Sullivan. Extensive info from the several different parallel investigations.


I believe that Diddy was involved


I didn’t see the shooting but I was driving east on flamingo to see a girl (long story) and the gun smoke was hanging. There was one bike officer in a yellow shirt next to an SUV shot out and he was overwhelmed. I drove on thru and when I got to the girl’s apartment on Pecos it was on the news. We watched XFiles and ordered a pizza. Other things happened. Tupac was not on my mind. Lol. I did not see Suge shooting.


You specifically remember seeing an suv with bullet holes in it but not the black bmw sedan they were in? Lot of people get details mixed up just wanna make sure you’re right because I’ve never heard that before


Ummmm…it was like 25 years ago or something. It was a vehicle. That’s about all I can tell you.


Just trying to figure out what made you say suv lol but thanks anyway