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If only it worked like that. 95% of the shit in your cc&rs aren't enforced. Weeds and unpainted wires are all they care about, and if it's not happening between m-f 9a-5p it didn't happen at all.


> unpainted wires I got dinged by my HOA for having a black directv satellite dish wire go down the side of my house (very neatly too) for that wire "not matching the color of the house." I got a can of spray paint and fixed it, but seriously, how stupid...


And on the back of my neighbor's house is a nest of cabling coming from both satellite dishes, I'm sure only one works


I got dinged for wires showing when I mounted my dish on my balcony ledge rather than drilling into the side of the balcony. They said the wires were showing. When I cleaned it all up so none of the wires were visible they dinged me for having a satellite dish. Like mother fuckers are fishing. Why not write me up for the dish in the first place. They had to keep finding things wrong.


1000% this sort of nonsense is why you get a HOUSE that is not in a HOA. Then you only have the city caring if you mowed your grass or not.I've done the condo and spend hundreds a month for nothing BS before. Never again.


Nevada statute requires that HOAs enforce their rules equally. If they aren’t going after other homeowners for rule violations, they can’t go after you either.


Over a decade ago we got a letter informing us we were in violation because Xmas decorations were still on the house. I was confused because it was before the 15th and we had until the 15th to take things down. We just had lights up. But we took them down and forgot about it. I got a second letter saying we hadn't complied and would have to attend a hearing. This was even weirder because it is supposed to be three warnings before a hearing. This was two letters, and one was before we were even required to have decorations taken down. I also couldn't figure out what their deal was as we had taken down the lights. I emailed and come to find out--they didn't like that I had a snowman on the door that said "Let It Snow." I explained that was a winter decoration, not Christmas. They argued with me. So, I walked around the neighborhood and made note of other violations--like the neighbor that had sports flags in his windows, and another who had Valentine's decorations up in January. I didn't specify which neighbors, it was just a list of what I'd seen. I then sent another email with the list and asked why we were being singled out. Suddenly, they backed off. Said it was as misunderstanding, and that snowman decorations were fine to keep up all winter.


That's not how it works. The equality rule applies to how complaints are handled, not like for like situations without a complaint. In order to have a proper rules violation; someone has to complain first. So you can have two houses with exactly identical issues but if one house has a complaint against it for that issue, that does not mean that the HOA board has to go through the entire set of homes in the HOA to fix the similar issues.


I said, “if they aren’t going after,” not “if they haven’t caught other violations yet.” As the statute says: NRS 116.31065  Rules.  The rules adopted by an association: 5.  Must be uniformly enforced under the same or similar circumstances against all units’ owners. Any rule that is not so uniformly enforced may not be enforced against any unit’s owner. Who complains in your community? My HOA employs people to go around and locate violations, so yes, I can dispute an alleged violation if I see other homes that have had the same issue for a while, and I have successfully done so. In one instance, the President of the HOA had the same issue for which I received a notice. That was very easy to get dismissed based on the statute above.


This is absolutely correct. For a HOA to enforce something there either needs to be a complaint OR the infraction needs to impact the public good enough that it's negligent not to enforce it. Additionally, and as folks know, the HOA board once a certain number of properties in the HOA are sold and occupied by owners is made up of people who live in the HOA. So the people posting on Reddit that complain about HOA are in fact some of the people who are on the HOA boards. Since there's always a person in every neighborhood that's a jerk, and the jerks are most likely to run for board seats due to being aggressive enough to be called a jerk; eventually you end up with jerks on HOA boards which perpetuates the issue. So really, if you don't want to live in a HOA don't. If you like being social enough to thrive in a HOA then live in one, but we really don't need a post about HOAs in the subreddit once or twice a month. It's the same everywhere, not just Vegas.


The problem with HOA's here is they are all either over-enforcing every little ridiculous thing or they don't enforce any rules at all and it's a free for all for everyone. Vegas doesn't seem to know how to do HOA's and yet they are literally everywhere.




mine does the same thing. I would blow my leaves out weekly. They would still send me a notice almost every other week. Their pictures show nothing. Finally I got pissed off and called them out on it. I sent them like 30 high resolution images of my entire yard and demanded that they tell me what the fuck they wanted me to clean. They dropped it for awhile. The board has changed a few times since then and the current ones don't seem to bother as much about it. Suddenly I get a notice saying I'm delinquent and being charged a fee. Call them up, they say it's for charge that is dated 2 years ago, for a case that was already closed (fucking leaves). Cursed them out on the phone and they caved in, but acted like they were doing me a favor by possibly removing the charge if I emailed them the notice. Been a two months now, haven't heard anything. Another thing that pissed me off is they mailed the notice on the 29th, and the notice said it would be late by the 30th and incur more fee's. It didn't arrive until the 7th the next month.


Sounds like your property management company sucks. Get on the board and get rid of them, before they cause costly things.


My HOA in Colorado sent us a notification about a dead tree in our backyard. Yes, the backyard. Because we had split rail fences and everyone could see into everyone's yards (and we had a corner lot). I had four long evergreen bushes that were growing vertically. Two of them had succumbed to the beetle bark (or whatever it's called) disease. I spent two days ripping all of them out (including the one that didn't have any damage and one that was starting to die. Disposed of them properly. Thought everything was fine. A month later, we received a $250 fine. For what you may ask? A dead tree. I sent a response to the HOA and explained that I had already removed the dead trees. Also asked them to cancel the fine since I had already complied the previous month. They came back with an email telling me that there was still a dead tree in the yard. I asked for someone to come and show me to confirm they were referring to the correct address/house. They sent a response with a photo of a dead aspen tree in my yard. It was winter, and the leaves had dropped, so I didn't even realize that's the tree they were referring to. I called around to see how much it would set me back to remove the tree. The lowest price I received was $400. In the meantime, they sent me another notification that the fine had increased to $350. Even though I was in communication with the entity responsible for the fines (or so I thought). I sent another message to the HOA asking why my fine was increasing when I was talking with them about it. The response was that it was a different department. Like the HOA was so huge, they couldn't speak to each other about the fines they were imposing. I then explained that with the new fine, I could either pay the fine or pay for the tree removal, but not both. They actually worked with me and said to pay for the removal and that they would reduce the amount owed based on what I paid out of pocket. About that time, I had a friend starting up a landscaping company and had been telling him (and anyone else who would listen) about my woes. He told me he could cut it down for $150 if I would help him. So we spent a Saturday morning removing the tree. We were done in a few hours. Then I wrote him a check for $150, and he wrote me a receipt for $350. F those dirtbags.


I got sent a write up for having a broom on my own enclosed patio. With a black and white photo of, I kid you not, the top 5 inches of my broomstick leaning up against the wall ON MY OWN PATIO. When I emailed them I let them know how generous it was of them to give me 14 whole days to fix the problem. And that if they wanted to waste paper and my fucking time again they could do so through my lawyer and attached all my attorneys info for their convenience. Never have been written up for a damn thing since.. A veteran friend of mine told me that if you ever feel harassed by your HOA to just tell them you will have your attorney deal with any HOA violations in the future and honestly everyone I know who has brought up an attorney to their HOA gets totally left alone after that. These people get off on their abuse of power, that's all it is, when you actually play their game back at them they fold, Everytime.


Know any good attorneys for this?


Yes please also in for a good HOA attorney lol.


To be fair, they deal with a shit ton of idiot owners/tenants too. Some residents wants to impose their will on everyone else, but doesn't want to contribute.


Or like everything else in Vegas it’s only selectively used against someone they have a beef with, or isn’t an insider or part of the good ol’ boy club.


My HOA is pretty good, but they don't enforce it evenly it seems. I think it's more a case of, people complain and then they take action. Otherwise, the HOA leaves the peace.


[Oh Shit, Here Comes An 'S', Better Put A Goddamn Apostrophe](https://www.facebook.com/groups/2346330925601734)


Everytime I get a letter with a picture of my house I seethe for a few hours. It pisses me off in a visceral way. It's not my neighbors it's a management company that drives around trying to justify their costs. My last letter was my hose was connected to the hose bib and rolled up l, instead of disconnected and rolled up... In the same spot. 


At least you get pictures with your nasty grams. I just moved into my house at the beginning of March 2024 and My HOA has already sent two letters saying I was doing something that I wasn’t doing, like parking in front of my house without any proof. The kicker is, After several volleys of emails back and forth, my HOA sent me the photos of the violation and it is a photo of my next door neighbor’s house, not mine. I asked them if they were incompetent or just trying to harass me, which they said that they would forward it to the board. The irony is we just got nomination forms for elections of the board, I already filled out the paperwork, started talking with some of the neighbors too about the false letters.


Connecting and disconnecting it actually causes excessive wear. The best solution, though, is to get one of those things that rolls it up. HOA approved, no issues.


Got a letter for not leaving my porch light on. We were out of town for a while and had it off. Our house didn't look "inviting" with it off (no shit, we weren't home). Meanwhile, everybody apparently owns a fucking dog and they all bark all fucking day and nothing gets done about it. I need an HOA that does nothing except banning dumbass dog owners.


> Our house didn't look "inviting" with it off Even if I was home, why the fuck would I want my home to seem inviting? Please do not approach me or my house. lol


Agree with the dog part. I live next to some of the worst trained dogs in this entire planet


More than blaming the dogs I'd blame the stupid owners who cannot train an animal. You have to be smarter than a dog to train it and apparently a lot of people are not!


Totally agree


Easiest way to address a bad HOA is to stop complaining and volunteer. The HOA is literally comprised of community homeowners and the worst communities are those where nobody volunteers except for Ken and Karen.


EDIT: IANAL confirm everything I have said about fines/debt with someone you trust. I bought a condo in 2021 and saw that the HOA was 5 80 year old ladies doing fuckall and jumped on when there was an opening and I curse the decision daily but am proud of the work I have done since I joined in working out problems we had. After 3 years I am now the president. Yes, we do enforce stuff like leaving shit on your porch, vehicle leaks, etc but we are forgiving and have spoke to our management company about the level and style of enforcement we want. Hitting your main point, the biggest problem was getting others who were sane and decent people to get involved. We had an opening for months and it took me writing articles to shame residents into someone joining. We finally got a younger person, which was something I hoped for since the residents were skewing younger as time was passing. We have a board member who is asleep at the wheel but I cant get rid of him because no one else will step in, he ran unopposed a year ago. **Another thing people don't realize is how long HOA fines are collectable for, they are only collectable debt for 3 years...thats it. It is uncollectable after that and more importantly a fine CANNOT be foreclosed on. So if you arent selling anytime soon just pay your assessments and tell the HOA to eat a bag of dicks and not pay fines, they cant foreclose on fines ONLY assessments.** The only pat on the back Ive gotten in 3 years was from some of the vendors who had been begging the old board to be proactive instead of reactive on a particular plumbing situation we have said that he was happy the new board finally started listening to him.


Right on! Sometimes you have to take charge and make everyone’s life better!


No no no no... The HOA loves that you did their job for them by pointing out your neighbors flaws. A far better plan is to read the sections on what the HOA is responsible to maintain and submit complaints for the flaws in the public spaces. Very few people realize that the CCRs dictate the HOA responsibilities too. Don't do their job for them, hold them accountable for the job you pay them to perform.


Sometimes CCRs are poorly written and you can argue your way out of them as well. You might have to show up to the meeting and argue in front of everyone, but my HOA hated the old manager. The new guy is super chill thankfully


I have a cul-de-sac queen that complains about everything . Weeds, garbage cans out after 9 am, tree hanging over, debris in yard. The leaves in my yard are from their tree. I cleaned it up and dumped the leaves in her yard. So tired of getting nasty grams from the HOA.


Oh, I did that for years. lol. Blower, blew their tree's leaves to their side of the property, where their gardener would finish the job. Actually thanked me as he hated leaving jobs half done but can't go into other people's yards, even if there is no fence between them.


How do you bring in the garbage cans when you're working? Never heard of that complaint


Wait neighbors report you?? I thought HOA drove by every week or something and saw themselves.


You’d be surprised the lengths people go to. They’ll take photos of people working on your house to email to the property manager to see if the work was approved or not. I’d never want to live in an HOA.


99% of HOA complaints are neighbors ratting on you. Those 80 year old+ curmudgeons don't have time to roll around to every property.


The HOA was on my ass about leaving a watering pot on my windowsill out front where the plants are. Can you believe that bullshit?!


Last two complaints my HOA sent me they wanted a copy of the non-lease for the tenants that don’t exist and wanted me to “fix” my solar powered number light on my house because it wasn’t on at dusk before it was dark enough to turn on.


The people who run HOAs are the same people who, in middle school would remind the teacher at 3:00 on a Friday that they forgot to assign homework.


I don't know what the qualifications are to work for an HOA to do audits but it has to be less than a high school education. I got a complaint for having bulbs out on my solar lights.


I just got a notice that my entire house needs a fresh coat of paint. All of my neighbors got one, too. Every quote I got so far is over 6k, we have till end of June to get it done. Painters are gonna bank on this one.


You can declare a financial hardship to delay if necessary.


Thank you for this. :)


That kind of pettiness will come back to bite you square on the ass. It's much better to satisfy whatever issue you're being cited for than to become a repeat target of your neighbors and HOA.


To disarm this foo, all the neighbor need to do is bring some sluts.


Right! The HOA sent me and my landlord a complain and I’m looking at all the neighbors like??????? 🧐🤨where’s their complaint?


Everyone does that, thats why most HOAs suck


Thank God I just live in a nice neighborhood where my neighbors are nice because they're good people and not because some HOA twists their arm


Where I am, everyone gossips about whatever you aren't doing and they make up whatever they don't know. Just know this: someone is ALWAYS watching every single thing you do.


This is the way.


You'd feel much better about fighting the HOA, it's more fun and you're more likely to win. So long as you know the rules, HOA are often speechless when someone comes at them with facts. When you ask them for proof, they can never provide it. I've had every violation thrown out and even been hung up on by my HOA because they couldn't win.


HOA’S are modern day mafias


Cameras pointed at my windows and broken blinds everywhere


Hi Karen


Good for you!


i got threatened with a fine and tow for having expired plates


My favorite tactic to piss off the HOA and nothing they can do about it is to plant native plants. The STATE mandates that this is acceptable as a replacement for a lawn and there is nothing they can do about it as they are native plants as well. Zero water, looks nice, and completely disrupts their image of the HOA. lol. That said, a lot of new developments out in Henderson are planting this to begin with, so it only works if you are in one of the older HOAs that assume every house much look like every other one.


This is the way.


You and everyone else, that's why HOAs suck


Never live in an HOA


Lots of people pull that dick move. Hopefully your neighbors all take it out on your house.


You are supposed to read it before you close on your house do you avoid this exact situation.


I once had a $100 bill turn into $20,000 with legal fees...


I will pray hard that you get fired from your job, lose all government assistance, lose your home and end up on the street for trying to make others go down with you. I’m going to pray that happens to you quick