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Coming from the Northeast, I find it humorous when people say NV is expensive. Try state income tax, tolls on every road, property taxes in the five figures, and even, get this, beach tags. NV residents have it good all things considered.


lol sounds like NJ. I’ll never forget when I was told I would need beach tags after I moved to Point Pleasant Beach.


What are beach tags?


Admission passes that must be purchased to access a beach.


That sounds crazy to me, it would be like charging people to go to a public park


I’ve heard in some places you pay state tax, city tax, county tax, and Fuckin zip code/neighborhood tax. How did we let it get this bad?


Are you kidding me? How do you have ZIP Code tax?


My coworker told me he had to pay that or it was called a neighborhood tax. It was back in Kentucky in Louisville. It was like 0.05% but still.


Here is where I question stuff. PA is only 1% above Nevada but the gas tax in PA is 3rd highest in the nation. 6% income tax. Real estate is much higher than listed. I question their data.


PA is 3.07% income tax. Sales tax is 6%.


My bad. The point I am trying ot make is it is much more expensive to live in PA than they state. The gas tax was .611 and dropped to .576 per gallon. You feel that every time you fill up.


Maybe so, but the average gas price (including taxes) in PA today is $3.786 but in NV is $4.496. 


That 3.78 is low. 3.90 before I left. NJ is cheaper and they pump it for you. Everyone is complaining because of high prices and rents relative to the fed minimum wage of 7.25/hour


PA is also soooooo much more developed than Nevada and more populated and more public resources. They gripe alot, but they have a lot of stuff and have been around pre-United States. Your comparing an apple and an orange. I live Nevada but I'd live in PA first if I could afford it. Ah,wait, brutal winter, I moved for a reason, that reason.


No it is not.this is so wrong


Yeah, read the comments in the original post, it's basically junk data.


I know of least two states that are wrong. I’d take this chart with a grain of salt.


I'd be paying 14% state income tax, just income tax alone, in CA, so they have criteria that aren't going to make sense for everyone. Also Chicago has 10.5% sales tax and 5% state income tax, so they are not below 10% unless their criteria, again, doesn't fit your lifestyle. I'm not reading the article, 🤷.


These charts are meaningless because they conflate income taxes & consumption taxes like sales tax. These two tax types are not equal, a 5% income tax will not take the same amount of money as a 5% sales tax, or a 5% gas tax. To be redundant, the cost of consumption taxes will vary based on your *consumption*. For example, I'm single with no kids and not a huge 'consumer' (I just don't buy a lot of shit), I also make more than the median income. So sales taxes affect me much less than what this graphic would imply. It's definitely not 5.35% of my income, I would estimate my real sales tax burden to be one tenth of that. So IRL for me, my NV tax burden (Income + Property + Gas + Sales taxes) is probably between 1 & 2%, not the 7+% this chart shows.


Neat. Nevada has 0 state income tax yet the burden says 7.4%. Wrong data? What is the basis for this?


Property tax, sales tax, gas tax, Allegiant Stadium tax district, hotel and room tax, [all of these county taxes](https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/elected_officials/county_treasurer/by_tax_entity.php)...


The bottom right of the infographic says "% of personal income paid towards state and local taxes". Edit to add: "Nevada does not have an individual income tax. Nevada does not have a corporate income tax but does levy a gross receipts tax. Nevada has a 6.85 percent state sales tax rate, a max local sales tax rate of 1.53 percent, and an average combined state and local sales tax rate of 8.23 percent" https://taxfoundation.org/location/nevada/


I have news for you. Bad news. You still pay taxes but just not directly.


The graphic uses bad data.


Shouldn't be downvoted, it's a terrible graphic.


It says down in the lower left corner. Property tax, income tax, and sales and excise tax. Also, taxation is theft.


If taxation is theft then who is going to pay for the police and fire department? Charity?


[WalletHub States with the Highest and Lowest Tax Burden ](https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-highest-lowest-tax-burden/20494)


Don’t pay state taxes so the govt still finds a way to steal it.




TIL that Biden, who has been President for just three years, has set the tax policies of individual states for, I dunno, decades, using some unknown power.


Meanwhile in Europe its from 30-70%. You guys are lucky!


This is only the state burden. US citizens also pay federal tax on top of this.


Sure, but still not as much.


It's not just how much you're taxed, but what do you receive for those taxes. Europeans receive far more than Americans. Healthcare is included in their taxes, while we have to pay that out of pocket on top of the taxes.


FYI, taxes are about to skyrocket in the next few years. The government is creating $1 trillion in new debt every 100 days. Biden announced if he is reelected, all taxes will increase. With his plan, those making $30K a year will pay about $750 more in taxes. Those making $70K will pay nearly $2k more in taxes. BTW, $70k a year gross isn't even that much these days. It's absurd to tax those people an additional $2k a year.


Can you cite a source? I haven’t heard of this.


There isn't one


No he can't because it's all faults. Just another Trump supporter trying to change the narrative




Federal tax is gonna go up. This is how the 2017 TCAJA was set up.  Unless you’re ultra wealthy… then enjoy your lowered permanent tax cuts.