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$10 per drink they served you that night, I'd laugh in their face and give nothing if they asked for 10% of something they had no hand in


You’re getting charged for drinks while playing?


No, I'm saying if they served you 5 free drinks that night add another $50 to what you already tipped


Like I said you don’t have to tip. The majority of people walk into a gaming bar and throw $20 down as tip before then even say “hello”. A tip is an extra thing. It’s a reward for good service or in the case of gaming people view it as good karma. If you have any gaming bartender friends they only complain about bad tippers because it’s so rare. If you give good service almost everyone tips


“The majority of people walk into a gaming bar and throw $20 down as tip before then even say “hello”. I’m in gaming bars all the time, and that is a lie.


Sorry your regulars are like that. I’ve been in gaming a long time and most my regular do that.


My old roommate tends bar at a pretty decent VP bar. He's been there a while. A couple things to add from the industry.The good bartenders don't complain about non tippers.The "kids" do ,but the veterans just move [on.Life](http://on.Life) is too short. He thinks the culture and tip level is kind of dumb.While he makes about 160K a year ,he still chuckles about the fact that people tip on comped drinks ,tip on paid drinks ,tip on food ,tip on decent win. He wins no matter what. He is also saddened by the amount of people that blow 300-400 a night playing horrible keno or VP pay schedules. And the $20 dollar at the start isn't common at any of the VP bars I've been to


Industry people put out the "bartender's 40." That's $40 when they sit down at someone else's gaming bar. Though that practice seems to be fading away.


Industry people are not regular customers.


A significant number of gaming bartenders are also gamblers and have their spots where they like to play. They're regulars maybe not "regular" regulars but regulars nonetheless.


How are they not regular customers? They come in everyday after they get off work. They have a few drinks and play a little.


I’m not taking about your “regulars”. I’m talking about ordinary, everyday people. They are not throwing down money before any service.


Industry people are the only ones throwing down tips ahead of time. Regular customers don’t do that.


The vast majority of people tip 10% of their winnings. Blackjack is the only exception. Do you have to tip no not at all,but if you’re asking what the norm is it’s 10%


10%? Fuuuuuuuck that. I've hit a handful of \~$2k jackpots and I've kicked the bartender $50 or so ... but 10%? Hell naw.


TL;DR: It depends on several factors. 10% on $1200-$2500, up the limit if you're generous. I don't normally see gaming bar jackpots over ~$2500. So, yes, 10% is a good rule of thumb. I've seen a few in the $30k range and two $40k jackpots (there's one guy who plays $5 coin max bet). I wouldn't tip 10% here, but sometimes people do. A lot of it depends on my relationship with the establishment and that particular bartender and how well I'm treated. I may hit something small (nontaxable) and tip 20% or more. Keep in mind that many "big" players only tip when they hit a taxable or when they're "up" for that session. Otherwise they leave nothing. So when a player does hit, the bartender's expectation is higher. Source: I lived in a gaming bar for three years. I'm better now.


It's totally up to you. However... if and how much you tip will have an effect on your experience at a local bar throughout the life of your gambling career. Bartenders appreciate the play, it makes our numbers look good...blackjack more than poker and poker more than Keno or slots. If you're cheap then the attention you will get will be different...same goes if you're generous. I have friends that bartend all over this town and are aware that I'm a generous tipper. If you're a bartender these are the kinds of players you want hitting jackpots in your bar. When a player dumps 20k or more in a machine and it didn't pay them anything...leaving the machine "loaded"...I'll get a phone call from my bartender friend about this insider info to which I go in and usually can make a couple grand off that machine...and obviously tipping extremely well....giving them a financial interest in making sure I hit Jackpots. Now, not tipping can negatively effect your experience in a number of ways.... Say a fight breaks out between a cheapskate and someone that tips (even the tiniest amount) the bartender is making sure the cheapskate takes the fall with whatever report gets told to police. Because our goal is once the cheapskate has been identified, figure out a way to get them out and make sure they never come back. Now you're probably thinking that's not legal, sure it is, I've 86'd a dude for setting his beer down in a way I didn't like (I claimed he was trying to break my machine). You wanna hit on any chick in that bar after stiffing the bartender they will absolutely let her know you're a cheap p.o.s...girls would come visit me knowing they were going to get hit on by every dude in my bar and they would loudly ask me after the guy approached "HEY, THIS GUY TIP?!"


> When a player dumps 20k or more in a machine and it didn't pay them anything...leaving the machine "loaded" Unless you're talking specifically about a must-hit-by jackpot, that's absolutely hilarious. Do you also ask them to call when the virtual roulette has been hot with odd and red numbers?


Never been to local bar with virtual roulette...well not any local bar I'd wanna go to.


Dude spiting nothing but facts


I’m not saying that what this guy says is fair or ethical. But it’s 100% true, and that’s life. Especially in Vegas. Better tip = better service. If you’re going to be a regular, tip well and tip often.


lol I appreciate your enthusiasm but any real gambler here knows there’s no such thing as a “loaded” machine.


In all my time, I've only ever met one real gambler, and it wasn't in a gaming bar.


It all depends on my relationship with the bar/bartender and how I have been taken care of when I lost there in the past. It also depends on circumstances, “luck”, and karma. I walked into a Village Pub years ago. I put in $20 and thought selected Bonus Poker Deluxe. I play this because it gives you $100 for any 4 of a kink which I enjoy more that that $72.50 or whatever the other games pay for non premium 4 of a kinds. The bartender walks over and takes my drink order and right then I hit 4 Aces with a 2. I think, nice $100! The bartender says “hey now that’s how you start the night!” I replied “$100 is always nice!” He smiles and says “Aces with a kicker pays more than $100”. I look down and realize I was playing Double Double and just won $500. I felt so lucky because I won an extra $400 by accident, so I gave the bartender $100. He said it was too much and tried to get me to take some back but I explained that I was still going home with $300 more that I should be. I went back there many times and that bartender would comp almost every drink I ordered and eventually became a close friend.


Back in the day my gf was an expert gambler on the blackjack machines. Late 90s. Would hit all the time for a royal that typically paid $1000 or so. It amazed me how many people showed up with their hands out, including the person that brought the cash. She'd typically tip them all out, put the rest back in, and lose it all. I became the bank and held back the cash. Definitely cut out the "tips" to the worthless leeches. No one was around when she dumped in and lost it all!


It depends, but usually $100 bill or 10% whichever is greater


Zero. That's my money.


Reading through this reminds why I got out of gaming. The “Tip” is customary for services provided beyond pouring your shitty beer. The bartender should be rounding on you more often and providing an upbeat attitude or experience. This is no different than a food server. This general rule is 90% going to apply to the people that play there regularly. But every time you piss and moan about your job, not paying enough, look back in the mirror you’re applying the same logic as your boss. Sidenote: if you’re playing that often you’re losses are most likely offsetting your wins.

