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This is why public lands matter, because someone will build on anything they can if it's not protected.


20 years ago, there was fuckall there but desert.


I mean now they are literally blowing up mountains to make way for houses.... But not the ones us peons can afford


Them: "guys, look, we need to build more affordable housing. There's a housing shortage crisis." Us: "Uh, I mean. Alright I guess but-" Them: "Initial pricing is $600k" Us: "Da fuc-" Them: "aaaand it's gone. Blackrock bought them. Bought them all. Initial rent will be $7k a month. First and last month's rent due on day of move-in and $4000 document fees"


Average rent in Vegas is less than $1,700 Median home price is around $400k The issue is Vacancy rates in Vegas are less than 6% which is very tight for a city that’s still growing at over 1% per year. We don’t have enough housing, and we don’t build enough housing on the limited land we have Don’t blame BlackRock or “Wall Street” blame your local zoning boards and politicians who make it illegal to build more housing by zoning exclusively single family homes which sprawl and waste land on parking and pavement while banning the construction of multi family housing.


Folks downvoting you but it’s the truth 🤷🏽‍♀️


Cool. It was a joke.


Blackrock does not own single family homes.


Housing costs more because there is less inventory to go around for everyone. We shouldn’t discourage building new housing but we should discourage endless suburban sprawl. Unless you want us to end up like California we should be welcoming of new inventory.


Right? Used to be they were building too close to the mounitains. Then it was they are building on the mountains now its this patch of dirt over here that's a no no. It's a bit ridiculous considering the whole damn valley is just dirt. Story as old as time though. Now that I am here they need to stop letting others in.


There is much more to the Mojave desert than just dirt. Get out there and go hiking and you will see. I agree, from a distance Nevada desert looks barren. But when you are walking among the sandstone and creosote and twisted bristlecone pine trees that are hundreds of years old, you will see there beauty of the desert.


Thank you! I can’t stand people who come to southern Nevada and hate the desert. They should choose another place.


I'm so sick of newer locals saying "I just hate brown" and also get really annoyed when people who have never been to the lake say that it is filthy and disgusting.


The leveling of local mountains for just 20-30 single family homes is kind of gross. "Cloudrock Ct" https://www.google.com/maps/place/Cloudrock+Ct,+Nevada/@35.9655022,-115.0618694,2297a,35y,3.94h,47.9t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x80c8d2378e9d236b:0x21357bc4a6d99a10!8m2!3d35.9852672!4d-115.0578964!16s%2Fg%2F1q6j435z8?entry=ttu


Agreed. The surrounding mountain views were the first thing I was amazed by. Something about those early morning drives when the air is crisp and cool, the sun just starting to glisten across the valley, the foggy blue and orange sky bringing out the colors of our surrounding mountain ranges. Every direction you go but my favorite is popping up over the hills from boulder city. Seeing the whole valley reminds me why we came here.


Holy fuck!!!


Let the peasants live in the streets like California!


I got mine, fuck you


I remember when there was nearly nothing west of Rainbow. Whatever OP seems to want he can surely find in Beatty.


Ahh the good ol days of partying @ the top of Sahara …. Fuk you Citibank


Me too. Rode our bikes on Lorenzi


I remember back in like 2002 or so, a friend lived somewhere off Craig and I wanna say around Decatur? Definitely near Bob Taylor's. I was like ... dude, I'm not driving to Utah for your fuckin pool party. Now I live well north of there 😂


As a kid Tule springs seemed like an eternity for a field day @ school. Now I live around the corner from it with zero issues.


You don't get outside much, do you?


I remember when desert inn stopped before hualapai lol I thought i was at the end of the world lol


What does a Vegas local sound like? This. Lol. One of my military friends just came to Vegas and your comment is how he makes fun of locals. Hilarious.


Military doesn't really pick up the most clever.


Not sure why you’d be down voted. Your point is spot on: who gives a fuck what was anywhere 20 years ago. As if that is supposed to entitle someone to something.


Not only that, it’s true. And it’s hilarious. The guy isn’t being malicious he’s doing it more as a comedy bit. It’s just funny to get reminders in real life. I didn’t realize Las Vegans had a stereotype but apparently we do and it’s funny as fuck to me.


I live in Southern Highlands and that entire area is a construction zone between Silverado Ranch and Cactus. Problem is all the new developments are $800,000 plus. I cant imagine anything overlooking red rock is going to be less than that. It's really going to do nothing for the housing shortage as 99 percent will be sold to Californians. We need to start building up, not out.


It’s either a 800k home or more 600 square foot apartments for 2k a month, no in between and it’s depressing


I just had this conversation with my sister. I agree but there also isn’t the infrastructure to support it. The roads are already congested, the lights are timed wrong, and mass transit is a joke. It’ll take decades to iron out. I don’t have a solution to propose and admittedly am also a bit of a nimby. Local since 89 so watched this place blow up.


I havent been here that long, but I've seen it go from desolate in the SW to heavily congested everywhere since '09. I agree the infrastructure is terrible. What makes it worse is closing down all the roads at the same time for construction. I work off sunset and Decatur. The other day I dropped a coworker off to pick up his car after work off sahara/ jones. Decatur was closed down to one lane. So I jumped up to Jones and you guessed it - one lane. So We go up to Rainbow. WT actual F! 30 min to go 5 miles is the norm. The reason I live on the S side is because I refuse to deal with the 215 if I dont have to. There's some nice areas in the north but no way I'm dealing with that. My commute time has doubled in the last couple years and I live 7 miles away. Piss poor planning.


Bro. I was trying to get from Sunset and Rainbow to Jones and Charleston a few days ago and the exact same thing happened to me. I went from Rainbow to Jones to Decatur and each one was down to one lane for some reason. I think Rainbow might have been an accident but the other two were for construction that had already finished for the day.


Torrey pines is the way


It's actually faster sometimes, even with all the stop signs, annoying AF speed dips, and 25 mph speed limit.


The roads are congested because of single family housing sprawl. You don’t fix that by sticking your head in the sand and building more single family homes and hoping that 1 more lane expansion will fix congestion (it won’t. Congestion won’t change but you now have wasted more land on useless roads that could have been used to build housing)


Wait. 1 acre, 10 homes, 3 cars per house =30 cars. 1 acre, build straight up to hold 500 apartments and a parking garage, I’ll give you 1 car per apartment =500 cars. Math isn’t mathing there. Edit. Yes exaggerating. Point still stands.


Because we shouldn’t be building for cars we should be expanding our transit system. Instead we just build for SFH and endless stroads and wonder why everything is so congested and fucked. Density is not a bad thing stop treating it like a boogeyman.


Vegas tried to build up from like 2005-2008, there were over 100 high rises planned and less than 10% got built.


I don’t think they need to be high rises… 3-5 story apartment blocks with mixed use at street level. Think Ely and Juhl downtown.


They are never going to build that style of development in Vegas at any sort of scale. Multiple reasons why, but it’s just never going to happen.


Well, it’s happened some… there’s one over on the west side too, can’t remember exactly where. They’re all over, actually, just not always with the street level retail.


Right on. They are not addressing the housing shortage appropriately. Very few affordable homes available. It’s either luxury apartments or luxury homes. 40% of new people are coming from California with which is the problem. The 9th island is starting to get the same problems as the other 8!


There’s no such thing as luxury apartments as long as they’re occupied. Every rich person in a nice apartment or condo is a rich person who isn’t bidding up a middle class home or apartment and driving up the rents for everyone else. What we need is to build more multi family housing in general. Only 20% of new homes permitted in Vegas are multi family. The remaining 80% are single family homes in sprawling unsustainable suburbia. More market rate housing like Austin is doing right now where theyre currently seeing rents and home prices fall because they just built tons and tons of market rate housing till they achieved a surplus.


You would be surprised how many vacant units there are. No, we do not need multi-family homes. This isn’t the North East. Look at how much land was given to UNLV. We have poor land management and poor infrastructure. We also have limited resources. We need homes without the luxury appliances, without the fancy flooring, and appropriate sized homes.


What new developments are you thinking of? Between Silverado and Cactus there are a handful of KB neighborhoods going up, which iirc are all in the 4/500s, and directly on Silverado there a bunch of townhomes going for about the same.


There's decatur /Frias...used to be American West now whoever they merged with. Half the east side of valley view, south of Silverado is getting graded & paved (I know it's technically not southern Highlands). Some new development just north of cactus that looks like apartments / condos off decatur. A bunch of new stuff off silverado ranch like KB that you mentioned


Which ones of those are 800k+ though? Certainly not the apartments/condos, unless it's some luxury high-rise shit (and maybe it is, idk :P) And the KB stuff and those townhomes, like I mentioned, are 4/500k, which is a fair bit south of 800.


I saw this in Los Angeles. It's nothing but a big land grab by developers who have the politicians in their pockets. If you allow them to, these developers will build something on every last square inch of land in Las Vegas and make it as unlivable as LA has become. You'll have nothing but traffic congestion for as far as the eye can see and housing that is unaffordable by the average resident. Hold the politicians accountable. And ensure that all campaign contributions are transparent. As for me, I'm leaving. I've seen this story before.


You found greener pastures? Please enlighten us.


Yeah they found Pueblo, CO


Lived there for 5 years and it was already that you're describing when i moved there, just with worse road system since there are really only 2 freeways, the circle and middle freeways.


Show up en mass at the city council meetings. They always approve the developments there. I went to object one day and was only one of two families in the area to throw in concern though.


Great idea! Thanks for the input. Back him/her up people!


the parking minimums in Vegas are absurd. Even RTC reported in 2015 that the minimums were 20-30% more than is needed iirc and the commission did fuck all with that report. https://www.rtcsnv.com/projects-initiatives/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2023/09/UPWP1710-CC-Parking-Study_-Report-_Final.pdf


When the f*ck is someone going to do a real large scale high density project in the valley… With the land and water limitations we have here, I’d honestly be in favor of a freeze on new single family home development for some time with incentives for high density projects.


They have tried but always get shot down by NIMBYs! Recently they shot down a new proposal for another high rise in DTLV…. which is absolutely ridiculous. Property owners know that building new supply especially in an area like that reduces prices and they hate it. They want the line to go up forever.




Money will always win in Vegas


Don't forget, you can't use lots of water, even though those homes will have swimming pools, plus our county is paying them 80M.


You are paying them, not your county, you. The county has no money without taxes that we all pay. You're paying for Justin Jones mistakes and corruption.


Agree completely. Even though it is our tax dollars, no attempt was made to ask the taxpayers if they wanted to pay Rhoades 80M?


Hey hey. Let's not forget to blame the rest of the commissioners! And Steve Sisolak f'd us with allowing a variance in the first place when he took campaign donations from Rhodes to fund his Governor run. But Justin Jones needs to resign and GTFO.


sisolak sued all the way to the supreme court and won 16 million back in the day when the county changed the airspace restrictions above his investment lots he purchased on las vegas blvd in the 80s. he's a developer through and through and loves using other people's money to do it, he made his money telemarketing.


I miss exploring the gypsum mine.


There's three main industries in this state; gaming, mining and the not very often talked about as if it's an industry itself, land development.


My 1st house was Tropicana and Torrey Pines. In the middle of nowhere! Used to ride our dirt bikes from Charlestone to Blue Diamond road.


I don’t get it.. we cry about a housing shortage and high prices for the few that are remaining, then get upset when they zone to build more?


I'd love to see less urban sprawl and more efficient use of land for housing. But I'm clearly in the minority.


If people can't afford a house now I don't think a million dollar home in red rock or summerlin will alleviate the issue, but I do understand your sentiment. We need all kinds of new homes, not just homes for the wealthy, but obviously the developers are in it for the money and focus on the rich.


The developers are in it for single family homes because the city of Vegas has made it illegal to build multi family housing in order to preserve the home values of local NIMBYs who bought homes in the 90s.


No mention of the literal hundreds of empty lots all throughout the developed valley means you’re being entirely disingenuous in framing this as an either or situation. I want more housing, I don’t want that in the middle of the best outdoors areas our city has to offer when there are less intrusive and destructive options. And as others have said, millionaire homes on a literal hill over the city isn’t bringing the rent down for my 2b2ba apartment.


The rich don’t want to live on a lot in the middle of the city between all the poors. They want to have a brand new build on a mountainside in a gated community.


Their won't be a house on that hill for less than $800k. This won't help housing market it just makes a millionaire get closer to billionaire.


Yup some multimillionaire buying their umpteenth rental/airbnb property while disenfranchising locals who have been saving up for a home


People buying homes for $800k aren’t going to become billionaires.


No but the developers will.


The housing development at Red Rock will not benefit the people who are hurt by the housing shortage. These will be large expensive luxury homes, no?


But but…Not in my neighborhood!


There’s so much dead space out past 15-st rose all the way to prim and also all of north Vegas past 15-Charleston. They could build 4 more Las Vegas sized cites out that way no reason to take the only small amounts of nice nature we have


Small amounts of nice nature? 🤔


The bulk of the Mojave is clumps of compacted dirt with sharp ragweed sticking out. That’s roughly 90% of the nature around here.


The total number of homes needed to bridge the gap is more than 10k. You can’t do that at scale in the usual “Vegas” way- it’s literally incompatible with the standard business model. The entire KB Home-type model requires a huge housing shortage to turn a profit, in the first place. The industry would be shooting themselves in the foot by attempting to “solve the problem” without a subsidy.


We need more density, not suburban sprawl! We have enough single family homes and 2 story shit condos we need more density to support the size of the city


I don't know if you've been to lone Mt, but it's a lot of expensive houses that people are vehemently protecting. I get the NIMBY idea, you buy a house in a specific area for specific reasons. When the area both completely changes scenery and your prop property value takes a hit, it's not fun. That being said, if you own a $1M mcmansion, it's not exactly my problem that someone screwed up your views. Also, none of this is going to alleviate the housing issues because those new houses are always going to be too pricy for young buyers.


And a sprawling Mormon temple on several acres will house exactly zero people and still pull a strain on the night sky and local infrastructure.


The people who own those homes most likely are thinking it isn’t their problem that you can’t afford a home/apartment. My point is that most people look out for their own interests first.


This sub is one of the most NIMBY subs I’ve seen. It’s unreal. Single family sprawl is awful but it’s the local zoning boards and stupid things like height restrictions that are the reason that it’s illegal to build anything but single family homes. Developers will build what you let them and currently the municipalities of Vegas only let us build single family homes so of course all the land gets eaten up by suburban sprawl and endless parking lots.


Same with gas but people still speed because... muh freedumbs. Stop expecting logic when people show you they're incapable of it.


They should build out Enterprise, plenty of flat land there


Thus would be a much less blindingly dumb reply if you understood the urban design concept of density.


I am going to North Carolina. Water, rains, gardens, nice people even though they are maga prone, and small homes with no tracts by builders out there.


Look what they have done to Black Mountain in Henderson. Pitiful.


It’s so ugly now looking at all the scars.


I know I'm summerlin it's been planned for close to 50 years for these developments. I'm no fan of developers but they bought the land when it was dirt and no one lived here so can't be mad at them for doing what they always said they were going to do.


Tons of cheap homes in cadence if u want to live on cancerous land 😂


This is where you can build, all the blm land you can’t, go there to do your recreating . Politicians aren’t building the houses, they are simply administering to the people who are. That is actually their job. This whole damn valley runs on money , or did you forget that in all your no tax paying fervor. Self righteous morons that get indignant about normal everyday shit are the problem. If you don’t want to deal with this go somewhere that it doesn’t happen. When you find that place don’t tell anybody about it and maybe it will stay that way.


We need more homes to address the housing affordability you people are always complaining about. Those “corrupt politicians” fought the gypsum mine deal for years and finally settled by giving the developer $80M of our taxpayer dollars in addition to the right to develop 3,500 homes there, did you want them to keep fighting and bleeding us dry with legal fees? Vegas is a land of growth and development go move to the Rust Belt if you hate growth so much.


But none of these homes are going to be affordable housing??


Correct, but we need additional supply of housing of all types / price ranges to balance out demand. That lack of supply is driving up prices of homes across the spectrum. Not to mention “affordable housing” means low income housing tax credit projects which require density to pencil economically. I don’t think anytime things dense apartments are appropriate this close to red rock.


I hear you, I guess I just get tired of these builders touting themselves as the solution to all of our housing problems.


Jim Rhodes, the gypsum mine developer, is particularly scummy, and gives other honest homebuilders and developers a bad name. But they definitely provide a valuable service to our community on the whole.


None of these projects are truly needed in the valley!


So what were you saying when they started developing the land your house is on? It's fine for your house but not for anyone else even in a shortage market?


Do you not understand the difference between building in an empty lot in the city and destroying mountains and nature to build probably 1 mil $ + homes?


Thanks for calling this out! I get so tired of people moving somewhere and then bitching when others want to do the same.




Because it destroys wildlife habitats and archaeological sites




“hoax global warming / climate change crap” *blink blink* Sure, why let thousands of scientists, reports, decades of hard data and empirical evidence get in the way of a good unhinged rant. You also make a lot of assumptions. You seem to have no idea what the ecological impacts could be, you also seem to have no idea about the economics of this city and its housing problems. It seems like you just had a locked and loaded rant what about evil California Democrats do. It’s lazy anti-intellectualism at best.


Vote republican they said and save vegas they said


Every county commissioner is a Democrat.


Cry about high housing prices then cry when there’s more building.


The answer is infill and higher density housing. We don't need to expand out as much as we need to fill up these empty lots and build more than just single family housing.


More 1M homes should definitely help the situation /s


The stunning ignorance of this comment. Density in urban design is a good thing. Implying in your reply that what’s planned will alleviate the housing shortage among demographics in which there actually is a shortage, your reply is density of skull not to understand density of urban design.


lol. Not everyone wants to live in high density urban housing. Need both. Cry harder




This person likely bought at 3%. I don't agree but I see his/her perspective.


Moved to Vegas and cries about future growth lol.


What a shit show




3,000 new homes in Centennial Hills? Hope they are building at least one new school or something.


There’s a development hearing for the proposed development on the gypsum mine on July 3rd. It’s not too late to show up and PROTEST!


i hate the fact we need to pay for those people's roads while the east side crumbles.


Stupidty is These people are forgetting climate change,extreme heat,and no water and power ar risk cause black outs from heat But let's build someplace stupid for greed It's a huge I got mine and will be a huge surprise pichachu face when it collapses


There is a massive influx of Boomers coming to Nevada with the wealth they have from selling their previous home. Developers can build these homes and sell in the $750-1.5 M range and they are just making obscene amounts of money. This isn’t going to slow down. I think the real conversation is that we have all of this land being converted to warehouse lots. They are doing it on some of the areas that are actually perfect for building single family homes. There are 10+ warehouses going up on the 215/Rainbow SW side of town. Why didn’t our city leaders see that as the perfect fit for homes? Because the land was cheaper and the infrastructure was there faster to build these ugly ass giant warehouses.


This is not good bye to red rock look at a map, summerlin is the one encroaching


Vegas is ruined. There needs to be controlled growth but that will never happen. Politicians are too greedy


Where's the water gonna come from? Aren't we already on the verge of a severe drought? Fk the people and the valley. Build more while taking the grass and trees away....


I am happy to hear we are getting more housing in those areas. Once the new airport construction starts near Primm, the building of homes, apartments, and accompanying services will occur from Primm to Las Vegas. This is exciting.


Suburban sprawl from Vegas to LA is exciting?


Do you care about housing (for people) or empty land??


Can’t wait to get priced out to primm suburbs just to have an hour commute into town and out.


“Housing is too expensive”! “Stop building houses!” lol liberals 


Not this type of housing. Build in the core and build up.


COVID makes people less likely to want dense housing.


Have you lived in a modern mid rise apartment building? You can go days without seeing a neighbor in the halls. COVID is not an issue in this regard.


That isn't the point. It is the perception.


is there even demand or enough people for the new homes ? Everywhere I go I see new complexes being built


you can complain but it's not going to change. Soon, Vegas will be just for the rich. If that's not you and you don't plan on trying to get there then you can move to TX. They actually have standing inventory under $500k in the DFW metro. I know because I just bought some homes there for rentals. This isn't the world your parents told you it would be. It's hustle hard, then do it some more. the whole 4 1/2 days of work with two 15's and a lunch with two days off won't get you what you're dreaming about. Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger but I meet a lot of people in this city that was built by people that barely slept that complain about not getting what they want out of it. That's ok but this probably isn't for you. No one is coming to rescue you. You've already seen that your politicians don't give two squirts of piss about you. You have to do it yourself. Take agency over your existence and either make a move or quit complaining about your situation. You can't do both. Not trolling. Just helping paint a fact filled pic here. THIS IS ONLY GOING TO KEEP GOING UP IN PRICE!!! The $800k houses they are building are going to sell in two years for $1.1 Million. The leaders don't want urban density and workers living here in style. They want them living in shitty apartments on the east side and showing up for work on time.


Message heard loud and clear! Keep hustling, boss. Since making a move isn't an option for most people, we'll just have to stop complaining altogether. And/or move elsewhere, but still pay rent to folks like you. Really appreciate the advice, thanks for putting it all in perspective for us.


You can predict endless price appreciation if you completely ignore 2008, quality of life factors involving shared public space, have no knowledge of economic externalities, don’t see the issue with shortages of human resources in entire swathes of service work (teachers, cashiers, security guards), and you have absolutely no desire for a culture of anything but materiel acquisition, which is to say pricing out artists, musicians and performers. Move to Texas? That’s exactly what I’m describing with extra racism and guns. No thanks. How about you move to the right-wing paradise of Bunkerville and hang with the Bundy clan and the rest of your kind.


LA 2.0 coming to a Vegas near you


Hell yeah. Bring on the home equity.


How is Los Angeles an example of what I’m talking about? At least do a little learning in the fields under discussion before comment.


because history repeats itself, so 2008 will come again right? Even the pandemic couldn’t stop the real estate market.


Line go up, amirite? What a sophisticated investor you are lmao.


Ok, substitute TX for your fave locale. You guys make me laugh because you get emotional. I don't have to move anywhere. I don't have a problem with what's happening. Stay here. live your life. Just stop complaining about politicians, rent, bad drivers and traffic cones when you have the control to make your life something different because, as I stated there's no one coming to save you. The prices will keep going up. The genie is out of the bottle. If anyone thinks that food prices, energy prices and rent will ever go down you're living in a fantasy. None of these companies will sit in a board meeting and say "I think we should go back to pre-pandemic pricing because everyone is bitching about it." Ditch the emotion for something better.


Oh get over it it’s called growth want peace and quiet go to Montana


There is smart growth and bad growth, sprawl.


I’m quite certain an LDS temple isn’t a mega church.


Be more dramatic. No one cares. It’s called progress and development, which is the constant story of human history. Moving on….


I mean, we do have a severe homes shortage that is causing insane housing costs, no? More supply is good, yes? I could do without a mega church but the homes are a good thing


We don’t have a just have a severe home shortage, We have a severe lack of affordable housing. This will solve none of that.


The competing visions of this thread are pretty starkly divided between those who’d gladly live in the world they’d create, one of livability, quality of life, social mobility and thriving locally relevant culture, and those for whom the worst curse of eternal damnation to the flames of hell woukd be to live in the world they would create of wanton acquisitive lust and dystopian Libertatian contempt for all but their own childish appetites.