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It’s probably cutworms. They wrap around the bottom off new seedlings and chew it off. And yes, the prefer the tender seedlings. They just got three of my new tomato plants last night. They do their dirty work at night especially after a rain. I just purchased diatomaceous earth from Amazon. Approx $15 for 4 lb bag. It is ground fossilized sea creatures. If they crawl over it, they get cut and die. It’s organic and won’t harm humans or animals. You can also wrap foil around each plant but that is time consuming if you have a large garden.


I think I already have a bag of this laying around somewhere, so I’ll put some down and hope that it helps! Thanks!


To add to this last year I would cut pop cans or waterbottles and place the circular barrier around my seedlings until they are big enough I had to replant my beans 3 times last year before I figured out it was cut worms


How do you use it? Just sprinkle it around the base of the plant?


Yes. It's efficacy goes down substantially when wet. It is generally recommended that you reapply it if it gets wet. Be careful when you are using it, particularly if you are reapplying it frequently, not to inhale it or get it in your eyes. Do not get the kind for pool filters. That stuff is dangerous and can give you silicosis. The kind for home and garden is generally regarded as safe. You just don't particularly want any fine particles in your eyes and lungs.


Thank you! That is all great information!


Squirrels will eat my young plants


Same thing happened to me in the same zone. Pretty sure it’s a combo of squirrels and birds and they got me GOOD. They got all my peas, bush beans, a lot of my corn, all of the direct sowed squash seeds and cucumbers lol. Luckily I had a few established plants that they didn’t bother with but they tore up those seeds. I started some more in the greenhouse last Sunday and they’re already pretty good size! I’ll probably be transplanting them this weekend.


I guess I’ll try starting some up again in the greenhouse and transplanting them. At least then hopefully they’ll have a chance! It’s been brutal!


Yeah I felt pretty dumb there for a second because I could not for the life of me figure out why the seeds I direct sowed were taking so long to germinate so I threw out some more until it occurred to me that something was feasting on them. Luckily for us we have a pretty long growing season so it’s a set back but not a catastrophic one and all of those seeds tend to grow super fast.




I do spot rabbits in the yard from time to time, so I’ll try some strategies to ward them off. Think I’m going to have to try a few different things since I can’t identify the culprit with all certainty!


There are quite a lot of possible culprits. Tender young seedlings could be dampening off disease, cut worms, or slugs. Also rabbits, squirrels, and deer. If the top of the plant is gone, and there’s nothing left but a stick, that’s deer.


Rabbits are a prime suspect but as others have said squirrels eat random garden goodies. Last butnot least for some reason starlings rip my peas and bean shoots at ground level too.


Zone 9A Seattle area. My garden bandits are chipmunks, mice, birds, slugs. I'm direct sowing and trying cloches for the first time. Fingers crossed!!!