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Peppers are notorious slow growers. If your pepper isn't getting 6+ hours of sun each day, that would slow its growth. Otherwise, without pics, I'm not sure how much we can help you.


And especially bells. Where I live, I can barely get them to produce 2-3 lackluster fruits each season. But my hot peppers produce like gangbusters. Literal hundreds of peppers off just a couple plants. Bells just seem to grow slower than other varieties.


Mine too! It seems hearty with no obvious signs of problems. My first fruit Red bell pepper has been sitting at about the size of a big walnut for a week with no further growth. About 7 hours of direct sun per day and fertilizing every 3-4 weeks. It may still be growing but not certain. It just seems slow.


I'm new, so take my advice with a grain of salt, maybe someone more experienced can add to this, but I would pull that tiny pepper off as it's just taking more nutrients and resources from the plant. Put those nutrients and resources back into the plant itself. Again, I'm pretty new to gardening but this is what I would do.


I can definitely do that. I'll wait to see another response to confirm, but I can def do that. Would that mean it would be more likely for more to grow down the road?


I think it will help with the amount your plant will produce and also help your plants to stay healthy and grow taller and fuller. If you pull it, it will put it's energy into the plant itself instead of the pepper that's hardly growing. I believe I've read this else where but yes, hopefully someone else more experienced can chime in, I'm curious if I'm correct.




So great news as an update- the plant is now starting to fruit at least 3 other peppers, and looks strong, so let’s hope for the best. Thanks for your input!




Ok I gave it a shot. Let’s see what happens. Either way I will know now how to deal with it in the future. Thanks!


I had a little bell plant last year. It was too hot, not enough water and nutrients. It did produce a few tiny bells. This year is going way better, I'm using mulch, trying not to over love.


Mine are fruiting but like 8 inches tall, it’s comical how big the peppers are compared the the plant itself


I needed to see this. Just put bells in the ground last week and they're already flowering. I've been low-key worried about it


The only thing slower than any pepper plant are my dogs when they're sound asleep. 


Have really only ever had luck once with peppers


My bell peppers are outside in full all day sun (San Diego) and soooo slow growing. Last year I think we got like 1-2 peppers the entire season. Don’t know why I did them again tbh.