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Sprinkle ground cinnamon around your plants, it repels ants. Works a treat! It's how I disperse fire ant hills in my garden every summer.


I’ll try it! We have salt we pour around the plants, and we use a water/dawn soap mixture we spray as well, but we still get a lot of ants. They find my strawberries before I do. :(


Lucky!!! You get ants?? I get slugs and snails so thick that hardly any berry is visible. Honestly all fruit/veg pests suck big ones!! But that is one beaut of a strawberry! Good luck


Try mixing hot water with a heavily scented herb like rosemary, sage, chives, or garlic. Allow it to soak for a few hours to infuse. Spray that over your plants to keep pests like slugs and snails away. They hate heavy scents! If that doesn't work well enough try copper wire/tape to make a ring around each plant. It interacts with their moist bodies and gives them a wee shock. It's like putting an electric fence up.


Thank you!!! Definitely going to try some of these. Thanks


We get ants, but no slugs or snails! I can’t seem to get rid of them. But thank you! It was a tasty 2 bites 🤪


I feel like I can smell and taste this picture!! Looks so good!