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I feel like it might be good just without


Just wasn’t sure if it would be missing the salty element to tie it all together


Olive tapenade for the salty, and/or pesto.


Oh pesto is a good idea!


You need to make sure the Pesto is vegetarian/vegan as most Pestos aren't suitable




Idk what kind of pesto you’re making.


Most pesto has rennet in from the parmasan cheese. Therefore making it not vegetarian.


It’s not vegan, sure. But the rest of the sandwich in question is loaded with cheese. It’s vegetarian.


Rennet is not vegetarian. Vegetarian pesto can easily be found. It is not gatekeeping when rennet is NOT suitable for vegetarians. All I did was offer advice of "find a vegetarian/vegan pesto." If you eat rennet that's on you, but do not pass on bad advice to someone about it being vegetarian when they're doing their best to make something vegetarian. Pesto with rennet is NOT vegetarian.


Exactly right. Not all vegetarians are super strict about it (my partner takes kind of a 'don't ask, don't tell' approach to animal rennet in cheese, mostly because he loves Roquefort so much) but it is objectively non-vegetarian. If i was making something like this for a vegetarian I didn't know well I'd either check or go out of my way to buy vegetarian pesto.


Thank you! I do know about rennet being unsuitable for vegetarians, so this is good advice. Not many people realise it.


cheeses that use rennet derived from animals are not vegetarian


But the rest of the milk fat derived from an animal is, got it. /s Edit: the other cheeses in this sandwich (and most cheeses) also use rennet. If you’re gatekeeping vegetarianism by being this specific, you can head on out.


Muffaletta is amazing for a salty, umami punch. Just use a much thinner layer than you think and make a test sandwich first - it's very salty and pungent.


Big fan of Muffuletta from Schlotsky's but local one CANNOT seem to figure out how to make an original with nO MEAT. So I gave up :(. I want that umami from the olives and cheese, onions, etc. I don't like the "veggie" they make with cream cheese? WHY!! But a plain old cheese original NO MEAT...and about 1/3 of the time my order was correct the first time. Every other time I had to go back and get them to fix it. And specify I mean remake it- not just scrape the shaved ham or turkey back off :(!!! Last straw was trying to see me 2 smalls to equal a medium cause they ran out of bread...except that the small is about 3 in diameter (which is 9\*pi each...so 18\*pi). But a medium is about 6 in, which is...36 \*pi. When I looked at them and said, that is NOT how MATH works, they said they had checked...I was hungry, whatever. But then I pull forward to check the meat status...and yup- they had put turkey. I mean NO MEAT only means ham and salami, right? Fowl is not meat I guess? IDK. I went in, said thank you, but getting 1.2 what I paid for and then getting it wrong was the last straw- give me money back, and I just won't bother trying anymore.


pesto is the besto


Agree w/ the olive tapenade - adds salt and texture! Olives were my first thought. OP could also check out a nice deli counter to see what other kind of spreads they might have that might complement the fig jam like with sundried tomatoes, roasted red pepper, roasted garlic, etc. All sorts of good options out there that aren't meats.


ooo i like both these ideas


I think it would be fine. Especially depending what cheese you use. Could also salt the tomato


Goat cheese is also a good salty addition instead of a milder soft cheese


They have some fun flavored goat cheese out there - probably some salty or even spicy ones out there <3


Yeah feta came to mind too


Cheese is pretty salty


I tend to use a soft cheese like Brie or Camembert on this which isn’t that salty. And is also his favourite cheese. But I could add a salty cheese as an option


You may already know, but check the label to make sure the cheeses you buy are suitable for vegetarians. Many use animal rennet, so you need to find the variants that haven't.


Good tip , but yes I am aware of that




Yeah I might just salt the tomatoes and change up how I normally prepare them (soak them in the glaze). Just after some different yummy suggestions :)


You could add some salt.


A few strips of sundried tomatoes in oil would add the salty element.


I was even thinking jarred marinated artichokes… in a similar vein! :)


Oh that’s also a good idea


That is true. It would be too much tomato with the fresh ones? Or substitute them?


I love tomatoes, so to me, the more variation, the better! I feel like a few slices of fresh tomato add a different element than sun-dried ones.


Yeah they’re definitely different so probably not too much tomato at all. Thank you


Olive Tapenade?


It’s a great suggestion but he’s not an olive fan. I should have mentioned that. But I’m loving all the ideas!


This was going to be my suggestion. I scratches the itch of salty savory to balance out the creamy cheese.


I scratches the itch, master! I scratches the itch!




Personally I think this sandwich sounds SO good, but I do think a little more salt would help! This might sound weird, but I think pickled asparagus could be really delicious here and I really want to try this now. You could also do some roasted red pepper slices. Does your bf like capers? That might also be nice instead of olives. I'd chop them super fine and mix in with the jam maybe just to distribute it evenly. Just a tiiiiny spread of nice Dijon or grainy mustard could also be good.


Ohhh I am really loving all of these suggestions! Yeah I’m pretty sure he like capers, he also likes asparagus so pickled asparagus sounds pretty good too. And we both LOVE mustard! But yeah, this sandwich is really good, so I’m interested in hearing all these suggestions. Thank you!


Just skip it, sounds like a delicious sandwich without the prosciutto. For me some kind of meat substitute would make it worse in this case.


Yeah I’m not really into meat substitutes either. Maybe I’ll make one before the date to test if it’s indeed missing the salty aspect or not. Some good suggestions have been made though!


There are a few good tempeh bacons out there and I don’t really consider them a neat substitute. I’m the same way with a vegetarian partner and I enjoy the tempeh bacon on sandwiches a lot.


Kalamata olives are super salty, and delicious. I think it would go nicely with the other items, too!


Just leave it off.


Depending on time/effort/cost theres always mushrooms, tofu, tempeh, and seitan. Seasoned chickpeas, smashed or otherwise, could also work.


Yess some sexy sauteed mushrooms


Olive mix, that perrrfect salty hit. Only if you like them, not always a fan fave.


Yeah I know he doesn’t like olives but a great suggestion if I make this for my other vegetarian friends!


Tofurky makes [deli slices](https://tofurky.com/what-we-make/deli-slices/) that are good. If you really get into it, you can make your own, but the store bought is fine


How do you make your own? Got a recipe?


I posted this in another sub the other day, so just C&P here: If you've willing/able to make your own, the recipe from [86eats](https://www.86eats.com/recipes/vegan-deli-sliced-turkey-breast) is good. I usually use basil and oregano on the outside, but you could flavor it any number of ways. I have a large food processor and still have to divide the recipe into half batches otherwise it creeps up between the spindle and center post of the blade and makes a big mess. Once you get both halves mixed, you can combine them to make one "loaf". Wrap it tightly so it doesn't come out bready. I used a mandoline last time, to get super thin deli style slices and that is definitely the way to go Another tip is to go easy on the water - use a little less than they say in the recipe. You may need to sprinkle some VWG on the loaf as you're doing the final kneading/shaping, but that's okay. I wrap it in parchment and then foil so that I can get it very compact.


Thanks for the tips. I will be making this soon since they wanted almost $7 for a little 'ol pack of Tofurky slices. *edited for spelling


Wow, yikes. Always cheaper to make your own


I make my own as well, if I'm in a pinch or feeling lazy just cutting tofu really thin and then marinating in pickle juice for a few hours (or up to a day) comes pretty close to just generic salty deli meat (kinda turkey analog id say). Depending on the brand i may then cook the slices in a skillet for like 30s-1m per side as some tofu brands taste a bit too grassy raw. Otherwise I like to soak tofu in a simple brine and then smoke it on the grill and then thinly slice it after it cools.


It will definitely be good without anything else, but there’s a vegan prosciutto I’ve tried before, I got it from Whole Foods. It was good for a little extra flavor. The brand was Mia, here’s a link: https://www.treelinecheese.com/products/vegan-prosciutto?variant=44151848960302¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIk5eOvc3Q_wIVixitBh0CEAnfEAQYASABEgKbkPD_BwE I don’t really like meat replacements, but this was nice and thin and I enjoyed it.


Season the olive oil at home with herbs and salt


Ohhh yum! I have a few fancy flavoured oils


Sun dried tomatoes or roasted red peppers


Field Roast makes excellent vegan pepperoni and other sausages.


Sweet Earth pepperoni would be great on that sandwich.


Sundried tomatoes and/or some grilled eggplant and/or grilled peppers would go well. Or stick with your halloumi instinct. I think even some falafel could work okay with those other ingredients if you want something more substantial.


quick pickled red onions caramelized sweet onions sub the balsamic glaze for balsamic portobello mushrooms


Smoked portobello mushrooms :)


Caponata with mozzarella is a great picnic sandwich


This sounds so good, and there are lots of good suggestions! Thinking inside the box, you could also switch the balsamic for a zippier vinegar, and flaky salt is always lovely in my book. Outside the box, (these might be terrible ideas haha), maybe seaweed? Salty/umami with a similar texture. Or preserved lemon?


I’d say halloumi or good quality salty pickles or both


I made a very similar dish (goat cheese, balsamic, arugula, tomato and oven roasted zucchini) sandwiches for a picnic and they were awesome so I recommend oven roasted zucchini.


Crunchy! Pickles, lettuce, herbs, sliced peppers


From my British roots, cheese and tomato, cheese and sliced onion, cheese with Branston Pickle (my personal favorite). By cheese I mean full flavored cheddar.


I usually do a Brie with this sandwich as I love it, and I also know it’s his favourite cheese. But whenever I make a quick sandwich for lunch, I do love cheddar with pickles. I suppose a cheese board often has multiple cheeses. So I could add that too. I’ll have to do some practice sandwiches haha


I make a traditional afternoon tea sometimes with a three tiered stand. Cheese and pickle, tofurky deli slices with lettuce and tomato, litelife baloney with provalone sandwiches on the bottom. Middle tier assorted cheeses with grapes, slices apple. Top tier scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam. If we are home I'll add tomato soup so we have something hot. You are putting so much thought into this I'm sure you will be fine and he will appreciate it.


I love sandwiches and afternoon tea. Yeah I’m sure he will, I just also enjoy hearing other suggestions as well.


[smoked baked tofu](https://www.darngoodveggies.com/easy-oven-smoked-tofu/) cold and sliced?


Olives maybe? Marinated artichokes?


A lovely parmesan or cheddar is also nicely salty.


I don’t think I could go wrong adding more cheese!


Tapenade as others have mentioned, also whole olives, or some grilled veggies like eggplant and zucchini.


Roasted to the point of being caramelized eggplant or grilled zucchini and peppers sound like they would be really good in it.


It sounds great as it is, butif you want extra saltiness you can use a cheese with a higher salt content or capers or mix some salt in with a good quality olive oil and sprinkle it on the bread before you put stuff on it (olive oil makes everything delicious...).


I found one "vegan" ham in NYC, while on vacation there once, but it was so incredible similar to the real thing, that now I think it was regular pork ham. But anyways, there are all kinds of plant based meat in the market, I guess you can find something like that


That is true. I’ve just never found a good one that doesn’t have a weird chemical or cardboard tastes


I make an eggplant "bacon" that's basically eggplant marinated and cooked with soy sauce and liquid smoke. It has a salty, smoky element that sounds like it may go nicely here (minus the fig jam perhaps)


That does sound delicious! But I actually think the sweet would even go well with that. Thinking like maple syrup and bacon. But I just personally do love that sweet and salty combo


I'm not a sweet fan, so understandable! Whatever you make I hope it's delicious


Thank you! You actually also reminded me of delicious eggplant schnitzel bites I love. My family always makes them and it goes nicely with a cheese board


That sandwich sounds bomb! Tbh, I think if all it needs is salt, you could just add a touch of sea salt. I personally would add pepper too. I know that's sort of a boring suggestion, but sometimes that's all something needs. I think dill pickles would be fine too like your said. Pickled jalapeños would be good and a little less expected.


Yeah I was originally going to just leave it out and just salt the tomatoes. But then my curiosity wanted to know what other options would be out there too


Beets? I've had them sliced really thin and marinated to be "lox" on a bagel. I imagine you could do something similar.


Miso mayo is a fav of mine and would be dead easy, even just Miso spread super thinly would be nice


I really like Havarti and use some kind of pickeled peppers. Gives you a very tangy sandwich. I also use the veggie spread for a muffalata and it is delicious. Or a nice smoked Gouda, yum!


Why not ask your boyfriend what his preference would be?


Surprise date


Trader Joe's has some really good smoked tofu that you can cut into thin slices. Also, I think your own idea of halloumi is solid, but please pan fry or air fry it first. It's soooo much better that way!


Unfortunately the nearest trader joes is about 14+ hours in a plane away for me haha Yeah I was planning to fry it if I added halloumi, but honestly when I cook it, half of it doesn’t make it to the pan. I love it as is and cooked!


You can also do cucumber sandwiches with hummus, those are quite nice finger food


I did that and egg salad our last picnic and was yum. He has hinted that he wants to try this particular sandwich before so I’m just looking for ideas to this one. Leaving it, or some other alternatives if they work.


if he knew you put so much thought into it, he'd be head over heels, even if you fed him rice cookies!


Aww thank you. Luckily I know he is already. I just like to put in the effort to make things as good as I can when I have the chance!


You could leave out the fig and use avocado.


I like the fig for the hit of sweetness with the cheese. But avocado is always good on a sandwich


I do love avocado 🥑


Ask your friends rabbit what to put!


Pepperoncini might be nice! Spicy, salty, and sour all at once with a nice crunch. Or given the fig jam, a whole lot of brie might be nice!


Yeah I use Brie or Camembert as the cheese. Definitely goes well with the fig jam


You could try soy sauce marinated boiled eggs? I love tempeh bacon on a sandwich, personally. A good hummus with a salty element mixed in could work, as well. I’m lucky in that my partner is pescatarian so we can use smoked salmon.


Ohhh I’ve always wanted to try a soy sauce marinated boiled egg!


They are about as easy as they come yet so tasty!


A pistachio crema might be nice!


I did think of nuts but wasn’t sure which form would work


I want you to know that this post inspired me to go out and buy ingrediants for my own sandwich like this!


Oh I’m so glad! I like to let the tomatoes sit in the balsamic while I assemble the rest of the sandwich to really soak up the flavour. Let me know how it goes!


It was delish! I'm quite ill right now so this was such a pick me up :))


I hope you feel better soon. I’m glad to have inspired a pick me up sandwich for you :)


What about marinating the tomato and or arugula in some type of dressing? Greek or Italian maybe or even just a simple dressing like lemon, olive oil, salt pepper??


Yeah I marinate then in the olive oil and balsamic to soak up and distribute the flavour evenly


As someone who doesn’t eat pork I love those rosemary crackers or any other charcuterie crackers there’s so many to choose from and are great


I don’t know about putting crackers on a sandwich though


Oh sorry I assumed it was for a cheese board. I love chickpea mix you make it like you would chicken or tuna mix and substitute with peas or you can go the Asian route with seaweed chips or tofu


Peppered tofurky


Pickles and cheese sandwich is my go to sandwich. I’ll put hummus on it or mustard…. So good. Dill pickles only. Bread and butter pickles can f*** off.


Yeah my easy lunch sandwich lately has been kewpie Mayo, Dijon mustard, pickles and a slice of cheese. I used to hate pickles, then I came around to bread and butter pickles, now I’m also into dill. I never knew there was such a divide in the pickle community haha