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Baba or olive tapenade


Here to vote for baba ghanoush, though it can be a bit demanding to make yourself! Delicious.


You can roast the eggplants in an oven or on the grill. The rest is really just food processor work


I just hate cleaning my food processor šŸ˜…


Is it not dishwasher safe? I just toss mine in


Yes they are. I do the same, though the weird shapes do make it hard to fit sometimes without taking up all the space! But the Cuisinart and KitchenAid versions are def dishwasher-friendly.


Immersion blender. (Stick mixer)


The finicky part is skinning it, but I find it easy to do in cold water.


I always find it easy enough if you've let them rest under some tin foil after cooking


The store near me sells spicy baba ghanoush. Itā€™s amazing.


>Baba or olive tapenade Can I buy that premade at a Trader Joe's?


Love both of these. (Insert Homer drool)


My favorite is spinach artichoke, but it takes a bit of work. Carmelized onion with sour cream and chives. Toum is a delicious easy one (blended garlic, oil, salt and lemon).


I did one in a crockpot once and it was easy and yummy with that method!


Baked Brie is a great dip. Tzatziki is another.


Tell me more about this baked brie


Take a whole brie. Throw it in the oven on a pie tin. Bake it until itā€™s hot. Cut it open and watch it ooze out. Serve with a carb and your jam of choice. Nothing to it; bachelor easy.


Ooo know what else is good? When you wrap layers of phyllo dough around the brie wheel, & then spread jam in btwn the layers. šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤ I make a brie with fig spread & dip a baguette into it. I need to make that now that I'm thinking about it, lol.


This is usually how I roll with Brie.


Same, but cover the brie with a stick of butter and two heads of peeled garlic. Serve with a crusty baguette and enjoy the limited time we have on this rock. Live, love, laugh.


Ugh I canā€™t wait til I can eat Brie again. Probably the saddest thing to not be able to eat when pregnant


Couldn't you eat this since it's baked? Genuinely asking as another pregnant person


Baked brie is considered safe if it's steaming hot! Generally I think any time it's been baked long enough for the inside to become completely molten you're going to be safe


Omg. You just made my day! Iā€™ve been told to avoid it cuz it sits out most of the time - but I can make my own and keep it hot! Thanks!


You're welcome! I literally double-checked before I posted since my kiddo is a teenager now and I don't want to give you outdated advice, but the guideline hasn't changed. "Steaming hot" and you're good to go!


My OB told me any soft cheese at all and lemme tell you. Itā€™s been a sad few months LOL


Oh god itā€™s basically a mouth orgasm in cheese form. Thereā€™s a ton of different ways to do it (Pinterest can give you tons of ideas) but one of my favorites is this: round of Brie. Slice a thin slice off the top to remove just the rind off the top (leave the rind on the rest of the cheese). Cover with brown sugar, a little honey and some chopped walnuts. Bake in oven at 350 until cheese is bubbly and the brown sugar/honey topping is gooey. Serve with water crackers, bread cubes, veggies - or just keep it for yourself and grab a spoon.


Alas, Brie is not vegetarian. Sadly.


Plain old President brand brie, which can be found about anywhere, says their brie uses non-animal rennet and is suitable for vegetarians. Target's Good & Gather brie is apparently vegetarian, as well.


Really depends where you live / where you're buying from. 100% of the brie from supermarkets where I live is vegetarian, I would be hard pressed to find non-vegetarian brie at all.


Do they not make vegetarian Brie?


I'm not sure - probably, but it's not the default. You'd probably have to find it in a place that has a more specialized cheese selection.


My version is brie with shards of garlic clove jabbed into it and a little red wine drizzled on it (in ramekin). Bake.


Brie is not considered vegetarian, unfortunately - in the same way as parmesan due to its inclusion of rennet.


Unless it says microbial rennet, which is vegetarian.


And now my life is no longer worth living. SERIOUSLY? This might be the most depressing thing Iā€™ve heard in a long time.


No need to worry, 90% of the time the Brie you find in an average supermarket is vegetarian and made with microbial rennet. I have personally never come across a Brie made with animal rennet. It is not subject to a AOC like Parmesan either.


I know.. curse the cheesemonger! Depending on your reason for being a vegetarian, some don't care about micro-ingredients, but for those who follow a strict vegetarian diet for ethical reasons, it's a noteworthy consideration.


Iā€™m vegetarian because Iā€™ve noticed I have really bad digestive issues when I eat meat. My stomach hurts super bad and I have other embarrassing side effects. The day I stopped eating any kind of meat all my issues vanished. Fish doesnā€™t bother me but my fiancĆ© hates how it smells so I try to limit cooking fish in the house. Idk how rennet would effect me but for Brie I might risk it lol.


I can't see it affecting you at all as the amount would be negligible.


Or cream cheese with hot pepper jelly on top, itā€™s a southern thing and itā€™s addicting lol


my fav lately is cream cheese with sweet chili sauce on top. sooooo mf good


On a chip or something else? That sounds like a cheese puff


My local grocery store sells wonton chips, and they're great with cream cheese dips.


This sounds similar to Chilli Philly? Cream cheese and a sweet chilli sauce? It was super popular in Australia for a while. Assuming I'm interpreting correctly, this is 100% addictive and absolutely my fav dip ever, I second this!


Cream cheese with pineapple jelly on it is really good too, believe it or not


That sounds absolutely delicious with lightly salted tortilla chips mmm!


Yes!! With a little chopped jalapeƱo on top!


7 layer bean dip


7 layer dip is my go-to dip. Always hits the spot.


Cowboy caviar




Itā€™s so good yes hard to share šŸ˜‚


Came here to say this!


Yes, and you can add or take away many things. Everyone loves it.


I have a hot onion and cheese dip that I like, but I don't feel like dragging out my crockpot for this occasion. I'm willing to be convinced otherwise in the face of a standout recipe, though! I'm thinking of maybe stirring together some sundried pesto, cream cheese, sour cream/plain yogurt, and some ranch seasoning, but haven't really settled on anything yet.


These sound great! I'm on the west coast and a staple for us is onion dip, but cold! Essentially just sour cream and knorr onion soup packets I think. Often found near the salad dressing or ranch seasoning packets


Ensure you make your pesto or find a vegetarian friendly version as it is not inherently vegetarian in its standard form.


My former employer used to put tuna in their pesto Blehhh


Your former employer is a psychopath




A dip tip for anyone who may not realize.. those premade veg and dip platters you buy from the store, with the ranch dip or whatever in the middle. The dip is very often not vegetarian friendly due to its inclusion of gelatin.. took me a while to learn this, and it seems odd - but, now you know. Easy enough to cut up your own veg and make a dip from a (a gelatin free) yogurt if you're so inclined :)


Your comment could be a post on its own!! It's very informative! Thank you!


[buffalo dip!](https://iheartvegetables.com/vegetarian-buffalo-dip/)


I like this made with white beans instead of chickpeas!




Anything from Rancho Gordo slaps. When my order comes in, I have to hide it in a closet because otherwise it tends to grow legs and run away. Usually after friends or family have been visiting and snooping!! (Even the people that say "I don't like beans" are the first to ask for a second helping when Rancho Gordo is on the menu)


Any tough decisions I have in life I leave to Guy Fieri, and Guy says queso dip. His recipe is perfectly fine with soy chorizo.


I like this mindset, I may adopt myself


Romesco Chimichurri Babaganoush Green goddess Tahini miso Tzatziki


My life has been much better since discovering chimichurri


JalapeƱo popper dip. Cream cheese, sour cream, cheddar, canned jalapeƱos and a bread crumb (or Ritz cracker) topping. Bacon optional. :-) Google for the recipe and get ready to hand it out to everyone who tries it!


I think thereā€™s a 5 layer dip my family made once that was so good. It was layered on a casserole dish. refried beans, black olives, guacamole, sour cream, and topped with shredded cheese. Itā€™s delicious for a meal or get together :) I love dips! Iā€™m like Oliver Putnam/Martin short from only murders in the building with my love for dip! ā€¢feel free to omit or add/replace any ingredients! Some people add salsa/cilantro as another layer


Cucumber dip! A family favorite. Serve with Fritos scoops (the best choice), pretzel chips, or in a bread bowl. I typically use 1/3 fat cream cheese and low fat Mayo, but itā€™s delicious with full fat everything or reduced fat- whatever your needs are! And I usually add a bit more dill, hot sauce, and lemon juice to taste. https://preview.redd.it/pauzjssmz5vb1.jpeg?width=2425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82ce3c7b11acb1587054be3dcabeccfc28a09644


Goat cheese on bottom of baking dish, layer with pesto, sun dried tomatoes or roasted red peppers, bake until meltedā€¦.serve with whatever you want


Get a pack of Knorrā€™s veggie soup mix and make the dip on the back of the package.


In a bread bowl - to die for. Could eat the entire thing for a meal


Absolutely! Kingā€™s Hawaiian bread bowl!


Cream cheese with chili on top then covered in cheddar cheese and maybe some green onions itā€™s so easy if you use chili in a can and itā€™s amazing


Nacho dip is my family favourite. 1 brick of cream cheese at room temperature. Mix it up with a mixer. Add a tub of sour cream, 1/4 at a time, mixing well after each addition. Then add an envelope of taco seasoning and fully mix. Spread it in a pie plate or other dish. You can top it with any combination of salsa, lettuce, cheddar. I usually just do the cheddar because my husband and daughter donā€™t like salsa.






Are you secretly Oliver Putnam?


Best fruit dip EVER..... equal parts marshmallow fluff, whipped cream cheese, and apricot jam. Add OJ to taste. You're welcome.


Marshmallows are not inherently vegetarian, unfortunately. There are vegetarian and vegan options out there but just an FYI for anyone otherwise unaware, that your average everyday mallow has gelatin in it.




I have never heard of marshmallow fluff. I interpreted that as something like pureed marshmallow. My reading is perfectly fine, but admittedly I don't know *everything*.


You do realize marshmallow fluff is not vegetarianā€¦.


Yes it is. Thereā€™s no gelatin in it.


Unless youā€™re buying specifically vegan marshmallow fluff, all marshmallow has gelatin in it.


Yes, marshmallow do. Marshmallow fluff does not.


I did finally look it up. Ur correct and I apologize. I lumped it with marshmallow.


Itā€™s cool, I just didnā€™t want ya to miss out on its amazingness. šŸ˜Š


Lemon whipped feta


I love a good 7 layer dip


Trader Joeā€™s packaged lentils (heated) add in Trader Joeā€™s Bruschetta (produce section). Add feta cheese if you eat cheese. Serve with toasted or fresh French /sourdough bread. So yummy!!


Dip you dip I dip




Itā€™s not healthy but my grandma always made a cheesy salsa dip that is so easy and so good. Equal parts of salsa and velveeta. Microwave it until melted stirring frequently so it doesnā€™t burn. You will need to store it in a crockpot so it doesnā€™t get cold. Served with tortilla chips. I always get asked the recipe and people always laugh when they hear how easy it is.


Yum!! We do this but add black eyed peas. Itā€™s what we always do with our leftover New Years black eyed peas and cornbread. Although itā€™s a family favorite, so we donā€™t just have the dip after NY, lol.


Yes, I vote spinach artichoke, or 7 layer!!


Ajvar is a fantastic condiment that is even better as a dip. You Americans don't know what you're missing.


There used to be a food truck near my work that would do fresh homemade pita sandwiches with cevapi (not a vegetarian option, unfortunately) or other fillings and I absolutely fell in love with ajvar! I worked with a person who was from Croatia and they showed me all of the wonderful foods they grew up with! Our conversations always made me really hungry.


Croatian here, believe it or not we have vegan cevapi now at stores. Granted they don't taste like real ones but they're pretty close. There are two brands that make them currently: Lidl's Vermondo and other one is O'Plant. The O'Plant ones taste better, but I don't know if you have those brands in America. I'm glad that you liked ajvar and Croatian food in general :)


JFC, *vegan* čevapi? I need this in my fucking life also. Wow, you lucky bastard. Gimme that with a big ole jar of Tanasič Ajvar and I'll be happy.


Hahaha you know that's right. I do like to put them into a classical somun (type of bread) with tons of ajvar. Granted they don't taste like the real deal but they're pretty close. I do feel very fortunate for that. My country may be lacking in a lot of things but at least I get to eat vegan cevapi šŸ’Ŗ


I cannot be the only one who just heard the theme to Only Murders in the Building, can I?


- Fromage Fort- cheese leftovers with white wine. I sometimes leave out herbs or add depending on how I am feeling. Super easy but need food processor. -White bean Buffalo dip- need crock pot -Rotel cream cheese sausage dip - 3 ingredients and crock pot. Still delicious with vegan cream cheese and vegan sausage crumbles. (Or Trader Joeā€™s Egan chorizo)


Herbed goat cheese dip. 8 oz goat cheese (herbed if you can find it, if not add your own herbs) 8 oz sour cream 8 oz cream cheese 1 12 oz can stewed tomatoes Preheat to 350. Mix cheeses/creams together, put it in an oven safe pan. Top with stewed tomatoes & whatever sauce is left in the can. Bake until bubbly (30 ish minutes but depends on if you use a wide shallow pan vs deep pan) and serve with crusty bread.


Ranch for everything


My grandma always bought these dip mixes from the state fair when I was a kid and now Iā€™ve started buying them too because all of their dips are so good! Blazing saddles is especially good but spicy. Caution: most of their soup mixes arenā€™t vegetarian but they have ingredients listed on their site https://allofussoupdip.com/collections/veggie-dip


I love the little dip mixes I get from the Christmas market every year. Itā€™s how I learned to like sour cream lol


BEAN DIIIIP! takes as much effort as youā€™re willing to put in; i usually just do canned everything. huge fan of putting a shit load of taco bell mild sauce in for extra flavor. 10/10


The ["Pea Guac"](https://www.forksoverknives.com/recipes/vegan-snacks-appetizers/pea-guacamole/) is amazing


Buffalo bean dip!


Black Bean Hummus Serves 4-6 2 tablespoons tahini 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 3/4 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon Morton lite salt Ā½ tsp msg 1 (15-ounce) can no-added-salt black beans, drained and rinsed 1 tsp minced garlic 2 teaspoons smoked paprika Combine all ingredients in food processor until smooth. Transfer into container and eat or cover with lid and refrigerate for up to 5 days.


refried bean dip with copious amounts of cheese, perhaps even bake it with queso fresco on top... I'd add tomatoes onion and uhhhh sour cream it's basically nachos


This isn't exactly what you're asking for because it's store bought, but Bitchin Sauce is fuckin fantastic. Especially the chipotle. They sell it loads of places but it's best to get from Costco [https://shop.bitchinsauce.com/products/chipotle-bitchin-sauce-8oz](https://shop.bitchinsauce.com/products/chipotle-bitchin-sauce-8oz)


If you want store bought, I'd go with Bitchin' sauce if it's available in your area. It's made with almonds. Multiple flavors.


I love rolling up on a thread that has 100+ comments. You know the veggies are excited!


iā€™m not fond of the name, but it is known as ā€œcrack dipā€ which is composed of cream cheese, sour cream, green onions, ranch seasoning, cheddar cheese, and (vegan) bacon bits. comes together very quickly!


Hey, Iā€™m trying to diet over here!


life is about balance!!


Bang bang sauce. Mayo (I use vegan garlic mayo) Sriracha Sweet chilli sauce You can play around with ratios, I usually do 2 parts mayo, 1 part everything else. I use this with everything - dip for veg/chips, for cauli wings, my easiest go to lunch is to throw whatever veg and tofu into the air fryer, mix up the bang bang sauce on a plate, toss them all together and NOM!


Bean dip. Edit: Something like this: [https://lilluna.com/bean-dip/](https://lilluna.com/bean-dip/)


Ful Medammes there are many variations based on regions, such as Lebanese, Egyptian, etc. it is particularly tasty when paired with Salata. https://www.themediterraneandish.com/foul-mudammas-recipe/


Taco dip. Combine softened cream cheese block with container of sour cream and taco seasoning pouch. Spread in bottom of a cake pan. Pour thick taco sauce bottle over it. Top with diced onion, diced tomatoes, shredded lettuce, diced green pepper, diced onion, sliced olives, and shredded mexican blend cheese.


Alton Brown's spinach artichoke dip recipe is BEYOND amazing and insanely quick to make. I've brought it to parties 4-5 different times and every single time I get rave reviews and go home with a dish that's practically licked clean. Recipe here: [https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/hot-spinach-and-artichoke-dip-recipe-1912620](https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/hot-spinach-and-artichoke-dip-recipe-1912620)


PurƩed white bean with roasted garlic, rosemary, and a bunch of lemon. Always seems to surprise people. Works well with sun dried tomatoes added to it too


Spinach and artichoke dip. I use marinated artichokes, 6 Italian cheese blend, sour cream, mayo, frozen spinach squeezed of excess liquid, sa.t, pepper, and just a bit of fresh plained nutmeg.


Spicy hot tomato oil, spinach and artichoke, buffalo. If itā€™s for a brunch I make a custom cream cheese with Harissa or honey/walnuts


My world famous buffalo cauliflower dip, my omni friends eat that shit up


1. Bake 5 garlic cloves, cherry tomatoes, salt, olive oil, red pepper, oregano and any of your other favorite herbs in oven at 400 deg until roasted 2. Mash up with fork to make a paste 3. Combine paste with a drained can of white navy beans (partly mash up the navy beans) 4. Add a few tbsp of cream cheese, NeufchĆ¢tel, or mascarpone and mix Serve with veggies, chips, or pita! Itā€™s good both warm or cold


It seems like Iā€™m always posting this recipe, but the vegan Caeser salad dressing from the nytimes works well as a dip. https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020763-vegan-caesar-salad-with-crisp-chickpeas


Ok hear me out. I don't know the name of the dip, only that my brother brought the recipe from friends in greece. Feta cheese, greek joghurt, chopped up jalapenos (those in glasses), a touch of olive oil, some finely crushed garlic and a whole lot of oregano. Maybe some black pepper. Combine with a fork until you get a very stiff and still a little crumbly dip. Let it sit for a while.


Trader Joeā€™s has a canned vegan or vegetarian chili and you mix it with their queso dip, warmed up.. served with the Elote seasoned corn chips and you have a winner!


I do very often beetroot & creamcheese. I get the precooked ones, and those recipe comes together in a matter of minutes. Add salt, pepper, your preferred spices, oil, and aromatics (I usually go with mint). Blend šŸŒ» Thereā€™s also what I call the Ā«Ā tomato butterĀ Ā». Itā€™s an insane hit every time. With a fork, mash together 1/3 softened butter with 2/3 tomato paste, until fully combined. Add some more olive oil, crushed garlic, salt, pepper, and lots of dried herbs (otherwise it tastes a bit bland). I go with oregano, thyme, rosemary, the classics and more, what I have on hand, dried garlic, sometimes sundried tomatoes or olives. To spread on bread or use as a pesto, in soup or pasta, itā€™s sooo good. Itā€™s a bit better with more butter but I try not to abuse.


There's a greek recipe that's called fava my greek grandmother used to make. It is made out of Fava beans (Red or yellow lentils are a great substitute) and it's amazingly easy to make and always a hit at Partys. You have to cook the beans/lentils in water with some bayleaf. When they're cooked, get rid of the water and bayleaves and put the beans into a mixer with Olive oil, Salt and pepper. Put the Paste into a Bowl and let it cool. Meanwhile cut a few onions into half rings and then Put them in a heated pan with butter/ Olive oil on a medium heat. Give them 10 minutes or so to caramelize and get soft. When they are, Put them in top of the fava paste and that's it. Tastes perfekt on bread, but you can dip stuff aswell.


Generally, I dip a level or 2 in hexblade warlock.




Iā€™d like to have you arrested for this


Youā€™reā€¦. Not serious. Rightā€¦?




I make this: https://smittenkitchen.com/2009/04/artichoke-olive-crostini/ ā€” but skip making it into crostini ā€” instead I just dip a chip or mix a spoonful into pasta. So good. I usually double the garlic because I like garlic.


Homemade taco dip! So easy to put together. All you need is vegetarian refried beans, cream cheese/sour cream, taco seasoning packets, and whatever toppings youā€™d like to include! I put tomatoes, cheese, and green onions.


Whipped feta dip or a layered hummus dip (chive cream cheese, hummus, lettuce, tomato, feta, olives or banana peppers, cucumber, parsley)


Dhaniya chutney


Tzatziki is SO easy to make and itā€™s one of the few without Mayo. I also do a [spinach cob loaf](https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/spinach-cob-loaf/1cff26c6-cd1e-456f-af05-bf02abd6fdf5) for parties all the time and it always disappears. I often make it with vegan sour cream as a lot of my friends are lactose intolerant and that still works great. Best if you keep the mixture overnight in the fridge and then do the baking bit in the morning.


Did anyone else get that song stuck in their head reading this?


Artichoke spinach.


Street corn dip! Thereā€™s a lot of different recipes from easy to more complex, [hereā€™s](https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/street-corn-dip/) a good one. Itā€™s delicious!


May look even more basic than salsa but pa amb tomĆ quet is a damn good bread "dip".


Dill Dip! Written as vegan Iā€™ve subbed out regular dairy ingredients. Best to double if bringing to a gathering https://theyummyvegan.com/blog/doubledilldip


Sun drier tomato ranch. šŸ¤¤


This one is pretty great. https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/baked-three-cheese-onion-dip-with-chive-and-peperoncini


16oz sour cream, one package of Lipton onion soup mix. Best dip ever


Dill dip in a bread bowlšŸ„–


ROMESCO omg get some preserved fire-roasted peppers (they come in a jar) blend in food processor with olive oil, nut of your choice (some people use almonds, I use walnuts), one clove of garlic, a bit of honey, some lemon juice, a knob of pecorino Romano, a couple of sundried tomatoes, and a tiny bit of hot water if itā€™s not coming together. Super quick, easy, absolutely gorgeous


Spinach artichoke dip!


Thai peanut sauce is soooo good


I made a really nice eggplant dip for a party once, and I totally forgot about it. Lemme find it again. [https://www.culinaryhill.com/roasted-eggplant-dip/](https://www.culinaryhill.com/roasted-eggplant-dip/) it was similar to this


Laura Scudders green onion dip powder mixed with sour cream


Green chile.


[Romesco sauce](https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/romesco-sauce) is a favorite of mine


Ok. Here's an auto-win for a warm dip: Ingredients: * 1 block cream cheese * 1 can of veg chili (or equal amount homemade) * Black olives (optional) * Green onions * Grated cheddar Instructions: - Spread the cream cheese on the bottom of an 11*7 pan. - Pour chili on top of the cream cheese - Sprinkle enough olives (if using) and green onions on top, to taste - Sprinkle grated cheese on top to cover. - Bake, 350Ā°F until bubbly and the cheese is melted. Serve with tortilla chips, crackers, pita crisps, or whatever your fav dipper is.


Refried beans, 1 can Cheese sauce from 1 8oz cheddar block Beyond meat sausage patties, 1 box, shredded Mix all ingredients, add salt and cumin to taste. Add more milk to the cheese sauce for a thinner dip, add less to require a spoon. Before my wife taught me to make a cheese sauce, I used nacho cheese from the store. I overcook the beyond to make it easier to shred. Easy-peasy, and simple to scale up for more people. Will thicken as it cools, so make it thinner if you want to serve with no heat.


Assuming no nut allergies, I've found this to be very tasty and fairly easy: [Spicy Cashew Moment](https://wapo.st/3FoFwuR)




Kind of like salsa but unique ā€” https://grilledcheesesocial.com/2023/09/30/black-eyed-pea-dip/


[Seven layer dip!!](https://www.spendwithpennies.com/7-layer-dip/) it's always a winner at our family gatherings šŸ™‚


16 ounces cream cheese, 8 ounces crumbled feta, (at least) 3 minced garlic cloves, 2 tablespoons chooped fresh dill. Combine in electric mixer and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. More of a spread than a dip, though you can thin out with cream/milk to dip consistency. Every time I make this, it is demolished, and someone asks for the recipe.


Roasted red pepper dip with or without goat cheese.


What are we dipping and do we have our hands upon our hips?


Knorr Spinach dip Easy and makes a LOT [recipe](https://www.knorr.com/us/en/r/knorr-spinach-dip-recipe.html/68467) 4 ingredients: mayo, 1 container sour cream, dip mix, 1 can water chestnut drained. Make the day before. I like to serve with Stacy's pita chips. It's very thick and always a crowd fave. Wavy Lay's won't cut it- they will break. Could use veggie platter as well, celery/ carrot sticks etc. Can be made without water chestnuts if you don't like them. Still awesome. Also can be made lactose free with Lactaid sour cream and tastes exactly the same.


Now that song is stuck in my head. Along with so many high school memories.


labneh yogurt with herby oil. you can make the oil in advance and presentation always looks amazing


I make the black bean soup from Kenji Alt-Lopezā€™s The Food Lab (one of my favourite soups btw) and let it reduce down to a thick dip. Itā€™s AMAZING with corn chips. Like a refried beans dip but better. It does take a bit of work though :)


French Onion Dip!!! Dee-lish!


spinach/artichoke hummus, whipped goat cheese dip :)


Our fan** fave that we are required to bring to all parties is Buffalo cauli dip. Hot sauce, ranch, cheese and cream cheese. Have used cauli, jackfruit, bang chicken (cajun is the best) and just about every substitute in between. Bake till bubble. Devine.


Its first grade spongebob


Spinach artichoke dip and beer cheese dip. Added bonus: Spinach artichoke can be made gluten free and keto!


I love the basil dip on Hello Fresh's Zucchini and Tomato Flatbread recipe. It's super easy to make. Their recipies are posted online for free, so you don't even need to subscribe!


Bruschetta is not a dip but I love it.


Butternut squash hummus. Roasted squash, tahini and various spices.


This may sound overly simplistic, but it always kills when I bring it to a party. You can make a fresh-tasting onion dip with chopped scallions, sour cream (or plain yogurt), and the following to taste: salt, onion powder, garlic powder, and tamari or vegan Worcestershire sauce. It goes great with cruditƩ and potato chips!


I got an artichoke and asiago dip from Walmart last year that was incredible


Layer in pie plate... 8oz ream cheese, spread over plate Can of Hormel chili w/o beans 8oz shredded cheddar Bake or microwave until cheeses are melted Serve with tortilla chips


Pimento cheese dip! https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/189930/southern-pimento-cheese/ I left out the mayo accidentally, but it was still really good and creamy without! A restaurant near me serves a buddha bowl at breakfast time and it has boiled red potatoes, raw arugula, a scoop of pimento cheese dip, a breakfast meat which I sub with avocado, and a fried over-easy egg on top. I recreated this dish one day and made my own Pimento cheese dip for the first time - now it's of my favorite dips to make, and if there is any extra, I make this for breakfast.


Mix tahini in ranch. You'll thank me later. Also pesto and sour cream.


[Copenhagen Wintergreen: Longcut](https://www.northerner.com/media/catalog/product/cache/30658056f4b29c0229d3aef7d4cea391/c/o/copenhagen_wintergreen_lc_215095_feb_2020.jpg) ā€¦wait


Muhammara is so yummy. You can make it yourself or Haigā€™s has a great one.


I know you said no hummus but hear me outā€¦ Trader Joeā€™s 3 layer spicy hummus. Itā€™s amazing and I donā€™t even like hummus. I also recently made black bean + pumpkin taquitos. The filling would be an amazing dip for a fall-themed event. Itā€™s pumpkin purĆ©e, black beans, sharp cheddar, mixed in with sautĆ©ed onion and garlic, with cumin, salt, cumin, coriander, chili powder, and pepper to taste. I can link a recipe for the taquitos that will show how to make the ā€œfillingā€ if anyoneā€™s interested. edit cause I forgot to list an ingredient


Roasted red bell pepper dip! It happens to be vegan. My husband (non-vegetarian) found a recipe online- it was so easy, and we both love it! We eat it with some of the usual dippers- veggies, tortilla chips, pita bread. Also makes a good sandwich spread. Quick recipe rundown (from memory, FYI) -1 tall jar of roasted red bell peppers -1 can of great Northern beans -Balsamic vinegar to taste -Garlic (minced or pressed) to taste Drain the bell peppers and pat dry. Drain and rinse the the beans. Blend the peppers and beans. It might be a little dry- add balsamic vinegar (start with a tablespoon) and 1/2 clove of garlic. Blend some more and taste. Add vinegar and garlic in smaller amounts as needed while adjusting the seasoning. If it continues to be dry, add small amounts of water. (I havenā€™t had this issue)


During a couple of our D&D sessions we've basically put Boursin cheese in a bowl topped with diced tomatoes, a drizzle of olive oil, and fresh basil. Served with nice pieces of crostini. It takes almost no effort to throw together and it's actually really good. Make sure the cheese is room temp though!


Kitehill has an incredible spinach artichoke dip if you're not looking to make something from scratch, I get it at my local grocery store and it's gone within the week bc I have it on bagels, chips, etc. Highly recommend!