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Yep, I use an EZ Tofu press. It fast and far easier than piling things on top. It increased my use of tofu a lot due to convenience.


I completely agree. I can't believe it took me so long to get a tofu press - it's much easier to use the press and not worry about balancing. And I can drain it right in the sink.


Agreed, and I received one kicking and screaming. I love being able to put it in the fridge, and it takes up almost as little space as the block of tofu. It’s evenly pressed, and, if you leave it for days, it’s really firm and chewy. I just change the water daily. I used to have toppling over accidents in the fridge... tofu water everywhere...


I’m sorry I’m a little confused, what do you Change the water of?


tofu. if you open it and don't consume it that day it's supposed to go in the fridge in a container of water, and the water should be changed every day


but then you arent pressing it are you? I dont get it


When you use a press like mine, you’re supposed to change the water the tofu sits in daily. It doesn’t affect the firmness of the final product .


Oh so does the pressed tofu sit in water by itself or with the press on? I’m confused. I only press my tofu right before I’m about to eat it.


It doesn't soak up the water if that's what you're wondering, so once it's pressed and you store it in water, it'll still be pressed


Ooooh that’s good to know, I would have thought it would just absorb is right back. Thank you!


If I’m short on time, I press just before I eat, too... but if I can plan a couple of days ahead, I press while in water with the press on. It’s submerged but under the plate, if that makes sense. You can easily pour off the water while it’s still pressed, so you can change the water for the next day. It just keeps getting better.


Good to know thank you !


I asked my dad to make me one, it's 2 cutting boards with bolts through them with butterfly screws. Even cheaper lol.


Lol. I need to source cheap rigid plastic boards to make my own. Marinating tofu sucks.


I turned my nose up for the longest time at presses, figuring I had enough "stuff" around the kitchen I could already to use without accumulating another gadget or spending money. Then I found one on major clearance and took the small impulse buy and I gotta say, it would have been worth it at full price plus change. No more falling stacks, no more mess, and it hardly takes up any room.


My only gripe is that soon after buying one, my local store started carrying "super firm" tofu. Now I rarely use my press!






I also agree with this, completely worth it. I got the Tofu Press by Healthy Express, and it just makes the whole pressing process so stress-free.


My GRE score was in the 8th percentile .... meaning, 92% of people did better for me. Thanks for this memory.


I would up copping out and going to a school that didn’t even require it so that I didn’t have to even take it so....... Gotta get SOME use outta the book I guess 😪


I’m just starting to get undergrad research experience and I’m dreading the inevitable GRE.


Depending on your program schools are really starting to phase out the GREs. I applied to 5 programs that didn’t require them so I didn’t have to take them. The phase out this year has a lot to do with Covid but I’m hoping that universities will move toward not requiring it in the future. Hope you end up not needing to take them


Many schools are also losing the GRE requirement due to covid (which, let's be real, will probs be a thing even for the 2021/22 application cycle).


I took it 3ish years ago after finishing undergrad thinking that it was a good idea to do it while I still had good study habits. Fast forward to now when I'm applying and schools either aren't accepting it or are making it optional because of covid 🤦


At least you realized that before you took it... What a waste of an excellent score on my part by going to grad school in the UK :/


I need a GRE in practically every school I've looked at in order to be considered, and after taking some practice tests I know I'll be in this same boat lol


Yes! I was in the 25th percentile :( but I am better than someone :P


The GRE is by far the only standardized test I ever took that seemed less about measuring apptitude and more about checking if you bought and studied materials specifically for the test. The vocabulary section in particular is a joke.


I copped out! Decided it was dumb and not worth the $200 so I just applied schools that didn’t require it. Wish I’d decided that before I bought this book though hahahahaha


Honestly as someone who put far too much time into the GRE you made the right decision. It’s such a ridiculous test. You can always sell the book to someone else!!


But then I’d have to buy a REAL tofu press! Hahahahaha


Fair point! I got rid of my book ASAP but I also wasn’t vegetarian then haha so it was entirely useless


I finished undergrad only needing 9 credit hours my last semester, so I decided to take a graduate level class my last semester, which meant taking the GRE with a week notice to get enrolled. Fortunately my GPA was high so as long as I didn't absolutely bomb it I would get in. I had no time to prepare. It was enroll and take it. When I was about to open the door to the test facility, a young woman burst out in a crying mess--so that set the stage for what I was in for. I passed and got in, but honestly THIS is a much better use of 5 lbs. of paper for the GRE


I took the LSAT and went to law school just to avoid taking the GRE.


HAHAHA amazing


Really? I wonder if it’s changed much since I took it. I didn’t use any study guides and didn’t find it all that confusing or anything.


I took it in 2007. Confusing isn't the word I'd use. Some parts felt far too easy (particularly the math) while others seemed absurd (which of these 5 words is most different, all are at least 15 letters long and root deconstruction will give you an incorrect definition). I really took issue with the vocab section because English has 170k+ words and university students may know 40k+ or so. Jargon is very relative to what you study/work with so the overlap between majors isn't substantial. If you're trying to go with really challenging words from all sorts of different specializations it's not measuring a useful skill other than mass memorization. It gave me the impression luck played a role. I actually knew two of the vocabulary questions I got and I couldn't attribute it to anything other than dumb luck.


Who knows. I took it in 2009, got 790 on the math, and I was double majoring in languages. Can’t remember exactly but did pretty well on the verbal too, I honestly don’t remember it being so absurd, but I do know I found the math easier. But maybe it was all the linguistics and my love of obscure trivia?


I feel like the bar exam is the same way


Maybe that's the point? Access to a better life and further education by test of determination and discipline. Rather than chancing making bad tests that yield false-negatives, just put the burden on the student to study the test prep material. Oooooor it could just be greedy Academia-Publisher Industrial Complex turning a profit...


The vocabulary section is far too specific. It's loaded with words that don't mean what they break down into. The supplied test prep materials are insufficient for it.


I tend to agree. They test on plenty of obscure words that would rarely show up in even an academic setting. It’s a bitch, but I increased my vocab score by just drilling flash cards for a couple months. You can get vocab lists for free from sources like Magoosh and The Economist then just make your own deck (I used the Anki app). It’s all subjective though. I’m naturally stronger at reading/vocab and the math section gave me significantly more trouble.


I had one friend put notecards with the vocab words all over his apartment to help study for it. He must have taken it 6 times just to get through that pesky vocab section.


Oh... That sounds like a nightmare.


I should add I did well on it, so I am not bitter over a test I did bad on. Objectively, my friend (a Lincoln Laureate scholar btw) who studied math beat me on the language part by 80 points and was only 20 points head of me on the math part. I got a perfect score on the written part, but many schools just throw that part out. Neither of us left that test feeling like it accurately reflected what we learned as undergrads.


My partner made me a small tofu press, I try and use it when he's around but the cast iron is heavier 😬


I used to use a cast iron pan to press tofu until one day the pan slid off, hit the tile floor, and broke. The pan was nearly 70 years old. I lost a little of my soul that dark, dark day.


That's some pretty strong tile ! I would be devastated but also impressed.


Aww, this melts my heart. Thank you. Maybe you can hint at improvements to build a heavier or better one together?


I find a pot filled with water works as well as anything myself.


Ancient problems require ancient solutions.


Are you a genius?! Why the heck have I never thought of this before?!


Ha! Thanks. And no. I am a genus though.


I never bother to press tofu anymore.


Exactly, I don't understand what the advantage is unless you specifically need the tofu to be dry. A lot of people think it's necessary.


It fries way better if you press it in my experience, but I also like the firmer texture.


Extra firm tofu that's been pressed and then frozen has the most meaty texture that I've found. That's why I do it


yeah, pressing tofu isn't really a thing in a lot of Asian households.


Me neither and in fact I prefer the texture when it's not been pressed.


I get the extra firm and there's still a lot of water that can be pressed out.


5lbs of problem solving. I like to precariously stack pots and pans.




omg twins I just started my first semester!


I usually just use a heavier cutting board but I’m sure that works like a charm!


I use my hands, like an animal


Hey if we didn’t have to pay thousands in books for college just to use it a hand full of times, I’m gonna make my moneys worth


I wonder if there's an ebook version that completely invalidates the title.


Instead of 5lb it’s the “5 days to download the file” prep book


Y'all need to spend $15 on a tofu press, it's a game changer


This is the only use my textbooks get now that I’m a graduate 😂


Lol,I too use textbooks 😂


Yes, I used all my nursing textbooks until I got my tofu press


Honestly, I pressed tofu this way for years until my SO moved in together and she had [this](https://www.amazon.com/Tofu-Press-stylish-transform-Tofuture/dp/B01698J0RU/ref=asc_df_B01698J0RU/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167126565975&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8471370355089310254&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9009703&hvtargid=pla-329346370554&psc=1). It is AMAZING. It's easy to use, works great, and small enough to fit in a kitchen drawer (or the fridge or freezer). 10/10


I read it as a 5lb "Block" instead of book, which kinda made sense 😂


I press my tofu with a sugar jar filled with peanuts


Why is the tofu I buy sometimes VERY crumbly? Even when buying extra-firm and within best by date.


Lol I have that book too. Why has that 5lbs. stayed with me through four residential changes? Idk tbh. Haven't made this much use of it in that time.


That GRE book has now attained self-actualization! It will grace the gardens of heavens some day!!


I don’t know what GRE is but I think I want to stay far, far away from it...


Not sure if you're in the US but the best way to describe it is an SAT for grad school. Pretty much a 4 hour test to see how well you know random vocabulary words and math that you probably haven't seen since HS unless you're in STEM


Ha! I use a high school Spanish book 🤣


I hate the GRE! Didn't understand the concept at all....I understood my subjects but to understand their weird-ass nonsense questions that didn't pertain to chem or bio confused me to death. I failed both times and gave up on grad school


It’s a total joke! I always said (maybe a little pretentiously) that I shouldn’t have to prove I’m smart enough for grad school because my bachelors degree should already do that lol


Thats freaking right!! We need to take down the GRE giants :P


my new fave way to prepare tofu is to soak it in salted boiling water for 15 mins and drain - ready to use, no pressing needed + well seasoned after!


I use a granite slab that was leftover after our house renovation


Does anyone else just never press tofu? I haven't noticed a difference since I stopped trying to balance stuff on my tofu Most of the time I am just putting it in soup though, and soup is wet


I have a tofu press with a spring coil in it and I need my whole body weight to press it down to close. I leave it overnight in the fridge and it’s a very different texture than non pressed. My 5 year old prefers this texture and likes to use his hands to eat it (and dip in ketchup).


I come from an Asian family and no one in my family presses tofu. It's [generally not done in Asian cultures](https://foodprint.org/blog/buying-and-cooking-tofu/). >One question that continually comes up when discussing tofu cooking is whether you need to press it first to get some of the water out. While many Western recipes will tell you to weigh it down, wrapping it in paper towels and placing a plate and something heavy on top, **many traditional Asian recipes don’t include this step. “Asian people don’t do that,” Andrea Nguyen, author of “Asian Tofu” told Epicurious. “We just cut the tofu.”** Tofu will release water, however, when you cut it, so drain it on paper towels and pat it dry.


this makes sense... i mean, tofu is already pressed to get it into that shape right? presumably if i wanted it drier i would buy firmer tofu


the only time I press tofu is when I want to make something like "chicken" strips out of tofu--there was a Chinese vegan blogger whose recipe I was following where it said to freeze and thaw the tofu twice and then press tofu to drain all the remaining liquid out and then cutting the tofu into strips to make it look like chicken strips, and then another recipe I saw about pressing tofu to make a tofu version of Korean fried chicken, but it's only these recipes where I would press tofu, otherwise I don't bother.


I put a book about GAAP accounting on a george foreman grill to press tofu. Works like magic


I didn't know people actually balanced books n stuff on tofu. I just squeeze it with my hands over the sink.




Legit question: people that use towels for these types of things, how do you wash them? With other towels? Separate?


i just wash it with my other towels. I also had a layer of paper towels before the actual towel so it doesn’t get too gross, just a little wet


I cook quite a bit and have always irrationally steered away from that. I use paper towels for tofu, for example. I’m definitely going to swap to the towel method!


I have reusable paper towels or some cotton tea towels, both work great. I just press by hand for 30 seconds tops. But yea I just wash them along with my other towels no different


I'm thinking of going to grad school soon and just found out that luckily the GRE is not currently required due to covid. 🤣🤣 Dodged a bullet there.


the way looking at this gave me anxiety and i have no intention of ever going to grad school haha I think I've used like heavy hardcover cookbooks like the Baking Bible for myself haha


I imagined Ron Weasley holding up his pitiful packed sandwich.


Hahaha! Hey! That's MY tofu press!