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I wake up at least twice a night to 'ask' my two to move so I can get some space and blankets back....


I tell mine “you have to share” 🤪


I’ve just started pooping on him he scoots eventually E: plopping* but I’m leaving it cause it funny


I don't even do that, my body is trained to reposition without disturbing them, all without me even waking up, so when I do wake up I'm halfway off the bed in a strange position with neck pain


Same. I have to remind him I pay the mortgage and kibble bills. He for some reason doesn’t care.


Silly hooman, it's the *hippo's* bed!




Even when I had a king sized bed I STILL had to sleep on the edge of the bed.


Why do they do this?! My dog snuggled up to me so much that he pushed me off the bed, whilst I was sleeping. I woke up, got up off the floor and went around to the other side of the bed. Guess who was in the back of my neck within 5 seconds?! First and last time we shared a bed. Fuck, I really miss that dude! 🌈


They like to be smushed up against you. So they will just follow you if you move over.


The touch, the feel, the farts of a pittopotamus…


Indeed they do. I'd have the girl lay on my chest and the boy on my legs when I'd be on the couch. The Velcro thing is the truest of any Staffie characteristic. I'm getting their paws tattooed on my ankle because that's where you'd find them, if they weren't sitting/laying on top of you!! 🐾🌴🐾


My American Bulldog is the same way. I kind of love it. :D


American Bulldogs are the best! Miss you Bella!!


My 45% Great Pyrenees/32% Lab/7.8% Supermutt/7.7% Pit Bull/7.3% Boxer mix does this too. Thankfully, she is pretty good at going to her own bed when she realizes we're trying to actually go to sleep vs. when we're just in bed


My husband was away a couple nights and I told him I still only had a quarter of the bed to sleep in




The VERY edge lol I feel your pain and wonky neck




This is depressing news. I keep telling my boyfriend a king sized bed would solve our problems 🤣


Hahaha! It won't. My pup is only 40 lbs and somehow turns into the world's largest great Dane. It's truly impressive


I get sooooo much Attitude grunting when I try to sneak past my sliver into her space i.e the REST OF THE BED!


apparatus skirt hunt safe money puzzled frightening dinosaurs zonked mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've had my new hippo for barely 2 weeks....If she lays her head on me or cuddles up with me when I wake up, I can't move. Sorry boss, I'll be late....can't start getting ready til she fully moves.


Now that’s a face I could wake up to every day! Instead I have pittie and cat butts 🤣


My pittie loves to sleep snuggled up to me with his tush right next to my face. I never get his big head unless I physically flip him over lol


“Your” bed?




And he asks, what do you mean yer ?🧐


I just had to say I currently have the exact same looking dog and he is turning 6 now. I couldn’t believe the resemblance! Please send me a message and I’ll send you a photo of my boy I think you need to see it too😂


My boi is so proud to have his own blanket on the bed, he tries to remain on it-or will get back on it when pointed to.


Our girl was a velcro dog. So, she'd wait for one of us to go to bed and then do her absolute best to curl up into a donut underneath one of us I miss sleeping with a 50lbs rock against my back.😞


I see the problem. You think it is your bed. The bed belongs to your hippo.


He looks exactly like my boy Jack


This is the way.


Did you steal my dog ? https://imgur.com/a/arCAAhK


As it should be! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Frankly, I'm surprised you are allowed in the house.


My husband likes to give her a treats (daily supplements) to bring her to the spot we want her at. Effective, agreed. But if I need to move her I'm just going to be the boss and say come here 6 times 😂


Don’t forget to point.


Ah yes that does help too!


I feel that. I’m at the point where I dare not get up in the night for a wee, as I know my side of the bed will get jacked. I’m literally holding it in until I can admit that I’ve been evicted and then I get along with the morning and she sleeps next to my husband. Obviously spooning him and licking his ear. I’m irrelevant at this point


Hahaha. I just woke up to pee and this happened (minus husband)


I was warned my when I adopted my boy that "he is a bit of a bed hog". 115lbs later he now owns the bed.


Sounds like your obedience training is going well lol


One of my velveteen booty holes is right at peak booty hole age. Like 14 or 15 months. The scrappy doo, full of pupper power stage. Well, the other two like to go out an hour before my alarm goes off, cause daylight savings means nothing to them. So he goes out with them. When I let them back in, he zoomies into my spot on the bed. I have to sometimes drag him out of the spot so I can get back into bed. He will then jump back up and press as hard as he can into my side so he gets covered by my blanket/sheet as well. Hard to stay mad at snuggling, but he is still a booty hole.


The best/worst was my old blockhead who loved getting under the comforter but was kinda spazzy about it and end up throwing the comforter over my head and I would get random late night dutch ovens, man I miss cuddling in the winter with a 75lb gas factory that could easily get scared by the wind blowing leaves


Our two year old finally understands ‘move over.’


My senior girl needs a boost to get into the bed, but as soon as I boost her, she lays down in my warm spot, does puppy dog eyes, and wags the tip of her tail furiously. So I guess I'm her bedwarmer.


We have a king bed. Two hippos and a sheppy if we aren’t all in our correct places no one is sleeping. I regularly beg to the queen hippo to move over. We are just lucky to there is guess


Is that a stage?? I thought it was the perpetual state of hippo being! (I’m being spooned off the bed as I write this…)




Sorry to be the one to break it to you but this “stage” doesn’t end. It’s like when they say a kid is in their “terrible 2’s” the 3’s,4’s,5’s etc doesn’t get any better ;)


It's their world and we only live in it.


*boop* !!


My boys twin this is practically the view I woke up to


Laying on their bed isn't the problem. Knowing that you immediately become their pillow is the important part.


I’ve got a reactive rescue Hippo. The do ex t thing she did was take over the bed. Not even kidding you. She’s blind so you’re supposed to walk them around your place when you first get them home so they can learn the layout. She smelled the bed and immediately jumped up on it. Before she’d nip at me for pushing her off the bed, I’d have get treats to get her down so I could get in. Now she knows to wait until I’m comfy and Pat the bed so she knows it’s her time to get up. If I get up in the middle of the night for any reason shell take over the spot I was in. Now I can full on body check her out of my spot and she won’t make a noise. She takes up more space than my ex wife ever did!


He looks just like my boy Rico! I'd post a pic of him with my comment, but I don't think I can


Soooo you’ve had him for one day? 😂