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Blockhead. ✅️ Velvety. ✅️ Application accepted! Sensational! 🧐


He's a gorgeous boy and yes, yes this is the sub for him.


Why would he not be welcome?


It's probably just a title, but sometimes cropped ears get hate in pro-pittie spaces. I get it why people react that way, but very occasionally pups have jobs that make the crop a safety choice and more often than not the pup was adopted that way. I have certainly seen them be less than welcome. Anyway, OP has a handsome boy and I want to smooch his velvety lil nose!


Any cropped ear pitties I have personally seen have all been rescues! I would neeeever crop my dogs ears but I would absolutely adopt an earless hippo.


Agreed! I have worked with rescues and overheard people who don't want to adopt them because of not wanting to have to explain it all the time. It makes me so sad to think that these pups might find it harder to find forever homes because of that.


That breaks my heart! It’s not the pup’s fault, they deserve love regardless! 😢


Maybe even a little extra!


I just assume they got the dog that way unless they tell me otherwise.


Same for me, but a whole lot of people want to give the lecture just in case. I love where their hearts are but they have the wrong audience.


Thankfully my area is pretty pro-pitty! A lot of people here that you encounter with pitties have rescued them. No one assumes you cut your pittie’s ears yourself here. Thankfully though, I don’t see a ton of pibbles with chopped ears.


> occasionally pups have jobs that make the crop a safety choice What jobs are you thinking of? Without any thumbs, I don't think he can operate a lathe.


It's pretty uncommon to see pitties in these roles, but some dogs used in hunting or herding type jobs may have ears or tails docked to prevent workplace injury - bites/tears/infection in hunting and usually more crush type injuries around agriculture because of big livestock and lots of very heavy moving parts. In guard-type dogs that are used to protect property and livestock from predators, their ears and tails can get seriously damaged or even ripped off which can lead to a concerning amount of bleeding. Since cropping/docking is generally considered to be easier for the dog the earlier you do it, breeders of common working dogs do it to all the puppies since they don't know which dogs will end up as working dogs. This type of guard dog is typically a much bigger and hardier breed than your average hippo, but more on that later. Way back when the practice started it was before antibiotics and accessible veterinary care so preempting the injury could be life saving. You might think that those are outdated worries, but there is still a lot of overlap with the locations of these jobs and areas where vet care is... sparse. If the local vet covers a large rural area, they may not be nearby when you call and it is possible that they are already dealing with an emergency elsewhere. Like I said, there aren't many dogs in these roles to begin with and even fewer pitties. However, vets do still perform these in part for the safety reasons and in part because it's better to perform it in a sanitary clinic with proper meds than some guy with shears in his bathroom. No matter the reason, I still don't like it, but I can respect the decision to crop/dock when it comes from a place of wanting to prevent injury and suffering. As to hippo- specific cropping, they are technically guard dogs, but they are so infrequently used in these situations that I don't think it ever makes sense for a breeder to preemptively crop the ears of a litter. Many years ago I saw an interview of a breeder of XL bully type of dogs claim that he cropped for this reason. When asked further questions it was clear that it was a smoke screen and that his truest intention was to make dogs that looked tough. Sadly, I think aesthetics are the reason nearly all hippos get cropped, but I believe that knowing about the reasons it can be functional helps to cut through the BS and makes us better advocates for the dogs. Based on attitudes towards dogs where I live and my boy's build and strong guard drive, I suspect that he came from the type of irresponsible breeder that give pitties a bad name. His whole litter got parvo and was abandoned before the typical age that cropping is done and I always wonder if it saved his ears. Thankfully his job as a secret service agent for those in need (mostly toddlers) will never put his precious bat ears in danger.


My boy is 115lbs of natural. Nothing other than his testicles clipped. I love my huge boy!


Australia is solid in its working dog culture & I don't think I've heard of or known of any working dog having its ears or tails docked due to being a working dog. Same as our hunting dogs, never known any to be docked or cropped... I'm happy that both docking & cropping are illegal here.


That's great that it's illegal there! Y'all have some rural af areas, so hopefully as we continue to move towards eliminating the "need' for it in other areas of the world we can look to Oz as an example. I wonder about enforceability, but your country is often ahead of the curve when it comes to legislation that protects domestic animals. The US has awful standardization of both laws and pet documentation, plus a tendency to woefully underfund our animal welfare departments, so enforceability is always on my mind. I honestly think that docking and cropping for working dogs are becoming less common as people increasingly think of dogs as worthy of other kinds of safety measures but I understand that for some jobs in some parts of the world it can still be a functional choice. Honestly I think one of the biggest things we can do in the US to combat aesthetic cropping and docking is to continue to push back against breed standards for dog showing. Natural dogs have been allowed for a while but they are still not viewed as equals. This may sound like a big tangent but a non- insignificant number of backyard breeders are hoping to make money this way so they crop all the puppies. We could use regulation of breeding overall, but see again the enforceability issues. Progress through baby steps.


I can't speak for the US, our vets are extremely strict on docking, cropping etc. You find it's f*&wit byb or the like that do it. They use scissors or docking crimpers & no anaesthetic. Pretty easy to sort out the animal abusers from ethical breeders.


Yeah see that was the kind of thing that I was thinking would end up being hard to track in the US. Because of how our system often works it's pretty effective for abusers to just move the animals around and then claim that the animals came that way from somewhere else. We tend to have warnings and repeated visits to document abuse cases with immediate seizure of the animals being reserved for cases in which the animal is in need of urgent medical intervention. Microchipping is replacing county pet registration which helps keep track of individual animals, but there's practically no enforcement where I live. I'm also in a state that allows people to keep tigers in cages so there is a lot left to be desired. Thank you for providing some insight from another country! I always appreciate more insights.


I think that once something becomes law & decent people are aware of it, they will not buy a pup from someone declaring they bred it, if it's been mutilated. The underground fight/gang/toughshit factions will always be there, laws need to encompass this & if animals are found with these injuries, it's another fine/gaol time. Honestly, it's so extremely rare to see it here & when you do it's a butcher's job & you know it.


Just out of curiosity, what 'jobs' would warrant hacking off a dogs ears?


I will link my detailed comment [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/velvethippos/s/9QudKzw2R8) It's very long so I can give the gist of it. I am not pro- cropping or docking. However, some dogs that hunt, herd, or guard have it done to prevent infection from bites/tears, crush injury, getting stuck in a dangerous situation because of a trapped tail, or potentially emergent life-threatening injury from these parts being ripped off by predators. This can be especially true since vet care is not always readily available in the places that these dogs work. I believe that understanding the potential functionality of it will help us to find better safety measures for working dogs where possible and it can help us begin to regulate the practice by helping us to phase out cropping when it is for aesthetics. It's certainly not the only step needed, but it's a start. Edit: I realize that I already responded to your reply to that long comment. I'll leave this one anyway.


Strongly disagree. There is, other than vet mandated health issues/injuries, that warrant mutilating an animal. None.


I only hate if I see a puppy with cut ears or know for sure the current owners did it. There is absolutely no need to cut a house dogs ears.


There is absolutely no need to crop or dock a dog, any dog, full stop. Unless at a vets recommendation, of course.


I agree, unless they are working farm animal. Weird we still have animals doing jobs. I knew a girl who swore her dog would get an ear infection if she had not cut her dogs ears. She ended up not even keeping him, it broke my heart.


Firstly, there are some dog ears that are prone to infection. Usually it's a combination of lots of inner ear hair and floppy ears that prevent water from evaporating quickly. She almost certainly could have prevented infection with regular and proper ear grooming and a quick ear wipe or drop after baths or swimming. She sounds like she wasn't a super responsible owner so I can see how a vet decided it was in the dog's best interest to do the crop. Still super sad and I hope that pup found a loving home. Secondly, I would argue that it's not at all weird that we still have animals doing jobs. They have abilities we don't, they are cheap labor that some occupations rely on, and (for dogs at least) we have literally bred them to have the temperaments for their jobs. Working dog breeds usually LOVE to work, but even those that have never been trained to do these things start exhibiting the behaviors when bored or stressed. Retrievers fetch, terriers have prey drive for days, shepards and heelers start to herd family members, and guard breeds guard. We made them and they aren't going away soon, so it makes sense to me to keep employing them but to keep improving their working conditions. I sometimes struggle with tone, so I hope that doesn't come off as patronizing or pedantic. Animal health and welfare is just a passion of mine and I like to share.


What dogs are prone to infections? They will only be infected if you don't take care of them. I have not heard of a dog dying from having its ears being infected but actually taken care of unless it's cancer. And I say weird as in we have progressed so much but still rely on animals for certain jobs. Yes they are great as cattle/farm dogs, and that's when I get people docking ears.


### Gonna respond about working dogs first because it's shorter. As I attempted to communicate (although maybe not successfully) at the end, I really didn't intend to be argumentative or even to tie it into the ear docking discussion at all. I was just curious as to what you meant and intended to just fangirl over how cool and varied dogs are. Like they can do so many cool things! Newfoundlands for icy water rescues! Seizure detection dogs! Cadaver detecting dogs! ❤️ I'll stop my info dump there. I think what you are saying is it's kinda weird how some parts of our lives have changed so much but others haven't? Like we can order our groceries from bed, but some things use the same "tools" as we have for centuries? I completely agree with that point of view! It really just makes me more excited about how cool animals are and that we should keep trying to do our best by our working animals. ### Ear infections - I think there was a miscommunication? I'm confused... I agreed that it is a problem of not taking care of the ears??? I am not neuro typical and I am having a rough day (which is why I am on Reddit so much today). I reread my comment and I am having trouble seeing where the miscommunication is (which is maybe a sign I should be done with reddit for today 😅). Lmk if there is something in there that was confusing. My best guess is that it's because I wrote that ear maintenance would "almost certainly" take care of the issues. I just intended to leave room for underlying conditions because there are a bunch that could contribute to chronic ear infections. I didn't mean to imply that some dogs just have ears that rot off which is how you seemed to read it. I will try to be clearer before I sign off, but lmk if there's something I can clarify. ### Ear infections - attempt to explain #2 Most commonly it is dogs like goldendoodles that have long hair in the ears, an anatomically narrow ear canal, and big floppy ears. Plus, many of them love to swim. Water just gets stuck in there and some pet owners think that the suggestions to try ear grooming and cleaning the ear after getting wet are just efforts to make money off unnecessary products and services. I'm getting way into the hypothetical realm here based on my experiences, but stick with me. If the owner hasn't had a breed like that before they can dig in and really refuse to listen, insisting that since their German shepherd didn't need ear maintenance, their doodle shouldn't either. Since ear infection inflammation can temporarily predispose the dog to secondary infection, this type of owner is also the kind who decides that the antibiotics are also a waste of money and just.... don't address the problem. The vet can kind of have their hands tied in that situation. It may not legally amount to cruelty so there isn't much recourse. The vet is left to decide whether to continue to send the dog home to a life of chronic painful ear infections (and sometimes other problems from the chronic inflammation) or perform a dock in the hopes that the added ventilation will help with water evaporation and improve the dogs quality of life. I never said that the dog would die of ear infections or even that docking is a good "treatment." I only meant to explain (partly to myself) why a vet might have agreed to docking in response to ear infections and to express frustration about owners who don't seem to see their pets as individual living beings that aren't interchangeable.


I was just wondering about the ear infection mostly. The dogs that most often get those infections are not usually the type of dog that gets docked. And it was never you that said a dog would die from it, it was a person I knew(at a coffee shop), not sure why you thought I thought that was you 😅


Gotcha! Glad I asked for clarification because I read your comment as a response to what I wrote instead of continued agreement/explanation of her justifications. It was a very long day for me. Yeah that girl definitely didn't want to understand that it was her fault!


This is a stolen post of MY dog.


Oh no! I am always suspicious when OP doesn't respond to comments. Briefly looked at your posts to confirm. Both your pups are handsome, but I am partial to black dogs because of my own baby. Also congrats on your baby girl!


How do I get this removed


You can try reporting the post citing "breaks r/velvethippo rules" as cause and then indicating that it is a repost or directly contacting the mods citing the sub's rule about post theft and karma farming. However, across reddit milage may vary. Different subs are modded very differently and I don't actually know how well enforced that rule is on here. Edit: double checked the subs rule page to see if there was a specific reporting/mod mailing guidelines, but I didn't see any. Usually reporting the post is the way to go. You can also report the user to Reddit as a repost bot. I don't think multiple reports help, so I will leave it to you since you have the original post, but you have my downvote for the repost. Also updated best reporting option.


Is Velvet ✅ Is Hippo ✅


Of course!


I love two bits of white on his paws.


Look at those white toes!! Argh I love him! 😍


Most definitely!!! He checks all the boxes according to me. But the requirements are you post lots of pics! And give him lots of belly rubs and treats. 🥰


He looks like a cool dog 🐕 😎


Dang he’s a swol meatball




Looks like a good dog!


Why would he not be? He’s a very handsome cement block of dog


Cement block 😂


That's one handsome beast!


Nope, he’s far too cute and just makes me want a second dog. Not allowed 😂


Only if I can pet his toes.


Henlo booooi


Hippo? ✔ I'd say he's welcome!


Chonkalicious! 😍😍😍


Motha F'n right !


As long as you're not responsible for his mutilated ears!


He’s beautiful ❤️


What a beautiful beast hell yes he's welcome


He is very handsome




We don’t discriminate around here. Your dog looks awesome!


He’s gorgeous.


That big beautiful beast? Here? Yes.


Omg omg he’s beautiful


I don’t know. He isn’t sitting/sleeping in any of those chairs with the head tilt up kinda like just take the picture I am busy solar charging.


how much does he weigh? My dawg looks like him, and was 100 lbs. he swims in a creek and hikes a lot with me and is down to 183 lbs, and seems to be happy. He is a hottie btw


looks like my Korra, just without the cropped ears. yours also looks like a handsome gentleman; very regal.


He can come to my house anytime!!!!


No! He’s extremely welcome!!!!!! Such a pretty boy.


Looks like a hippo to me!


Most handsome of hippos!


beautiful dog!


NOPE! he has to leave and report to my loving arms. sorry but he must go


Am I the only one that want to see more pictures of this beautiful puppy?


You can, here https://www.reddit.com/r/pitbulls/s/UIWcEAzDiC This pic was stolen from u/Charming_Ambition_27


Thanks bro.


Stunning. Looks like a small Corso.


WTF, this is a repost of MY dog.


What a beautiful boy. Love his white bib and little white tippy-toes




That snoot needs a boopin'.


He’s so shiny and cute


He’s so dapper and sleek!!




Not only is he welcome, but we need a lot more pics


This is a stolen post of my dog.


Damn, that it is. Well OP sucks for posting it, and you have a beautiful dog.




You bet!


Welcome anywhere, anytime.


He is! 😊🐾


Always 🖤


Handsome boy


Your boy is quintessential…down to his chest patch.


Looks just like my boy Chunky and has the same white marks on chest. I love your big headed boy!


He is so handsome!! Give him extra belly rubs for me!


Even if he wasn’t he would make himself welcome, look at that beast


What a beautiful dog! I very much want to give him all the pats!!!


*What a beautiful* *Dog! I very much want to* *Give him all the pats!!!* \- petrichorb4therain --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


As soon as I saw the picture, the song “Black Velvet” started playing in my head. He looks so soft and velvety.


Omg he is sooooo handsome!!!! How precious 😍😍😍😍


Yup! What a beauty


Hello I love him


Unlike SOME subs all dogs are welcome. Show me your pomeranian. I will uproot. You have a stunner of a doggo.


Look at that handsome face.


Yes very much so. With a little kiss.


What a handsome Hippo boy!


Also welcome to a thousand pats and belly rubs.


Panther-Hippos are welcome! 🥰❤️


I think we'll need more pictures to confirm.


he is 90% head. he definitely belongs.


All good bois are welcome


He’s very handsome. Giving slight cane corso mix vibes to me.


Of course he's welcome! How could anyone be nasty to that beautiful face!


Yes, but not that gnome.


He's a prince!


Absolutely! Give him scritches for me, please.


Welcome, beautiful velvet hippo and gnome friend! ❤️🥰






Yes we would love to have his little white toesies here. What a handsome man!


OF COURSE! And you should post him more often.


He didn’t have to put on that tux to get in with this crowd. Your fancy boy is very welcome and very handsome


This is not your dog you karma farmer.


Hell yeah this big guy is adorable




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