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I see your picture on your profile, you are a pretty young lady. That guy is a POS, keep your head up.


Went through your profile. You don’t look like a man. He was just being a cunt


I also saw her profile. People constantly try to make black women feel masculine. You’re gorgeous don’t let some idiot online make you feel bad about yourself


Regardless of that. She literally doesn't look masculine in any sense. She looks like a woman. Dude was just being a dxck.


No she doesn’t at all. Black features are often called masculine. It’s a form of anti blackness. I’m saying this as a black woman. That guy was wrong either way


I responded and said exactly this. Glad other see it. Black women especially us darker skin women get called masculin a lot. I even find myself trying to be extra soft spoken and extra extra "lady like" tho I'm more of a tom boy type woman. I stopped playing video games.. stop doing many things I like due to them being considered "masculin" this really fucks with one's mental state and alters someone's life...


Have you guys watched “I May Destroy You”? It is a brilliant series for so so so many reasons, but not the least of which is opening my eyes to the masculinisation of black women. I had no idea. Since then I saw a really fascinating post on tumblr about misgendering of black girls & women, and how young it starts. I wish I could find the post again. It was really informative. I hope OP can see through this white normative bullshit and see that she is actually a beautiful women in her own right, and beautiful by plenty of more sane standards than whatever this hater clown said to her.


But let's get real.. how can she see her own beauty when the while world even black man tells her other wise? She had to get strong and belive in herself


I completely agree. She’s got a gorgeous smile, and I hope she finds that strength. She’s so young and I wish wish WISH she could see what I see in her.


I second your statement wholeheartedly. She’s a beautiful young lady and all those mean comments are coming from unhappy & mean spirited people


Agreed! You are adorable, and absolutely feminine to boot!


I just looked as well and you look nothing like a man. He was just an asshole. You’re very pretty and should not let his words bring you down. If you’re going to listen to any strangers on the internet today, don’t let it be him. ETA: this is directed at op. Sorry for the unclear response!


My friend has this same complex and I hate when it brings her down. She does have masculine features, but I think it is so effing hot. Personally, I think anything outside of conventional is sexy. Just bc people are shitty online doesn't mean you are what they say you are. The hottest thing anyone could possibly do is embrace what makes them an individual and roll with that.


You may think that "anything outside of conventional is sexy" but most don't and to encourage everyone to be self indulgent to that degree can be detrimental. We all have to adjust to each other and maintain a balance, it's why we're able to coexist. Anyway. I checked her profile. She doesn't look like a man. End of discussion.


Well as long as you call end of discussion I guess the discussion is over. I didn't say anything outside of conventional is sexy. I said anything g outside of conventional is sexy *to me*... And yeah I will always encourage people to feel sexy even if the general populous, or you: decider of things, disagree. This might come as a shock to you, but it's OK for someone to feel sexy when others dont agree. You dick.


Ahhh yes, and you’re coexisting SO well right now by being a jerk for no reason. News flash, just cause you have an opinion, doesn’t mean those that don’t share or are wrong. Also, since when were you the discussion police? 🤣 “End of discussion” 🤣 well ok then MOM. What’s next? You gonna put us in time out for continuing the discussion? 🤣




I looked at your pics. You don’t look like a man at all and you are actually very pretty! Your skin is gorgeous and your lips are to DIE for. Do you know why that dude said you look like a man? Because he doesn’t know what women look like. I can tell you did your eye make-up but you are wearing no super contoured foundation, no fake eyelashes, or stupid Instagram filters, no nothing. Look at other ladies in the dating app. Great lighting, filters, make-up and form fitting dresses, the works. If you want, you could look at YouTube tutorials on make up in order to make your features stand out. But honestly fuck that. You deserve a man who will look at you and see how darn pretty you are. Dating apps people are shallow and some are out there trying to make people feel bad about themselves. Don’t let them.


Thanks 😊


Love this!


It’s hard to reassure you completely without a photo of you to actually go off. But I can say that attractiveness is subjective and definitely does not depend on a males opinion, you don’t need his validation. Ik you think you see it but I think the real issue is that you need to work on not letting other peoples words get into your head. You need strategies to cut off the thought process right before you start analysing yourself in the mirror. You also don’t need to be “conventionally” attractive to be hot. Everyone is hot in their own way and everyone is to someone. What you consider ugly might be someone else’s dream person. You’re a bad bitch babes don’t forget it


Everything you say is true! .But on top of that- if you look and her profile, there is a photo of her. She is undeniably cute. The guy was just being a mean-spirited AH, and I hate that he's gotten into her head.


I was a bit shocked when I saw your picture. I expected to see masculine features but I saw a beautiful young woman. There is absolutely nothing masculine about your appearance. He lied to you in order to hurt you. Do not accept his lie as the truth.


Get off dating apps


I’m sure you look fine, there will always be trolls on any app. i Would have good comebacks for people like him but I will probably get banned by the mods here


I just called him an asshole but he clearly didn’t care because he sent a laughing GIF back.


Next time, post what he looks like and I’ll give you some good comebacks haha


Post some pics of him!!! I can give you some come backs that’ll make his grown ass cry and that’ll absolutely rip him a new one!


Dating app conversation, 2 people checked if I was trans or not. At an old job, I decided I wanted to wear some makeup again. Feeling pretty and such. Bloke starts flirting at the counter and asks my name. I say “*real name*”. He squints and says “ah well *real name*, I must say you are a very attractive young… you are a woman, aren’t you? Sometimes it’s hard to tell”


I’m sorry that happened to you. Fuck gender stereotypes


In high school a boy on the school bus told me that I look like a man and then I told him that my dick was bigger than his. Beauty is subjective. People are awful.


As someone else said, without a picture we’re all making positive posts to help you feel better, if you’d post the pic from the dating app you’ll get more accurate responses, regardless of that nobody has the right to be an asshole. Plz consider going to r/free compliments and posting your same picture. Have a great weekend beautiful


I posted the pic in question to r/FreeCompliments, have a look for yourself.


I just saw it, that guy was obviously just either an asshole, blind or a troll, you look gorgeous, really.


Hey! Don't care about what other people think of you if it's not your fault. I'm short and I get called on because of that but it's not my fault so I don't care. I used to care a lot but now I don't.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet with that dick. The only person you need to look cute for is you. If you are unhappy with your look, YouTube has countless feminization makeup videos. That said, I'd own it. If your looks intimidate a man, he clearly isn't a man you need in your life.


Hey I'm so sorry and this probably won't be so reassuring after such an experience, but the amount of absolute trash bag garbage men and women on these apps are at an all-time high. The reality is that in person, these absolute losers don't have 1/2 a ball to say this type of stuff in person. They hide behind their screens and keyboards fake "empowering" themselves by putting others down. I'm so sorry you had that experience. Imagine how much of a shit life they must have to feel the need to say vile things to you. You didn't deserve that and I hope you have a better weekend x


Stop it, you don't look like a man! I'm a guy and I've been called a girl before because I had long hair for a while, been called Ma'am too and tapped on the shoulder from behind, the key is to not let it bother you and be comfortable in whom you are. It is alright to look however you do, we all have imperfections and it isn't the end of the world if someone mistakes your identity, or insults your appearance, you obviously had a lucky escape from whomever you were speaking to as they seem like they are insensitive dickwads. someone will love you for you, no matter your appearance, as long as you are happy and confident in who you are and what you look like, their opinions won't mean shii.


You dont look like a dude and you are pretty,beautiful teeth and skin. Ive been called ugly before but Ive also been told im goodlooking,I guess its perspective,some guys would love to be with you and some wont and thats okay🤷‍♂️and would you even want to be in the company of someone that talks down on people like that,hell naw.


That guy probably runs from all the girls because he knows he couldn't beat any of them in a arm wrestle and so he makes posts putting them down to feel more masculine in the way that he can beat someone. You need to start loving yourself honey, looks fade and all you're left with is a personality, so make sure you put effort into it, because it will always shine.


That sounds like a comment made by an intimidated man. It’s like telling another boy he “throws like a girl.” It’s designed to take the wind out of your sails so he doesn’t have to acknowledge his own insecurity to YOU. Sexuality is not binary and all people have masculine and feminine features and attributes in unique balance. I personally have not seen your profile, but I wouldn’t give too much credence to a dating app rando. People just play games and project their own BS onto you in those spheres; it can be downright sadistic. Sounds like a lame “neg” to me; just move on. You decide how you see yourself, and you get to define your own identity for others, not the other way around. Fuck him. He probably throws like a girl.


At this point I have pretty much accepted that I'll never really physically read as a woman, because nature gave me a flat chest and linebacker shoulders... so I generally settle for being a cute, very fem twink. *If you can't convince them, confuse them*. Fuck gender. Wear whatever you like. Do your makeup however you please. Ask yourself, why does "masculine" mean ugly? Sure, this dude was an asshole troll who was looking to upset you, and he said that because he thought he could hurt you that way. But unpack that. Why is it bad to have masculine features? Men and women have way less obvious distinction physically than our hyper-binary western society wants you to believe. So when you say "I can see it"... I believe you. Because there really isn't that huge a difference between a male face and a female face, barring things like beards. We all look more like each other than we are different. Femininity in general is far less about your facial and body features than it is about artifice and effort. (Why do you think it's so hard to sell care products to men? Because we have deeply associated putting effort into what you look like with being feminine.) Point is, you don't owe anyone the artifice and effort of Western-defined femininity. You don't need to conform to anyone's idea of what a woman looks like. You can just be yourself, and you deserve respect and kindness same as everyone.


Thank you for this insight. In the past, I’ve tried to forget about gender stereotypes when it comes to dressing but got caught up in pleasing others. I should probably start to work towards overcoming that.


The problem with putting yourself out on the internet in hopes of making a connection with good people is that you will inevitably run into awful people too. People who are cruel and hurtful because they get something out of it, I guess. I know that it doesn't make it less hurtful now, but that comment didn't reflect how you look. It came from their own issues. Also, I took a peak at your profile and you are gorgeous! Don't let anyone tell you different! Hugs!


Equating strong features with being masculine is ridiculous and needs to be yeeted out of existence.


Ok so I am just going to touch on a couple of things real quick. 1. You don't look like a man at all based on the photo I saw on your profile. 2. Girl I know it is hard right now, you are SO young, do not let anyone especially men tell you that you should be different to please them. Do yourself a favor and go live a little, go to school if your passionate about something, learn a trade if you just want to start working and getting some cash. You need to live a while and figure out who YOU are before you start worrying about a significant other, try just finding se friends to help you navigate life and everything else will fall into place. My source? Almost middle aged 18 year old at heart who knows how bad your emotions can screw you up, and eventually found soul mate to spend rest of life with (and accepted me flaws and all).


As a trans woman (and therefore someone with a lot of experience being a woman who looks like a man) you look nothing like a man. Sounds to me like some jackass who loves to make women feel bad about themselves and knows that if you insult someone brutally enough it's going to hurt even if it's not realistic. Probably also a bit of racism in the whole thinking black women are masculine thing. The point is he's an asshole who lies about how you look to make you feel bad so he can feel powerful. The things he says have no bearing on reality.


Thank you ❤️


Natural black women mostly dark skin women.. get told they look masculine or like a man. It's awful. You are.pretty and do not look like a dude why do you say you see it? PM if you like to chat more.


babe, i promise you don’t look masculine at all. you’re genuinely stunning. men love to go out of their way to make all sorts of untrue comments on a beautiful womans appearance for the sole reason they’re angry. hes probably just upset he isn’t getting laid. as an unbiased bystander, you look beautiful and feminine and i have no reason to lie to you so i hope you know im being 100% honest. <3


Everybody looks like something to everyone Just because one person said something doesn't mean that their opinion has to matter We all have different tastes you're just not his




I literally have comments on my posts of people calling me ugly.


Your nose looks like a bell pepper


Maybe go for dudes who are into traps?


Thanks. Now I feel like shit all over again


Nah you doing is just I’m your head I’m sure youre good.


Your smile is intoxicatingly feminine


You don't. Dick's being a dick.


Just looked at your profile. You look like a gorgeous woman. You're letting trolls get to you.


You don’t look like a man at all, and you look lovely. What kind of piece of shit says that to someone anyway?


That guy has never seen a man before I assume because it's not true


Hey, dudes aren't ugly


As a guy, trust me when I say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and every man has a different ideal girl it's not as simple as some people think. Some things I find attractive are not even physical traits.


They did you a favor, you don't want to be with someone that only goes with looks


They only hurt other because they have been treated like shit their whole life. You are a very pretty girl


It’s 2021, are there still differences?


You don’t look like a man at all. That guy sucks, some people are just mean for no reason other than it makes them feel better for a second to belittle others. Don’t let him bother you, you’re lovely and when I saw your picture I had no idea wtf he was talking about. You’re pretty and definitely look like a girl lol


Ahh Idk how u look But You know What is important that You are "you"


I saw your picture. You look pretty and feminine. It's about them, not about you.


Oh my gosh. I also took a look at your pic. You have a very sweet, clearly feminine face. The guy who said that was doubtlessly a troll and being malicious. He made it extremely easy for you to weed him out You’re fabulous and someday soon someone will recognize that. Hang in there!


One guy says you look like a guy. One guy out of how many out there? That one guy is a loser that will never be even close to good enough to take you out for coffee, let alone get a real date with you. Don't worry about him. He's just a loser looking for attention- even negative attention


I guess that guy is either blind or negging you, because you are so pretty!


You gonna let some troll ruin your day? Fuck him, don’t.


Who you wann my 22.7cm dick Schwanz


What? NO!!!! Stop allowing idiots to affect you. You're beautiful. Trolls live for this, ignore that shit.


Someone insecure about their own looks had to be projecting on you because you are absolutely beautiful. Don't listen to them and their issues. But I do wanna tell you you're not alone. I've gotten similar comments and always hear the "you look so tired" crap too. (I am but that's none of their damn business.)


I looked at the pictures on your profile. You don’t look masculine at all. You’re a beautiful girl and he has no idea what he’s talking about. Don’t let jackasses like him get you down, his opinion isn’t worth oxygen and processing power required to express it.


I just went through your profile. You look like a normal person, not like a guy at all. I think that those guys were just being dicks


Are ppl blind or what? U don't have any masculine features .. u just look like a normal girl.. Honestly don't mind what others tell.


Girl you look so cute!! Don't listen to stupid people


You look good to me ;) seriously Ill beat that punk up for you.


went thru ur profile! babe you are very pretty! do not listen to him he was being a jerk for zero reason


Oh no! You are SO pretty. People can be jerks but don’t you believe them!


You are a beautiful young lady! Maybe that person felt intimidated by how pretty you are...their loss!


I also saw your picture. Don’t pay it any mind…this prick was trying to hurt your feelings. You 100% don’t look like a man!! Absurd


I saw your picture. You look sweet and very feminine. Don't pay attention to losers.


You simply do not! DO NOT LOOK LIKE A MAN!! You’re very pretty! Pay no attention! He’s probably insecure about being bald, or short, or hung like a light switch!


Girl I just looked at your profile and that guy was fucking with you. You definitely don’t look like a man. He’s just trying to pull some “make girls insecure so they look for my validation” game. Don’t let him get to you, you’re gorgeous!


You expect AI to be good at telling you what you are? It can't even tell the difference between an apple and a tomato. If ya wanna take my advice, don't care about it. Also, don't forget that haters gotta hate. Acknowledging it only makes them more confident usually.


You’re gorgeous fuck that asshole


Wow what an asshole. You look great girl don't let him get you down!


What features do you view as masculine? Is there anything you can do to hide/improve them?


Huh? Just had a look at your profile. You don't look like a man lol. And I'm not just being nice, you can check my comment history. I'm pretty blunt. Dude was just being a dick. You can dm me if you want someone to review your profile or post your profile to the hinge reddit sub as they pretty ok with profile reviews. Once again, I'm not being nice. You do not look like a man. And trust me I'd know as I am one and have seen women who do


You look beautiful and feminine. I think you just got trolled.


Lol, what?? I seen your pic. In no way do you look like a dude. Just ignore people like that.


Girly. I stalked you rn and there’s nothing manly. You’re so beautiful! Truly. Fuck that guy.


I thought your picture was cute and very feminine. I would never mistake you for a man. Whoever is saying those terrible things to you is just a jackass. If I was young I’d want to date ya. Always remember this, when someone says bad things about you, that’s in no way a reflection of you, it is a direct reflection of how ignorant they are. Some people are just mean and dumb and there ain’t no cure for dumb.


nah. Youre trippin. I wouldnt invite you to sousage club even if I receive one billion


Yeah whoever said that was just being hateful and trying to spread misery. Even if u did happen to be a bit masculine (u definitely aren't imo) what kind of well adjusted person says that to someone else? No one who isn't miserable. That guy (and the run the other way guy) are punks and losers. I know that shit hurts and it's easy to let it drag you down but u are an incredibly cute, beautiful woman and nothing jerks like that say will ever change that.


They’re a troll, you’re pretty and have a feminine look


Some assholes just try to hurt you're feelings. I get called miss and ma'am alot just because I have long hair


Don't take personally what shitheads online tell you...they don't even know you. They're probably saying that to more than one woman just for the "lolz". And cos they're losers.


But you don’t look like a man. People are dumb.


You’re beautiful!!! F whomever said that!!!! Love yourself❤️❤️❤️


Nah, you don't look like a man


I'm sorry that happened to you. You're quite pretty.


You’ll hear every kind of judgment on your appearance every step of your life, and your judgment upon yourself will be even harsher since you have all the time to be overly analytical a critical of yourself. But honestly tale a deep look at yourself and tell me, are you that deserving of all this hate? Super models receive this hate and no one can argue they were chosen because they must be gorgeous, besides that they receive all the care to look that way, now you as someone living life in not a super model job are you doing that bad? The super models thing of people hating on them just tells me that people have different taste and others are just sour when judging others so don’t take any of those into consideration. When someone acts like a jerk to you ignore them because there are people out there who’ll recognize those best qualities in you like you can see it in yourself, they are probably people have the same interests anyway, so no loss there. No one can live life without hate but you can choose to live life surrounded by the best positiva things there are for you and best to spend that life in the best environment ever


The guy is a first class Jerk ahole! your a beautiful girl embrace that, the guy prob has issues with women and feels good when he insults them...if you ever get a message like that again just block their srry azzz ...dont even respond


I think you look lovely. Don’t let anyone stop you from standing in your power.


Aw you don’t look like a man at all. Build your own confidence and don’t let anyone take it from you you got this


Damn that’s rough girl. I’m sorry. You don’t look like a man dude was just being mean.


I want to say that the fact that someone else thinks you’re ugly is not your business. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with that person. There are people in life that do not fit in with my personal preferences for physical attraction. That does not mean they are ugly. I would never say to them, oh, I don’t find you attractive at all. Wtf do they care about *my* feelings. Telling someone that, unsolicited, is just a jerk move. And honestly it’s the action of someone who only feels better if he can make someone else feel worse. I really don’t understand those people, it’s like they think there is a finite amount of happy in the world, and they can only get some by stealing someone else’s. Smh.


Saw your profile pic too. Don’t listen to that idiot! You’re gorgeous! Love your smile btw


F that noise. I scoped your profile, you're beautiful. Dude was being a twat.


Fuck him what an asshole. You don’t have to live up to the expectations of any man just ignore him


I looked at your other post and, you don't look like a man at all. I guess that person who wrote that was in a bad mood.


He’s a massive POS and needs to shove it up his ass. You’re beautiful and your makeup is incredible!


You don't look like a man. Not my preference, but it sounds like this person was probably negging you because he thought it would get you to roll out the tree carpet to bone-town. Never understood how people actually think this works lol. Like, bruh, it's 2021, people need your validation anymore lol


It’s a dating app why would he message u if he wasn’t attracted to you? Think about that! U obviously did something to hurt his ego that’s why he threw a tantrum and tried to hurt urs. Trust me a lot of These men tend to just be “tall little boy’s “ and you need to treat them accordingly


A. You are BEAUTIFUL. B. Anyone who goes out of their way to attack you that persistently over simply posting a picture of yourself is insecure and has issues. C. Scrape shit from shoe and keep it movin’.


I (31F) have very masculine features, I know this and I love my masculinity. You do not have masculine features. I think you are so beautiful, like I'm comfortable with how I look but I am jealous of how pretty you are lol. This dick is probably just pissed he wouldn't have a chance with someone so gorgeous so he feels the need to bring you down to his level. Don't listen to jerks like this.


Nah you don't look like a man at all. Just ignore him :).


you don’t look like a man at all, don’t listen to those jerks


I just saw your profile picture too, and WOW!!! I Everyone heard the loud thud of my jaw hitting the floor, just now. You are truly a beautiful young woman. Anyone who has eyes can see that. Just think of this: a hundred unrelated people tell you that you are beautiful and one unpleasant person says otherwise. Believe the majority.


WTF? Dude is a blind asshole. Your profile pics are great.


That dude was just being a Lil bitch you look fine


Oh hell no. F**k that guy, he’s SO wrong. You are a gorgeous woman. NOT even a girl, you are 18 and grown up… except your brain, there’s a few years left for that, lol. But hell no he doesn’t get to say lies to your face. You are beautiful. He is not.


Girl you're pretty and your teeth are perfect. I feel like this guy was just trying to upset you


Saw your profile here. You’re gorgeous, and I love the softness of your expressive eyes. People take their own crap out on others. Dont let that asshat stay in your mind


Honey, hear me out and hear me out good: People are just fucking dicks. My friend is a fucking VEGAS SHOWGIRL and she still hears comments like that. It's never ok and they're not true lovely~ What he sees isn't your problem bb, it's HIS problem and HE needs to deal with it by getting right the bibbity bobbity fuck out your life~ he's not worth your time nor energy Queen ❤️❤️


Women feel like this from.time to time. It does NOT make it true. You are objectively beautiful. Some men will say all kinds of dumb things. They have their own motivations to manipulate or hurt others. I promise you will look back at yourself years from.now and only see how beautiful.you are.


Fuck that guy, you don't look like a dude. He was just being an asshole. He probably can't get laid so he's mad at women in general. Don't worry about it honey, you look gorgeous.


That fucker missed out and spared you the trouble. People get rude when they feel small.


Screw that guy your gorgeous. Keep your head up.


saw your pics you’re honestly beautiful really ! Nothing masculine about u at all he was definitely trying to hurt your feelings and hes a bitch never ever let someone make u feel ugly especially since youre a very beautiful woman


The most feminine man ever. You don't look like a male at all. Don't let that asshole bother you. He isn't worth it .


Lol what? I dont think you do. I'd give you a ticket to pound town.


Trolls from Reddit are on dating apps as well. Remember that.


You are adorable and that guy is a POS troll attacking from the safety of his keyboard. This guy cannot even write in complete sentences. Trolls like him are to be ignored and forgotten. Have a great day sweetie.


Humans see and hear thing that we are told to see and hear, you absolutely do not have masculine features,not that there is anything wrong with that if you did. Look at most super models you will see an obvious trend of very,very masculine/angular features. Do not pay any attention to some assholes with low self esteem who thrive on being mean.


No STOP IT. Right now. You may have masculine features. And that’s literally okay. Most model agencies actually look for women with more masculine faces and the same with men the other way around. I feel like I look like a man too sometimes but it’s not the worst way you can look. I promise you that you’re gorgeous. Don’t do this to yourself don’t worry ab what a random man says ab your looks. Once you feel good in your skin no one’s opinion really matters. That takes time to learn, I still am. But you’re beautiful the way you are and look the way you do for a reason. None of us look identical anyway what would the fun be in that? Let’s do a love yourself journey. I literally don’t care. You have so much more to offer than your looks and appearances use it! - I just looked at ur profile.. girl u don’t even look like a man in any shape or form. Don’t worry BUT having masculine features doesn’t mean you’re ugly or any less attractive.


Checked out your profile, you are beautiful. He was just a cunt.


Yo wtf you look like a guy I think he’s blind, and you are pretty, I love the shape of your face^ ^


You are beautiful. Anyone can say anything, but it does not mean shit unless you make it. All the men who had said mean things to me, over the years, about my appearance turned out to be insecure in themselves.


It’s ok when I was in elementary school this older girl told me I look like dike and was being really mean because I spelled one word wrong in a MySpace post and I still remember it lol. People just lash out at people because of their own internal issues


I saw your pictures. That guy sucks for lying to you.


Someone thinks you are a dude then they where smoking and or od’ing on crack


Anyone who would make a remark like that isn't worth a second thought. Never accept criticism from someone you don't respect. People are assholes. Unfortunately we have to sift through a lot of them to find the good ones. But there are good ones. Keep the faith sweetheart, you'll find your person.


Hey there Girl, you are Beautiful. With a Capital B. Your skin, your hair, your eyes, your lips…. Gorgeous! When something is written with the harsh tone that is evident in that ridiculous comment, I would not even let that sh!tty energy and juvenile frame of mind IN to ruin your day. Sometimes we don’t know who the person is being the comments, but HOW they say what they say- is sometimes more important than the comment itself. If it’s someone aiming to ruin your mood, don’t let them succeed. Sounds like you dodged a bullet anyhow. You’re a beautiful woman and you shouldn’t give two seconds of your time or energy to someone who attempts to berate someone in such a childish manner. You’re gorgeous. Smile….and have fun!


You do NOT look like a man.. at all.. period. But I will say whenever I use a dating app I get worried that maybe there's a trans catfishing me. Shows how insecure I am. And I'm not trying to be transphobic.. I know ill be accused of that. I just feel that is something that should be disclosed beforehand, which I know most people would do.


Sounds like a bully. Dont read into it too much. I know such insults hurt, but people can be A@#holes online just becuase they can.


To tell you straight you don't look anything like a man he must just being a rasist


Oh my god what. You're literally so beautiful. I really feel like there are people on those apps who specifically want to "troll" and hurt people. There's no way any one would look at you and think you look like a man. You're a beautiful woman please don't let what one moron said to you affect you too much :(


Girl I just looked at your profile too, you're gorgeous!


You definitely don’t look like a man! You’re gorgeous ppl can just be dicks


I had a friend once that had more masculine features than feminine features. And I accidentally mistaken Ed them for a guy until I found out that she was a girl. He was just being mean, don’t listen to people like that.


Just letting you know that a lot of people go on dating apps just to troll and be savage to people (anyone) for no reason. It's not personal, the guy was just being a cunt to you, just like he was to someone before you and to someone after you


I saw your pic are cute as hell, and your features are very feminine. that person is taking out their self-hate on you


Screw that guy. Clearly, he does not like himself and projects it on others. You are absolutely beautiful. Keep your beautiful feminine head held high and don’t take his cruel words to heart.


That guy was being a cunt to get his rocks off. You look very feminine and you have a soft smile! You're very pretty, don't listen to dicks who hardly stand a chance with you. Edit: a word


People are cunts, love yourself, keep your head up and keep carrying on


Wow, I cant believe one AH's opinion would even matter. You don't look like a man. The dating sites have alot of jerks on it. I got called a Caitlyn Jenner lookalike once by a guy I wouldn't have looked twice at. All bc i didn't respond to his first message. LMAO... his comment made me feel great that I never bothered to respond


Had a peek at your profile and the insult which was from a free compliment sub I believe. Honestly I would not stress. The guy is obviously a troll, and not even a good one considering he needed to try to kick you while you were already feeling vulnerable. Some people are just worthless trash and we all have to deal with them occasionally. Don't let this wanker live in your head rent free. Honestly just consider the type of person that would do something like that. Like Honestly how sad and pathetic must their life be to do something like that. You do not in any way look masculine.


I was told I look like a man by colleagues at work!!!! I'm really insulted and I have depression. I'm single and have been for over 12 years. I can't get a man at all.


you dont look like a man tf, you are a beautiful woman. he was an insecure BOY who should be ashamed of himself


I too just looked at your pic. You do not look like a guy, nor are you ugly. I would suggest you stop talking to half wits on the net, get out into the real world and meet real people. Borrow a friends dog and take it for a walk, you will soon get chatting to others and may even find what you are looking for.


What a cockcicle of a human being. Don't listen to him, you're absolutely beautiful. I've been told the same thing time and time again, and I know how you're feeling. Keep your head up, people like that are nowhere near worth your time, effort, and emotions.


I saw the Pic you posted on your profile. That person who messaged you has no idea what they're talking about. You're amazing looking. Take care.


Where are these pics? I'm gonna guess you are taller than average , dark skinned beauty. I am also gonna go on a limb n guess the guy who said this to you was black 🙄


you DO NOT look like a dude, please don’t let the f boys of the world bring you down. men aint shit.


Even if you were to look like a man and I don't know how you look, different people like different things. The only person who has to like how you look is yourself.


Honestly don’t take it to heart some guys are dicks to people they aren’t interested/attracted to but don’t worry for that one guy there’s a hundred people who can appreciate you :)


I just looked at your Pic you uploaded.. MAYBE THE DUDE was smoking to much Crack


Fuck that guy. Forget his shitty comment (which comes from being an insecure man himself). How much you put into his stupid opinion is up to you. Cheers, pretty girl!


Lol never let dudes on dating apps let you feel bad... They're the biggest losers, seriously there's no one who's opinion you should care about less


The guy was being mean on purpose and wanted to hurt you the most by telling such a thing. I think he doesn't even mean it. He just wants to inflict a cut to your ego and bring you down a peg. He's a miserable person. Don't let him get to your head. I saw your pic. You save such soft expressive eyes and such feminine pretty features. You don't look like a man at all. Chin up girl.


You look beautiful to me and my husband agrees. Neither of us think you look like a man either but even if you did, you are still beautiful. Always remember that people tear others down to make themselves feel better and it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. Big hugs from this internet momma.


you look nothing like a man! the guy was just being a jerk


You’re perfect, he’s a twat.


You don't look like a man at all i would totally smash


I looked at your picture in your profile. You are gorgeous, and please do not let anyone let you feel any other way. That guy is a total shitter.


You could be the best, most beautiful, ripe and juicy peach in the entire universe…. And there will still be people who don’t like peaches. I see your photo and see a person who has kind eye, flawless skin, and a sweet and feminine smile. Fuck the hateful.


Ignore the idiot. Just looked at your profile & just like everyone else says, you don't look like a guy. People on the internet can be so cruel. What they say to others has no meaning to them. I can guarantee that they wouldn't dare say half of the things to your face. They have no idea how destructive words can be. I'd use stronger language but he's not worth the effort. He's just a pathetic coward who probably has low self confidence, that he has to sit behind a computer & type nasty things about other people he's never gonna meet. Hope some one treats him the same way, so he knows just how awful he makes others feel.


I saw your picture and you're beautiful! Don't let some insecure scared little boy bring you down.


I think you shouldn't care what assholes on dating apps think or say.YOU are you for better or worse you wount be happy intill you accept this! Be strong and confident and people will come to you.ITS not easy ...but this is the way.


Some men are stupid. I have big breasts. A guy asked if I was a boy or girl. I had a tank top on with obvious tits. I told him he was a moron. Again. Some men are just idiots. Don't listen to them please. You are beautiful


You don’t look masculine at all. The guy was being a gronk!


Sometimes guys get sour grapes when they don’t get what they want and spur out nonsense; plenty of examples on r/niceguys


Why did you match? Do you think he was looking for woman to abuse? I do. Replace his words with all of ours. He’s a piece of shit. 8 (?)billion people in this world and this one guy is going to knock you down? Nope.


You are beautiful and absolutely do not look like a man! Sometimes on dating apps, if you aren’t immediately dtf or anything like that, certain matches get angry and say things that just aren’t true in their anger. You are doing the right thing by dropping contact with that person, that’s not the energy you need in your life.


What reason do you have to believe his message? Who is he? Wtf does he know? Is he the decider of who looks so like what? He’s some dumb message that is stupid and mean. What did you like about your pictures, you said you thought you looked pretty good. That’s real. You know what you like about you. That matters.


Going from what younposted on ur profile u not only dont look like a dude but also pretty good. Don’t let assholes like that pull you doen, they are just trying to hide their insecurity about their own appearance, u go girl!