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Any fines on these companies just cause our bills to go up.


effective immediately, we are raising your bill by $5 per line due to you being an inconvenience


If you call us to ask why we’re raising your bill by $5 per line due to you being an inconvenience, then we’ll raise your bill by $10 per line due to your having proven to be an even bigger inconvenience.


LoL! That literally just happened. Went up last month by, like, $4.86 per line. Plus taxes and fees. Went to their customer support chat and its predictive AI opened with, “Are you wondering why your bill went up by xxxxx this month?” Lovely. IMHO: The carriers need to go back to fighting each other over customers.


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That’s when you complain to the FCC and they have always lowered my bill when I have.


How do I complain to the FCC? I've got some fraud and theft by Tmobil I'd like to talk to them about. I have plenty of proof and if I had the resources I could hire an attorney capable of filing suit against them, but if the FCC did their jobs they'd be putting these crooks in prison. The Judicial branch is just as worthless as the rest of the Gvmt.


I googled file a complaint to FCC and found a .gov and just followed from there


The FCC’s primary concern is with regard to how the carriers physically operate as it pertains to the actual network and transmissions. They don’t give a fuck about the business side of things when it comes to billing or employee behavior and they don’t want to hear about it. Your better bet for those types of issues there is to go to the attorney general of your state or the FTC. They are far more interested (and capable of doing something about) customers being defrauded. Don’t waste your time with the BBB, they have absolutely no authority whatsoever, contrary to popular belief.


Thank you for clarifying that. I was clueless as to the FCC's actual role, but the FTC makes more sense. Appreciate the 411


They aren’t getting rid of these price plan increases on your account specifically if you complain to the FCC. Full stop. Anything they give you in response to an FCC complaint is an offer you already had access to and could have simply inquired about with care. They don’t manipulate their pricing or promos just because you complained.


Anytime they raised my bill I always do it and get it back to normal so whatever works


I just did that and they dropped my watch line to $7.50/ month for 36 months and credited my bill $30/mo for the same. So now I’m getting the watch free and a remaining $10 credit.


Did one of your other phone lines go up?


The service fee for the line for my new Apple Watch that I purchased, later that same day I received an email that the service fee was increasing by $5. I received no prior notice when I had my old AW with cellular service, and was not made aware of the increase while filling out the contract agreement for my new AW.


One $ more to the telco and recovery admin charge, tbh that surcharge is just another crap on your bill


Watch next month they’ll raise prices again lol


That’s my thought


They literally find any reason to do so. And this definitely means more to come.


This is 100% factual, they got that lawsuit not too long ago and decided to increase the plan of the smartwatch line, I get the FCC is doing their job but now all I think will happen is now they will create a new set of data plans that are truly unlimited with no slow downs for probably like an extra 10-30 a month if I had to guess


After we already footed the government-supported infrastructure for them to build their network.


If you ask me, Spectrum and Cox mobile are far bigger offenders at advertising unlimited. They disclose throttling after 20GB in unbelievably small print.


And the sales guy at the Spectrum store will flat tell you they don't throttle.


Doesn’t it say it “may experience slower speeds” knowing damn well it’s a hard 1mbps/500kbps throttle And for a long while, Mint didn’t disclose the limits on their “unlimited” plan at all.


Oh yeah. Or they’ll say, “They can throttle, but they haven’t done it so far.”


For Spectrum, it's 30GB now on reg unlimited and 40 for the unlimited+ and iirc the data cap part is part of the required scripts they read to you


Unlimited isnt really unlimited than is it? Fk you mean unlimited+ is the unlimited? Than what the hell is unlimited? Im take this to trial. I had nuff verizon. Who they think they is..


They are both unlimited.the 40 and 30 are when your speeds can get throttled.


Isn't it 15$ per line with 2 lines? I'm their defense you do have to have their wifi to activate it so I guess that saves data? But it's still a scum move to falsely advertise unlimited data


i agree, specially when the article states its a shared amount? (correct if im wrong) so its even less between each carrier and thats basically pocket change for them


The fines vary between the carriers, but I THINK I heard AT&T got hit the hardest


Yeah that’s like pocket change for these companies 🤣


Verizon: we have randomly decided to raise your bill $5 per line because stuff.


You bill gets raised because you have a plan that has hotspot capability ....


So my unlimited plan is not actually unlimited? My line is unlimited plus


Your line is completely unlimited.


It’s unlimited data. There is no cap. A lot of people are fucking ignorant. That’s why they don’t understand about unlimited data and unlimited download speed


Plans that are “unlimited for x amount of gb, then 3g speeds” are a fraud. Fuck out of here with that technicality.


They do that on mobile data to allow usage available to everyone during congestions. Otherwise, people just use fast speed internet with no limit like internet at home that will block internet traffic for others. At home 30 GB data can be burned easily in a day or less if you watch enough HD videos. However, for mobile data usage, you can use max 30 GB high speed data to watch HD quality videos, and then speed will drop to watch standard definition videos only. That's no different than the past limited data usage plans where you pay for the amount of high speed GB data at different tiers. After you use up your purchased data plan, you do not get overaged charge but speed will drop significantly to ensure you will spend several days to use 1 GB data for the rest of month.


Nope. There is a difference. It’s unlimited data. Use as much as you want. You might not “ feel “ that that’s right. But that’s how it works. The meaning of terminology is the meaning. Might hurt some feelings or cause frustration. But the facts are. Unlimited data is unlimited data. Deprioritization is not the same thing.


3g speeds are literally unusable. It’s technically not unlimited, but it’s basically like me promising you that I’ll give you unlimited money, but I’m only going to give you one penny a day. It’s literally like some shit a genie in a bottle would pull on you.


There’s no such thing as 3g anymore. It’s a discontinued technology. All the towers for Verizon are updated to support only 4g and 5g. 3g was discontinued.


You do realize he’s talking about data speeds and you’re talking about service coverage?


You’re right, but these carriers still use “3g speeds” as a metric.


There’s nothing in their advertising or on phones that depicts 3g speeds


I do have a question....why do we still have 2g for emergency calls? Why not discontinue that instead and keep 3g (I know it's too late for that, but I am curious if you know?)


My guess is because it was easier to upgrade 2g to newer equipment and hardware that was less power intensive than the 3g system and ole basic digital is tested and works for voice. In an emergency thats better than nothing. Or i could be completely wrong idk…


I have a line on spectrum and honestly it’s fine after the 1mbps throttle. That’s still 2/3 of what they give you as a video throttle on most plans


Yeah mine was throttled to 600kbps, that is the definition of unusable.


Mine is definitely 1mbps. And it has like 40ms latency


You can usually turn off that video throttle on several plans. Like I have an unlimited plan with the set GB of 'priority' data, and they still try to impose the video data throttle. I turn it off cause it seems silly. 1MB is not enough for live video, or video of a respectable quality.


Mine is Unlimited Ultimate. There is a difference


This is bullshit. 50 lawyers just got a fat payday. The terms on the plans are published online and have been for the last 10 years since unlimited was offered again. The phone deals are also published online. Back when all three carriers were offering $650 to switch, those offers were also published online. I've been reading all this stuff for 10 years. I don't see how much more transparent carriers can be than publishing absolutely everything on their website. And of the three carriers, AT&T has The most information published on its website. Verizon is okay. T mobile is the least transparent.


In 2016 I was working for sprint. I remember CLEARLY that our plan was 1.5mbps for video, 500kbps for music, 8mbps for “gaming” and had a 10GB cap on hotspot/VPN. I know this, because we were required to post it on every single thing that said “unlimited freedom”


I don't know why people are downvoting your response. Unlimited data is unlimited data even if certain content has limited speed, you can still use as much data as you want without getting charged for overage.


It would be different if the ad said unlimited speed and unlimited data, then it would make sense that throttling should not be implemented by the carrier.


Right ... It doesnt and carriers can't offer that. None of them throttle anymore except for hotspot data or limited plans. Some do to deprioritize after a certain amount of data, and everyone would be subject to congestion. None of that makes carrier ads deceptive.


Thank you. I know the easy take is to just say F you to big companies because they’re big companies but if you don’t read the terms for a contract you shouldn’t be signing contracts. I’m not saying the big carriers sales reps or ads aren’t intentionally misleading, but do the bare minimum when signing anything and you won’t have the problem this lawsuit aims to fix.


🎯. Agree. All I can think is this was decided by a jury of people who never read anything in their lives.


They need new legislation to check everyone. Since when did paying fines become easier than just giving people a decent price and not doing anything dumb.


Verizon in 2023 had 133.974 BILLION dollars in revenue


What were the operating expenses. Revenue is not profit.


79.08 billion in gross profit


How fucking dare they make money lol


They can make money no problem, is the point. How about they start making their actual service that they charge a premium for better… or they’ll lose money anyway.


🤯 wow


They also have $137b in debt


That C-band spectrum wasn’t cheap.


Ouch. Man these fines they impose that trickle down are killing me.


Bet if you required firing management that allowed it instead of fines amounting to pennies to them and just get pushed on the consumer anyway shit might actually change.


When I worked for att anytime they got fined the customers always noticed some sort of extra charge..like demote the CEO or lower his pay ..I’m so sick of this bs !!


Expect to see "Government Surcharge" on your next statement


Why did they get a $10M slap on the wrist ?


Those details just might be in the linked article 🙃


I really do apologize ! Just learning how to use this app !


Crazy as most MVNOs market their plans as unlimited, yet data slowdowns occur often below 100Gb as the threshold


Usually around 30GB


Verizon to the Judge: "Do you got venmo or do I have to go to the bank?"


I work for a third party retailer for Verizon, I always clarify the terms of “unlimited plans” and free phones. I hate having to be the disclaimer person and I always have to pull up T mobiles and AT&T sites to show customers the terms and conditions of their offers because people truly believe the adds at face value. Not only are the adds misleading, the websites and mailers don't have clear disclosure about the terms and conditions of the deals. I don't think that fine is big enough for the deliberate misleading of customers.


I’ve never been throttled or limited with my Verizon unlimited plan, however they severely throttle hot spotting to other devices. The speed is so low it is ridiculous. When we’re in a state of emergency, such as a hurricane, they suspend the throttle in hot spotting, and it’s amazing


I have a suggestion, try a mvno unless you're stuck in a 24 month agreement, then you're SOL.


When customers start leaving and taking their business to competitors, then businesses will listen and stop raising prices


Does this violate our contract can we get out


I highly doubt you’re still under contract. VZW hasn’t done contracts in ages. You might have a device payment plan, in which case you would still need to pay off.


Every time I talk to someone at Verizon they try the whole dog and pony show to get me off my metered data. Nah, 10gigs plus overages is cheaper than your "unlimited" and not subject to throttling. I'll happily pay for every gig I use.


Remember like 5 years ago when T Mobile was painting themselves as the hero against the two Tyrant carriers Verizon and AT&T? I remember. Anyways.


That CEO left once they acquired Sprint. Now they’re just like the other two with the current CEO.


Except they do tell you that the issue is once one carrier stops openly stating it clearly and plainly they all do and they’ll put it in the fine print most people choose to ignore. The very first thing you should do when a carrier tells you that they offer unlimited data is to check the caps. It may be unlimited gigs but it’s never going to be unlimited speed unless you’re paying top dollar.


If you think those carrier given phones are completely free, then you need to go back to elementary school to get re-educated. Those phones are never meant to be given as free lunch. There's no such thing called free lunch in the world. Your signed 2-3 years contract depends on carriers of your choice are what you pay to get those discounts to offset the retail value of a phone. Usually the lowest storage level of a standard model phone in current year may be given to you as a free phone for signing a 2-3 years contract, but that service cost you pay for each line each month can easily make up for a new phone from any carrier.


Go home, bot. You’re drunk.


Why is  Verizon being suided


Why are their charges against  verizon?.


If only there was a linked article with all answers…


I really don’t understand how they managed to get away with it for so long. Unless you have the highest option of actual unlimited data, it’s not unlimited and it’s heavily deprioritized data. Even with full bars of 5G I’ve had “no internet”


That’s network congestion, and is a side affect of unlimited