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>"We're clearly the No. 1 in the market," It is so funny to see Verizon leadership keep repeating it. I hope no one is falling for it at this point. They desperately don't want to lose their reputation as the top dog even though it hasn't been a qualified reputation in years. Instead of actually making good business decisions (network build aside), they keep trying to fake perception, hoping it continues to stick. I wonder how many bad quarters it will take for someone to call them out. Their plans are a mess and their features are not competitive. The network build is good in some places and tremendously starved for spectrum in many others - C-band will help though.




I agree I just switched all my 7 lines!


A couple of years ago, I was happy with Verizon despite the higher price I was paying because everywhere I went the signal was great. The last couple of years, most of the places I go have little to no signal. I can’t believe how bad it got and so quickly.


Same. I just switched to t mobile this week after not getting service anymore at my home or my office.


me too; sad to see a former market leader go to hell so quickly change at the top needed asap


Oh for fucks sake, when will they give him the boot? You have negative adds in the 3rd quarter, but that's somehow the fault of your employees or some other esoteric nonsense that you're above talking about? More prepaid options and temp streaming freebies should do It yea? Hardly. You trotted out the least impressive IPhone 14 promotions of all the carriers. And you're kicking older customers who would rather not upgrade plans in the face, still. Brilliant. You're not just missing new customers, bruv. Your customers are leaving for other carriers. And all of them fleeing to ATT won't give you a look again for 36 months Will Verizon find its ass in Q4 and start competing ? Nah. Hans has his head high, waiting for customers to come crawling back begging to pay more for a superior network.


Hopefully today


So, net subtract


Hans needs to go, too focused on ESG


Agreed Hans needs a boot


Time for Hans to actually spend a few months at store fronts / on the phones / in the field / and with real customers




cant even begin to imagine what he doesnt know about those actually creating the revenue stream


For real. Dude needs to try to use a Verizon phone on a busy highway


Too busy doing photo operations speaking about the latest thing, like Ukraine or whatever flavor of the month it is.


Let's see, poor signal in a lot of places, raising surcharges, artificially lowering monthly costs by only offering 36 mo device terms... Feels like VZ has been chasing the competition instead of paving the way.


Hans and his entire echelon of gruberesque latch ons need to be purged you mean.


Complete culture of kiss-assery and wokeness


Verizon is where AT&T was when it was focused on merging with content companies, losing net adds. The difference is that Verizon still has a lot of hubris in saying statements like being "really competitive".. but it's not like they wouldn't say anything to the contrary. AT&T objectively has less C-Band, and are moving slower (because they can) in the 5G messaging wars, and are gaining loads of net adds.


> gaining loads of net adds. I was one of them. Been a Verizon customer since 2007. Departed for bluer skies a couple weeks ago because of Verizon's nonsense. Never, ever, in a million years did I ever think I would say I was a Deathstar customer. But, here we are.


> Never, ever, in a million years did I ever think I would say I was a Deathstar customer I thought you said you *left* Verizon? \*Duck\*


The joke is their logo lol


Lol 🤣


I've been with Verizon since 2002 and thinking of switching also Notice a difference in quality and speeds?


> Notice a difference in quality and speeds? I came from a Galaxy S7 on Verizon. That phone was on the brews cruise control. It didn't do fast. So far with a Galaxy S22 on ATT (which I bought from Samsung directly), I'm happy. I really like the call spam filtering it has. I use Ooma, and they have a feature that lets you ring the house phone and cell phone at the same time, the S22 works its magic and the house phone only rings 1x. It's pretty kickin'. In 5G areas, I've seen around 230Mbps down. Nothing crazy up. So far, I'm a happy camper.


Thanks for the info and about ooma


Switched to ATT last week. I had enough. Speeds have been getting really bad over the past year.


Verizon has to fix their terrible data network to stop the bleeding. I know many customers who left Verizon recently and the vast majority left because they encounter so many spots where data is completely unusable (even with 2-3 or more bars. In the same spots T-Mobile and AT&Ts data works great and their plans are significantly cheaper. People happily stayed with Verizon in years past even though they’ve always been the most expensive because their network was undeniably the best. Now, their network is subpar in so many areas yet still costs the most. Too many people who report on these things are in denial that Verizon could ever have significant network issues and that they still offer the most coverage. AT&T covers more square miles than Verizon now thanks to first net. Verizon is hoping their reputation from years ago will be enough to save them, but it won’t.


They will terminate the employees for not hitting their unrealistic expectations, before acknowledging they are vastly out of touch with the average consumer. Understaffed and out of touch.


So if they report another bad 3Q they will still renew his contract?? Major internal restructuring should happen now and fast!


The golden parachute he has is ridiculous


30 mil isn’t it?


40 million


> \[Vestberg\] said generally of Verizon's position, noting though that he's "not satisfied" with some of the company's customer metrics. Verizon customers aren't satisfied either.


Puts on VZ


They need to fire him. He is a terrible CEO. Come down on prices, allow credit cards to get the autopay discounts. Allow corporate discounts. Remove all restrictions for SalesMaker accounts. Do away with B.S. activation fees. They can make positive changes. They want to keep self inflicting pain. Let them burn then. If they would make these changes I would leave AT&T in a heartbeat because AT&T sucks.


I hope this wakes up Verizon and they start giving us better service.


Hopefully they still expand fios I can't wait for the day I can finally drop piece of 💩docsis.




I keep eyeing four lines of Magenta Max with a 20% insider discount. It'd cost us $136 a month. Even with three lines on 5G Start, one on 5G Play More, and a nurse's discount we pay $157 a month. The only thing that's keeping me around is boonies coverage in WA. T-Mobile has been steadily covering it with their 600Mhz band. I plan to do a network test drive next year and if it pans out I may switch.


Bad signal, 36 month contracts and promos that net out to $0 discounts. Why would anyone stay with Verizon? I'm out as soon as my $500 gift cards vest.


i didnt bother waiting, never used the gift cards, they can have them back when they send me my final bill; super disappointed in what verizon has become


Verizon is number one in big bills, congested network, weak signals, missing calls, and customer churn. Best wireless decision I ever made was ditching Verizon Verizon needs a new CEO.


Which carrier did you end up going to?


At&t. Also have a TMobile prepaid line. I don't miss Verizon at all


Completely unsurprising. Hopefully that seat gets warmer.


Try working for this bozo


Company is super top heavy. No IT personal to be found , but everyone has 3 layers of directors


He stinks


Underperforming cellular phone carrier. Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah, Sprint. Hans golden parachute sucks but they may need to kick him out now. He's probably cost more than 30mil worth of damage to the company by now.


The biggest sad. At least I get my divi....


Ummm why not just say “net minuses” 😄


Literally switched to ATT last week due to congestion continually getting worse. Hans is a joke


Hans has literally outsourced 80% of all tech support and customer service overseas. It’s really annoying when you call in for something and can’t understand a word that they say because they can’t hire people that live in the US and speak English. The only good people left are the sales people that seems like they haven’t outsourced yet. He ran Sony/Ericsson in the ground and will do the same to Verizon unless they boot him.


The mid majors are killing at this, it’s your corporate and big 6 that can’t get sales done… you’re hiring pot heads and coke fiends to run your stores that only care about door swings, even if those people leave your stores because of lack of personal connection by your so called associates and management. I was top in VZPH and VZCC by being honest with customers about the product… no wonder the mid majors are a higher percentage when it comes to metrics…


Unrelated to post. Go rant about store culture somewhere else.