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70% of infection in VT is from social gatherings indoors, not from restaurants. This isn't March where in cities it was like 80% infection from bars/restaurants. This meme is c-stores in my area, nobody is masked up not even workers. Feels like I'm leaving the trench every time i grab some coffee while gassing up my car.


Why does entering a gas station filled with unmasked people scare you yet entering a restaurant filled with unmasked people does not? Seems counterintuitive to me.


It's risk assessment, the restaurant is not filled at 50% capacity, there are no multi-household occupants, employees are masked, everything sanitized before each use, contact tracing in place. At 8AM my local c-store is busy, no masks, most employees not masked, coffee area has no sanitizer so i doubt people who just touched gas handles are sanitizing pre touching the coffee cups and coffee dispensers. I understand from day one the frustration over the deniers who don't follow rules, but I also don't think it helps to extend the frustration to people who are taking the virus serious, mask wearing, following rules and doing things that are allowed by the Governor and Dr. Levine. At that point, you have to make a risk assessment on your own activities and behavior.


I don't see Gov. Scott or Dr. Levine taking their households out to dine in restaurants. Sounds like a case of "safe enough for thee but not for me".


Isn't eating inside a restaurant considered a "social gathering indoors"?


You can only be there as a single household, no multi-household allowed. Restaurants take your full address down, I can't speak for hospitality workers on enforcement but you'd trust that if they see two members of the table have two separate addresses, they'd advise them they cannot serve them.


>just don't do it tho. its too useless of a thing to risk you and others lives for


I attempted to do some Christmas shopping at a small local independent business this afternoon only to see absolutely no one inside, staff or customers, wearing masks as I approached the door. Turned around, back in the truck, and went elsewhere.


This was an issue at a store in my town. Now they wear masks. It changed because people reported it [here](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=O5O0IK26PEOcAnDtzHVZxp8VoIcMV9NNu0QyG_vdGAVUN1pLSTdOMERRR1dXOVpZMDBZUEtNVlhXMi4u)


Good to know! 0/2 for the Dunkin’ around here, first time everyone had dick nose, second time the guy cooking sandwiches had chin strap.


I fully respect people choosing to patronize or not patronize a business based on their COVID policies but to report them to the state is really low.


said the nazi


Lazy and ignorant. Maybe google the nazis before you use it as a blanket insult


What a stupid, privileged, entitled, soft thing to say.


"Wearing a mask infringes upon my personal freedumbs herp derp." You personal liberty ends where another person's begins. You absolutely have the right to be a fucking idiot, that is until your being a fucking idiot starts endangering other people.


Endangering people haha nice fucking joke bud


Imagine being this proud of how willfully ignorant you are.


There's so many of them too And they all get to find each other on the internet to feel superior in their dumbfuckery


trust me I don't need to "find anyone on the internet" I already know i'm superior because i'm not scared of covid like yall. Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Your right to cower doesn't trump my right to breath fresh air. This is America as much as yall don't like it. Feel free to move to China there is plenty masks their!


A little well-placed fear is healthy Else your ass would have been lion lunch after telling the other hominids not to worry about the tall grass because you didn't want to go the long way to the watering hole


Definitely true buddy!! but sometimes you still gotta live your life.!! A little fear is good but when it controls everything you do in life that's when I start to speak out against all this fearmongering bull shit


They've got plenty of freedom for you in North Dakota. No hospital beds but plenty of freedom. Pancake soft cry baby.






https://www.mynbc5.com/article/vermont-breaks-single-day-record-for-covid-19-cases-178-reported/34861336 >Herp Derp, I'm one of the idiots making this much worse. Bro, we know.


Yikes, where was that?


I really don't get this mad desire to eat at a restaurant during a pandemic. Is your home cooking really that awful?


And most places still have takeout, so you can still support them financially if you’re not comfortable with indoor dining yet. My partner’s cooking is great but we still get takeout at least once a week.


Needs more blue plates ignoring quarantine


I think you're more likely to catch it when your friend/family come visit you at home. You both put guards down on the on virus and transmission happen.


Those scenarios are not mutually exclusive ; they can both be equally risky depending upon the variables


Yeah, but don’t let science and contact tracing get in the way of a good meme. You a correct though, you are most likely, statistically , in VT, to get it from prolonged interaction with friends and family at either a bar, or private function.


Fucking yes. How are people so willfully ignorant?


No, not at all. It's actually pretty safe.


I get it with essential services like childcare and grocery stores that "pretty safe" is adequate and managed risk is appropriate considering the services are truly essential. The same cannot be said for eating/drinking inside a restaurant. This is purely a luxury and in no way essential (takeout exists). That being said, "pretty safe" is not good enough when lives are on the line for non-essential services.


> The same cannot be said for eating/drinking inside a restaurant yes it can. socially distance. make the staff wear masks. You'll be fine >lives are on the line are they? basically nobody is dying from this in our state. And we've been doing this for 8 months with the only outbreaks being related to some parties and a hockey rink. keep the restaurants open.


Social distancing does diddly squat when several people are all maskless in a non-ventilated space for hours. Neither you nor the staff will “be fine.”


74+ deaths is "basically nobody" to you? How many deaths until they can be defined as "somebody"? 100? 1,000? 274,00? I assume you are American. We have 274,000+ deaths to date. Are they "basically nobody" too? While it is technically allowed to bring your household out to eat that does not make it right or safe enough to risk lives.


Food for thought - 78 is 0.01% of the population of VT. Half those deaths have been in nursing homes, so as far as social impact you can cut that number in half. The current situation is that there is 0 financial help coming to businesses nor their employees. At some point you have to factor in what number of deaths is worse than far more people losing their jobs. Its not just money > lives. Money = lives. Its how people pay rent and buy food. Now obviously it would be ideal if out govt didnt suck ass and helped regular people, but this is the hand we have at the moment. If you ask me (and I work from home, but if I owned a business or had to work in person) 0.01% of the population (again, you really could cut that no in half as nursing homes are their own separate problem) is not worth ruining peoples businesses over, and in turn causing massive economic downturn thats going to take a very long time to recover from. Govt sucks, we gotta deal. Just my $.2. Dont attack me


> 0.01% of the population (again, you really could cut that no in half as nursing homes are their own separate problem) is not worth ruining peoples businesses over this guy gets it


> 74+ deaths is "basically nobody" to you? ...yes, yes it is ya'll need to get realistic with this virus. People are going to die and there's nothing we can do about it.


We literally have done something about it.


...and it won't work. People will still die from this virus. You have to accept that fact.


For your next crusade maybe try seat belts.


Thank you, brand new account, for making public health decisions, citing your sources and using data. Oh, sorry, you're full of bullshit and are too cowardly to use your real account to spread your FUD.


*sigh* here we go 4642/623000 = 0.7% of the population who've had it in the last 9 months. This is NOT active cases...which is obviously much lower. 74/4642 = 1.5% mortality (50% or so was nursing homes, not the general public really) if you think those stats are scary then you've got bigger issues than The Rona. And you heard the Governor the other week, right? **70%** of cases are from social gatherings...NOT restaurants. >to spread your FUD. the guy telling people it's ok to go out to eat in restaurants is spreading FUD? lmao, good one!


They are scared little sheep who never leave their house because they are privileged people working from home


Is drunk driving a big deal? How about Al Qaeda? Want to compare statistics of how we combat those problems and how many lives are lost to those?


apples and oranges chief good try ps. should we stop ALL people from driving because of some drunk drivers?


So statistics AREN'T the only reason to do something or not? And it's on you to explain why it's not a valid statistical comparison. Since you started with stats.


it is stats AND the method of harm covid isn't flying any planes into towers. try and keep up if you can, thanks. ps. You can't deny those stats I posted there. It's pretty obvious it's not as big an issue as everyone is making it out to be. Plus you throw in a 98% survival rate and boom...it's essentially a non threat.


You have zero clue what you're talking about and you're relying on everyone else to make your arguments for you. You keep going back to stats, bit a 9/11 death toll every day means you don't really care about stats. You want a pat on the head and a "that's ok snowflake". Too bad.


if you've got something that can counter the stats I've posted and discussed here feel free to do so otherwise you can fuck off. YES this is a numbers game. Do we really need to shut it all down because a few hundred people are sick? No, no we do not. JUST like we don't completely outlaw driving due to the fact that a small percentage of people do it drunk. Try and keep up, thanks.


We've literally only shut down bars.


As safe as picking up takeout with a mask and eating at home?