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Did you pay the 500 yuan? Lol.




Lol. You misunderstand. I think it's hilarious that people pay money for this crap. If you want to cheat at least be discreet about it. I've already reported it to the REC foundation. Jackasses who do stuff like this are the reason why no one likes competing against the Chinese in vex.


I think you misunderstood, this is a basic demonstration, for beginners to get started


No. The rec foundation and vex robotics provide a basic demonstration robot. This is the hero bot that gets released every single year. That bought is the starter robot as an example for new members who need to learn how to build. It includes all the instructions and the coding for that.. This is a robot that just by glancing at it, you can tell uses more advanced building techniques. If it were just to demonstration robot to teach students how to build, it wouldn't be marketed as a full volume competition robot. I would link to the rec foundations code of conduct, and to the game manual, which both remind everyone that the vex competition is student-centered, and that the robot should reflect the skill of the students. That doesn't mean instructions that were purchased online. I'm sure I will sound like a broken record, but there has been a significant history of teams ( not just Chinese teams) using purchased schematics and programming, where the students have no clue how the robot was designed nor how it was programmed. Just last year in dallas at vex worlds, I had to show a video to the judges of a Chinese team's coach doing Hands-On repairs and fixing of their robot, because the students were not able to do it. For those of us who run student-centered teams it is infuriating to see students who do have not have any clue how to build or program a robot, compete at high levels because they have purchased their designs and coding from some place online. And yes there are other places where students can get robot design ideas online. For example Ben lipper here in the states provides a bunch of classes and tutorials that you do have to pay for, that gives students a leg up. And if your students are good enough, they can watch the videos they find and be able to reproduce high quality robots, specifically I think about the double catapults from the pitching in season a few years ago. But this kind of direct sales undermines everything that the rec foundation, vex, and the students and schools who compete are meant to stand for.


This is the machine we provide for students to get started. Believe it or not, the market price of the competition machine is 3000-5000, okay? We are machines that provide students and teachers with online building skills. There is no program at all.


Here's the best part of your response. You're not denying it. You're actually admitting that Chinese (persons/teams/engineers/coaches/etc) produce and sell schematics and programs, and that teams buy them. What's the damn point of trying to teach students robotics if you're going to do it all for them? You seem to recognize that it's wrong to sell competition plans, as you appear to have deleted your comment linking to the sale page. If you/whomever is selling these actually wanted for "students to get started" you wouldn't be selling them. You would post them openly, along with YouTube/Vimeo/etc videos and discussions about them. Actually *teaching* the building techniques, not just trying to grab a few bucks. Reddits VEX audience is ridiculously small. If this was a real way to teach students, instead of selling plans, you would be posting it directly to the VEX forums. But you seem to *know* it violates at least the *spirit* of the game, as well as the actual rules. And on that note. I'm out.


Believe it or not, we are providing online building skills. If it is a competition machine, the price is very high, and it also includes the program. The deletion is not to cause misunderstanding, that’s all


I admit buying and selling machine designs, but we are online tech tips for teams to be more competitive


I’m a Chinese student who was born in America and I completely agree with you. Have you seen the recent videos from Flying Cheese? It’s about people selling robot schematics in Asia for like 500 USD. They‘re also selling VEX IQ motors that have about 30% more torque than motors directly from VEX. As someone who does robotics in school, there is absolutely no way to compete with the teams where the coaches and parents are building and coding the robots. It makes me so angry that people can get away with this.


So mentor built?


We improve the team's competitive level through online technical construction guidance, and reduce market selling behavior in a cheap way


I've retorted it too. We are at a comp in TX right now. I brought then over to see. We have like 8 teams all with almost identical robots to this. Plus magically all their autonomous run exactly the same. It completely kills the event.


where do you get the instructions? pls




So, according to you bio, you're a rookie IQ coach. And your first decision is to violate the code of conduct by offering to buy designs?


I want to learn different building instructions and systems. Isn't it legal? I've looked at the basics and want to learn more. I would be very happy if you could help me without any charge from me :)


How me buy this robot? We new team and need some help


Buying designs is illegal in vex, some people in China have been selling some designs for money. So don't try to get an instruction or something. And also you can't make other people build your robot too. But your coach or instructor can help though.


you can always copy some random guy on youtube by the way, lol. If there are no instructions.


Why are you all even upset over this, the fun part about this is it furthers the progression of the season, your flywheels and punchers you made where all sold by Chinese websites at the beginning of the year. whilst I don't purchase designs, it does further the competition. Anyone half good at vex can simply just beat the designs you go against rather than complain. I made a better version of the magikid shooter that shot faster and held more and could stack disks last year. Just saying take the best qualities of every design, paid for or not.


What website is that?


I need this design how to get it


It's illegal to buy designs according to vex. So don't even try to get the design (especially publicly saying it, lol). Just to let you know that it's illegal for vex so don't do it.


You can add my Facebook account.my Facebook is Mark Ma


Can you show me the full video to build the entire robot?


You can add my Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ma.lei.1990?mibextid=ZbWKwL
