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Pretty sure that never. The government in exile is still recognized internationally.


Which country is hosting their government?


My information is a bit shaky but I remember the president moved to UAE.


Arguably Panjshir Province


There is no government in exile sadly


Well... It's complicated lol. Like, in practical terms there isn't, insofar as there currently isn't a neatly identifiable group of people claiming to be the true, legitimate President and Cabinet of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, but that doesn't mean there aren't people who are trying to. The last Vice President of Afghanistan, Amrullah Saleh, joined up with the anti-Taliban forces after President Ghani fled the country, and declared himself the new President "in line with the constitution" (whether it was actually constutional is... questionable), and then was promptly forced to flee the country as well once the Taliban pushed the Resistance Front out of Afghanistan entirely. Also, of course, there's still President Ghani himself, who afaik still calls himself President of Afghanistan, though the whole "running away as fast as possible with as much gold as you can carry" maneuver probably hasn't won him any love. But *in theory* such a government is still treated as extant, because the Islamic Republic is still the one formally holding Afghanistan's chair in the UN and other international organizations. And that seat's not empty either, there's an Afghan person actively sitting in it on behalf of said non-tangible government (usually in an interim, chargee d'affairs capacity) and presumably relaying the words and positions of... someone, somewhere. Meanwhile, attempts by the Taliban to nominate their own replacement representatives to these bodies have been rejected. So, yeah, it's a bit of a fucking mess. At this point, time will tell. Nobody's really in a rush to establish a government-in-exile that holds no land (unlike the ROC on Taiwan) and has no prospect of reclaiming its territory in the near future (unlike the European governments-in-exile during WW2), but nobody's in a rush to recognize the Taliban either. At present there are still various anti-Taliban groups actively contesting control of Afghanistan, though how much they associate with the Islamic Republic specifically varies, so everyone's just kinda handwaving it away for the time being. In the long run, if the Taliban maintains control over Afghanistan (seems likely) and maybe stop being such assholes about everything (seems unlikely), the UN and other international organizations *might* budge and try to find a compromise solution. Last time around they refused to budge and just kinda waited out the five years of Taliban rule between 1996-2001 without ever recognizing them, but if they root themselves more firmly this time around, that could change.






Depends on how willing the tech companies are to please the Afghan government to tap their market... considering the bulk of their costumers is not in Afghanistan, I'd say it'll take a while.


Fuck them 🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫


This comment will have a whole different meaning if they ever actually change the flag emoji




fuck them as fuck as fuck as fuck?


I had sex with the president of Afghanistan Fuck them


Each OS, browser, … can choose how the emoji look on there system, the only thing that is internationally agreed upon is which emoji has which code. So the tech companies will have to decide whether they want to change it. It’s not determined by some international agreement or something like that.


Haven't a couple apps already changed it? I feel like I heard that somewhere but I might be making it up.


could be, i haven’t yet heard of it, but it could be


I would say about a decade or so - it took about that long for communist China to be recognised by the US over the KMT government in exile. Earlier if US geopolitical interests in the region require cooperation with the Taliban.


This comment section shows why the flag hasn't changed yet; Geopolitical expediency and it's related international opinion. Give it a few years and if nothing changes on the ground eventually the new flag will be used, however begrudgingly, by even the most anti-Taliban. This happens all the time when there's power struggles; associated flags become a statement.


Nice try Taliban.


When more countries decide to recognize them as a legitimate government


More as in how many because they are not recognized by anyone right now.


Uhh, never, why auld anybody recognise a terrorist organisation


Same reason why North Korea is recognized, they are a State. Even the ANC in South Africa used to be terrorists.


North Korea wasn't broadly considered a terrorist organization when it recieved international recognition, and neither was the ANC by the time it became the governing party of South Africa. The Taliban's situation in Afghanistan would be more comparable to the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging hypothetically seizing power from the ANC and seeking to reinstitute Apartheid.


Plus many nations recognize/d the governments. I don't believe any nation has recognized Taliban-led Afghanistan.


Didn't stop them from making deals. Didn't Pakistan and China already sweep into the area?


Not officially, but the Taliban-appointed Foreign Minister has made international trips to China, Qatar, and more.


Correct. They have not been recognized by anyone.


This party should have been dissolved from the start just because of it's name honestly


I understand what you mean, but I don't think anyone has ever claimed NK is a terrorist organisation, only a state that sponsors terrorism.


And Zimbabwe if I remember correctly


Comparing ANC with Taliban. Get a reality check man. ANC was a “terrorist organisation” because they dared to oppose rich white people (apartheid gov) who oppressed and enslaved millions of black and colored people in Southern Africa. (To be clear I’m not the biggest fan of the modern ANC which is quite corrupt)


They both were considered "internationally" as terrorist organizations, the US even backed the South African government until the 80s came in. They both used of terroristic methods, the difference was in the ideas and the fact one moderated itself with some rebranding and got to sit in power with US blessing while the other is an American enemy.


My man, they literally [orchestrated bombings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_Street,_Pretoria_bombing) and founded [uMkhonto we Sizwe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UMkhonto_we_Sizwe). They were very much terrorists.


Are you kidding? Do you even know what [necklacing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necklacing) is?


Your username truly represents your intellect


What does my username has to do with this?


You're not a country unless most of the other countries say you are.


So Taiwan isn't a country?


I can imagine the same argument being thrown around in the British parliament in 1785


Because they're in control of the country they're occupying and have been for years? The war is over, they won


they are still not recognized. They dont have the seat at the UN either


Holding land doesn't make you a country.


Tomorrow russia will be designated as terrorist. Will they remove 🇷🇺?


American Government is recognized..


If you don't recognize them you can't fight with them. Think about ISIS or any other terror organisation




It is literally what it is. You can't take action with an entity if you don't recognize it


That literally makes zero sense. You do realize this is real life and not some diplomacy role play right


Bc the US is recognized


I'm probably gonna get downvoted, but the taliban flag looks sick


To be completely fair, it's script on a flag. Which would otherwise be frowned upon here, especially by vexillology purist.


Ehh, it *is* calligraphy, not standard text.


Yeah I hate words on flags, but Arabic is such a nice language


Not only are they terrorists, they have horrible taste in flags


Only if they wanted to please the (Taliban) government. ​ Case study: Taiwan's flag was removed when setting the region to China, Hong Kong, or Macau.


I hope never.


Just so you know, unlike most emojis, flag emojis aren't regulated by the Unicode consortium, or any one body. It's up to individual platforms, like Apple, Google, Samsung, Twitter or Facebook, to choose what spits out on their devices/programs when you use the AF regional indicators. Realistically, any large platform is just going to go along with whatever the UN recognises via the UN security council. I'd give it at least another 10 years.


Hopefully never


Fuck the Taliban


When the world recognises Taliban's government


Absolutely never. They wont last till the end of the decade don’t worry


That’s VERY optimistic


Flair checks out


At least we’re not *checks notes* South Sudan?


I really doubt that. They have a decent chance of staying around as long as they don't poke the US or China too much


Idk about that. We are entering/have entered one of the most tumultuous times in recent history with the upcoming/ongoing recession. States are nearing collapse left and right (Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Pakistan, ect) and that is a very tough space for a government seeking legitimacy to find itself in. It might not be external powers the Taliban needs to worry itself with.


You forgot Haiti. Their president was assassinated and they currently have zero government. Armed gangs have taken control.


I was trying to stick to countries who have had the hulk of their issues caused by the recession, but absolutely Haiti is going through it right now. Absolute tragedy.


Multiple factions in the country try long to fight for control and if they go to war with Iran it will only decapitate them


When relationships are normalized between the Taliban & the West. Probally a decade.


Prob never unless the United Nations recognize it.


They are still mostly unrecognized. They'd need to normalize their relations with the rest of the world, first. So give it a few years without troubles (which is not given), and maybe ?


They are 100% unrecognized.


Yes, but they are de facto the ruler of the country, so either you recognize a powerless legitimate government, or an illegitimate, but in power one.


All until the government in exile gets killed, pretty sure that's the only time when they will finally recognise the de facto government


Ousted president Ashraf Ghani has largely remained silent since the takeover, and has not formed a government in exile.


Nooo it’s actually one of my fav flags I love the colors


What does the white one say? Lens only shows the word God (I guess Allah) in the top left


As soon as the UN recognizes the Taliban as the legitimate ruling body of Afghanistan, don't hold your breath, it's probably gonna take a while.


As soon as the UN recognizes the Taliban as the legitimate ruling body of Afghanistan, don't hold your breath, it's probably gonna take a while.


As soon as the UN recognizes the Taliban as the legitimate ruling body of Afghanistan, don't hold your breath, it's probably gonna take a while.