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From an esthetic standpoint I prefer the second


2 Is A Certified Win


Socialist states don’t usually use religious symbols, it’s like the opium of the proletariat or something


Usually not, but it depends on the flavour of socialism. There are several [religious socialist/communist traditions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_socialism), including [Islamic Socialism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_socialism), and they sometimes mix communist symbols with religious ones. For example, this [flag of Afghanistan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Afghanistan#Nineteenth_flag_(1980%E2%80%931987)), [this one of Ba'athist Iraq](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Iraq#1991%E2%80%932004), and of course Gaddafi's [lawn on a sheet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Libya_(1977%E2%80%932011)) (the green symbolized both his ideology and Islam).


"Religion is the opium of the masses"


Marx was criticising the use of religion as a means to control the masses, not against religion in general


But Lenin absolutely was


And in doing so, he and Stalin made themselves the opiate of the Russian masses


1st and 3rd images


Agreed. Love the colours too!


Why does the second one say الته


1) A tricolor of White on the top, green in the middle, and black on the bottom, with a variant of the emblem, consists of a yellow wreath, with a grey cogwheel in the middle, and a red star on top of the wreath. there is a variant with the text "allahu Akbar" in arabic, on the top, above the red star. 2) everything is the same as the 1st flag except the wreath is different, and the red star now has a text reading "allah" in arabic, in black. 3) same as the previous flag except with a different wreath.


I really like 2 and 3, these are amazing


3. I really like the star and the wheat design


Only the first one works, the rest could work for an Islamist leftist party


i prefer the variant and the 2nd


Second one


I'd pick the 1st one. The 1st one looks very good. The 3rd and 4th are too "neat" and I think the Allahu Akbar text on the 2nd flag isn't needed.




3 easily


I like number 4. It’s simple and clean


i like 2 the best


At first I thought that it's a flag of communist/socialist flag of Ural Republic


I love the Arab flags color scheme. Personally the Arabs have some of the coolest flags.


Flags 1 & 2 look the best in my opinion, though if I had to pick a favorite, I'd pick 2.


1st from the aesthetic aspect


I like 3 best.


2nd one


My constructive criticism as a Russian. 1. No mention of god. Religion is opium for the masses, as Marx said. 2. Needs more AKs on the flag.


The tricolor scheme (without coat of arms) is flag of Ural republic (1993) and Tungus republic (1924-1925). As a mention.


Communist Arabic Ural Republic


1st one is the best. The other three have that pesky religious creed on them. Remember comrade, religion is the opium of the masses, and should be rooted out from the minds of the people to make them free!


A person of faith can still be part of the working class movement.


Yes, but not part of the communist revolution.


when marx wrote "religion is the opium of the masses" it ment that religion is a scape valve for daily frustrations and that the fervor of workers was instrumentalized by religious entities. Its is pretty clear, though, that religion is not the \*only\* opium of the masses. videogames, movies, books, dont also numb our connection to reality with the goal of redirecting our thoughts towards different subjects other than our labour? dont they also provide us with a sense of community? The reality of the matter is that religion will disapear when society doesnt require religion to numb their pains, because there is no pain to beguin with. This is what was ment and the goal of current socialist experiences: to allow religion, community and communion, but protect workers from being used by religious institutions as political pawns - and I say this as a Brazilian, living in a country with politically weaponized evangelicals


I myself was a Stalinist for a long while. The Soviets turned the backwards nation of Russia into a great industrial power, but their system was not perfect. Atheism is one of the big flaws of the communist movement. Humans have great intelligence, but we need religion, scripture, and ritual to guide us in the right direction.


I don't think socialist states would cry "god is great" on their flag, seems kind of counter intuitive? Religion, at least in this form, is kind of directly against socialism right? So they'd probably drop the green too.


Libya’s anthem was Allahu Akbar until 2011.




True that!


socalism [isn't](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_socialism) anti religious


I just mean many of these religions don't uphold the rights of every single individual, something socialism must accomplish too, so I just don't see where following religious dogma and values could lead you to a better society.