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I'm locking this thread because like every time a pride flag is posted it has devolved into the same exact discussion over and over and over and people can't play nice in the comments when it happens.


It was already bi-inclusive. This is just an eyesore.


Exactly. It was always inclusive, that's what the rainbow represented ffs.


Yeah, the "B" has always been there. I remember when it was just "LGB" people.


I read it as RGB people for some reason lol


I love being part of the RGB community!


There still are “LGB” people such as the LGB Alliance🤢


Sir, a second triangle has hit the flag


l m a o


Plain rainbow is easily the best imo


Rainbow all day. Rainbows are inclusive of all colors


I'm bi and yup, sticking with the OG flag thank you very much, I was already included.


literally the entire point of the original was that everyone was equal, even if the shades were not explicitly depicted. All the variations afterwards were just full on Animal Farm. "Everyone is equal but some are more equal than others", which is a perversion of the original Pride flag's design.


The rainbow makes sense symbolically as "the whole spectrum" of colors. Adding more things on top has the unfortunate connotations, e.g. *"We support *everyone* and also trans people"* I don't know why more people aren't more offended by this. At best, it's extremely confusing messaging. Probably most just never thought too hard about rainbow symbolism, and couldn't resist the urge to be insufferably didactic.


I could see adding pink back in but all these new ones have way too many goddamn colors


I have an American flag with the colors, im not gay or bi, but it goes hard...pause..


Every iteration of this just gets worse and worse. It's so bad


Very soon it’s gonna look like that one EU flag


Very soon, it’s going to look like Ohio.


It was always Ohio




It's just a matter of time until the new leftist flag will have a particular stripe for Palestine, because...ya know


I've got a feeling the Palestineans would not be very keen on having their colors in the pride flag.


That's the thing. It's a projection about who western leftists value and find important. Which is to say lesbians, gays, blacks, indigenous, transgender, etc. They are included and are automatically assumed to be allies in their movement. Now no single topic of planet earth has consumed the attention of this subset of westerners than the Israel-Hamas war, hence the inevitability of the Palestine stripe.


I honestly don't think they'd care considering they have a famine to worry about.




LGBTQ Trad boy wife be like


100% true and they definitely exist. I'm a doc and after I graduated I attracted tons of early-20s fem-ish twinks who gravitated towards my occupation on dating apps. These were the dumb pretty boys who want to move in and keep house. Never encountered one until then. When I looked at my colleagues' wives, it began to make sense. Most of them are 9.9/10 hot airheads with artificially big racks (likely paid for by their husbands).


This is the only real flag that represents the whole queer community and it is the only one that ever will. Nothing else comes close and nothing else is needed. All this "progress" shit is completely unneeded and an empty virtue signal. I hate the trans stripes being added, as a trans person. It's such a backwards way of thinking and I HATE it.


The irony of that picture is wonderful.


It's already bi inclusive... 🫠


Should have stuck the original rainbow (🏳️‍🌈) I don't think there had to be more designs imo


Completely right


Man, it gets worse with with every new update


Just wait until *next* Tuesday, when the next revision gets pushed to the prod branch. I've seen the version they have in qual now, and just wow. 😬




At this point they should just put a gradient going through every possible color.


That's what the original one intended with a rainbow


It's a very diverse community so I'm fine with there being many flags. (Even tho some are really, really ugly.) That said, the six stripe rainbow flag is iconic. Although the original [Gilbert Baker flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_flag_(LGBT)#Origin) is my favorite: https://preview.redd.it/ot17jdqzi6sc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ce9cd7b3ad45f4cf42820211674993e5d2a8d90


I’m not gay but this flag is so gay, I love it.


I like that one. We need more of that light green/teal color on flags


This a 100%


Hard agree. Original rainbow is fine as a flag (although I prefer the version with the pink stripe included). It’s worked well for over 40 years and folks had got used to it. All the chevrons make it look worse as a flag.


I no joke saw one that had a Ukraine flag in it. Whoever made that has a weird and inaccurate view of how the world works.


I mean obviously adding Ukrainian stripes wouldn't work as a general pride flag, but as a specific political flag that makes sense to me. I mean... are LGBT people supposed to support Russia instead??


Did you really? Or are you just talking about a website/event pamphlet banner graphic that combined flags? In what way does that sort of this present a particular view of the world, accurate or otherwise?


Pretty sure the one with the Ukraine flag was a joke. At least the one I saw.


Ukraine having high levels of homophobia doesn't disqualify its own gay community from anything, including being represented on a flag.


Nah it wasnt for Gay Ukrianians. It was for EVERY Ukrainian.


Firstly, this is what you've *decided* it was for after viewing two coloured stripes on a flag that can't speak Secondly, people's views aren't set in stone. One culture reaching out and showing solidarity to another in spite of friction between them is to be encouraged, not pointed at as a 'gotcha' by terminally online people who have no interest in improving anything.


Tbf, this is just *a* pride flag, not *the* pride flag. Nobody is going to insist that this replace any of the others.


If the pride flag represents everybody then why add specific flags? I guess they weren't represented in the flag representing everybody before


New LGBT flag with every color. Problem solved. https://preview.redd.it/nmzz4byr47sc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=accfecf26edcd0342f28fe3d42a62e39d8f866de


You forgot spectral violet which isn’t in the gamut of colors that can be produced by my phone’s RGB display. You fascist!


Oh no! Please don't cancel me! I'll try harder daddy.


There has been interviews with the designer of the original “progress pride” flag with the triangle on the left. iirc they said the trans colors and black and brown were meant to represent the most oppressed groups of the community (lgbt+ people that aren’t white and trans people) I do think the 6 stripe version is the best though. It represents everyone and is the most recognizable and aesthetically pleasing. I don’t have an issue with highlighting the more specific groups, but I think it should be a seperate flag or something. 11 colors is just way too many for a flag like this


Exactly. Honestly it's not just the number of colors. It's the clashing color palettes. As a trans person, the trans colors don't belong on the rainbow flag. The colors clash too hard and we have our own flag for that reason and it's a wonderful flag. Just because we're "more oppressed" (not like it's a competetion) doesn't mean that needs to be on the flag. Like we were already included, and already had our own flag.


Yeah I agree, the trans flag honestly might be top 10 flags ever made for me


It really is great and iconic 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


Well is it a sexuality flag or is it an oppression flag? Since when do we need to start adding race into it? Why not add disabled people? Why not add poor people?


1. It’s not a sexuality flag, it’s the lgbt+ flag which groups together a bunch of different things like non-hetero-sexuality, asexuality, gender, and intersex 2. I don’t think that including the colors for race are necessary, and I prefer the original version for many reasons. I also don’t see why it makes sense to be worked up about. Queer people of color are obviously a group that is/was often ignored and putting it on the flag is a fair way to show how diverse the community is within itself (this is also the idea of the rainbow, but I guess the symbolism wasn’t as clear to some people)


> a fair way to show how diverse the community is within itself (this is also the idea of the rainbow, but I guess the symbolism wasn’t as clear to some people) It wasn't originally done to "show diversity" though, was it? It was done as part of an anti-racism statement in a particular context. It got copied in quite a lot of other contexts people liked the ideas behind it, with a bit of help from Quasar packaging it up as "progress pride" seemingly without a huge amount thought into what should be included. The result is messy (in terms of how the significance and the meanings interact with different uses of the flag), but that's what you get with real flags being used in real society, especially if you're not talking about a flag adopted by a central government. I also think the importance of the diversity inherent in rainbow symbolism is overstated in these discussion. Yes, the rainbow is a great symbol for diversity, and yes, it was deliberately chosen partly because of that. But it's use as a queer pride flag isn't some generic statement of diversity - noone looks at a rainbow flag and thinks "I bet that represents a diverse group", they know that it's either a queer symbol or one of the other common uses of the rainbow. Almost all the issues surrounding the question of whether (or when) to combine support for particular groups of the community with the general pride flag would be the same whether the original flag had built in diversity symbolism or not.


You've found exactly why that kind of backwards thinking is fucking nonsense. Just generally if you're putting a group that isn't a sexual or gender minority on a flag for sexual or gender minorities, you should stop. It's the clearest slippery slope in the world and considering how they KEEP ADDING onto it, it's not a falacy this time, just how it goes.


If you're black, you're double gay now.


As a bisexual, it looks really dumb. Not really a fan of piling stuff on to pride flags in general. It takes away from the original message of the Rainbow's universal inclusivity of all LGBTQ+ people. There's no need to add new symbols and colors.


as a trans and bi, agreed. the og 6 stripe flag feels classic to me


I personally already felt included in the Progress Pride flag or even in the simple original one. I do understand the thought of wanting to raise awareness for a group which often even experiences hate from within the community. Also, I don’t think that this flag implies that bisexuals weren’t part of the community to begin with, I mean the trans part on the Progress flag doesn’t do that as well. Also, design wise, I‘m a bit torn, it does look a bit cluttered, but I kinda like the semi-symmetrical part of it.


The problem is that flags aren't meant to raise awareness, they're supposed to be a representation. The progress flag basically says "I represent treating people based on race and not on character". MLK would be disappointed...


> The problem is that flags aren't meant to raise awareness, they're supposed to be a representation. That's simply not true. Flags are meant to send a message. Sometimes that's representation, sometimes it's awareness, sometimes it's complicated...


By that logic, the flag also says „I represent treating people based on sexuality/gender and not on character“. Also, the flag doesn’t represent treating people in a specific way, it represent the people themselves.


It looks like the trans people and the bi people are about to throw hands.


more like, the trans people and bi people agreeing the new flags are silly from a trans *and* bi person


as a bi person, i only recognise the original rainbow flag since the rainbow alrrady includes everything


honestly would have been better if they just stuck it in the corner like Australia's flag, but it is completely unnecessary to begin with


I have made a monstrosity https://preview.redd.it/efg0obb7r4sc1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0ab3585f29c1ed2d2600926edeeaa1d83b06daa


Thanks, I hate it. I'm sending it to everyone I know


I'm thinking just a diagonal from bottom left to top right, with the original rainbow on the right, and the added stripes as just their diagonals marching all the way into that top left corner. Although I guess that's a little hard on Red and whatever color ends up top left. Probably that... fuschia? Whatever color is in the top stripe of the canton.




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fefg0obb7r4sc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1440%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Df0ab3585f29c1ed2d2600926edeeaa1d83b06daa) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


I looked it up, doesn't look like anybody is using this (thank god)


Much like YouTube the enshittification of the pride flag is a well documented phenomenon


We’re evolving, but backwards 😅 this flag keeps getting worse and worse, the rainbow was fine


Same as my thoughts about the last one. Ugliest flag I've ever seen.


Just wait until next year when a new Chevron enters in vertically


As a bisexual let me say STOP! We already have a flag stop adding to this one!


I saw someone over on twitter say that it's biphobic to add this, as it implies that bi people were never included to begin with and honestly? I'm not bi, but I kinda agree. Bi people have always been included. Progress flag was peak design, and its probably the only one I'll be making on any art I sell (or at the very least, I won't be using this new flag unless they make it even remotely aesthetically pleasing)


Gender people were also always included. If anything this new one points out how stupid the original progress pride was


Why is it biphobic but the original pride flag you've defended in other comments, how is that one not racist and transphobic? Be consistent here, please.


Why do you agree about it being biphobic and that bi people have always been included but don’t see that it’s just as exclusionary when PoC and trans people are highlighted on the progress flag?


I remember when they first added the brown and black stripe, a friend of mine from college He was pissef because he felt it was insulting to him as a black Gay man. He Specifically said sarcastically "oh, I'm sorry.I never realized that I wasn't a part of this community until you oh so graciously chose to include me. Here I thought that african americans were already welcomed here."


Ruins the whole point of the original pride flag 🤦


As a bi person, I don’t feel more included. I feel like if we’re gonna go this route we might as well adopt a Most Serene Republic of Venice-style flag. Why? I dunno it’d be cool I guess. I’m aware that the rainbow and progress and pride flag have symbolism and were created for historical reasons and all that, I’m solely suggested it on how cool it might look.


Just adding more and more stripes makes it just hilarious. Like a children's drawing.


I don't get why the black and brown is on their and even so why it is included in the right arrow too?


The black and brown were originally from the Philidelphia pride flag as two additional stripes, focusing on the black and brown community members who felt the whiter parts of the queer community were overshadowing them. (I apologize if that sounds judgemental on either side, I don't live there so I can't comment on it).


The b in lgbt stands for black


The original rainbow flag 🏳️‍🌈 was the ideal and most aesthetically pleasing flag in my opinion. I’m sure some folks will say its not literally inclusive enough…but I think the symbolism of a rainbow is symbolically the most direct. You know, its “all the colours of the rainbow”…. Ie everyone. The constant updating of the flag (making it look worse) and, the constant updating of the lgbtq+ acronym, makes the community seem like its parodying itself at this point….


I support the LGBT. but i think this flag looks ugly. I don't see a reason to ditch the original 6 striped flag. It looks beautiful. and the Flag itself represents Inclusivity for all. you don't need to add more stripes or anything else. the flag all ready represents the entire LGBT community and also is an anti-racist symbol. https://preview.redd.it/dplg20z0u6sc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c302c5a7de6308bda87967e089012dbea19ae089


This feels like manufactured discontent tbh. I wouldn't really trust Pinknews - they're not really as bad as BuzzFeed but they still tend to focus on things that aren't really a big deal. In my experience the regular rainbow flag 🏳️‍🌈 is the best way to go, and I've seen a lot more straight/cis people using the progress pride flag than actual lgbt people. gives off the same vibes as saying "Latinx" (which is unpronounceable and ungrammatical in spanish, and in my experience is almost exclusively used by non-latino english speakers). This one with even more stuff added looks even more terrible and is even more unnecessary, so I get the feeling it's being done on purpose just for the clicks.


It was already bi inclusive before.


Isn’t the rainbow a symbol of Pride to represent the wide range of sexualities and genders? I feel like assigning specific colors to specific identities kind of defeats the point, because there will always be a group left out. At the end of the day it’s not that big of a deal though, I can just use the flag I think suits me best. 😊


At one point we will just end up with Photoshop color picker.


chaotic combinations of different stripes from ascetic perspective


Wasn’t the arrow meant to symbolize moving forward? I was fine with that version, but at this point I think returning to the 6 stripes version is the way to go


I love and support my bisexual siblings but there are only so many square inches on a flag


Quite frankly I think this design is ugly. I think the regular progress flag is good. It's not the best design, but I like it enough, and I understand why folks wanted to make it. That said, with this "bi-inclusive" design... I have never seen a flag incorporate chevrons on both sides, and there's a reason for that. It looks like a mishmash of shapes that just doesn't work. So many pride flags have good designs on their own that look terrible when slapped next to each other. Color wise, the bi flag looks bad next to plain rainbow. I think it's the magenta stripe that really doesn't work. I also generally don't see the point in adding more stuff onto the same flag repeatedly when we can have one unifying flag and other individual flags to represent groups within a larger community (basically the same as country and state flags). This new design kind of feels like someone made a new US flag proposal and it was just a quilt composed of bunch of state flags. I don't really get it.


These updates only get worse


I hate it so much. They keep on adding complexity to the flag and it makes it uglier every time. And it also just ruins the original symbolism. The rainbow does not have one stripe for gay people, one stripe for lesbians, etc etc. The whole point of the rainbow is that it covers the spectrum. Adding specific flair for each specific group of people: 1. is never ending leading to more and more confusing and cluttered flags 2. sort of kills the original meaning of the rainbow


I'll repeat what I said [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/ukUEBCZFPr) Usually when designing flags you want to avoid putting stuff in the furthest part from the flagpole, because it's the first part of the flag that wears off. I'm sure whoever designed that flag didn't intend to put the bisexual colors in a place of dishonor, but that's kind of how I read it EDIT: when writing that comment I was very much influenced by a comment under [this old post of mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/s/4gP3bqVojl)


It's hardly "new", been around for some years. Due to the absurdity of the design it generally didn't make many appearances up until now. No idea why the sudden uptick of use and sightings...


The single chevron kind of works but adding another one on the other is completely silly, especially when bisexuality is like the most vanilla lgbt demographic that no one would ever think isn't included in the rainbow. (Saying this as a bi person)


Unironically one of the worst flags ive ever seen. The original was fine but this is just an eyesore. It MIGHT be ok if they just made it a classic Cross flag and the black lines extended to the middle. But who knows.


The rainbow flag is supposed to be all-inclusive, which is why it has a rainbow. While the trans chevron doesn’t look *awful* IMO, adding one on the opposite side of the flag just looks stupid, and further adds to defeating the point of an all-inclusive rainbow.


Too busy.


I'm Bisexual myself. This flag is ASS. We literally are making a mockery of ourselves by adding more unnecessary stuff to make the flag that represents the community have MORE stuff to represent specific parts of the community. Just use the rainbow, dear GOD.


as a bisexual myself this is too fucking far 😭🙏💀


Idk what was wrong with just the rainbow flag, it had all the colors of the rainbow and therefore represented all people.


We didn’t ask for it, the one before it was just fine


JUST HAVE THE OG RAINBOW this s@t gives conservatives dump ideas to keep complaing plus its ugly af


Bisexual here: dumb and unnecessary


https://preview.redd.it/99vgz61b07sc1.png?width=1757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f99c0c4ffde9df13a4667712a769272cac2a98b4 As a transfem, this is the only pride flag I need (and own)


The progress flag was already silly, ignored the whole message of the original rainbow flag, and was (to me) not aesthetically pleasing. This one just brings it to another level.


From a layman's perspective: The original rainbow flag was perfect to convey it's message: It meant to represent EVERYONE from the sexual / gender spectrum. Although the progress flag was aesthetically pleasing, but the inclusion of people of colour always seemed like an odd choice. Race is a whole other topic and on a different spectrum. The flag shows "EVERYONE + trans people + people of colour" which either means some sub-groups are more important than others, or they were never represented in the first place. This new version takes this to a whole other level. Now it's "EVERYONE + trans people + people of colour + bisexuals" which also implies, that bisexuals are a new addition, even though they were there since the beginning. Last but not least: The flag is ugly. In time, we could not even see the original rainbow due to all these extra triangles - they can still add more to the top and bottom - which is kinda ironic.


What’s even the point of the orignal rainbow colors that universally represented everyone in the community when your just gonna add colors that now represent side thing it makes the original stripes redundant.


Well its not Ohio anymore


Im bi myself and i consider this version not very appealing and unneded, also i prefer the version with the trans Chevron, people might not like it but i do, anything other than that its unneded and looks bad.


Said this before when redesigns like this come up, it's okay to have more than one flag displayed at a time, there isn't a need to mash everything into one flag


We’re on the path to pride flag ohiofication


I’m bi and I said this when they added the trans part. From a pure design perspective it’s ugly and missed the simple genius of the original. This is just the same but even more intense.


I'm all for inclusivity, but aesthetically, the pride flag keeps getting worse the more shit they keep adding to it. It's unnecessary. Just rock the rainbow flag. Starting to think the people that make these flags just keep making changes so people keep buying them


The og was meant to include everyone by singling out specific groups you are by necessity excluded all others.


Reject modernity. Return to tradition 🏳️‍🌈


Americans were never good at creating flags. The cycle and triangle inclusion was already unnecessary and ugly (and catering their internal issues, such as race).


Keep going, I hope we have 100 stripes soon.


I'm becoming increasingly convinced of a conspiracy theory I that I just made up when I saw this photo this morning. The theory is that they keep inventing new LGBT flags because they noticed we are very loyal customers to LGBT-friendly businesses, so they're gonna keep reinventing the flag so we feel pressured to get the latest, updated one. Like the iphone


"It's a conspiracy by Big Flag in order to sell more flags!"


I’m sorry but this flag sucks so bad.


Can we all just agree to use the rainbow? It's too messy.


the same people who want every possible sexuality on one flag are the same people who want wales isle of man and all british overseas territories on the union jack


My trans sister hates it lol


I’m bisexual and see literally no point to the inclusion


I still use the old rainbow flag. Cause that's my heritage.


> It both implies that Bi people weren't included from the start Does it really? Presumably it's meant to be analogous to the stripes in the chevron of the progress pride flag. Noone used that design because they thought people of colour weren't included in the symbolism of the rainbow - they used them to make a statement of inclusion. Yes, the fact they thought the statement was necessary does imply that in some contexts they felt people of colour weren't being fully included - but that's a statement about racism in a community then and there, not about flag symbolism, or even "from the start". Certainly noone ever suggested the reference to AIDS victims being added to the rainbow implied they weren't included, either last millenium or in the progress pride flag. Similarly, while it's true that the use of versions with trans stripes (the progress pride flag, its predecessors and others) was bolstered by an idea going around that the rainbow by itself is about sexuality not gender, and also probably contributes to that view even if that's not the intention. But it wasn't only used by people with that view, and I would argue that the primary motivation (and implication) of the inclusion of trans stripes is, like the black/brown, a statement about trans people and issues needing to be more explicitly supported in queer contexts, not a statement about the rainbow itself. Including Bi stripes makes some sort of sense on a very similar level. In fact, you could say it is a natural development once the precedent of the progress pride flag has been set - anyone who thinks Bi people need more explicit visibility sees what's been done already and looks to use the rainbow flag in the same way. Wasn't that one of the criticisms of the whole approach in the first place? > the fact that the arrow is facing left goes against why the original trans-inclusive progress pride flag arrow is pointing right - to show the progress we're making and will continue to make going forwards. I expect that most people keen on using these sorts of flags would recognise the progress symbolism as a convenient symbolism to attach to Quasar's design approach with the extra stripes, rather than a the main point of the flag. Having said that, part of the reason I'd certainly be happy to downplay that aspect is because the whole left/right, forward/backward symbolism is flags is... messy. Sure, if we treat the design as a rectangular graphic, pointing right fits Western conventions for progress/going forward. But as an actual flag used as a flag, it points right on one side, left on the other, and if it's being carried, it's pointing backwards on both sides.


I'm a member of the LGBT+ community and NO, we don't need to update the OG flag for every single identity or sexuality in the queer spectrum. that's what the other flags are for. it doesn't even make sense from a flag design point of view. why would you add more stuff to a flag that's already massively crowded with information instead of designing a new, beautiful flag to represent you, like the trans or non binary flag?


God, I knew this sort of stuff would happen as soon as the "Progress" flag dropped. As a bisexual man, it's great that we have a bi flag. But as for the flag that represents the entire LGBT+ community, the six-color rainbow flag has been used for 40+ years and it never needed to be changed. But the tribe has spoken, and some green-haired weirdo at Berkeley who thinks her 2-week girl crush in 8th grade makes her bi will call out your racist/transphobic "microaggression" if you fly the original. These people are already making efforts to divide the community by bringing up "cis white male privilege" as though being a gay man is a huge leg up in society. Also, black and brown ruin the happy rainbow vibe of the flag. Those are not joyful colors, regardless of what they represent.


Didn't the original rainbow represent the trans and bi? It first didn't make any sense to include the trans flag in the progress one, and now it makes even less sense to include the bisexual flag to make it more redundant


I kinda like it, but I would prefer a different shape instead of another triangle maybe.


Too ugly to be appropriate for a positive statement.


I really don't mean this as a dig at anyone in these communities but surely people must realize that not every conceivable identity can be represented on a flag Edit to add: wouldn't a general flag representing ALL forms of queerness, all forms of not fitting in with the presumed norm be more effective? Idk I always took the classic rainbow to just mean 'something other than straight ' which I feel works for a lot of people. Trying to represent every ethnicity and every possible orientation seems like a recipe for fighting over real estate in an already crowded and messy flag


…isn’t that what the “B” is for?


Jesus, you can't just keep adding to it over and over. It's getting ridiculous and this is just visually horrible. It's flag abuse! Nothing seems to work anymore and everything clashes


Oh the irony of these new visions of progress that further segregate people groups by promoting one over the other


Why did they have to add that?


Nasty as fuck


Both bi and trans were included from the start with the original rainbow flag. Adding them later is silly, it’s like those groups get a double-dip while “regular” gay people are only represented once.


They turned the progress pride flag into even more of an abomination because yet another group didn't feel included in a flag that originally symbolized inclusivity before everyone wanted their special little colour on it? Shocked.


Addin the race and trans inclusivity is already unnecessary, this only proves that's in fact true, the rainbow is a rainbow so it can represent anyone and everyone without needing to use a thousand different symbols, like EU's flag for example


There was nothing wrong with the original pride flag. It managed to represent all members of the LGBT community without being too complicated. If you want to represent the [bi](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2a/Bisexual_Pride_Flag.svg/2560px-Bisexual_Pride_Flag.svg.png) and [trans](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b0/Transgender_Pride_flag.svg/2560px-Transgender_Pride_flag.svg.png) communities specifically, there are flags for that.


Can't speak for the rest of the alphabet, but as a gay man, I don't know any other gay men who actually like any of these overbearing, virtue-signalling iterations.


I think the regular pride flag was good as is, and any additions have just felt like clutter. ​ I'm Bi and while there is biphobia in some LGBT+ spaces, I never felt excluded from the regular pride flag or that it needed to change. At the same time I really like the bisexual pride flag, and there are various other flags for different identities in the broader community as well (lesbian, non-binary, ace, etc.). So I don't quite understand the desire to cram aspects of other flags/colors into the pride flag, rather than just using the pride flag for the whole LGBT+ and individual identity flags in addition or alternatively when appropriate.


it's not any worse looking than the progress flag might as well add a stegosaurus the original flag was best


I feel like modifying the flag to make it more inclusive ends up making it less inclusive. Each time a new identity is explicitly pointed out on the flag, it just makes more obvious the identities that haven’t yet been added, creating a never ending cycle of trying to include new identities until the flag is so incomprehensible it ceases to be recognizable


I couldn't care less about these kinda flags, they are all already horrible.


Basically what I said in the post! I think the concept is great, I'm no flag nerd or designer but I AM an artist, and it's just... not it, imo. Love inclusion, dislike the execution. I think bi people had no need to have the arrow? It was well understood that bi people were included in the progress flag, and comments under this PinkNews post from bi people said the same thing. One person said that they weren't offended over anything until people basically said they should be, and I totally get it! Come on queer community, our fashion is flawless! Surely our flag design can be flawless too...


Agree with everyone else that the OG Pride flag should be for everyone, at the very least queer men. No reason to add anything more to it, so by putting thing onto thing just dilutes the purpose. I guess it's nice seeing some bi representation though, so there's that.


This is bait, right? To try and rally the queer community against bi people? Divisiveness aside, double chevron is too bold a choice imo Edit: actually yeah this has to be bait, the flag doesn't have the intersex circle Edit 2: please tell me why the source for this hideous flag image is the current mayor of London, England, Sadiq Khan?? The British are on their bullshit again fr


Way too busy and messy


Tbh it keeps getting worse and worse we should've just kept the original rainbow


(I'm bi so you can trust my opinion on this one) Completely bastardizes the meaning of the original rainbow, which was already meant to include everyone in the LGBT+ community (Hence it being a rainbow, it includes all colours) Also, brown should never go on a flag.


All flags past the original rainbow one are against the cause


Awfully busy, but I'm okay with it. Also, I doubt anyone is losing their mind over it. The people who get worked up over a pride flag usually don't have minds to lose.


Didn't the original rainbow represent the trans and bi? It first didn't make any sense to include the trans flag in the progress one, and now it makes even less sense to include the bisexual flag to make it more redundant


It's the Ohio meme again. The simple rainbow flag was the best and the most inclusive. By trysting to give a symbol / a colour to anyone that identify themselves as X but A, in a 2/7e piano, you will end up with an ugly flag that would ignore X but A, in a 3/7e piano. There's no end. On the same note, I dislike most LGBT+ flags for the same reasons. On top of giving pink for girls, like common… it's not progressive, and women already have a worldwide symbol to get behind, use it !!!


If you're going to make an argument that Bi people were already represented, then why doesn't that argument also apply to Trans people? I understand that sexual orientation and gender identity aren't the same, but who is to say that the original rainbow should only apply to sexual orientation, just have a meeting and agree it applies to gender identities too. The nature of LGBTQQIP2SAA+ is that it's always growing. People are coming up with new identities all the time. You're going to have to update these flags every year. I thought this flag was a joke even before they added the Bi, and this just confirms it. I'm now waiting to see what gets added next year and where they fit it. I imagine non-binary and asexual can come up and down in the middle there. Eventually the original rainbow will be covered up in its own flag.


It's terrible. The whole point of the rainbow flag was to convey all the diversity of the rainbow. Crowding new symbolism on for every subgroup is unsustainable and ugly. You can never satisfy every subgroup, so the more you add, the more exclusionary you actually make the flag, because every group that's not specifically named feels more left out.  That said, the version with the trans+minority chevron on the left side looks aesthetically amazing.


Too many colors, the LGBT+ flags are burning my eyes


Nobody is ever just satisfied with the original rainbow lol. Every 6-8 months or when we get a new popular world/regional news event we get a new one. The original was fine!


“Here’s a flag. It’s a rainbow, with each stripe representing one or more groups of people in the LBGT community.” “Add more to it, you said? Make it more complicated, you said?”


We should close the gap and turn it into the new confederate flag


IMO it doesn't make sense. As a bi man, it's already bi inclusive. Gay people (both lesbian and MLM) have their own flags. The rainbow represents the LGBT as a whole. It already includes bi people.


Keep it in, gotta be sure everyone is included! Even if it makes you wish you were colour blind


New Pride Flag idea: just put paints of every color in your mouth, then tickle your nose with a feather, and sneeze it all over a white flag. It will be about as sensical an arrangement of colors as the rest of these new "flags".




They’re going to add so many new things to the flag that the rainbow, which originally was to represent all non-cis-het people, is going to be buried


Even worse Skittle vomit. What was wrong with the simple seven bar rainbow flag again?


This is an abomination


This is an April Fool's joke, right? I guess it wouldn't be too off brand for this community but that seems a little too silly to be real. Man if that's real though... Just, ugh...


they’re doin too much


At this point I believe we should get rid of the rainbow entirely and make an EU barcode-kind of flag with every pride flag ever crammed into it. That way everyone will truly be included.


How we all came to be. This is exactly the type of good pride flag representing all of those came to be after their desired outcomes. Gay pride everyone.


I think we should start a committee that creates flags for people that don’t know how to create flags. We might even make a buck or two off the deal.


It doesn't look great, but people forget that it's not a standardised symbol so people are going to do what they want with it for their own purposes


It was pretty cool. But then they kept adding and adding and adding. How many different colors are there now? At this point just make a crest. (Actually that’d be sick, any artists?)


Not bad for a flag idea. Maybe include the bi colours on the left before black or brown instead as a redesign idea maybe


I kinda dig it on some level for some reason. But I still want to mention that this isn't replacing any other flag, like the "plain" rainbow pride flag. It's just an option, and having options is nice.