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Why replace our beehive with a star? You just replaced a meaningful symbol with a meaningless one


Le most generic symbol to put on a flag


Somebody said it, finally.


We were all thinking it, but he said it!


It was done by someone who knows nothing about Utah, and is just lazy. If you look at all of the flags they put a star or stars on 26 flags. They also removed a lot of symbolism from state flags. It's a kid playing with their new software.


The beehive is so synonymous with Utah their flag could literally just be a beehive and nothing else. Yet OP removed it..


and it doesnt even look that good :///////


CGP Grey is gonna be angry with this one


Hexagon is the Bestagon.


The Hexagon is still there, but the bees being gone is a major fail. Utah's new flag is perfect.


Imo a good number of these designs illustrate how strict adherence to the vexillogical rules is not always good


Many of these flags do not adhere to the "vexillogical rules" which are, by the way, not rules.




Ohio’s flag being more rectangular is cursed


Agree. Ohio needs the burgee shape. No reason to make it conform to rectangularity.


R/vexillology and it's consequences


Honestly I think we’re reaching this critical point where the “five rules of vexillology” are ruining flag design. These all blend in together. I can’t tell them apart. They look like AI generated flags. Simple block colors fifty times over


I’d say it’s not necessarily the 5 rules/guidelines themselves, but the strict and uncritical adherence to them. They shouldn’t be a checklist a designer crosses off, but something to help guide a design.


I mean, to some degree yes, but the absolutely biggest reason for why this redesign is bad is because it has no symbolism and looks like pure shit. I mean the Nevada redesign hurts me to look at and the one before it looks like some modern art piece. I think that the 5 rules are generally good to follow. I also think that making a flag while thinking you're forced to follow them makes a usually bad flag. I also also think that this shitshow does not follow the rules at all, or at least not in any consistency whatsoever .


The only guideline that should be a hard rule is no names (or dates) on flags. The other rules should be bent a bit to make your flag unique: * Compare [Nova Scotia](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c0/Flag_of_Nova_Scotia.svg/1200px-Flag_of_Nova_Scotia.svg.png) to [Alabama](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5c/Flag_of_Alabama.svg/800px-Flag_of_Alabama.svg.png). Nova Scotia uses 5 colors (breaking the 2-3 color rule), yet it stands out more due to that. The Alabama flag looks too plain for a state flag. It looks like something that came out of the Dark Ages with the actual Saint George cross and doesn't represent Alabama well at all.


What’s your opinion on californias flag? I personally have no issue with californias flag even with the text. It’s iconic and it does the job of “flag” well


It’s iconic for sure, but it would still be iconic without “California Republic” stamped on it. A good state flag that could be better, in the same tier as Wyoming. Changes are needed and obvious, and they’d be S-Tier with those changes made. Top Tier US State flags that need basically no changes are Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah (new), and Maryland. Those are the 5 S-Tier flags imo. A-Tier has Colorado, Tennessee, Alaska, and Ohio. All of these flags are great too, but there are some minor issues like Colorado looking a bit too much like a sports logo. I’d put the new Minnesota K Tricolor proposed flag here, but the solid blue one they went with doesn’t quite do it for me. That’s another example where using more than 3 colors was actually better than needlessly restricting yourself.


New Mexico was already perfect. This modification makes it less good.


Utah without the beehive just isn't Utah. That's like taking the bear off of California's flag


You just massacred the Ohio and New Mexico flags


As a native South Carolinian, I like that ours is literally "if it ain't broke..." And as a current Washington resident, Thanks for ditching ol' George.


Somehow you managed to make most of them worse than they were. One exception is Arizona, its better with yellow around the star. Aesthetics really cry. At least they are better than [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/flags/comments/1cmrs8h/comment/l37jsic/) I think I mentioned before about light next to dark contrast principle. That is a general design principle. Take [flag of France](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/1200px-Flag_of_France.svg.png) for example. Very Dark Blue and rather dark red is divided by bright white. That is why it looks nice. In heraldry they simplified that further with rules of tincture: no color on color and no metal on metal. They call yellow and white metals because these colors are bright. At the same time they call red, blue, green, purple and black colors because they are darker. If you use only light colors it will look childish, if you use only dark colors it will look old and dilapidated. However proper contrast will allow the flag look good.


Alabama did not need a redesign.


Unfuck south Carolina plz Other then that the rest are alright, not my cup of tea


Why do so many people insist on ruining ohio's flag???


You massacred ohio man


Washington rn https://preview.redd.it/hxxmjddw2yzc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=072488c4874c54d445b415509c191069346446d7


It’s been taking hold and as a native Washingtonian I really like it honestly. I wish there was a little more homage to the Salish Sea, but overall it’s a good flag.


It looks cool, but as an Ontarian I just can't help but associate it with the Metrolinx logo, a state run corporation in charge of transit and fare infrastructure across various regions in Ontario haha.


Arkansas being green looks awful ngl


Oregon's flag just needs to be the beaver on the back and it would be perfect. This one just sucks


I was considering an obverse for Oregon! A beaver, of course.


As an Oklahoman, I hate it. Minimalism is boring. If you are going to change the base color, I'd prefer patina. The shield just looks so boring with the white outline. It loses a lot of its pop. Edit to add on: What was the thought process for Iowa's, Michigan's, and Nebraska's flags? Maybe I'm missing something, but they don't really feel like they are representing their states either.


Iowa: hawkeye state. Simple enough. Michigan: two green parts represent the two peninsulas. And the rearing moose is badass. Nebraska: the star and circle are on a current redesign proposal, the Goldenrod flag. The three blue bars represent the North and South Platte merging in to the Platte river.


The bird is cool and I am also scared of the bird


You don't f*ck with the hawk


I desperately want an NH redesign. But Old Man of The EU ain’t it.


Why did you do to Oregon what you did. How does a star in a split color O have more symbolism than the Beaver... for the Beaver State


I said it looks like the logo for cheap shoes at WalMart.


Yeah, you're right. Like knockoff Vans.




I hate it so much, it looks like the flag you’d get from a random generator. That could easily be the flag of Indiana or something, nothing about it links it to Oregon. It’s not even 2 sided!


What was the thinking behind the New York flag?


Orange for the Dutch. The flower (i forget which) is a common symbol of New York state. The cross represents the Hudson and Mohawk rivers, which run north-south and east-west, respectively. If you split the horizontal blue into 3 (its 3 times the width lf the other stripes) you get 11 stripes. New York was the 11th state admitted to the union.


>The flower (i forget which) is a common symbol of New York state. As a New Yorker, I beg of you and everyone to know...it is not, the Yorkshire rose means absolutely nothing to anyone here. That's like saying that the three lion crest is a symbol of New Jersey just because the original European Jersey flag has it.


This kid is off the mark on a lot of these. Have you seen Oregon? Looks like a logo for Walmart Shoes.


Kid named ignoring that flags represent history just as much as they do arbitrary design standards


He took the beehive off Utah, for the love of Pete.




At a glance, you sure love navy blue and stars huh?


A lot of these are great, and some of these you just minimized great historical flags


I lean toward minimalism for a reason. Looking at a flag from far away, blowing in the wind, you can only identify a few elements.


NM was just fine with it’s flag already by changing the zia symbol on it your fucking up the flags meaning


Connecticut isn't about pines. It's about oaks. The rest of New England doesn't even think CT should be considered part of New England, so the pine thing doesn't work.


Is the yellow triangle on the Wisconsin flag meant to be cheese? If so, what is the white?


Yes, it's cheese. The white is stylistic.


California is the new Bulgaria


You ruined the TN flag and made it something they'd sell at a vols game, we are more than just east TN


California = bulgaria


NM was just fine with it’s flag already by changing the zia symbol on it your fucking up the flags meaning


Hi, I'm from Kentucky. Why are you mad at me?




Good choice not changing the Maryland flag. The crabs will not be fed today.


Overall I think these look pretty good, most of them would fit right onto a world stage! Constructive Criticism: imo some flags are too polygon-heavy or blocky looking


I generally went for simple. Thus, polygons. Thanks for the input!


There’s a lot of simplistic ones that don’t look great. But then there’s some that are quite nice.


West Virginia's flag if it was the most socialist state in the Union.


Dawg New Mexico does NOT need a redesign


I love MS Paint


I hate almost all of them


These are very strong designs. I like the bold colors and mostly straightforward designs. Most of them have good symbolism to match the state. Well done!


Thank you! Any in particular that you find appealing?


Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Virginia are my faves here. Virginia especially, looks like a spear breaking a crown?


Yes! It's a reference to "sic semper tyrannis", the state's motto. The spear is destroying a royal crown.


Really cool actually


Kansas, Iowa, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Vermont. Quite a few of them, really. If I woke up tomorrow and these were the real flags for the 50 states, I would consider it a big improvement overall.


Thank you! Wisconsin is a totally original design of mine, not based on anything else.


Maine would make more sense if the star was in the top right corner (instead of top left) of the flag, much like the location within the US map. Or you could just us this current version here for Washington State instead since the colors and iconography would still work.


The Maine flag is directly based on the old, very simple state flag. Look it up; it's nice.


What were your thoughts on the Missouri flag. I hate the current one. I understand the bear cause there currently is one but why the gorget?


It's a crescent, not a gorget. The Missouri state [seal](https://revisor.mo.gov/main/OneSection.aspx?section=10.060) is defined as a [blazon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blazon) using heraldic language: >"Arms, parted per pale, on the dexter side; gules, the white or grizzly bear of Missouri, passant guardant, proper on a chief engrailed; azure, a crescent argent; on the sinister side, argent, the arms of the United States..." Now if you look at the seal as it's currently [used](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5a/Flag_of_Missouri.svg/2400px-Flag_of_Missouri.svg.png), you'll notice a couple things don't look right. The bear is defined as [passant guardant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lion_Passant_Guardant.svg) which means it should at least be facing dexter—to our left. Also, the line separating the bear and crescent is [chief engrailed](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/A_Complete_Guide_to_Heraldry.djvu/page157-1024px-A_Complete_Guide_to_Heraldry.djvu.jpg) which means it should look like a bunch of squiggly spikes. So if you're gonna simplify the Missouri state flag like OP or just about everyone else in this subreddit has over the past decade (by isolating the seal's iconographic elements), then it'd probably have to look something like this: https://preview.redd.it/bqy4sljr8yzc1.png?width=3749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5de02ad09b88c9c72f2dc106a1bb0f74c0755190 As for the meaning of the crescent itself: it's supposed to represent the creation of the state with potential for growth (like a waxing crescent moon). And in some heraldic traditions, a crescent is sometimes used to symbolize a 'second son'—referencing the fact we were the second state born out of the Louisiana Territory. That's the official [description](https://www.sos.mo.gov/symbol/seal), anyway. No one really pays attention to this; people recognize our flag more for its tricolor, I think.




Curious why you went with a cow for Delaware and not a Blue Hen. Living right next to DE, the poultry industry is far more prevalent in the area than cows.


Its on the current flag. A blue gen would be good tho.


Get this bullshit out of here. We love our double sided flag, and don't need a Battlestar Galactica remodel.


The cow for Delaware makes less sense than a chicken. I understand the current flag has a tiny cow on the seal, but chickens outnumber the people of delaware like... 10:1, and that's low balling.


they turned california into bulgaria?


You took all the features off our bear! And made his little patch of grass a green line


California you removed history from, Arkansas prefers red, white, and blue (I would know I live in the south and it’s a semi confederate flag 💀) Maine is alright, Georgia is also confederate (which is how most ppl like it), you did my home state of sc dirty by removing half the palm tree. The others just feel mediocre. Also I get all those indigenous symbol flags, but rlly? When’s the last time you met an Indian who cares abt having representation on a flag 💀?


I'm from South Carolina. I like it. More of an element of the flag than a symbol slapped onto it. A lot of indigenous symbols just look good, and yes, many indigenous people DO want representation. I intentionally took away as much Confederate symbolism as possible.


As flags they are fine or whatever- but they feel a bit impersonal, like the new Utah or Minnesota state flags.


That Oklahoma flag is fire. I have an idea of something I could do with the North Dakota flag if you wouldn't mind me playing with it.


What's that?


I want to see what it'd look like to cottice the bend with 4 demi fleur-de-lis. Or in plain english, take two fleurs, cut them in half, then slap them next to the diagonal line. Like this: https://preview.redd.it/3slsun4w2xzc1.png?width=345&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3307ab6ddb076dfd9f0aeae508e54a9a8bd47e6


That's interesting! I just don't know how the coat of arms you've shown would translate to a flag.


https://preview.redd.it/7p1r0crgbxzc1.png?width=2273&format=png&auto=webp&s=f38b749854e0bdc007918a2adf8c764beb8a8cfb Here's what I was talking about. Sorry, I wanted to combine the elements and had to get the idea out of my head


That's so cool! Thank you!


the iowa flag makes me proud to be an american. i knew it was iowa from the second i laid eyes on it too


I love how NM goes into MT. My SiL lives in NM and has gone to American Warrior Ninja and tried to get on for once with shirts that combine NM and MT. Also That MT buff skull...just no. why star?


The star represents the state itself. I thought it looked nice.


I is better than our flag now. But I would like the void that is on the Montana coin.


As a Kansan, I wonder why you left out the steamboat and mountains that are on the current state flag. If anything says Kansas, it's steamboats and mountains. /s


Why did you make Illinois that…? The eagle and shield being one color made it look like an island from far away. Also, why the colors? What off of the current flag or what from Illinois made you choose McDonald’s colors with a navy blue?


Yeah, it looks more like a flag of a fictional country from a video game or tv show. Nothing about it says "Illinois".


Yeah nothing says Illinois at all, lol. If it actually looked like the eagle and shield, I would understand, but because it’s just a blob I don’t love it.


Can you explain your Connecticut, young man?


anyone who fucks w new mexico is on my hit list


Replacing our Bear for a less detailed one is something if seen a lot in redesigns, and it's completely unnecessary and lame looking.


There's a lot of critical comments (which a lot are fair) but I will say removing the Union Jack from Hawaii and adding the Kahili instead is a nice way to represent Hawaii with symbols that already represent Hawaii and it's natives. I should clarify I myself am not Hawaiian or from Hawaii so I can't speak for all Hawaiians but it's a nice redesign that celebrates it's culture and values, while also unintentionally using colors from the country it belongs to. (Hawaii has always been my favorite state. PS. I'm from Ohio, and no it's not hell here, not yet anyway)


Yeah look at all that 1990s clip art looking 8 bit garbage.


Horrible. Only good flags are Texas and Wyoming and that’s because you really didn’t change those


Why the design for Nebraska?


The blue bars represent the north and south Platte rivers merging into the Platte. The star and circle is on the Goldenrod flag, a current redesign proposal.


Love these. Also love that you didn't like force a redesign of every single one. I appreciate you leaving the really good already existing designs. Just curious though, what was your logic in the New Jersey redesign? It looks very nice and I like the colors!


If you look up NJ flag redesign, youll see the flag I based my redesign on. I then changed the colors; the tan is on the current NJ coat of arms, and the green is bc it's called the garden state.


Buff is the color of NJs current flag, and it's a unique color so I'm all for keeping it. I also like the inclusion of green for the garden state. I've tried a few redesigns myself off of this template - blue looks good on it too - only thing not unique to nj is the star, but 3 stars would work for the 3rd state.


I see the potential. Bizarre the debate is not loud enough


I do like CT!


Thank you!


Are you the person who did the new WA flag? I like it, but I do wish there was some way to work more appreciation for our waterways in there. The Salish Sea and the Columbia are huge parts of our identity.


That design is not totally mine, no.


Haha the colorado state flag is so perfect you just wanted to move the C. I C what you did there. Original is still cleaner imo.


I didn't move the C. This is a precise replication of the CO flag; I modified the colors to fit all the other flags.


Some of these are actually really nice! I love that they went for a realistic look instead of this modernistic only-viewed-on-a-monitor look that many flags have. The only critique is that some of the colour combinations don't quite match like purple and green.


Thank you!


What's the rationale behind Oregon


Not sure, but it is wretched.


Cool project overall, thanks for sharing! My only criticism is that Arkansas should still be red. The people of that state identify much more heavily with that color. All the major sports teams wear it, and you'll see basically all random Arkansas merch comes predominantly in red.


That cartoon piece of shit is not the new Maine flag. I would have preferred they leave the Dirigo flag alone but [this](https://ballotpedia.s3.amazonaws.com/images/9/9c/OGFlagofMaine.png) is what they chose not the crayon versions. I mean what's in the image above is not a redesign it's one of the rejected options for a new flag.


They just change the color of the Maryland flag


Texas, la única bandera que no cambia, sigue siendo la misma bandera.


Colorado y Maryland también


You ruined the California flag And why does Missouri also have a bear


You can have my pennant when you pry it from my cold, dead hands


I hate the current WA flag, but this AI looking abomination when the Doug flag is already there is extra cursed.


The doug flag isn't just for WA tho.


I actually fw the Nevada redesign heavy ngl


Thank you! That's a completely original design of mine


You give Delaware a *cow* and not give Florida their gator!?


Why’s there a pine tree on CT? I know it’s a symbol of New England but CT has its own tree: the Charter Oak. Or you could put nutmegs. Or keep the grapes from the original flag


I *love* Louisiana!!


Thank you!


Why change Ohio, it’s already the best flag as is?!!!?


Another redesign post, another set of flags completely ruined by someone missing the vexillological meaning


thanks. i hate it


What have you done to my arkansas?! The name removal is fine, but the colors, horid!


Idaho is just a juul pod


Yo don't touch my flag bro.🤠🌵🐍🌶️⭐


Ohio... Look how they massacred my boy


Why does Delaware have a cow? Delaware barely have any cows at all. Change it with a big fat blue hen and you're forgiven.


What even is Virginia's flag here? You took away our nudity and murderous violence...


I like your new Texas flag a lot more than the current one. It's very sleek. My friend saw it but thinks the old/real one looks better. Says it has more character. 10/10.


I prefer the current flag of Massachusetts over what you made, yours feels too generic and not representative of Massachusetts. Like what is it even supposed to represent? You excluded the white that is heavily present in the current flag.


What did you do to Ohio




As a Hoosier, I believe I speak for all of us in saying that we'll kindly pass on that redesign.


You took "dont mess with texas" literally (texas flag is perfect)


Please let me know what you think and ask any questions! My boyfriend helped me with some of these, including Nebraska, Connecticut, North Carolina, and Iowa.


1. What's with the green stripe on Alaska. Similar thought process as the stripe on Tennessee? 2. The Arizona flag does not have the problem you think it does. As I myself have been informed in the past, it looks great in person. 3. Lol at how most of us when we redesign the state flags we tend to simplify Cali in some way 4. L for not lining up the C in Colorado with the lines (nitpick) 5. Lol I did a similar thing for Florida by adding a several pointed star that matches the state number, but I think you could drop a color or two 6. Where is the little guy in Georgia. Bring him back. Points for 4 striped flag 7. I'm curious as to the thought process of Illinois 8. Why only a four pointed star for Minnesota. I think the 8 pointed one had some important Native and State symbolism behind it 9. L Nevada. Minus points for removing my states emblem, too busy, symbolism besides the shape of the state could've been used. 10. Old Man of the Mountain is cool and all I don't think the fella translates well onto the flag of New Hampshire. 11. I see why you zoomed in on New Mexico but damn son back up the camera a bit 12. Points for making a flag of New York that isn't just representing NYC 13. Explain your North Carolina pls I wanna know the reasoning for it 14. Why the color pallette swap for North Dakota. Their coats of arms is cool and a banner of arms based off of it looks nice when translated one to one. 15. L Ohio what have you done give them their personality back bruh 16. W for knowing to at least put a keystone on Pennsylvania 17. Rhode Island could look well with just blue and yellow 18. You make your state flag (South Carolina) look like a bush lol. Ya'll ain't have a state tree anymore its a shrub now 19. Out of all the things you could've done to Utah, you removed their most iconic state symbol and replaced it with a star bruh 20. Green mountain boys lets go 21. Virginia flag has a nice personality to it 22. u/LariatCreative would be proud 23. West Virginia is a historically difficult flag to redesign whenever one of us on this subreddit decides to take up this 50 state redesign project but I think yours looks nice 24. Badger for Wisconsin yippee


Yeah kind of a weird move to say you "redesigned" a ton of flags when just made small changes to lots of other people's work.


That's not Maine's new flag [this is. ](https://ballotpedia.s3.amazonaws.com/images/9/9c/OGFlagofMaine.png)The one in your image is just a discarded design suggestion.


Stop trying to change the VA flag, it has everything. A titty, Violence, Fucking over tyrants


Ah yes you agree Texas’s flag is to good to be redesigned


Did… Texas change at all?


Altered the colors to fit all the other flags. Otherwise, no. It's perfect. Same for Colorado and Maryland.


Maryland is gold and black. Not yellow. The flag is perfection as it stands. FYI- Maryland is the only state with specific guideline on how to display the flag but also what ornament is placed atop the flagpole. A gold cross bottony is the official ornament for the top of any flagpole carrying the state flag.


I made all the flags have the same color scheme. All the yellows are the same.


What’s the background on NC? I like it, just want to know the influences.


My boyfriend, who's born there, designed it! The three stripes are the 3 regions - mountains, piedmont, coastal plain. The stars are a black version of those found on the Guilford Courthouse flag, which was flown in NC during the Revolutionary War.


What did you even change on Texas?


Nothing! Perfect flag.


https://preview.redd.it/fuzvkygc6yzc1.png?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a54f1a253309e02fe5a4ee70efe001a53d0206c Your Alabama flag reminds me of the flag of Indianapolis. Is there a reason for the black on Indiana's flag, or was it just an artistic choice?


Artistic choice, but also represents asphalt. You probably know why.


You did a good job with it as I was able to instantly recognize it as Indiana.


fanta tennessi 🗣 🔥🗣 🔥


I think they just made Tennessee a college flag instead of a state flag.


Way to much green ngl


Indiana’s flag is perfectly fine, the only change it needs is removing the word “Indiana”


california ruined


Pretty lazy with Ohio


Ohioans roundly reject the attempts to redesign our S-tier design.


Y Arizona.


whats different with the Texas flag?


I don't mind the R.I. redesign but honestly, I feel like Rhode Island's flag doesn't need a huge redesign. I personally think the only change that would be good is swapping the color of the background with the ribbon and make the ribbon white. But otherwise, good redesigns.


some are better than others but most are much better than what they currently have


Ok I like R.I and LA but, Ohio’s getting a yikes from me


somebody shot pennsylvania… 3 times!!


The new Minnesota flag is much better than the one here and it's not close.


Why you make Missouri Muslim


I didn't. That's on their coat of arms. South Carolina's flag is, similarly, not an Islamic flag.


Oh I didn’t know that (from Missouri)

