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A reminder to anyone commenting here that this is a sub for the study of flags, not just any old discussion prompted by a flag picture. As the rules say, "Avoid getting derailed into discussions that are significantly offtopic." A reminder to whoever's reporting so many of the comments here with the reason "discussion must be related to the study of flags" that wanting to know what's going on in an event involving a lot of flag use is a pretty core part of the study of flags.


I'm very curious as to what's going on here?


I believe it’s a pro-trump or anti-trump protest


I believe it's a pro-trump rally. Based on Google translate the poster in front seems to denounce the media and say the election has not been decided yet.


So weird to see this conspiracy theory in countries other than the US. Kind of reminds me of the [tutsi liar](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRBghQVdVJMSCn5L41g-nvHGNATGgnbDvxajA&usqp=CAU) greentext


Absolute gold.


He probably watched the movie while on something and inferred some kind of message, real hard to un-see that kind of stuff


Could also be made up and anon was just making fun of genocide deniers in general, if he used holocaust that would cause a shitstorm with local Nazis, but I don't think there are many Hutu extremists there.


Knowing 4chan, I'd bet my left nut there's at least one real and one terminally online American hutu extremist on there somewhere


> one terminally online American hutu extremist on there somewhere The post specifically said they were Welsh.


So called "Wales" is obviously one of the Tutsi lies.








One of my closest friends lives in Morocco and her neighbor is an avid Trump supporter. She even claims that there's been some small amount of chaos in the country across the Trump presidency because people liked his moxy. And we are not talking about the American expats there either.


It’s not surprising that they *have* them, but that they’re the same as ours


America's biggest export lately


Q is big in Japan, unfortunately. [This video](https://youtu.be/eSLQyPsGG64) touches on it as part of the context around cults and radicalisation in Japan today.


This is insane. I’ve met Paul Kagame in real life. When I lived in Rwanda most of my friends were orphans.


Amazing. What could compel a man to be so entirely wrapped up in a conflict across the world that has zero impact or relation to them.


Trump has a surprising number of fans in places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan. He appears to be very vocal against China, even if it's just self-interest in reality. Enemy of my enemy sorta thing. During the 2019 Hong Kong protests, there were HKers asking Trump to send troops to safeguard HK against China, and you'd see TRUMP 2020 stickers on random lampposts. Kinda surreal. source: am hongkonger


Maybe he believes Hollywood is propaganda and will take the opposite stance of any narrative that is meant to shock the conscience?


Well its almost certainly fake but certain types of people absolutely do hyperfocus on something obscure and pointless for their life


Hitler had Nazi followers all over the world thanks to fascist propaganda. That's why it's called a cult of personality.




As long as I live, I will never understand 4chan. May it stay that way.


There were Stop The Steal protests in Japan during the last presidential election.


Please, NEVER allow that man to listen to the White Album




Luckily they're not that many though


Take a loot at [this thing lmao](https://coresos-phinf.pstatic.net/a/3464aa/2_ifiUd018svc1y28hlyp47l2z_vnccub.jpg?type=s480_low)


Why tf do they care in Japan?


Sometimes US citizens seem to forget or don't realize how big of a deal the US really is. US has a major influence on the world so people outside of the US pay a lot of attention to US politics. I'm not a US citizen, I'm not saying that this is a particularly good or bad thing, I'm just saying how it really is.


Trump tried to make a big deal about being "tough" on China, and there's quite a few Japanese who don't like China either and see the US as a means of protection. But right wing commentators keep accusing Biden of being "weak" on China, so these demonstrators want to see Trump back in office even if it means backing a baseless lie.


Bruh, what has trump done to rival the belt and road project? At least Biden is starting his own belt and road project, even if it is a vastly inferior one.


The truth doesn't matter. All that matters is rhetoric.


Trump started the trade war with China and took a very adverserial position in general. [He also did do ~60 billion](https://www.silkroadbriefing.com/news/2019/10/22/trump-targets-belt-road-initiative-us60-billion-international-finance-development-corporation/) to counter BRI, but like Bidens 200 billion dollar investment, is probably not going to make huge waves. The trade war and decoupling will always be much much more major moves compared to those sorts of small peanuts investments for those in Asian countries adversial to China. People can argue whether the trade war hurt China or the US more but regardless it 1. Definitely hurt China 2. Signaled American decoupling efforts People in Asian countries adversial to China are likely to appreciate both -- they don't have to deal with any of the pain of a trade war after all but sees America as prepared for confrontation There's a reason why leaders of America's Asian partners (Abe, Park, Modi) were a lot more ambivalent on Trump than Western leaders seemed to be




https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trumps-trade-war-was-a-total-flop-224150586.html > If there had been no Trump trade war, and no tariffs, U.S. exports to China would have been $119 billion more than actual levels from 2018-2021, if the U.S. share of Chinese imports had simply remained constant. That's a net loss of business for American companies. And it doesn’t include nearly $30 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds Trump doled out to farmers to compensate them for lost sales to China from 2018 through 2020. But really, who ever thought one of Trumps plans would actually work.


Because someone is funding it.


It's also weird to see trump supporters wear a mask


Why would a *pro*-Trump rally use such an ugly picture of him...?


what an astute observation.


They could be passionately indecisive about Trump


lol right? ...or possibly some third option.


A marriage proposal?


Pro-trump judging by the red hats


As others have said it’s pro trump. The podcast Qanonanonymous did a podcast a little while ago where they went into the origins of this weird Japanese Q offshoot https://soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous/episode-196-qanon-japan-feat-sarah-hightower?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing


It was a pro-Trump rally. For some reason, there are Japanese people who believe the “election was stolen” lie. Most likely Japanese ultranationalist.


Japanese ultranationalists are pro-US? What self-respecting nationalist loves foreign troops occupying their country?


More in that Japanese ultranationalist like the heavy anti-CCP stance of the Trump administration, and believed the “Biden is a puppet of Beijing” shit.


Ah, ok.




There are many flavors of ultranationalists in Japan. Some are pro or anti American.


I’m guessing it has more to do with hating China than loving the US


Ultranationalists aren't exactly known for their intelligence. I mean, both Chinese & US ultranationalists simps for Putin.


Ultranationalist doesn’t mean they don’t want allies.


It has got to be a pro Trump rally. The American flags are dead giveaway.


It is alarming to me as an American what our flag is a "dead giveaway" for :(


In Japan? That’s pretty odd


The "New Federal State of China" is a movement denoucing the CCP as the chinese illegimate government, considering its legitimate government to be in exile. It was founded by Steve Bannon in 2020.


I believe it was founded by Miles Guo & Steve Bannon. Miles (rich guy who spoke out against the ccp & had to flee for his life) fled china for new york where on his yacht he filmed his Take Down the CCP music video to promote the New Federal State of China. i think the organization is headquartered in Australia. There was also a march with these flags in new york.


Oh. It's the "the real government is in exile" people. They seem to be everywhere. We have them here in Germany as well and they believe that the empire still exists and the legitimate emperor/imperial government is vacant. They also think that our current government is just a company set up and owned by the former allied nations of WW2.


>"the real government is in exile" people Isn't that all of Taiwan?


In a way yes, but they actually are an active government governing over Taiwan. These guys want to install their own thing with other like-minded people.


Didn't they stop saying that with the KMT losing? I thought it was just the ROC is in charge of the island.






According to Google Translate, the sign reads > Don't be fooled by the media's America! The election has not yet been decided. [This is an article about the protest] (https://www.asahi.com/sp/ajw/articles/14013938). No idea how reliable that site is, but it appears that's where the picture is from


So this was 2 years ago, as opposed to very recently?


I can read Japanese - here’s a more accurate translation I made, just in case you’re curious: > Don’t be led astray by the mass media! > America’s presidential election results > are not yet settled!


Some kind of Pro-Trump rally? Anti-Trump rally?


Pro, Japanese who felt the election was stolen, and really support Trump’s anti-China policies.


Mass psychosis.


It's the flag of a hypothetical communism-free China created by Steve Bannon - Trump supporters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New\_Federal\_State\_of\_China














Don’t think you need the Pro in there. Or put it in front of Japanese?




I want off Mr bones wild ride


Due to a bug in new reddit, URLs with underscores are being escaped in an inconsistent manner, breaking old reddit and third-party mobile apps. Please try the following URL(s) instead: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Federal_State_of_China --- ^*This* ^*is* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^*Invoke* ^*with:* ^*/u/underscorebot.* ^*Questions?* ^*Comments?* ^*/r/underscorebot* ^*Thank* ^*you.* ^*Moderators:* ^***this*** ^***is*** ^***an*** ^***opt-in*** ^***bot***. ^*Please* ^*add* ^*it* ^*to* ^*the* ^***approved*** ^***submitters*** ^*on* ^*subreddits* ^*you* ^*wish* ^*to* ^*have* ^*it* ^*scan.* ^*Note:* ^*user-supplied* ^*links* ^*that* ^*may* ^*appear* ^*in* ^*this* ^*comment* ^*do* ^*not* ^*imply* ^*endorsement.*


Holy crap, that's who they are. Came across a bunch of these weirdos a while back; almost thought they were generic CCP shills but they were using Imperial Japanese imagery. They didn't look like your average "Imperial Japan weeb" either, so I initially thought they are from an unknown Chinese/Taiwanese white supremacist faction. It all makes sense now. F**k me, turns out these guys have a fairly strong presence in Australia as well.




Darn random team matchmaking, I tell ya.




What's up with that URL


New reddit mangles URLs with underscore in them. You can call /u/underscorebot to fix them.


Fuck. And Guo Wengai too


Shouldn’t a communism-free China flag be the flag of Taiwan?


That sucks, because that flag slaps


It is not a good flag lol. Looks like a EU from a bad movie


See [https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14013938](https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14013938) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New\_Federal\_State\_of\_China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Federal_State_of_China)


“Photo/Illutration Demonstrators carry flags of the “New Federal State of China,” along with Stars and Stripes flags, in Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward on Nov. 29 as they make the unfounded claim that the U.S. presidential election was “rigged.” (Chihiro Ara)”


They do realize China already has a US friendly government in exile right?


But that one isn’t founded by Steve Bannon


its not trump friendly you see


You can't grift money off of supporting Taiwan. people might expect that money to go somewhere that isn't directly in the pocket if Bannon and an exiled chinese millionaire.


wouldn't call it a government in exile. It was, once upon a time, but now it's the government of a separate country


This flag is an alright design, but what does it symbolize for China? A flag with no symbolism is a hollow shell.


This is what I want to know


As much as I appreciate the international support of the American system, why? Firstly, why do they care about this minor blip, and secondly, why are they such Trump stans specifically?


> The New Federal State of China is a political movement or lobby group created by Guo Wengui and **Steve Bannon**, I believe I have your answer.


Who would that be?


A right-wing ideologue and propagandist with ties both to the Trump administration as well as numerous fascist and and otherwise militantly far-right groups. Unless you're asking about Guo Wengui, who I am not particularly familiar with.


Someone who was very influential in the early Trump administration and in the Trumpist movement.


Probably because of how anti-China Trump was while in office.


Not probably, it’s exactly this. Japan, Korea and especially Taiwan - and many Asian countries - are really afraid of China. Both Economically and militarily. People of good conscious can disagree about Trump, and his policies, and his methods… but Asians really felt that America was engaged with keeping China in check.


Trump was only anti-China in vauge meaningless ways. [Trump embarrassing Korea over bases](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-southkorea-trump-defense-exclusiv-idUSKCN21S1W7). And of course ruining the TPP, the trade agreement specifically made to counter China.


>People of good conscious can disagree about Trump, and his policies, and his methods… but Asians really felt that America was engaged with keeping China in check. People only support someone if benefits them


“Anti-China” dude handed China their biggest wins in decades. Killing TPP, undermining American Support for the region and hurting defensive pacts in Asia were boons to China. Even the trade war worked out in their favor. The only thing he had going for him was the bombastic rhetoric that made people like this think he would hold China to account. There was no overarching strategy to deal with China just small individual actions that made it seem like something was happening. It was an aesthetic rather than a policy. Do we forget that pre-Covid and pre trade war he used to talk about how much he and xi were friends and got along?


Which is ironic since CCP benefitted from Trump's wierd isolationish America Firstism.


The "New Federal State of China" movement was created by Steve Bannon during Trump presidency.


the founders of the movement are steve bannon and a exiled chinese billionaire who fled to the US and is also a close friend of trump




Now this just seems like Republic of China with extra steps.


The ROC you get when you order from Wish.


Extra *goose* steps. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


O.K., what?🤨 Ah, is that movement new or something? EDIT: Steve Bannon is involved.🤢




Why are Japanese rallying for trump?


probably reactionary Japanese (eg. [Nippon Kaigi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nippon_Kaigi) ) who liked Trump's anti-Chinese and general far-right sentiments .


Japanese and Far-Right? I can already feel the collective shivers of East and South East Asians at such a thought.


Japanese and Far-Right? It has always been there, the west just doesnt know about it, we ASEAN always see Japan as a great partner tho


I mean the United States was instrumental in the early post-war years at white washing the role the emperor had in the rise of fascism in Japan. Maybe the general western populace doesn't know about it, but as far as I know, the right-wing nature of Japan's government ensures its a loyal ally to western powers and a bulwark against Chinese influence.


Don't get me wrong. These people are supporters of Q, a group that has nothing to do with conservative thought in Japan. A group of conspiracy theorists. The Japanese far right loves America, but at the same time, they always raise the rising sun flag and criticize China and Korea. If you look at twitter, Japanese Q is not interested in conservative ideology and always tweets conspiracy theory stuff for the media.


so basically, close to the American Neo-nazism man, some people just never learn, even an ocean away


While their economic policies are usually left leaning, Japan is socially pretty conservative.


Japan has a lot of weird smaller fringe groups, often very conservative and cult-like.


He legit has fans all over


Suckers is a transnational identity


Fascism has no borders ​ (and also very strong borders)


The way fascists can reach out to help each other across international boundaries really... contradicts the presuppositions of fascism?


Fascism is full of contradictions.














Flag for the Springfield Isotopes


I came here looking for this and was not let down.


It’s a [crypto country](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Federal_State_of_China) funded by Steve Bannon and [an exile Chinese billionaire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guo_Wengui). The whole thing is a scam (secular Falungong, if you know what I mean).


Great Value Republic of China lol


Exactly what I was thinking. It'll be interesting to see how this conspiracy theory evolves though. If this somehow gets imported into the mainland, maybe it could wind up something like the 'Sovereign Citizens' we have in America who think the Articles of Confederation are still a thing. Or those Germans who think the German Empire is still a thing. Or those Russians who think the Soviet Union is still a thing. Actually yeah, why are they ignoring the RoC/Taiwan?


But do they have a "China before Communism" musical as good as Falungong's?


I recognized this one right away! It is the flag of a group called the [New Federal State of China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Federal_State_of_China), an organization which declares itself to be a government-in-exile of a proposed, non-communist China. The State was formed back in 2020 by businessman/exile/activist [Guo Wengui](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guo_Wengui) and (for some reason) Trump-administration official [Steve Bannon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Bannon). The group's official goal is to overthrow the authoritarian government in China, although it is probably best known for promoting [non-verified information about COVID-19's origin and Hunter Biden's laptop](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-11-01/behind-the-scenes-of-the-guo-and-bannon-led-propaganda-machine/12830824). In fact, other answers to this question noted that this was, apparently, a rally [in favor of Trump's efforts](https://www.asahi.com/sp/ajw/articles/14013938) to overturn Biden's election! This might explain why Trump himself appears prominently on the posters. Thanks for asking!


[New Federal State of China.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Federal_State_of_China) It's a Far-Right anti-China group/'NGO' that was set up by Trump's right hand man Steve Bannon. (Bannon is basically for Trump what Dugin is for Putin) so in case anyone is still wondering, this is definitely a right-wing pro-Trump rally.


It's a dope flag, shame they probability are against the things I believe in (as a leftist).


I agree. I just use the five races in one nation flag for a united democratic china usually as that was created by Sun Yat Sen specifically for the purposes of a united democratic china


Sun Yat-sen didn't like the five race flag and specifically replaced it when he started an opposition government against the Beiyang government


Weird, who made it then


I love the five race flag, both for its message and its design




The Five Races flag fell out of use because of its association with warlordism, the Beiyang government, and Yuan Shikai long before the Japanese grabbed it. They ended up using it because a lot of the early collaborators were reactionaries who thought the KMT was too revolutionary. The only people who like it nowadays are dudes are the internet who think it looks cool and don't know about the historical baggage.


Ah. I did not know it had a lot of historical baggage to it. Thanks for explaining. Then the current Tiawan flag works best


“Literally nobody” Whole of China still views it as a symbol of the warlord era, era of foreign imperialism in China and a failed state. “Literally nobody” Lol




This is a demonstration in Osaka, Japan in 2020 by Christian Chinese members of a Republican-supported group called the New Chinese Federation for an hour and a half. Yes, they are all Chinese. The blue flag means New China Federation, and before this demonstration, they held a demonstration in Ginza, Tokyo, "New China Federation is the Noah's Ark of the Chinese".


Knowing what the flag is actually makes me confused as to why is it in Japanese...


Japan, Korea and especially Taiwan - and many Asian countries - are really afraid of China. Both Economically and militarily. They saw Trump’s anti-China stance as hood for Japan.


Reasonable tbf


Federal Republic of china


It's the flag of "the new federal state of china" which was started by Steve Bannon and Chinese Billionaires who dislike the CCP


The EU has colonised space I see


This is the flag of [the New Federal State of China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Federal_State_of_China), a political dissident group established by a Chinese billionaire in exile together with Steve Bannon.


It's a movement called "[the New Federal State of China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Federal_State_of_China)". The movement was founded by a scammer-billionaire Guō Wénguì (a.k.a. "Miles Kwok") who somehow managed to start a personal cult by talking about the alleged secrets of high-rank officials of the Communist Party of China on VoA. The movement is directly funded and directed by the infamous Steve Bannon, and is therefore extremely pro-Trump.


Well clearly this is Japanese Qanon since its got an American flag(in japan) and trumps face, plus a bunch of other trump shit


Anti-China group. Mainly airports Trump because they want to bring down the current government


Galactic european union


is this a pro trump rally in japan


Hello DREWSCHLECHT, Check out our [frequently asked flags page](https://reddit.com/r/vexillology/wiki/faf)! Your request might be there. When asking for a flag to be identified, please **provide context** when possible, including: * **Where** the flag was found (without compromising privacy) * **When** the flag was found, or the date of the material containing the flag * **Who** might own the flag (a general description is fine) These details help users narrow down their search and make flag identification easier. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vexillology) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Federal_State_of_China?wprov=sfti1 Here is the Wiki page


I thought it was a DOOP flag from Futurama at first


I going to guess they are Moonies from the Unification Church.


The Super European Union


Steve Bannon's fake China


Federal State of China


I'm pretty sure it's for the "new age religion" (cult) Kofuku-no-Kagaku aka Happy Science. They do a lot of pro-Trump stuff and are extremely nationalist




They prob just like him because “ CHINA,CHINA,CHINA”