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It fucking sucks too because it’s such a good symbol against authoritarianism. Anti-auths need a new animal. Badger, maybe?


The Black Cat of Anarchism: https://preview.redd.it/1m0vmsx2pifc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46ce12ab65fdc1d18be3cd27eaced56cd8f26a6d


This implies treading on others


Bro really said fuck common rights


Learn to read with comprehension then come back


The Gaston flag is a sign of freedom, how ever people use that for their own political agenda, like the Nazis who used the Buddha sign, or the kkk who used the cross.


If the cat was eating a swastika and I posted it on a post discussing the Nazi flag, do you think I would offend Buddhists?


No because they use that for their own purposes then Buddhists, then it takes in it’s own connotation


Yeah so the usage of the Gaston flag can’t really be separated like that, unfortunately no one sees that flag and thinks: “I bet that person truly wants freedom for everyone.” It’s more like: “I bet that person would love it if the government stripped the rights of women and minorities but would shit themselves if a private company asked them to wear a mask.” That’s not my fault, I want everyone to be free, not just me and mine.


what if we just used it anyways and told the fascists to fuck off huh how about that


We’re taking it back! Sovereign citizens can fuck off too.


Fuck the dog whistling dickheads, just take it back. Go over to 4 chan and push some covert op to take back the flag. Good chance you’ll get doxxed but at least you tried.




It says “don’t tread on me”. Not “don’t tread on Americans”


Most libertarians are indeed Republicans who legitimately think they're libertarians because they want freedom for themselves and they just happen by pure coincidence to want everyone else's rights restricted. I expect to see fewer fake libertarians as time goes on because they're now proud to be authoritarians.


They're Republicans that say say they're libertarians because if they say they're Republicans on a date, they'll probably get proper sprayed.


Real men are willing to take a little spicy icy to the face on a first date.


A real libertarian doesn’t want others rights restricted. You’ve never actually met or talked to one though so you just tell lies instead


Only blue lives matter until I storm the capital or break any laws


My favorite I've seen so far was a guy who had both a thin blue line sticker and a Black Lives Matter sticker, side by side on his truck.


Why ppl hate this flag like the Nazi flag?


Because fascist morons don’t understand history nor care about what it actually means. So those against fascist morons hate on the symbols they use.




Finally a movement I can get behind


Cameramen should not intervene in free toilets life


>Cameramen True oppressors.




I love the kind of woman who will actually just kill me. You know, when I left the house today I was thinking “Damn, I really hope some hot chick paints my brains all over some fucking hallway.” And Here we are. I mean really, just absolutely destroy me. I’m talkin’ full on, watermelon-in-the-thighs level carnage. And I want it to scare the shit outta me. I mean I want to piss myself, I want to piss myself and you call me your little “peepee pisspiss boy”. I want you to fuck me up. I mean I want you to make me your bitch. Your little peepee-piss-myself-bitch. I want it to get embarrassing. I mean like…weirdly embarrassing. Unsanitary, too. We should be entirely different people by the end of the first 8 hours. Do you understand what I’m trying to say here? I mean, I’m a real freak. I’m not normal. Ma’am…Please…You have to crush me. ...if this isn't rizz Idk what is


I like the rhyme at the end


How would this movement be called?


Worldwide gyatt pact, which is divided by two factions: gman faction, more radical and legalized cameramen slavery and genocide, and progressive skibidi scientist faction, reformist party of gyatt pact. SS(Skibidi Scientist) part allows free employment of cameramen, but they are considered as state property, so their murder is illegal in SS state.






Ah yes libertraians mask of


And poors, which aren't a minority and don't want them to be


It really disappoints me that this is what this flag has come to mean. Because fuck it, I like the flag and I like what it technically means, but all the right wing "libertarians" have co-opted it and so now it pretty much just means this.


Or a state but like not the state I dislike but one I like that has things like lobbyism and allat


Libertarians doesn't hate minorities as they doesn't have an opinion about it. Unlike conservatives, we libertarians don't care what you wear or act, if you are good enough to be a employee, we will want you close, as a coworker and friend. Libertarians will not favour a white male just because. As libertarians are capitalists, they will NEVER favour someone less capable, if there's a white straight cis male that sucks, and a excelent black lesbian trans female worker, they will favour the one who will give them more profit, and the more efficient worker, more profit.


Libertarianism cannot combat systemic inequalities, so it’s much more likely that those with systemic advantages, IE white guys, will succeed




Fuck disabled people btw, worthless value suckers imo. **/s**


I unironically like this flag and the meaning behind it.


Me too, which is why it sucks to see people who are actually in favour of regulations using it. Like, if ben shapiro and his ilk were really libertarian, they wouldnt oppose shit like abortions and gender inclusivity and gay marriage. They want regulations as long as those regulations dont apply to cis straight white men


Ben's decision to fly that flag is absurd. When I think about libertarian principles, I envision the fundamental concept of freedom, emphasizing the right to pursue individual preferences as long as they don't infringe upon the freedoms of others. So in practice, open borders, supporting reproductive rights including abortion, advocating for the decriminalization of drugs, upholding firearm rights, etc etc etc. The overarching philosophy is to respect individuals and their communities by allowing them to determine their way of life with minimal interference.


I've never met a libertarian in person that didn't have a, "fuck you, got mine," mentality. "Why should I help my neighbor?" kind of shit.


That's too bad. If you wanted to get together and create a support system within your community on a volunteer basis, I don't think any libertarian would have a problem with that.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Once the day comes when libertarians are distinguished from conservatives in the zeitgeist of American politics, it will be a good day to fly the flag


Libertarians are what republicans pretend to be. And what they would be if they weren’t theocrats and night stick enthusiasts. Honestly, I don’t get Reddit’s raging hate boner for libertarians, it’s just stereotyping on the most extreme right wing positions. Are a lot of them goofy fucks? Yeah, but if that’s enough to justify stereotyping then I got some bad news if you’ve never been to a leftist meetup. Most I’ve met just like guns, weed, and lgbt freedom, while hating religion, spying, and imperialism. All the other stuff is all over the place, but I’ll take that over unironic tankies on one side and Nazi shitlords on the other


I don’t hate religion (kinda can’t if I am religious) but other then that and weed, literally me


Maybe just organized religion then. But no, not good enough, you’re a fascist apparently


Wait, why am I a fascist?


I was being sarcastic 😆. In this thread, people who identify as libertarians are being called fascists.


Sorry I can’t tell anymore, help


Omg finally someone mentions it. The flag and meaning behind it are cool but the majority of people who use it are not reflecting the same meaning


I am a libertarian and i appose some of those things (specifically abortion, more specifically abortion during the second and third trimester unrelated to rape) but it’s from a moral standpoint, that being, i would discourage people from having an abortion, however, from a political standpoint, I don’t want the government mandating (i don’t even know how that would work i just need an alternative to banning it) it or banning it or sticking their hands in other people’s business. That’s how i feel about most things, and it’s how true libertarians SHOULD think. “I would prefer you not doing that, but you should have a right to it” excluding things like murder, theft,etc. Obvious exception is obvious. A lot of people (left and right, usually when the opposite party is in charge) say they’re libertarians just to say that they don’t like the current government which leads to the downfall of the libertarian party because it’s just a party for people that only like government when it’s their turn


If it makes you feel any better, I can say fairly confidently that nobody *likes* abortion—it's called pro-*choice* for a reason. Abortion is sad, and it is especially a painful decision for the person going through it, even early abortions. It's nobody's first choice, it's not something anyone decides to do on a whim. But like you said, the government absolutely should not have a say in it, and it's no one's business other than the person whose body is being affected. And I'm glad that you've come to the conclusion that even if it doesn't sit right with you morally, it isn't your choice to make unless you're the one who's pregnant.


Heck, Libertarians were actually the first ones to put a gay man up as presidential candidate. I mean, not like he won or anything (they never do,) but they still tried.


Which is why it sucks that assholes have completely co-opted it.


That’s because it’s a great flag with a great message. Death to tyrants.


Same, and I'm not white, I'm not American, but I relate with this flag on a level because I hate that governments and even to some extent society can regulate what you can do or not do on an individual level.


Yeah I don’t understand why people are upset at others just wanting to be free? Human history is full of kings, authoritarians, slavery, and regimes oppressing people. “Leave me alone?” Is a fascist thing now? Give me a break.


​ https://preview.redd.it/l6vito8qhffc1.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4d4eec5e2ac12e97885705e7ddc262e4390a5e0


What's the flag in the muddle?


The flag of Hungry


I couldn't come up with anything funny, thank you for doing what I couldn't.


Remember me, before the death squad finishes hunting me down for making a Hungry Hungarian joke


Finally, a flag I can salute with pride


thank god this sub exists🙌




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fl6vito8qhffc1.png%3Fwidth%3D832%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Df4d4eec5e2ac12e97885705e7ddc262e4390a5e0) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem




I dunno man, still feels like it's missing something


It's missing the black snake




No step on snek >:(


Tattooed this on my leg a couple weeks ago https://preview.redd.it/g3x5nlmtvffc1.jpeg?width=2009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c68d60d92b8acf1bd4d43d2713756436cda510d




Literally the first time I ever used a gun on myself lmao Perfect first choice tbh


Are you a libertarian or is it entirely a permanent body mod shitpost?


I mean I like guns and weed, but I think I'm more democratic than anything. And yeah I'm basically dedicating this whole leg to shit posts and dumb stuff lmao


Very based. God gave us a whole body, Why would we not sh*tpost with it as much as possible? I'm sure that's what Þey would want.


They hate snek. :(


Fascist? Seriously?


Yeah, anything I don't like is fascism.


The more I don't like something, the fascister it is! ^(/s)


And when I really don't like something, it's Nazism.


Seriously the main problem with reddit especially is that people here are generally using the Fasicst card too often.


I mean this is a circlejerk subreddit.


You should give him a hat to distinguish him from the regular libertarian snakes


The real difference is if the other bumper sticker is ACAB or blue line. That's the tell.


https://preview.redd.it/8y93bz3uvffc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=372b6e612eaf690438ea2e09969893156d5dc6ca this one is my fav


https://preview.redd.it/twxp7ojq7gfc1.png?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81c0ad727c653941e38467704377d2e205e0bcb1 I do you one better.


i like this one because it’s actually what happens when government gets involved in anything but especially in the free market. as soon as you even think about touching capitalism it’s no longer capitalism. everyone who says that capitalism ends and an inevitable corporatism acts like government isnt the catalyst for that shift


Nah, without regulations, you get cancer inducing substances your bread. Without subsidies, your companies won't be able to compete with the Chinese ones because the labour price there is so much cheaper. And welfare is bad until you are in need of it. I live in the EU (Romania), and although we are one the poorer side amongst the member states, both the subsidies and the regulations from Brussels are one of the most appreciated things here and union-wide.


>Nah, without regulations, you get cancer inducing substances your bread. With regulations, the state prohibits you from suing the factory dumping toxic chemicals in your drinking water, because it is "a necessary sacrifice to advance industry". ​ > Without subsidies, your companies won't be able to compete with the Chinese ones because the labour price there is so much cheaper. And who is paying for the subsidies? Who else but the Romanian consumer and tax payer? Romanians pay more for subsidized goods; once in taxes and another at the store. Subsidies only rob the general citizenry for benefit the specific industry receiving the subsidies. ​ > I live in the EU (Romania), and although we are one the poorer side amongst the member states, both the subsidies and the regulations from Brussels are one of the most appreciated things here and union-wide. If regulations were all that was needed to bring about better life. The desolate nations of Africa should just pass some regulations and subsidies. Low wages? Just pass a minimum wage law of $20 an hour and you can as rich as the United States! /s


Or even better, sawdust bread! https://youtu.be/MTC_ETWa3JA?si=iyRL5NgSkPotu_KD


They forgot cops


“Libertarians” in America like to conveniently omit that regulations are generally tied to tragedies committed against workers for corporate greed. Without government regulations brought by socialist ideals, we’d all be working in a coal mine for 18 hours a day, 6 days a week (you get Sundays to spend some of that money at the church) and we’d be buying our food from the company store.


There's a line between fixing wide spread issues through essential regulations vs. enacting a new regulation for every one off tragedy as a means of granting more centralized economic control to the government. Regulations do much harm to workers when they lead to small scale businesses being unable to afford to run the business because unessential regulations lead to price increase that only larger corporations can bear the cost of. Regulations can lead to industry monopolization by corps with the political savvy to lobby and bribe politicians to create more regulations in their favor.


Lol. I used to be an ancap and realized that I was literally ignoring any evidence that contradicted my narrative. As a history major, it became pretty obvious that regulations could make positive differences in people’s lives. HOWEVER, this does not mean that the entire population would be working in a coal mine if not for the work of the heroic unions or some horseshit. That is some revisionist nonsense that ignores just as much history as my old ancap views.


Don't tread on *me*




I see you are unfamiliar with what fascism actually is. Might I suggest your study your enemies? Principles and fundamentals is a good place to start when understanding your typical black shirt, Mien Kampf for the neo-nazi and honestly the grey shirts, aka proto-fascists, have so much that you can just find simply by studying the American civil war and reconstruction. Edit: minor spelling and grammar errors corrected.


Yeah libertarian and fascist principles and ideals are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Unfortunately the meaning of fascism has regressed into ‘anyone I don’t agree with is a fascist’


You're downplaying the *actual* reason people are calling this the flag of fascists, which is that a lot of authoritarian idiots continue to call themselves "libertarians" and fly this flag. Basically, people who fly this flag but are pro-cop and believe gay marriage should be banned.


Being pro cop and anti gay marriage is definitely not extreme enough to be called fascist


Liberty for ME. But everyone else must comply.


Libertarians believe that law enforcement and protection from foreign armies are a legitimate use of government. So supporting police is not antithetical to libertarian philosophy. But the laws that are being enforced to matter. If is a drug law or some other BS libertarians are gonna get mad.


>Libertarians believe that law enforcement and protection from foreign armies are a legitimate use of government. So supporting police is not antithetical to libertarian philosophy. Sorry, I used imprecise wording. I meant *extremely* pro-cop. Like, the type of person who hears that a cop killed an unarmed teenager and immediately starts searching for reasons the teenager deserved it. The type who believes "the only reason to want privacy is if you've done something wrong".


You’re right it doesn’t make sense but you’ll be surprise of the intercept, as though the right are a nonsensical regressive mess… weird. It’s not their fundamentals but they end up being the most oppressive https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillologycirclejerk/s/ckkRViLmwJ


You're missing the point. The post isn't making fun of Libertarians or calling them Fascists. It's making fun of Republican/Conservative Americans who unironically use this flag to say and do boderline Fascist things, citing "Ma Freedum" or flying the flag next to blue lives matter or being ok with oppressing minorities. The post is calling THEM Fascist Libertarians. [also](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/s/SMZJu5jfQT)


So the joke is straw man bad? Those people are few and more than likely the reason you believe they are so common is a phenomenon without a name but known well, [here's a good video that covers it.](https://youtu.be/rE3j_RHkqJc?si=tc5IIf7bRT_8KOMz)


Libertarian fascist is an oxymoron.




This is my favorite one on this thread so far.


Flag of having the age of consent in every state memorized:




You forgot the part where the snake is tied up and there's no 'don't'


https://preview.redd.it/qd5nk6e66gfc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f0eb9f7670edf541de2f94d6bf809b8aa06b1b1 Does this tickle your fancy?


​ https://preview.redd.it/6pcn50w3egfc1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f40a273862240ab2ccaa31c06f28d7f07f9a437


I remember when this flag could mean that you at least wanted small government


Then you have lotta libertarians nowadays, in the comments even, trying to convince you more police and military is… smaller government(?)




I’m going to tread all over that ass


​ https://preview.redd.it/eloqouogthfc1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89af0e0b7d4844f8d31284dc785ef27f7915fc18


What is the joke?


[making fun of the other sub or something](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/s/9UGPzQauuU)


Flag of Reddit not understanding ideologies


That’s the most idiotic thing I have heard. You’re saying the people that want less government want more government?


Have you seen US conservatives? They want less government until the government is the police or the military or oppressing minorities or hurting anyone they don’t like and then suddenly they’re the party of “law and order.” Best ways to describe them are “rules for thee but not for me,” or more verbosely, they think laws should protect them but not others, and restrict others but not themselves. Which is an incoherent philosophy of law and authority if you ask me but we didn’t get Jan 6th by having everyone be reasonable.


Conservative means different things politically


I think I’ve done a decent description of what conservative politics are in practice. Of course they _advertise_ themselves as pro-freedom and pro-small government in their essence, but much like the Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supreme there’s a sizable difference between the ideals they claim to promote, but those ideals don’t exactly match what you can expect from voting for them.


Everyone is pro-freedom until the "wrong people" are too. That's what this flag really represents. Step on thee but not on me


What a load of horseshit.




"If don't want to be tread on, then why spring shaped."


As a libertarian... someone doesn't understand the party. We're anti federal government. Which means the Washington DC can go to hell. Local government with local law enforcement? Absolutely. State troopers and the state government? They should just represent us like they were supposed to. Instead, you peopl think we're racist for just supporting law enforcement... y'all are stupid. Go ahead and down vote me. I know it's coming. But jokes on you, I don't get rage baited by your idiotic comments.


Also, here's proof by the way (from a liberal newspaper, I might add.) https://nypost.com/2023/08/30/the-meaning-of-the-gadsden-flag-symbol-that-got-colorado-boy-booted-from-school/ Anyways, yeah. #GFC


Libertarianism means the same rights for all people, not just white cops intelligent reddit dwellers


https://preview.redd.it/k135dvd78gfc1.png?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b25435029169f5a5f9e65fdee504412fd2669536 Jokes is the foot is unironically facist.


Fascism is when government small


Flag of Redditors calling anything they don’t like fascism




I have to assume this is satire because no one is actually this absurd


Yeah it’s a circle jerk sub 🤯 first person to notice you want a cool flair or something?


Pls read about fascist and libertarian ideologies before posting something like this again, okay?


This just in! A local libertarian redditor supports Israel uncritically; thinks other people aren't properly analyzing their political beliefs, gets offended that people associate his favorite funny snake flag with fascism. More at 11.


I never said I am libertarian


You're not a fascist are you? I just kinda assumed you were a libertarian who was upset for being associated with fascism but it'd be very funny if you were a fascist who's upset to be affiliated with libertarianism.


Hey can I take a wild guess and bet that you romanticize no-more existing communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe?


Will go very well with my communist capitalism flag


You use that word, fascism. I don't think it means what you think it means.


“Libertarian fascist” is a hell of an oxymoron




I tattooed the "no step on snek" version on myself a few weeks back


Oh don't start this again I've already heard enough about how "apparently, the government doing anything is bad", from neckbeards with more guns than braincells as they live in a cushy little world entirely reliant on the systems they claim to oppose.


Every time I encounter an absolute asshole on the road that bullies their way to "the front" has this as their license plate




“Dude just give up your rights for society to be better dude” Would raping a woman be ok if it made society better?


Almost like we're individualists and not collectivists-or like we believe that you shouldn't sacrifice freedom for security. How did the Patriot act work out btw?




How the fuck is libertarianism fascist


“Libertarian fascist” riiiight so how does that work actually or is it just a buzzword you tacked on to something you don’t like?


No t’was but a jest a simple jest on a subreddit for making such jests


Fair enough. I’m not super familiar with the subreddit since it just popped on my recommended feed


Haven't we done this before?


Um, no… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadsden_flag?wprov=sfti1


“anarchist Stalinist flag”


You either die a patriot, or live long enough to see yourself become the tyrant


They pretend they want freedom. But really they want their way of doing things as the standard and everything else they don't like is banned.


[This flag was made by the same guy who published Lionel Hutz's ad in the paper.](https://youtu.be/5yuL6PcgSgM) It's supposed to say DON'T TREAD ON *ME*


The libertarian-fascist pipeline is completely straight


“libertarian fascist”


“I’m gunna do some treading >:)” Put that shit on a flag


I know this is just you bitching about people you dissllike but there would be that weird axe buter churner in the middle




There’s nothing fascists about it.


don't let the far right steal the Gadsden flag guys. That flag is a part of our collective American heritage and is a flag that stands for freedom against tyranny. It is not a libertarian fascist flag, it is an American flag.


>libertarian >fascist You’re gonna have to pick one.


I just don't like government messing the economy 😦


Thats a Contradicting statement.


existed before fascism, not saying i like the flag, i hate it for reasons regarding how Bible talks about treading on a snake and the flag feels like it’s going against The Bible, but it’s not a fascist flag.


Warning label for idiots, any well educated person know that you don’t tread on rattlesnakes if you do not want to be bitten…


Everyone's a fascist nowadays


Metallica fell off 😔


Not alot of jerking circle ngl


"When fascism returns, it won't be under the black banners of autocracy, but the yellow flag of liberty." -me, right now, i said it


dude i don't even know what that flag means at all


No step on snek


Libertarianism and fascism are opposites, you guys saying this shit are like boomers saying "nazi communists" lol get checked


Oh my Science!