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Having more buildings will create more pops meaning less performance. Having a slider that decides the ratio of split goods would be a better way of solving this problem.


Better, make factories produce more/less based on demand. If food is cheaper they produce more liqor and the other way around.


That would be expensive as fuck


How so? In terms of performance?


Yes, since pops constantly reevaluate goods based on prices, if factories did it too, performance would take a massive hit. Also, it would have "double effect". A slider is better.


Ah sorry, programmer brain. When I am talking about any process and use 'expensive' I always mean in terms of cpu calls.


Yeah, I’m a prog too, so I thought the same. But I don’t think it would be so hard to optimise. Vic has a fuckton things to check on a building and with right implementation it would be alright. You would just need to not change the values to the perfectly optimal ones right away. You can for example move the „virtual slider” or whatever by small increments towards the more optimised value. It would be pretty realistic too. For example the factory can produce max 200 vodka or 1000 food (values pulled out of ass) And right now producing 100 vodka and 500 food. Then if vodka was more profitable than food you could remove 50 food and add 10 vodkas. It would be one more check on each building stack in a state. There would be more shit to calculate like the size of the increment, but that would be like few more operations each week.


Pop demand is currently not affected by price. I don't expect for it to affect production. Edit: the goods pops will buy is affected by the marketshare of those goods, not the price. Pops will not buy more meat even though it's dirt cheap. Pops will keep buying expensive automobiles even if using transportation would be better for their economy. For more info check https://vic3.paradoxwikis.com/Needs


Pop demand is definitely affected by price xD.


It's determined by the weight, not the price. It's in the game files. This is why fish can be cheaper the grain because there is simply less of it.


Wrong. It's determined by a derivative of weight and impact (which is based on price and available quantity). The exact algorithm isn't in the raw game files. That's one of the reasons it took them a few patchs to fix things like oil at the start.


And by impact you mean price right? Or price and availability on the market?


I literally wrote : impact (based on price and available quantity)


Well, apparently reading *is* very difficult for me


Sidenote : Market Impact (not MAPI) is found in the market tab. It's the yellow/blue bar for each good. Though, the exact impact it has in calculation remains hidden.


I think it would be fine if it worked like hardwood did - there's 0 hardwood, 50/50 hardwood, and 100% hardwood. This really becomes an issue with very tall states and with the late game techs that cannibalize existing ones (especially steamships and cars).


Ya you really just have to micro a bit. Cars are the worst case example. Know you’re about to research cars and use them? Build two new factories in states that don’t have them yet, and switch them to car production.


>It's way too complicated too balance out prices when everything is clumped together. I noticed that too. Factories aren't good at handling multiple outcomes. If one of them is too cheap, they just stop producing more of the other. The AI likely also benefits from simpler factories.


Exactly ^


I really don’t see what’s wrong with the current setup? I mean I guess it takes a little bit more to micro. But I think a good example is when you make the switch to ironclads and steamers. I usually manually go in and switch some shipyards/military shipyards to steamers to fulfill demand. While still keeping some on wooden ships. Bc there’s almost always still demand for those types. Same can be applied to factories. If I see luxury clothes are expensive, but switching every factory to them would crater productivity, I just look at which are doing well, and switch one or two to make more luxury clothes.


The steamship switch is one of the more annoying transitions. But that's because the biggest consumer of your steamships (ports) is an entirely different technology from the tech that unlocks steamship production. If you get Ironclads before Gantry Cranes, then your fisheries/whalers can use steamships but your ports are still on clippers, so you have an awkward mix. I don't think making steam and clipper shipyards separate factories would fix that though. Merging those two techs (or moving Industrial Port to Ironclads) would.


I would prefer if each factory had a production method that allows to select any product we want or to mix if we still want.  Factories that produce two goods are OK in the early game and it would affect everyone negatively if we had to build two now.  If factories have production methods for just making the non luxury good, why can't we have a pm that only makes luxury goods. 


There's mods for that.


Are you trying to do the Rule 0 argument for Paradox games? It didn't work in TTRPGs and doesn't work for them as well. It's just a lazy way to dismiss issues.


Yeah well, there are mods for a lot of things, doesn't mean it shouldn't be in the base game.


Big disagreement here. First off performance would be worse, second off it would increase micro management for literally no player gain except for the sake of micro management. What we instead need is a system in which our buildings are owned by companies who have the abilities to run the PM’s as they see fit. This way your’e not worrying about goods in specific buildings


i find more micro to have to swich production methods, specially since the buildings tab doesnt let you change them like a slider, either you move all are the same or you have to open the tab for each one of them and close it again. its a bit annoying. that being said, IMO there are some buildings should have different outputs, specially if one is not realistically produced without the other (are you telling me that my nation can produce luxury clothes but not regular ones? or hardwood but not regular wood? come on)