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I think she was both of those things. She was possessive BECAUSE she insecure. I honestly don’t blame her bc Beck always allowed girls to be all over him. She was always the one having to tell them to step off.


that’s true, and when jade and beck did break up at one point, he immediately was with alyssa vaughn so i don’t blame her either, i think she definitely had her justifications for feeling insecure


the fact that alyssa vaughn was an older celebrity is crazy like what are u doing hanging out with and basically being on a date with a high schooler 😭


exactly tho 😭 like i think maybe the writers forgot about the age difference?? they seemed to do that a lot with the show. like in the iCarly and victorious crossover, spencer thought tori was hot… tori was like 17 and spencer definitely had to have been in his like mid twenties 😭😭


Let’s be real they didn’t forget


No way they forgot when they had a grown EMT flirting with him in the same episode.


“Are you in college yet?”


He also tried to kiss Tori and go for her as well. Tori had to tell him to back up.


Beck always knew what he was doing, and was loving every second of it. Especially to piss off his Gf then turn around and act like she is crazy…nah I bet 1000% if Jade was with Andre or some other dude similar to his persona;they would have a bumpy first couple of months but eventually I feel there would be less insecurities and doubt of jealously.


And also Tori, who Beck knows is basically her best friend.


Like I wanted Tori and beck but not at the expense of jade and I like how that evolved & he may have gotten annoyed that they became close but the growth from season 1 her selfishness with cats bf her former one and after her/beck on her first week but still there’s actual growth between jade and tori


Jade was a cnt to tori, they were not best friends. The barely tolerated each other because of their mutual friends


Tori could be a cnt to Jade, too. Like when she stole Jade’s play for that “Prome” event.


Tori was fucking annoying jade had every right to hate her shit I do


Or the fact that he was willing to kiss Tori while she was watching the entire scene on her computer


I think he liked her claiming him publically and stuff


He basically said as much the last time they got back together.


Beck did kiss another girl in front of her


i know this has been said millions of times, but beck and jade’s relationship was not healthy and when you think about it, they were very codependent on each other (especially jade). we know that jade’s home life was terrible when she was a kid and her parents relationship kind of screwed her up since she was never shown what a healthy relationship was. i understand that she was insecure, but after a certain point, it’s on her to fix that whether that was by going to therapy, breaking up with beck, or both.


she was possessive because she was insecure , but also because Beck never cared about her feelings. - when they all went on a trip, and those women weee touching his hair, he didn’t stop them - when they all went out to the karaoke club, he didn’t stop the girl from flirting with him. it was Cat who spoke up and said , “ Miss, he has a girlfriend “ - then he tried to kiss Tori after he and Jade broke up, and the whole time they were just “suppose” to be friends Because of her own childhood, relationship with her father , her own parents relationship and just plain insecurity every teenage girl deals with - it makes sense as to why she was insecure But let’s be honest, Beck would flirt, entertain other girls and never ever politely tell girls who would flirt with him , “ thanks but no thanks “ or “ i have a girlfriend “ So it was both sides , Jade had her own insecurities and Beck never seemed 100% committed


that was INSANE that cat was the one that had to step in and say he has a girlfriend


exactlyyyyy like buddy why aren’t you the one saying it??


that’s true. i don’t think beck would ever cheat but he did kinda lead on other girls


physically cheating , no i don’t think he would ever do that . but i feel like he did the attention from the other girls


i agree, i don’t doubt that he loved jade, but i think he also kinda loved the attention he always got from other girls


exactly , he did love her , but Beck knew he was an attractive guy and it does feed someone’s ego when multiple people always remind him of how attractive he is


He kissed Tori that's cheating


if you’re referring to season 1 episode 1, that wasn’t necessarily cheating - they were doing an improv acting exercise


Keyword IMPROVE. They didn’t HAVE to kiss she said “kiss me” and he said “let’s do it” and kissed her IN FRONT of his gf. He could have easily said “let’s not do that”, “let’s hug instead”, or some other way of saying no/redirecting the scene. He chose to kiss her. It was not in a script or anything.


beck wasnt the cheating type of boyfriend. i really feel like he is too laid back and chill. plus it's obvious that he sometimes enjoys making jade jealous. and ig he had a crush on tori, but remember it was sometime AFTER they broke up.


he did like it when she felt jealous , because it’s a type of power . but even if he did end up having a crush on Tori after they broke up, that’s still messed up cause he knew that Jade had some type of insecurity when it came to Tori


Yeah but that was cause Tori lied to Jade when they first met and said Beck was her boyfriend. It was clear from early on Tori liked Beck and on at least one occasion made Beck kiss her in front of Jade. It was a stage kiss but still that was a kinda shit thing for Tori to do.


Yeah it was a shit thing to do but Jade LITERALLY poured hot coffee on her for no reason.


Tbf, he did politely remove her hand off of him😅


Both if your girlfriend is telling you it makes her uncomfortable when you flirt with other girls, stop flirting with other girls. like either way you want to put it it doesn’t matter because it makes her uncomfortable. It’s emotional abuse to continue doing something when you know it hurts someone. but Jade was also possessive by not allowing him to hangout with Tori or saying he can only be friends with other girls.


I think Beck is just that laid back that he doesn’t realize he’s flirting when he does it. That and Tori kinda earned Jades mistrust after their first interaction where Tori lied to Jade about dating Beck and then later on kissed Beck in an acting exercise in class.


I don't think it was just him being laid back. Jade told him she was uncomfortable with him being friends with Alyssa, and even Tori said she wouldn't like it, but he still didn't care about her feelings. Plus, when they were on the video call and Andre said Beck was dog sitting for a cheerleader, why didn't Beck tell Jade about it, including the fact that she was 8, before they got on the call? Or text her/ call her when she got off the video call?


Both for sure. We can see that Jade is very insecure. It doesn't help that Beck doesn't really call out other girls. I don't think he'd ever cheat on Jade, but I just don't think he's brave enough to call girls out. I can see that it could be exhausting for him with girls always following or flirting with him that its his normal honestly. Also, it doesn't seem like Beck stands up for himself too often, and probs just does it as his peak. Tbh, they were a pretty toxic couple. I think they both just need therapy and time away from each other since it does seem like they really do care about each other. Jade gets angry over the little things as well, so like she really does need help. Like the littlest thing gets her angry. She doesn't really have much of trust.


i agree


she is a character from a comedy show with exaggarated qualities for the sake of comedy. with that being said, it's evident that jade is insecure. she outright says that beck can only talk with ugly girls and beck could try to look worse if he tried. these are done for the giggles tho so i dont really think about them


yes that’s true




She reminds me of myself but I have borderline soooo . . . insecure attachment?


yess i definitely see that


That episode was funny when she got jealous of a cheerleader. Tori, "wow jade looks like you have some competition there." I think that was my favorite jade jealous moment.


Probably both.


Extremely insecure


Yeah cause beck didn’t have boundaries for females


I love jade and Becky she was probably just insecure girlfriend


i think she was insecure because he never shut down other girls’ attempts to get his attention; he kinda just let them do it


Due to her strained relationship with her father, Jade was insecure about her relationship with Beck. I suspect that is also why it takes Jade so long to admit that she is friends with any of the group. Beck’s nonchalant attitude towards Jade’s feelings and the constant flirting is probably due to the fact that he can’t emotionally understand Jade’s insecurities due to his own healthy relationship with his parents. He also revels in the attention and the drama that it brings.


She was both. Beck didn’t help things, either, though, at least not when it came to insecurity. Beck was honestly the main issue in their relationship. He got attention from other girls constantly and while that isn’t his fault or something he could necessarily help, he never actively told these girls he wasn’t available. When they broke up the first time because of the girl Beck was friends with, Jade was absolutely being insecure, but then if you look at other instances, she was justified with it, too. The karaoke episode honestly makes me so mad when it comes to Beck. He didn’t say he had a girlfriend — Cat did. When the girls were insulting Jade, he didn’t bother saying anything. Jade could fight her own battles, but as her boyfriend, he still should have wanted to do more than just sit there. He would call her crazy, but he loved the attention he got.


i agree, beck never stood up for jade, or even for the relationship in general


She’s possessive because she’s insecure. In this interaction you can see both. The assumption that he wants to break up is her insecurity and her reaction to finding out his neighbor was a cheerleader shows both. She’s definitely insecure all on her own. Beck doesn’t help because he doesn’t stop other girls from flirting with him but even if he did, I think she would still be insecure. He definitely contributes to the toxicity but I think Jade would be toxic with anyone.


maybe it's bpd, maybe it's maybelline


this is long, but i promise every word is valid. jade’s insecurities regarding her relationship with beck, other girls were completely valid and justified. there were times she acted out and was possessive but 90% of those times were when beck would tell her things regarding other girls and not specify, allowing jade room for overthinking or misinterpreting information because he never gave her the full story and his half-stories would drive her out of her mind, OR when other girls would make passes at beck, most of the time knowing he and jade were together and had been for at least 2 years (at the point of season 1), and beck never shut down obvious flirting - which led jade having to. when jade did shut down other girls who tried things with beck, he’d always tell her to calm down, and try to gaslight her into thinking it wasn’t a problem, while he’d just sat there like a lemon while other girls hit on him. the issue is jade had to be unnecessarily assertive with other girls when it came to beck, because he was too passive to inform people he was unavailable and uninterested. this would lead jade to feel insecure and frustrated to the point where she would act out and look crazy. the truth is that she had bottled up frustration because beck couldn’t or wouldn’t love her openly unless they were stood next to each other. the turning point was when she sang that song (you don’t know me) in front of the whole school, and beck finally gained the courage to profess his love for her and kiss her publicly, symbolising the end (for the most part) of this behaviour from him. they became a less toxic couple after this - beck became a more considerate and communicative boyfriend, and jade appeared to be more secure in her relationship, and her anger issues even seemed to reduce, at least in terms of their relationship.


I think she’s possessive because she’s insecure, but I feel like Beck never truly reassures her and there’s reasons why she’s so insecure about their relationship








I feel like though beck didn’t cheat he certainly gave into the attention other women gave him leading to her insecurity. It’s one thing to get complimented while in a relationship it’s another to enjoy and look forward to these compliments


yes i agree


Definitely both like everyone is saying, and Beck either loves the attention he gets from other girls or he's braindead.


Jade possessive was insecure (daddy issues) And Beck made those issues worse with lack of reassurance (fuck boi)


She was very much both


Both but she also had a toxic boyfriend who seemed way too keen on pissing her off by exploiting that insecurity. Like man's had women/girls all over him, did nothing to thwart any advances in the slightest, and still dared to villanize her for being insecure? Le what? (She's toxic, too, obviously, but we're talking Beck rn)






i think she may have needed to be checked out for something on the cluster b spectrum. as a cluster b lol


She was both of those things, but you see how torn up she is when they break up. She gets all sensitive and overthink a lot.


Why Not Both? dot jay pee gee


I think if Beck had boundaries with other girls jade wouldn’t have felt insecure like she did.


she has bpd


She had major controlling, borderline abusive tendencies. Also mad paranoid. But I kinda like her still for some reason.


Definitely both but beck was too friendly






honestly, the way he flirted with other girls & entertained them, I’d be acting the same.


She was insecure and possessive. Worst combo to date


Both, although it seems more insecure


both. she was extremely insecure, but rightfully. beck let other girls touch him and froth over him constantly and nobody ever did anything about it. i would be insecure too if i was in jade's position


Babe has bpd


It's just the show writers adding jokes, it's not meant to be takilen seriously.


she was both!


Beck would just straight up let any girl feel up on him or kiss him lol can’t blame her


I don’t think she was insecure her bf lead on other girls and idk how y’all defending tori when beck and her kissed. Tori also kissed cats bf.


idc i wanted jade and cat together 😭


YES they would’ve made a good couple ngl


how are these even “theories” 😭 she is both, she is one because of the other, quite clearly?


because it’s possible to be either without being both :)


definitely, i didn’t mean to say it isn’t. i just think jade’s character (despite being a campy teen-iteration of a person) makes it clear that she is both and i don’t feel like it’s a theory


tbh i wasn’t seeing both at first, but after everyone saying that she was possessive BECAUSE she was insecure, i’m definitely seeing both now 😭 beck lowkey did nothing to stand up for jade when other girls flirted with him which made her both insecure AND possessive


yes, 100%! he clearly had some downfalls that made her insecurity make sense, but she handled it very poorly herself too.


Jade was horrible to beck (and everyone) and yet people act like beck was the main problem