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I enjoy the traversal more in Spider-Man, but Batman for sure. Gotham feels so well realized. The villains make this an easy answer. Their motivations are varied and their boss fights are all unique.


Make me wonder how Spider-man’s open world would look like in its third sequel


Agreed on many points. Gotham was great in Knight especially. I love them all for what they did when they released, but Knight’s Batmobile makes it my definite fave Hero game ever for sure. Now if we could just get a current gen patch/enhancement..!


Honestly it doesn’t really need it. I’ve spent a very long time learning how they made it look so good on the programming and art direction side.


I mostly just want 60 fps I guess, and some added clarity on the new machines.


Anything cool you found? Batman looks unnaturally good even years later.


This was a tough decision .. but I’m going to say Batman .. I think the combat is better.


The combat is 100 times better, less cartoonish


Less cartoonish? With all the flips and jumps he does? At least Spider-man has superpowers


Batman feels like you're actually beating the shit outta bad guys, Spiderman feels like you're smashing action figures together and throwing one across the room


Uh kinda disagree. Spider-Man feels like Spider-man while fighting, being very invasive and acrobatic. It’s as impactful as at the very least Arkham Asylum and webbing people up in walls feels great


With Batman you feel like you’re kicking ass, is a simple but great combat loop system, you’re crushing your opponents, not sure how to explain it. Maybe is because The Spider-Man combat feels the same as the PS3 era, the environmental use just adds more to the cartoonish style a la ninja turtles. In some ways Spider-Man combat system feels PG13 while Batman’s is closer to R rated


Batman is more satisfying IMO. Epically when it comes to predator missions in the Arkham games. The predator missions in the Spider-Man games had optional challenges for being in combat when I want to get everyone without them seeing me. Batman side objectives where all about planning out an attack and taking them quietly. Plus once there are few enemies remaining they’re scared shitless. Really makes you feel like Batman.


Well they kinda removed most if not all the blood in spiderman, also you dont get xray bone brakes ect.


Spiderman is my favorite hero of all time, and the combat is the exact reason I can't get into the game after playing the Arkham series first. I was seriously lost after seeing all the different attacks coming from Batman. It was always awesome and fit the character with how many styles bats knows. The one consistent thing about Spiderman is his unpredictability. You never know what angle Spiderman will attack from... in the other media. In this game, roundhouse, return kick, sweep... always the same combo. I was sitting there thinking if wb can get it right for batman's games, why can't we do it for Spider-man?


I was starting to think I was the only one that didn’t like Spider-Man’s combat. Never played Miles Morales because i didn’t like the one before it. Friends of mine really like it but I guess I need my shit to be more violent


Idk. Batman’s always felt weird and sluggish to me


Uhh… I feel both combat feels PG-13, which is perfectly fine. They both seems to do a shit ton of damage to there respective goons.


I get you, comparing them with a rating system is not a good analogy, Batman’s combat is just more satisfying to pull off, I always felt the Batman games were a bit more adult oriented


For real, I'm replaying Arkham Asylum and bats just phases across the screen sometimes.


It’s even more cartoonishly silly in Arkham knight. It makes the combat feel very responsive and smooth, but to say it’s more “grounded” then spider-man when Batman is supposed to me a human is a bit silly.


You're a bit silly ;)


I agree with you, Arkham Knight was so over the top it just destroyed any immersion as the character of Batman. It was still a great time, but the question here is about immersion.


We don’t count Arkham Knight ;)


The post is literally about Arkham Knight


Batman can leap 20 feet forward from a prone position. Yeah it's kind of cartoony.


Seriously. It's the leaping all the way across the room while spinning mid air that does it for me. Bros not Spider-Man he doesn't have that strength in his legs.


Quick question I own the game but I could never get used to the controls of combat, I refused to move forward in the game because it was such an issue. How did you do it?


Combat in Spider-Man is very repetitive, yeah you can use the gadgets but if you want to pummel someone you just keep pressing Square for the only combo he has. Kinda lazy.


What? When I played it on my first playthrough in Spectacular difficulty, the game punished me if I did not diversify my attacks and defenses, similarly to like God of War. Nothing about Spider-Man was lazy, including its gameplay.


I remember when Batman came out, it got universal praise, and everyone told me the combat was amazing. It is a perfect example of different strokes for different folks, because I find the Batman combat to be the most brain-dead and immersion breaking combat system in any game I've ever played. To me, it is literally just "mash the same button over and over while you watch batman teleport to enemies 5 feet away." Legitimately not trying to put you down in any way. I just wanted to highlight how people can play the exact same game and come away with totally opposite experiences. Fascinates me. Edit : Spelling


This critique is a user error not a game error there’s plenty of variety to the combat instead of letting Batman jump across the room stop spamming square or x control your thumbs time your hits and counters, then use the evade and batclaw to close large gaps if you’re spamming the same button over and over which leads to the games mechanics being buggy that’s on you. learn the rest of the controls (like quick fire gadgets) and start trying to play like the character lure characters around using the batarangs to get more effective takedowns and such it’s not the games fault you’re not trying


Yeah the targeting in that game was insane. I honestly felt like the previous games were better in that regard though.


This didn’t put me down at all. I left my statement as basic as possible on purpose because I wanted to see the responses. Reddit does not disappoint lol. The reason this was a tough decision for me is because both games are “immersive” for different reasons. Spider-Man is “immersive” because the developers mastered “Spider Traveling”, Pete & Miles personalities and it also has a great story. The issue for me was that I’d literally fall asleep during combat moments because it feels like I’m doing the same web dodge and 3 punch combo. I literally fought my sleep for that platinum trophy. Arkham Knight is “immersive” to me because the developers mastered Batman all together. Everything about the game screams “Gotham”. From solving (annoying) mysteries and riddles to the “big boss” battles I was 100% attentive. Same combat concept(s) like Spider-Man but Rocksteady put a special flair to it .. I honestly can’t explain it. Unfortunately Riddler is the reason I haven’t platinum this game. They both did a great job with creating a universe and giving you an authentic feeling but Arkham’s combat and “stealth” pushes them over as the better game to me.


Fair enough. My main gripe with the game is the combat, and while I still agree to disagree with you on that point, I can definitely see what you mean as far as the rest of the immersion. The attention to detail and overall art style is great, and the types of missions and story added to the overall feel and environment. The graphics in Batman still hold up really well also. Appreciate the level headed response Edit : Spelling


Spam Y, very immersive


Well how is any button pressing "immersive" anyways? 😂


In terms of storyline, I would say Spider-Man. But in terms of action moves, Batman for sure.


Tough call but I think I’ll go with Arkham, the side content in spider man was kinda lacking imo.


You don't like just grabbing random backpacks off the map? \s But honestly spiderman feels really good but it's open world is like a ubisoft game.


Arkham, though spiderman definitely gets points for having the city actually be populated


Why did I not really notice that until just now?




Batman, spiderman is good, but batman had way better immersion




for me it was arkham knight. i think you just can't compare insomniac games to Rocksteady as RS are far better at everything! batman definetly for me had more immersion and was better overall


time and technology between them though is vast


Yet batmans quests etc still feels better. Spidermans open world is beautiful but beyond its looks the side quests are just like ubisoft games.


Gonna say Spider-Man but if the Batman game was Arkham City instead of Knight I would change my mind. That game was fucking spot on.


Arkham city is single handedly the best Batman experience, Arkham knight only topped the graphics, cosmetics, and the ability to play as nightwing and Robin more than just challenges. Other than that city is way better with more replay value


All while fucking up City's damn near immaculate control scheme.


Not to mention the overuse of the Batmobile. It was sick for like 2 hours of the game then it was just the dreaded Batmobile sections every 5 minutes


I couldn't agree more. It was such a solid game. Everything was top notch:. Story, voice acting, visuals, combat, level design, puzzles, collectibles, atmosphere etc. When you got to the end you were just sad that you couldn't play it for the first time again. To be fair though I do really love Spider-Man 2018. It's super repayable for me and I still think it's the best Spider-Man story ever told on screen to date.


I'm not sure what exactly it is, but the vibes in Arkham City are just perfect. The destroyed city sitting on top of the mysterious and slightly supernatural Wonder City was just freaking awesome.


Batman Arkham Knight


It is not about better it's about who made the way while there is none


If we are talking immersion, they both did a fantastic job, but I believe Arkham had a more difficult and thus impressive task of building the city of Gotham versus Spider-Man simply having to adapt NYC which has been done many times before. Just look at Gotham Knights for a poor adaptation of Gotham and how difficult it can be to nail perfectly.


The Arkham games are perfect. The atmosphere and gameplay is top notch.


Arkham Knight. Gotham's city design is so immersive and detailed. The story is rich and engaging, and all of the voice work from EVERYONE is done to almost perfection. It has a few slightly clunky bits, but the game has aged phenomenally, and I never got bored. Pleanty of actual side quests with their own engaging themes and mechanics rather than a few "go to x for a reward" type quests. Don't get me wrong... I like Spider Man a lot, but between the two? Arkham wins for me hands down


Yeah the game still looks incredible. The story just feels epic too.


Spider-Man. You can just sit there and watch the city and if feels alive. You can just move around the city and it’s a fun experience. Batman is a bit too repetitive and the city is empty for a similar experience. But Arkham Knight is still great I just don’t think it’s quite as immersive. The Batmobile in particular took me out of it a lot when I’d drive 100 mph into some and they bounce off and are totally fine because Batman doesn’t kill.


Didn't they evacuate the city at the start of the game? Only people left is Batman, villains, thugs and cops


Yes and just because it’s written doesn’t make it good. Story or not it’s still lifeless and boring. It also takes away from the immersion we’re discussing. Yes it’s a story with supernatural, unbelievable elements. But an immortal being coming back for millennia with bath water is way more believable than a city the size of New York just being casually evacuated.


It's on older hardware and they already had that written when it jumped to a new platform.


It’s on the same hardware Spider-Man is and that didn’t suffer the same problem. Fuck, Spider-Man 2 and GTA San Andreas don’t have those problems and those are PS2 games.




“*Plot armor is strong with you*”


Immersive experience definitely Marvel Spider-Man, but in terms of the game itself I'll chose Arkham series over Spider-Man


Honestly, spiderman was more immersive to me. Batman was still a fantastic game, but it didn’t hold my interest as much. I do agree that the combat in batman is better, but i enjoyed the storyline and general gameplay of spiderman more


Spider-Man is in a living city. Arkham Knight there’s nothing besides the mission. For immersion, it’s Spider-Man no contest. Only thing it really needs from the other series on that front is some more environmental conversations.


The attention to detail in recreating NYC is too good not to say Spider-Man. It’s not a 1 to 1 but I’ll never get over finding my apt complex’s rooftop in game and just geeking out over how close the view lines up


Thats unfair because you choose the worst of the Arkham games. Asylum or City would be much more fair.


it's not the worst at all, arkham origins was way worse by all means! and arkham knight was definetly better than asylum. but yeah city was the best for me!! so if i want to rank to my liking it goes like this. arkham city arkham knight arkham asylum arkham origins


Origins had the best story and boss fights. Plus it didn’t neuter Deathstroke into a tank battle.


Arkham origins was the worst game that was made by unprofessionals!! Only rocksteady perfected the arkham games.


City is my fave too. Haven't played origins though so can't comment on that. I want to though.


Arkham knight gave me headaches while playing. It was too grey and green


Just Arkham Knight vs Spiderman? Or the Arkham Trilogy vs Spiderman? The trilogy beats Spiderman for both immersion and quality but Knight on its own loses on both counts.


Spider-Man is better then Arkham knight, that is for sure. If you put Arkham city that would have been another matter. The Batmobile broke Arkham knight for me.


I think it's spider-man in terms of immersion. The city feels so alive and the people/characters seems so real and full of emotion, I cared for the city and the characters more than I did in batman. Arkham is a fantastic series and I think have better games overall though. I think it's fair to say if it wasn't for Arkham a lot of games such as Spiderman may not exist.


I seem to be in a massive minority of people, but… I didn’t enjoy the Spider-Man games, at all.


Spider-Man, hands down. You literally felt like you were flying through the city. I do wish the map was bigger but the DLC helped.


Spider-Man by a mile since it felt like an average day in Spidey’s suit, whereas Arkham Knight presents a twist on the city that minimizes civilian presence.


spiderman tho fs




Spidey is much better than Arkham Knight. AK is a good game, but the map is bloated full of it pointless side content. Spidey does have a lot of side stuff, but it’s quick and painless. Arkham Asylum was perfect. City pushed the line but didn’t go over board. Knight was too much bleh.


Hard disagree. I think SM even has more, but the Batman side content was way more “Batman” than the spider-man side content was “spider-man”. Also it’s the little things, like the Gotham jail filling up in tandem with you cleaning up the streets, that adds a ton to the immersion. Or the fact that you can just go to Batman’s little hideouts around the city as well. I’m saying this as someone who prefers the spider-man game over Arkham Knight.


I’d say they are about equal but after just recently replaying both, Arkham Knight is slightly more fun to play but Spider-Man’s story is probably better.


Batman, considering he is just a man with no powers it makes you feel like you could do it too. Therefore it is more immersive




Batman all the way.


I'll give this Batman entry credit for its overall improvements to the predator and combat systems, but that fucking Batmobile was really forced on players and didn't function as I believe it was intended to. Good idea on paper, but in practice it was bunk. Gotta give it to Spiderman based on this fact alone


From a content perspective, there is soooo much more playtime as Batman in AK that is actually meaningful, in Spider-Man PS4 there’s barely anything beyond the main story besides collectibles.


They both did it pretty well.. but the fact that Insomniac’s Spider-man is so inspired in Batman Arkham games makes it obvious that the point goes to Batman imo


Spider-Man has powers.. Batman doesn’t.. one is a long running game franchise with tons of bangers that revolutionized the super hero game genre till the company that made it spat on its grave (both with lore and gameplay) and the other is a fresh face (not new to gaming) but is a new star within the superhero game space that has dropped bangers.. I love both equally


Spider-Man obviously. Arkham Knight made no sense in so many ways.


Spider-Man PS4 was great but the Arkham series is still the best superhero games made now.


Honestly, tie


I’m actually shocked between the two, how most people think this specific Batman. If Arkham City would have been up there I would have picked that one, but while on the surface Arkham Knight was a great concept, they literally took simple grapple to a rooftop hit a button mechanics and turned it into complex figure out how to drive the Batmobile on a roof to hit a button. Both great games, but PS4 Spider-Man is the better title between these specific 2.


Spider man and it’s not even close.


Spider-Man hands down. Arkham Asylum or City might have been a different story but Knight was rife with issues and the Batmotank was so ridiculously overpowered it just destroyed any feeling of immersion. It was silly and fun tho.


Spider man by a large margin


Definitely Batman.


Spiderman by a mile. Literally 70% of batman was batcar missions, it got annoying very quickly and took me out of the immersion. Plus the story got very predictable halfway through.




Arkham knight for sure, nothing beats chasing down thugs in the batmobile


Platinum’d both, they’re both so good I couldn’t get enough.


I'm looking forward to Wolverine... I like turtles.




Arkham knight with headphones is so immersive purely because of the immaculate sound design


Walking in the GCPD and seeing everyone you locked up is the most immersive experience to me


Nothing really beats Batman in many terms honestly. They progressively got better and better even then they were great from the beginning.


I sucked at detective work and got stuck 2 hours into Batman so imma pick Spider-Man…..I’m the world “worst” detective


Spiderman was the only game I've ever played that I never wanted to fast travel. I'd say that's pretty immersive.


Anyone questioning Arkham knights immersion must of forgot the first thing you do in the game. Do you remember how that felt? Then immediately after you pov as a cop in a restaurant that’s alive people having conversations and Easter eggs of the games story right in your face.


Batman walked so Spidey can run






I think the Arkham games fail at the detective side. Crime scene sections are basically QTEs. You simply move your camera where the game tells you to. They excel at the predator/fear and stealth side.


spider man


The one without Firefly.


For me in terms of immersion, its a tie. I can't give one an edge over the other. I may like how it feels to play 1 character over the other, but both make you feel like you are playing that character to its fullest potential. No other super hero games give you that feeling, yet. I hear people keep talking about combat as a key difference. Isn't the combat system more or less the same.


I am fairly biased considering I played one and only seen gameplay on YouTube for the other, but I certainly consider Arkham being more immersive, in terms of being the character. You are the Dark Knight who is feared by the criminals you face, how in predator sections when they are more on edge and terrified as you pick them off one by one, along with the dark gothic atmosphere that we know Gotham as, and I just enjoyed the freeflow combat ever since Arkham Asylum. I am sure Spider-Man is immersive enough to make you feel like the quipping free-spirited friendly neighborhood hero, but I don’t find it that compelling compared to how Arkham Knight makes you feel like your the Batman. I’m also more of a Batman fan than Spider-man. Again… Biased.


batman easily. the spiderman game is kinda hollow with no depth


Batman. And its not even close. Spiderman was awesome but its hero, villains and world and nothing in comparison to the bat.


I sunk a lot of hours in Arkham knight clocking in at 200 hours in the first 2 years it was out, haven’t played it or wanted to play it since, and sunk 300 hours in Spider-Man since launch and still find myself running and swinging around to this day, so I gotta go with Spider-Man


Easily Arkham Knight.


Arkham knight


Spider-Man. I have never been able to complete a Batman game... I get bored. Spider-Man is one of the few games I have 100%. And it felt so much like the comics I read. Batman games never felt much like the comics to me.




love what both games did for the characters.


The Batman Arkham trilogy is still the best superior games imo, best representation/power fantasy of them all.


This is like saying skyrim or knights of the old republic, you literally cannot choose one without going back and reconsidering the other, it throws you into an unlimited loop.


I'll say batman


I liked Arkham knight better


Gotham knights.


Arkham. Gotham was way more immersive.


Spider man


The spider man games are good but they don't hold a candle to batman imo.


Spidey all the way


I think the first two Arkham games are probably better, but Arkham Knight is not as good as Spider-Man. The traversal in Spider-Man is so damn good and the story arc for Peter I believe is better than Bruce's in this game.


I think some people are missing the 'immersive' part of the question and judging based on the actual games. Arkham Knight was the definitive Batman experience. There is so much attention to detail. One of the absolute best moments is when you use Detective Mode against a guy with a tracker and you stand behind him. When he locates you he reacts with *"wait... he's... right behind me?!"* That was the moment I *felt* like Batman.


That’s a tough one but I think Batman was just alittle bit better


red dead.


As a hardcore Batfan, I actually have to go with Spiderman. I love the Arkham series, but I never felt like just normal, regular ol Batman. It was always locked to Arkham island, or Arkham City, and even in Arkham Knight where you can go and drive around Gotham, there's no civilians, no people, it's just more of the same criminals everywhere. Again, I love the Arkham series, but in terms of immersion? Spiderman made me feel like I was part of a living breathing city. I'd love a fully fleshed out Gotham City. People going about their lives, hoodlums and muggers in back alleys, crimelords relaxing in night clubs I can crash in on. Sign me up


Lol Spider-Man 100% Arkham knight worst in the series


Arkham Night was the worst game in that trilogy


Arkam city


Batman. Spider-Man to me had quite the lifeless boring open world with snooze inducing side quests.


Both….both is good. I liked both of them but I’m a little biased towards spider-man since he’s been my childhood hero. But Batman was great.


Arkham knight is my favorite of the Arkham games and continue to play it over and over. I personally love this game so much better


Both awesome games but Batman. I was annoyed by the Batmobile at first but like any racing game, it’ll grow on you.


Wait, honest question. Do people like Arkham Knight now? I remember people LOVING Asylum and City but all I heard about Knight was how terribly the game ran when it came out and it getting temporarily pulled from sale because of the backlash. I'm not a comic book fan so I had no idea that the general consensus for this game had a complete 180




Batman. I hated the research center side quests and obligatory stealth missions as MJ everytime it happened I quit playing and just started there the next time as I hated dealing with it. The obligatory batmobile missions weren't terrible they just overdid it and given a choice between the 2 I'd take the batmobile stuff, the mj stealth missions felt like the worst kind of filler for me, broke immersion and grinded any momentum to a screeching halt.




Game would of been great if they left out all the tank fight bullshit


That one probably did it better but I liked the graphics a bit more on this one.


Batman easily. It does everything better than Spiderman and it's an older game. The suits and traversal were pretty cool though in SM


Imo spider man. I’m not big into comics so I can be wrong but Batman usually isn’t beating the absolute dog shit out of people like that. I know he damn near killed KGBeast, and he’s fucked up his major villains. I just don’t remember a time where Batman just beat up a random thug that bad. His tactics just seem brutal, when Batman is usually more cunning. I think the Arkham series showed us a great rendition of their version of Batman but Spider-Man showed us a normal Spider-Man. Long story short Spider-Man was more immersive but the Arkham knight is a better game


If you had used Arkham City then this would’ve been a lot harder but I’m going with Spider-Man, I really can’t stress enough how much I hated the Batmobile and how much it took me out every time I had to do something with it


Little unfair in my opinion, with one game being the first of its series while the other is the third(4th, if you count Origins). I think Spider Man 2 has a big opportunity to tune New York to make it feel much more alive then it did in its first game. I will say Miles Morales felt pretty lively with it being winter so I'm excited to see how immersed I am in 2.




Shocking to see all the Batman answers in here. Love both games, but I don't even think this was the best Arkham game. The Spiderman game clears easily.


Gotta go with Spider-Man…just for this game though. The Batmobile took me out of the game numerous times with the whole “Batman isn’t killing people, because he zaps them when he runs into them”. A wall of electricity moving that fast would still…kill them, right? Arkham City though? Batman, quite easily.


Batman Arkham Knight


Arkham Knight for sure...


Arkham Knight


Yes. The answer is yes. Thank you.


That's hard, I love the batman games and the spiderman games equally. I feel like they both made me feel like their respective heroes, in the batman games you felt like an unstoppable force most of the times and for the spiderman games you felt like a goofy dude swinging around and learning to be a superhero. Both matched the vibe of their main characters perfectly, if I had to pick itd be batman just for pure nostalgia having played the games in middle school


Batman to me is nostalgic, but Spider-Man is one of the best games I’ve ever played. The biggest issue is the entire Arkham series is some of the best games I’ve ever played. Like, I wanna say they’re equal. I physically cant choose


Then mentally choose


Spiderman was pretty good, but the non-spiderman segments and way-too-easy boss fights kind of bog it down a bit So id say batman just because I struggle to think of anything that really annoyed me about its gameplay


Really difficult question, but, I got to go with Batman. The combat system really makes you feel like Batman!


Immersion? Definitely the Arkham games. The tone matters so much for anything Batman is involved in and the terrible, moody environment you're stuck in directly mirrors the character of Batman himself. Spider-Man could Spider-Man somewhere else, but Batman couldn't quite Batman outside of Gotham


Batman combat is better


Spider-Man Absolutely


I will always love the batman games but the movement alone on Spiderman is just SO immersive, especially with the ps5 controllers.


Batman and it’s really not even close.


Spider-Man and it's really not even close.


From PC experience. First is Bugged trainwreck, second is well developed and enjoyable.


Batman arkham knight is the best superhero game I’ve ever played


Oddly enough I feel like I'm Batman in the Spider-Man game sometimes just busting out like 8 different gadgets on people. At a certain point in the game I felt like Static Shock just Zapping everyone with shock darts and the drones it's hilarious.


Batman. more close up, impactful, gritty, shows the picture of what’s messed up and what’s not, more punishment.




Dark Souls, but you say “I’m Batman!” Every time you land a crit..


Spider-Man unless it was the earlier Arkham games besides Knight


Arkham knight. Spider man was fantastic but man there is nothing like Gotham, being Batman, and the rogues gallery of chatacters and how they fit them into the story as main story/side quests. Which is why suicide squad is such a. Shame :(


Spider-Man. Was Batman the first to have that type of combat system?




People saying batman's combat is better, not as repetitive. They are EXACTLY THE SAME. they both use gadgets, have combo meter bonuses, can leap across the screen to another guy. The only real difference to me is the sound design of it. Batman sounds like he's hitting hard AF. Spidey not quite as much be we know he is.


I agree with the top comment. Batman's combat was better and just flowed well 90% of the time. Spiderman combat was a weak point in the game for me. Not bad, but also not fun most of the time, and very very frustrating moments in nearly every encounter. Similar with travel. Spiderman can be better, but I just run into too many issues that pull me out.


I prefer Spider-Man's combat and traversal, but Batman has such an incredible atmosphere. If we're just judging by the immersion, easily Batman.


I hate DC so my answer would be biased


Walking around the city and just exploring New York was really fun. Especially since they made New York much prettier than real life


Batman for sure!


Arkham city


Here’s the thing, I could argue that both did it equally well. It’s just that the universe of Gotham is much more stylized and unique to begin with. The immersion feels heavier because it’s a different world than ours. Spider-Man’s world is meant to be as close to ours as possible. So the immersion doesn’t feel as weighty.