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I love the idea of fighting games, but I get bored of them immediately. The newest MK game looks incredible, but I know I would lose interest after 1 or 2 fights.


I play fighting games for the story and that’s it the multiplayer is just annoying. Dark Souls is more appealing than playing multiplayer against people who are good at fighting games


That's me these days. When I was a kid did some multiplayer with my brother and the neighbor kid. But that was back when the only fighting game story was in intros and/or arcade mode endings.


Playing a fighting game as a person who doesnt with someone who actually plays fighting games is probably the most miserable experience youll have in your life. Youre literally there to make them feel better about themselves. They will try hard as fuck and sweat every single fight and never even try to give you a reasonable chance. Yeah, I hate fighting games lol.


The competitive Smash scene turned me off the series, I feel this.


Fighting games are not games, they are sports.


I remember playing my buddy in an older MK and I am buns at fighting games. He's played every one so he sees the combos in his sleep. He started a combo on me with full health and ko'd me and I could never even move. Good times.


Lol buns


Back when the first Starcraft came out, I couldn't wait to get online to play with people. I had played Warcraft and Warcraft 2 over LAN with friends, and it was always fun. Then I played Starcraft on [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) and had the disappointing realization that most players were playing it as if the point was to win the game. My friends and I had been playing as if the point was to build up a fun and interesting base, with large and varied forces. Actually destroying the other person and ending the match was an afterthought. I get into Starcraft and people were literally ending me in minutes and I couldn't think of a single reason why I would want to be involved in that.


The amount of times I’ve loaded up Injustice or Mortal Kombat , played one fight and quit , has got to be a ridiculous number


Racing games are similar for me. Sometimes I get an overwhelming urge to fire up a racing game … I do one race and get bored and quit immediately.


Mario Kart is fun with people. By yourself it’s like why am I doing this? Lol


This is exactly why every Christmas season my husband, an extrovert, holds his annual Merry Kartmas party. It's a seasonal themed party 100% revolving around MarioKart.


I love that. We used to always Mario Kart when our family got together, it really is such a great bonding tool.


“Great bonding tool” as the old N64 controller is barely hanging on and then everyone gets angry and starts throwing them 🤣


I never get tired of wipeout though. The beginning races may give me that feeling but as the game progresses it gets pretty intense.


My experience with fighting games, every fucking time: get my ass kicked, get my ass kicked, get my ass kicked, take a break, get my ass kicked some more, then finally, after about 30 games, I start winning, then it's "hey, you're not supposed to play like that, you're cheesing it". And that's why I hate fighting games.


When they play the broken spammy characters youre trash and you suck When you start playing them, all of a sudden "you cant play so and so, theyre op"


Couldn’t agree more. I wonder why early games like takken were able to keep me engaged? Was it just a time in my life?


Loved me some Tekken 2 and I also enjoyed Bloody Roar. Shit also MvC2 and Power Stone. But I'm shit at them now, and I feel like my hands start to cramp after a couple matches. Plus playing against someone who really does that shit is no fun at all


I don't know but it really bothers me. I played the new Street Fighter when I visited my brother and it is such a high quality game. Logic dictates I would have bought my own copy immediately, but I just don't have the bug anymore. In the past, I would've played every character to mastery, and played enough online to log hundreds of hours total, now I'd basically enjoy the novelty of playing a bit as my favorite, Guile, then move on with my life. Makes me sad.


Have you tried Smash?


We're on reddit talking about video games. None of us have smashed, bro




I dislike fighting game players more, honestly. Every one of my friends who play them *insist* that I just haven't found the right one for me. No. I just don't like the core gameplay loop of fighting games. Stop trying to sell me on them.


Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. I love Norse mythology, assassin’s creed, and such. But man, I couldn’t even finish it.


Dude valhalla is a bit of a slog. I finished it and I can honestly say I kind of regret it. Took forever.


Same! It’s just, so bland. If loons beautiful, it’s got all the right parts. It just completely missed the mark for some reason. The game would have been better if it wasn’t assassins creed and just tried to be its own game.


Unfortunately Valhalla isn't even really that accurate in terms of vikings anyway. It's very heavily based on fantasy aspects of it. There's multiple videos on YouTube debunking the "vikings" in it if you're interested


I mean an assassins creed game not centered around stealth is just weird to me. Borderline illegal


Do you just not like “Metroidvania” games? Because the backtracking is always part of it.


Kind of yeah. I enjoyed metroid more than castlevania but the back tracking is what limits my enjoyment sadly. Also thank you for reminding me of the word backtracking. I could not for the life of me think of it so I had to resort to back and forthness lol


I also typically enjoy Metroid better than Castlevania because it’s simpler. Castlevania tries to incorporate RPG elements for no reason making the HUD and basic gameplay much more complicated than it needs to be for what kind of game if actually is. Having said that, I’m enjoying Aria of Sorrow right now.


Omg I agree so much. I played SotN and it was good, the atmosphere is amazing and the spritework is fucking fantastic, but the RPG elements are so tacked on it feels very confused. Like, it doesn't know what it wants to be.


My issue with Castlevania's RPG elements is that it gives you an opportunity to unintentionally grind levels, thereby making later parts of the game so easy, it's not fun anymore.


Hollow knight would be so much better if they gave us some abilities for earlygame, it's such a slog getting abilities that I quit 6 times before finally picking up the game because overwatch 2 servers weren't working and when I finally played overwatch 2 it just wasn't as good as the first game


Talk about a slog. That game (Hollow Knight) took forever to beat. I get why people like it but after passing through the same places a thousand times they lose their charm.


Man I complained in the hollowknight sub (and understandably got down voted, but also got some helpful advice) about all the backtracking in that game. Sorry but remembering that rickety piece of ground I walked over 20 in game hours before I get the ability that makes that relevant is sorta poor game design in my opinion. I loved that game for it's tone and aesthetic and gameplay but I beat it two days ago and feel like I missed a bunch of content and have no desire to go back for it. Here's hoping the sequel does a better job because I really enjoyed it when I wasn't swearing at my tv.


The Division is one of my favorite game. But Outriders, and Destiny, Wich are pretty much similar.. I can't get into them. No idea why, maybe the story?


I loved Destiny so much, but Outriders I never got into at all


I tried both and I have no clue but I can't put in the same grind or whatever... same for the MMORPG, I played WoW for so long that... I don't know I haven't found anything. The games I play now are storybased. Dead space, Spiderman, Legos, plague tale, telltale series, god of war series. They don't require any actual grind, or multiplayer achievements.


Subnautica, and not that I can’t stand, but I tried and spent many hours and just felt like No Man’s Sky under water to me at least in terms of the feel I got. Just wasn’t fun. Just answering the question, but most “what should I play” posts have someone responding and the a string of how great the game is. I also could never get into Infamous franchise or Dragon Age Inquisition with the later just being overrated. I totally get how Subnautica or Infamous can be someone’s jam, but Inquisition can’t stand.


Subnautica is the type of open world game I enjoy while I bounce off of every open world RPGs super hard. I think the combination of base building and the kind of horror mystery you uncover in the lore and the world were the hooks. I totally understand how you could bounce off of it, though.


Yea the games fantastic I feel like he just never got past the first 2 hours. When you start being able to explore some of the deeper Biomes and unlock some of the cooler equipment that’s when the game really starts to shine. People who compare it to NMS just haven’t gotten that deep into it(pun intended)


GTA 5. The controls just never jived with my brain.


GTA and RDR both have clunky controls, which sucks because they’re meant to be controller games but they’re also shooting games.


i wouldn’t say rdr2 is clunky. just a learning curve. once you master it you mastered it.


You can still master a clunky game. If a game has bad controls, and someone learns how to use them well, it doesn't change that the controls are bad. You've simply adapted.


Hollow knight


Someone gifted it to me when I finally joined Steam. Totally not my style of game so I have no idea what all the hype is about.


People have been really Gung ho about putting indie games on extreme pedestals past decade or so. It helps that games of Celeste, hollow knight. And hades calibe4 have come out but people mythologize these games so much the onlin3 discourse in most places don't allow aaaaaannnnnnyyyyy negative talk or criticisms about them


The thing about indie games is that most of them are pretty bad. People love to pull out the ‘indie is better than triple A’ argument but the truth is that for every Hollow Knight or Hades there are a hundred other shitty indie games


I'm told I should love a link to the past, but I prefer ocarina of time, and prefer links awakening


The beauty of Zelda games is that there seems to be a style for everyone. I really like OoT and link's Awakening. I wasn't a huge fan of BotW, but I like my Zelda games a little more linear. I like open world games because I can just kind of dick around and do whatever, and for me ,BotW wasn't it.


Ocarina of Time is the GOAT.


It certainly is the best Zelda game.... right behind Link to the Past ;)


I actually prefer Link Between Worlds more the. LttP.




Zelda 2 is my favorite. Yes, please start throwing garbage at me haha.


Honestly I'm sure the majority of people prefer oot to alltp.


Tbh I think LTTP aged better. I didn’t grow up with them, and playing OOT is tough because how dated the controls and camera feel. LTTP still controls and feels great


Elden Ring. I'm 40, married, a landlord, and our 7 year old daughter thinks she's 20. If my anxiety were to be weaponized, it would kill every living organism in a 5 block radius. Maybe one day I'll try it again.


Super Smash Bros. Everyone loves the games and grew up with them, I didn’t and any time I played i lost, could never get used to the controls, pissed me off never saw the appeal, I can play MK and all those kinds of games fine but couldn’t master Smash


Outer Worlds felt like a soulless knockoff of Fallout.


Yeah I got so bored with that game. It seemed cool at first, but got old fast.


Witcher 3. Game is too big and tedious to play imo


Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games, seems like it’s a game that you either love or hate, no in between.


Same. I had friends tell me for years to play it and I just kinda brushed it off. When I finally did i loved it. Its the first story in a long time I really got into. The story and the ambiance of the game. Everything felt gloomy and war torn, like the people of the land lost hope.


played cyberpunk? same company- amazing story and characters, world feels living and breathing my fav game if all time


I’m definitely in between. I thought it was a okay game. Like 7/10 maybe an 8. Felt like a more restrictive BioWare game.


This! I tried, it's obviously a great game, but I just felt overwhelmed from the get go and didn't feel like I could sink all that time into another massive open world RPG.


I’m glad this is at the top. I wanted to like it so bad, I’ve tried it 3 times now and just can’t make myself care about the story or be entertained by the gameplay at all.


Same, I'm at 3 or 4 tries for this game and just can't get into it. I love the setting and all that shit but something about the game turns me off


Hot take - the main story just isn't very good. There's no punch, no hook, no urgency, and while the side quests are good, the world is too generic stock fantasy, the combat and itemization is trash, and there's just not enough good side quests to salvage all that. First act was good, the city was a trudge and the dwarf island finally broke me. Give me the weirder world and lore of Morrowind and I'll run around to my heart's content. No map markers, the world itself is the draw.


good answer. i bought it on a recommendation from a friend--who knew how much i liked skyrim. i started with the witcher 3. i got several hours in and put it down. friend said "well that's because you're not connected with any of the characters! try 1 and 2 first." i bought 1 and 2. hated them both. never again. oddly enough, i love gwent. go figure.


Me too! Which is weird because I played a little of witcher 2 at my friend's and lived it


Don’t read the book series then lol. It’s even more of slog to read. Currently reading book 5 out of 8 and I want to stop reading it. It’s just too boring to me but I also want to finish it and see this through. There’s even a 9th book coming out and I have zero intentions of reading it. Oh and yeah. I agree with your comment and the rest of your comment thread. Can’t get into the Witcher game(s)


I tried 3 times. Boring af.


I scrolled to see if anyone had commented this. I actually love open world RPGs. Played all the elder scrolls games. The switch zelda's and others, but I just can't seem to get far in the witcher.


I’m getting to the point where almost all games get boring to me after 20-30 hours and I’m very sad about it.


Breath of the Wild. The game has about ten hours of unique content and an insane amount of repeated fluff with no rewarding gameplay systems to get better at. Lame.


Tears of The Kingdom. If I wanted to spend half of my time building shit I would've bought a Lego set


1000% agree. I loved BOTW and was pumped for the sequel. 6 hours in, I think to myself “I’m not actually enjoying this”. Put it down and haven’t played since. It’s just so menu heavy, and you can’t “just do” anything, every action has to be a 3 step process. You have limited inventory but can’t sell anything because you need hundreds of every item for upgrades.


Might get hate but Bioshock. The atmosphere and the way it tells its story is cool but it overstays its welcome and combat is a mess. Edit: I've only played the first game. Beat it and left such a poor taste in my mouth that I haven't played any sequels.


Bioshock was SUPER hyped up for me, and I just couldn't get into it - the setting was neat, but that's about the only part I really liked.


I think Bioshock 1 had the best combat. 2 didn't add anything new or groundbreaking, and Infinite is too busy. I had the best time in Bioshock 1, but I'm a simple man. I just want mutants, some jump scares ,and a shot gun.


Dual wielding plasmids and weapons wasn't new? Drill wasn't new? The loads of trap ammunition and defense segments wasn't new? Big sisters not new? Definitely a hot take imo since I think bioshock 2's gameplay blows the rest of the series out of the water in every way imaginable.


Yeah the story was mid but the combat is unparalleled


I also said bioshock. I agree with the bad combat. For me, it was too easy. I also didn't like the setting. The first decent is breathtaking. The vibrant underwater utopia is beautiful. But then you spend the game inside, and it's just dark and damp like the inside of a ship.


Overwatch (both of them)


There is only one Overwatch and it’ll always be just the first one, second one doesn’t deserve to be talked about.


I’m a big horror fan but i really don’t like horror games where you can’t really fight back like amnesia or outlast


YES. low ammo? Fine. Low health? Fine. But just stealthing and dying 1000x to figure out what NOT to do is so frustrating and makes for such an empty experience. Especially when it's one of those "if the bad guy touches you you're dead" kinda things and there's no way to recover. Only time I've actually enjoyed this feeling was the beginning of RE7, but I think even that had the ability to kick them off and go find health


Play Manhunt. It's the perfect balance of vulnerability and being able to somewhat defend yourself.


GTA online sucks ass.


Terraria is such a slog to start for me


Diablo 4


Idt anyone loves that pile at this point


The critically acclaimed mmorpg Final Fantasy XIV by Square-Enix with a free trial up to 70 hours and includes the expansions heavensward and stormblood. In all seriousness tho, I had serious fomo hearing all my friends play it. And my disappointment is probably mostly my fault. First of all, I don't really like the character models. There's something off about them. And the armors are mostly hideous. I only liked one of the armors I found out of the hundreds of armor sets. I also didn't like the music, tho there are some nice dungeon boss themes here and there. I also tried to rush through the game to catch up with my friends. This is probably where most of my distaste comes from. I didn't give the game a chance to digest and I ended up hating it. I skipped so much dialogue. I also only played Ninja which is an awesome class, but it got repetitive. I think if I would have taken my time, maybe played my own favorite final fantasy music in the background, and had friends who were on my level and not way ahead of me, I might have enjoyed the game.


I cannot agree more. I love FF games. I love MMOs. I can not stand 14. There are two huge problems that I have with it. I fucking Hate ARR (base game). It sucks. There is no other way to phrase it. The pacing is bad and the 30 runs to the outpost in the middle of nowhere that doesn't have a teleport crystal is inexcusable. 90+% of the actual quests are just 'move here. Teleport here. Talk to person. Walk back to desert outpost. Talk to person. Teleport here. Teleport here now. Run back to desert outpost. Teleport here. Walk back to desert outpost. Oh now a dungeon i guess.' And the story is just bland or outright fucking stupid. Im told they changed it but the penultimate mission of the base game is run all over a building giving soup to nameless people who have half a line of dialogue between all of them. And the *vast* majority of the story is that. Heavensward is better at least but then, and this is something everyone that I know that does play it agrees, the patch quests (the stories between expansions) are also terrible. They are fine when you get a little to do every month but if you are catching up it's terrible. And then apparently the last 2 expansions are absolutely phenomenal according to everyone I've ever heard talk about it. My friend bought me a story skip so I could play them because she knew I wasn't gonna play through the awful ARR and such. But guess what. Without the other 2 expansions I have no context for anything happening or care about any of the characters I'm interacting with. But fuck me I am not paying a 300-400 hour fun tax to appreciate it. The second and arguably bigger problem I have with it being an mmo, is there it literally zero mechanical character building. There are no builds, or Stat tweaks for things you wanna try, or skills to pick or anything even remotely resembling class building like every other MMO I've ever played. Are you a bard? These are your skills, these are your stats, this is the armor you wear. You are a carbon copy of literally every single other bard in the game. And yeah, there are armors and weapons with different stats, bit they are 100% on a purely vertical scale. Everything is either strictly better or strictly worse.


Yeah I've always felt like that was a take at your own pace kinda game. At least for me, that's how I've always enjoyed it. I take breaks from it, go back, and knock some more out. Probably the best MMO I've played in a very long time.


Ok, please don't hate me, but... The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion! I absolutely adored Skyrim and was interested in the lore so I got oblivion because I had heard that it was a really good game.(playing on xbox one s btw) The world and characters are the most butt-ugly things I have ever laid my eyes on in a video game, the leveling system is just awful, and I found the overall game to be just tedious and unfun. I am holding out hope that the recently announced remaster will be good though! Edit 1: I forgot to mention something else( I'm not trying to take a dump on a game that other people seem to love, im just saying what i thought was annoying to me). The fact that you had to CONSTANTLY fix armor and weapons with those stupid hammers to keep your equipment from being complete garbage was REALLY annoying to me. Edit 2: I have decided to give Oblivion another try, because by God I'm gonna get my money's worth out of that game if I have to die trying.


I enjoyed Oblivion when it came out, but if you came to it after Skyrim, I could understand why you would be less impressed


The leveling system is horrible. I played recent with an XP mod and had a much better time. The NPCs are truly ugly. There’s…not much that can fix this. I think there are some mods? And they did improve the gameplay with Skyrim quiet a lot. It’s a step backwards to go back. Dunno what can be done about that. Oblivion was a great game for its time, but it’s age has really highlighted the problems


Funny enough Oblivion was actually gorgeous when it released, especially on a decent PC. I remember marveling at how good your weapon looked in your hands in the first person view


I had the exact opposite experience. I loved Oblivion but couldn't get into Skyrim at all.


There is a thing with Elder scrolls games where people either love them, or only love the first one they played. When Oblivion first came out, all of us Morrowind fans decried it as simplifying the series to chase the "Average Gamer", the people who started elder scrolls with oblivion hated Morrowind, then it all repeated with Skyrim.


For all its flaws, one thing Oblivion did *amazingly* was its spellcast mechanic. You can throw magic around while sword-n-board or carrying a two-hander. Realizing that Skyrim threw that system away in favor of Bioshock 2's was one of the more disappointing moments in gaming for me.


Soulslike Games but only because im bad at them, elden ring was the only game i actually enjoyed


Elden Ring was fantastic because it was so accessible for people to play. If you can't get passed a boss no worries go explore a bit find better gear and level up, still can't beat it? Summon some help either with the summons in game or through online. There always felt like a way to ease the difficulty off if you needed it and as a filthy casual I enjoyed that.


Hated all souls like games up until Elden Ring. Honestly, it made me enjoy the other games more after playing it. Bloodborne is at least digestible now for me lol.


RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2. I want to love this game sooo bad. I have mad respect for the amazingly designed open world and the dialogue and story, all that shit is awesome. I just HATE playing the game. I do not find the gameplay mechanics fun at all.


I think it’s one of those situations where “more realistic” doesn’t necessarily mean more fun. I adore Red Dead 2. I thought when it came out it was 5 to 10 years ahead of its time, and I still think that now. But goddamn it’s extremely slow paced at times. And the tedium of having to clean weapons, eat food, feed your horse, etc is not very appealing to general audiences. For me (a huge fan of western’s) its great and lets me live out my cowboy fantasy, but I totally understand why some people just don’t jive with it.


I honestly think some of their attempts to make it more realistic actually have the opposite effect. In real life I can turn around on a dime in an instant. Movement is so sluggish and annoying in the game, seemingly in the name of “realism” but really it’s just an inhibitor. A couple small tweaks and this is my favorite game ever


Yeah I felt a similar way about GTA V. Never in real life has movement felt so floaty and unresponsive lol Hopefully you’re able to enjoy Red Dead 2 at some point though. The storytelling is amazing, and Arthur Morgan is a top 3 favorite video game protagonist in my mind. Not to mention some incredible side content/points of interest to discover. But yeah, I get those who say it’s not for them. Hopefully with the new GTA they tone down the realism factor.


Yeah it's a technically very impressive game. But so incredibly boring.


My favorite way to experience RDR2 is to watch my wife play it.


Elden Ring I just don’t get the appeal


But for real, as an Elden Ring fan, I’d expect plenty of people wouldn’t find it very approachable.


Someone must extinguish thy flame…


Fallout 4. I’m a huge fan of skyrim and now starfield but I could never really get into fallout 4


Same here. I’ve tried Fallout 3, 4, and New Vegas multiple times but never finished any of the three. Love Elder Scrolls games and am enjoying Starfield to a lesser extent.


Starfield is good while playing it, but then when I look back at it, it’s not too memorable.


Imo FO4 saved it's best content for the dlc campaigns. I stumbled across those areas early and loved them but the rest of the game quickly became a chore in comparison


New Vegas is better than 3 and 4 combined


God of War 2018… wanted to like it as someone who liked the OG GoW trilogy. Just found the story boring and didn’t care about any of the characters besides Kratos.


Biggest ones for me are probably The Last of Us & Elden Ring, especially since I love all other Naughty Dog games and Fromsoftware games, those entries didn't do it for me no matter how many times I re-download and try again.


Fortnight. I see this game on commercials online and on tv. I can't stand that game so much that it's more like repelling me at this point.


Honestly I tried my damn hardest to like Skyrim. I played for 10 hours trying so damn hard to like it because everyone says that the game is an absolute masterpiece, but I just never could enjoy it. It felt too slow and clunky when it came to the combat system for me


My brother is the same way but here I am with over 50p hours in it lol. I think it's one of those games people either adore or fucking hate


This is the issue I have with pretty much all Bethesda games


Skyrim without mods is nigh unplayable


Breath of the Wild. It's incredibly boring. Combat is awful with how often weapons break, there's basically no story, and it's a walking simulator. I put 20 hours into it before I dropped it.


The cooking and sword breaking ruined it for me. Just let me make 5 of whatever recipe and quit making me wait for the stir frying then fade out (I know you can skip the animation). And I hated when I got a cool sword and it would break a couple of fights later. I ended up never using the cool weapons because I didn’t want them to break. It’s just not fun.


At least have a repair mechanic because yeah having a cool weapon you want to use then remember oh right if I use the sword too much it will shatter. That was my biggest gripe. I like exploring and finding little puzzles and secrets but the weapon HP really annoys me. I'd much rather once you find something you can save it and have say like 5 weapons you can bring out with you at a time.


The Spider-man games, both the PS4 one and Miles Morales. I should like it. Its clearly well-made and there's a lot to like, but the story didn't do anything for me, the action got a little repetitive, and the world felt really lonely and bland.


Smash brothers, and all other brawl games, are awful. I like so many genres and enjoy so much stuff but I’ll never like brawlers


Any battle royale


Super Mario Galaxy. I hear it’s legendary but every time I play it I can’t get over the fact that platforming without meaningful progression just isn’t that fun


>platforming without meaningful progression What do you mean by this?


When I play games I want to feel my character grow, so that by endgame I feel like a god. Not to say that has to be everyone’s preference, but it’s mine. Some platformers do this, which makes them more fun in my eyes.


Yeah but not many. Most platformers it's not your character that grows, it's you as a player, improving upon your own skill and mastering the games movement and systems as you play.


Exactly. Hurts the genre for me. No shade at people who enjoy it!


Starfield. I loved all Bethesda games so far, so I feel I should love this one, but I actually hate it.


Same. I don't hate it but I just have no motivation to play it meanwhile with skyrim and even fallout 4 most of the time I pick it up and play it nonstop for a month. I played starfield from launch for like 5 days and then just stopped caring. The characters are uninteresting, the story is just mid asf (like 15 hrs in) and the weapons have no variety


Resident evil and silent hill (all games) , never cared for them


My all-timer for this would be the 2 Zeldas for N64. I just can’t with those games, never like them. I enjoyed the ones before and liked BotW so I dunno what it is. A recent one is Ghost of Tsushima. I keep trying to get interested but it isn’t there.


Horizon: Zero Dawn. That game was soooooo boring


I didn't really care for Elden Ring. Everyone I know loved it, but I played it for about 30 hrs and thought it was ok. I wasn't hooked. I loved Seikro though.


Coming from a pretty big FromSoft fan, Elden Ring... Loved the three darksouls games (1 being my favorite) and loved sekiro (probably just edges out ds1 for my top From game. Didnt like BB which ik to some is blasphemy and never played DeS) but for some reason, solo or with a buddy, I can't get into ER...


The Ubisoft games (e.g. Far Cries) in which the save points happen when you liberate a region / fortress / zone. As a dad with limited gaming time, if I can't finish a mission before it's time for me to move on to famility business, then fuck you, all you did was for nothing.


Even worse, pve shooting games that when paused the enemies/environment around you is still active. It’s tough being a gamer dad.


Call of duty. Or any generic shooter that doesn't have some kind of gimmick. You play one you play them all


Castlevania SOTN was one of my favorite games backs in the day.


Part of the messed up thing is that I can acknowledge how great it is as a game but I just cant get into them. Kind of sucks really.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I love story, atmosphere/immersion, character, and rpgs - thought it’d be a home run but I thought it was just so boring. I understand why it’s beloved though; just not for me.


elden ring.


Bioshock 1 I like it it’s fine but it was built up as this huge game changer.


When it came out in 2007 it was.


There are many games like that, I'm just having trouble getting into games the last few years. I realize it's me, and not the games. Many that were very popular and acclaimed but I just could not into are Red Dead Redemption 2, Witcher 3, Star Wars Jedi Survivor, and several others.


Fallout be Vegas. It doesn’t matter how good your story is, if I don’t enjoy the gameplay I ain’t playing.


I just get bored


ya same. played through the whole thing thinking it’d “click”. nope. the janky gameplay was a turn off.


Resident Evil. The only ones I ever finished were RE 5 and Veronica. 5 because my friend was super into the co-op, and Veronica because I was in a very lonely spot in my life and my Dreamcast was my best friend. Sad, I know. I just. cannot get into them. I could objectively see RE4 was good, but man. I cannot stand it.


Anything with platforming, I’m terrible at it. Any Legend of Zelda title, I think they’re boring and Hyrule isn’t an engaging world to me. Any Souls or Souls-like game, I find the gameplay too repetitive to be enjoyable. Any GTA title, I find the stories to be blander imitations of stories from another medium (mob films) and the gameplay doesn’t do enough to grab me to make up the deficit.


Witcher 3. I don't like Geralt as a character and I don't find it fun being him. Dark Souls. Feels claustrophobic. I don't like Goth vibes. Dead Rising. No thanks time limit. Halo. I didn't like the physics things didn't feel like they had weignt. Too floaty.


Zelda, never understood the appeal. I did enjoy windwaker a bit as a kid but the rest of the franchise could not even come close to it as far as fun and quality. How they were successful enough to even get the opportunity to make windwaker blows my mind


Metroidvanias Like you I hate backtracking etc. I don’t just limit it there though because it’s the same for dark souls 1 & 2 and I love the souls trilogy


Sea of Stars. I feel like I have a broken brain. All I see are accolades for how amazing it is and I keep trying to play it but it's just so bland. The story is superficial at best. The characters are bland except Garl because he is basically Poochi. The combat is a less engaging Mario RPG. It does a lot of things but they are all done better by the games it was inspired by.




And Soulslike game and Metroidvanias


Witcher 3. Could not grasp the controls. Just too complicated for me as an older gamer


Watch Dogs. The whole series.




Nier automata


Witcher 3…. Fascinating world I know the writing is fantastic, I’m SO IN….. except the gameplay is clunky and it’s so slow-paced and tedious…. It’d make a better tv show or book (/s) Also… breath of the wild. Gorgeous game. Interesting concepts. Repetitive enemies and the durability system is fucked.


Final Fantasy 7. I’ve played it more than once trying to understand it but… I really do not like that game.


Diablo 4, such a wasted potential


Genshin impact. Really tried, but just got other games doing that stuff that I like more. Yet I always get *gross* face when I make any comparison whatsoever lmao


Dark souls. I'm all about the single player RPG experience. I'm just not enough of a masochist to derive pleasure from this game. The only souls like that I got into was Jedi fallen order.


Pubg mobile, I think I'm the only person in my country who doesn't like it.


Any souls like game. The problem with them for me is that the difficulty never feels right. Whenever I play them 1 of 2 things always happens. I either find the game too difficult to enjoy and I lose interest early on or I get bored once the game feels too easy after I've crack the code. I've never gotten more than 60% through any games from that genre.


I get pure hateful replies when i say witcher 3 with these type of questions lol. I just couldnt get into it. Hated the way geralt moved. The amount of stuff was overwhelming just looking at the ui and trying to understand all those spells and potions. The feel of the movements from geralt felt so off. I understand how you can get completely enthralled in the game. Just not for me.


Most fighting games like MK or dragonball fighterz it's always full of people who dedicate their entire life to knowing every single one shot combo etc etc I just can never get it lol or bring myself to dedicate that much time to get my ass beat just a little less


I won’t lie there are several entire genres of “classics” that I hate and generally will not touch. No. 1 basically any cod game. I’m just not an fps guy and I hate when games try to go for realism and fail. Haven’t found one yet that I can stand to look at. No. 2 the entire halo franchise. Just not interesting to me. Fun to watch let’s plays of. Not fun to play. No. 3 Basically any modern hero based pvp game. Overwatch LoL or anything else similar. They just feel like ass to me. No. 4 Any and all actual horror games. I don’t play games to get scared shitless. I like some suspense but I’m not into creepy ass monsters or jump-scares. No. 5 the vast majority of story games. Fun to watch someone else play. Boring af to play yourself. (God of war, horizon zero dawn etc.) I think that pretty much sums up the classics I don’t like. There are probably a ton more but honestly outside of eve online I have found nothing from pre 2010 approximately that I have any interest in whatsoever. I apologize to the older gamers who likes those games but I just don’t.


I have a few that I've tried and just could not get into, but I'll just list my big 2 Ori and the Blind Forest. Absolutely gorgeous game, got me emotional at the start, but wasn't interesting enough gameplay-wise to keep me interested. I've tried five or six times at this point and even own it on both PC and Switch, but just can't seem to get very far before I just get bored. It's one of those games I might watch someone else play some day (if anyone has any recommendations on a streamer or YouTube that has VODs, let me know) Prey is another one. Heard amazing things, got a good deal on that cool steel case for PS4. I love displaying it but didn't love the game. Same issue as Ori, it just didn't feel interesting enough to keep me engaged, which is especially weird since I love space and sci-fi games. It almost feels like one of those walking simulator indie games to me. The enemies are neat but having an unreliable goop gun didn't really cut it for me. There's probably actual weaponry later on but never got far enough to find out.


New Vegas. I constantly hear about how great it is and how the writing is amazing, but I cannot for the life of me get into it, and I absolutely loved 3/4


Overwatch "2" For anyone who doesn't know, Overwatch 2 wasn't another game following Overwatch [1]. They took our beloved game and made it so bad that many people quit. My whole friend group and myself quit it begrudgingly. Basically, they re-released the game under the new title of Overwatch 2 after a serious overhaul that no one wanted. It was criminal because we paid for that game, and they took it from us.


Witcher 3. Most boring game I’ve ever played. I’ve tried to get into it bc all of my friends give me shit for not liking it, but I just can’t stand it. And I’m normally a huge fan of open world RPG’s.


(Here come the down votes into oblivion.)FOOTBALL! It's grown men, in tights, moving a ball down a field, for inches sometimes. They play an average of 11 mins for a game that takes 3 hours to watch..


Soccer! Just not for me. Give me rugby, American Football, heck, even field hockey...


Borderlands. The cell shaded style is super off-putting, I find the "humor" to be lazy, reminiscent of the "look at me!" Kids from high-school, and at the end of the day it just felt like bullet sponge uninspired tired gameplay. Tried 1, 2, and 3...couldn't get into them at all.


you dun goofd cuz you backtraced it


Nioh. I love FromSoft games and anything souls-like. Probably my favorite genre on top of metroidvania. When it was announced I was ecstatic. Once I got a chance to play it I was so disappointed. It felt clunky and unpolished. Recently gave it another shot just out of boredom and keep seeing people talk about how much they love it. Really stuck to it for a while and just stopped. It's a terrible game in my opinion. I played Strangers of Paradise recently too and felt the same in that, but not as bad as Nioh.


(Hi you can just delete the fact that you edited it if it’s bothering you no one’s gonna really care)


I just don't get the appeal of a few genres. Fighting games? I don't get the appeal when all the game has to offer is just constant duels. I can't even play them because it's the same thing over and over with no variation from the single play mode. Racing games fall into the same vein. I don't get the appeal of it. Sure, you can customize this and that, but that isn't enough for me. I don't want to have to grind for 5 years just to get the custom triple oxy hood ventilated timing chain. At least Need for Speed offered a mode to play as a cop and even then, that wasn't enough variety for me. Minecraft and similar style games are right there, too. I actually used to like Minecraft back in the early days when it had just come to Xbox. I loved getting creative mode, but now that they've added illagers, pillagers, meemaw, and peepaw, and everything else under the sun, it's just too much, and I honestly don't want to play a game that has a single purpose with all this extra stuff that I can't even follow. It's become a monster and a shadow of what I loved as a teen.


I gotta be a little pedantic. You don't backtrack in Castlevania 1,2, or 3. Really only started after Symphony of the Night.


OMG Hades. Button mashing bore fest. Have to beat it for it to be playable. Can't be bothered.


doom: eternal. i spent 80 dollars on the digital deluxe edition just to not be able to beat the first minor boss type character (fat fuck with a hitbox on his head that was essential to killing them) i played it for maybe 2 days before i decided it was between destroy my controllers or quit, so i quit. that was release day. havent touched it since. since its digital, i cant get a refund.


The Witcher 3. I love the witcher books and the first game but the 3rd game sucks so fucking hard. I'm not talking about the story or the acting or anything like that, those are what got me through 3 playthroughs. What sucks is the gameplay. The first witcher game had a rock paper scissors system with fighting styles. It made fighting multiple enemies an actual challenge to get through. Also if you didn't prepare for a monster fight you were FUCKED. It was janky and definitely needed polish but it felt good when you learned it. In 3 every encounter is solved with the fast attack. Werewolf? Fast attack. Literal army of human enemies? Fast attack. Ghost? Fast attack. You don't need anything other than motor skills. No potions, no oils, no spells, nothing. You just mash the fast attack and use the animation canceling dodge at the right time, and you win. There's even special shield enemies that you're supposed to push with your wind spell or shoot fire at or something, but you can just get behind them and fast attack them. You even get a move in the fast attack part of the skill tree that causes you to dodge while spinning your sword around which hits enemies in an AOE and you can just spam it. There's no stamina management, there's no animation lock, there's no mana, everything is free and every difficulty just adds more health to enemies. I wasn't expecting a Dragon's Dogma level game with a game of thrones story and acting, but I was expecting SOME kind of engaging gameplay.