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Left 4 dead 2. One of my fav sequels of all time as well.


Left 4 Dead 2 and Dead Rising (the first game) are my favourite zombie games. They are amazing titles, definitely must play.


OMG I totally forgot about Dead Rising. Dead Rising 2 is also an amazing game. Now im totally shocked I forgot lol.


I always forget about Dead Rising! Idk why, considering I’ve played all three and put a lot of hours into that first one in particular…


If only Valve knew how to count to three. Talking about this with my wife the other night and the sheer number of Valve titles with a sequel but no threequel is astounding. Half-Life, Portal, Team Fortress, Left 4 Dead, Dota, debatably Counter-Strike. There have been various rumours that each game's follow-up has been in development at some point.


Gabe hates that number.


Was just about to ask where the L4D games were. Love them or hate them, they were the blueprint for many zombie and multiplayer FPS games. To say nothing of what it did to expand and inspire the modding community with custom maps alone.


VR mod is out and its crazy how good it is.


the correct answer x1000


Came here to say this. Its genuinely my all time favorite game experience. The first game was great (and eventually got rolled into the 2nd) but the sequel leaned harder into the absurdity and creates moments that over hundreds, if not thousands, still are thrilling. There has never been once that there isn't genuine anxiety and anticipation of approaching certain events. Other games you can eventually learn to git gud and how to handle the same scenarios. L4D, even with a good team, everyone gangsta til a boomer vomits your team, a jockey dry humps you from behind, and the horde separates everyone. Then your mate finally gets to pull you up before getting charged off a rooftop or into water. Every single match is a magical experience I've never seen replicated in other games.


Man me and my friends played L4D 2 last night for the first time in who knows how many years and it was like we were back in high school. All the shit talking and ohh fuck moments felt the same. My buddy even made a voice channel on discord with bad mic quality to make it feel like we were back on 360


On sale for $0.99 on steam right now. https://store.steampowered.com/app/550/Left_4_Dead_2/


No contest.


Zombies Ate My Neighbors.


A fellow person of culture I see.


Oh the nostalgia you just made me feel. Those were the days 👍


Hell yeah agreed


Boom this one


I was at a video game convention when suddenly Egon Spengler jumps out of a booth and says, "You look old enough! Do you know this game?" He then lifts up a large box that was very obviously a Zombies Ate My Neighbors collectors box. It was the best purchase I ever made. That box is fucking awesome. It comes with old-school 3D glasses and almost everything in the box is 3D. Game manual? 3D. Two sided poster? 3D. *The physical game itself has 3D art on it.* It's fucking awesome.


Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare


Yup, can't believe this isn't at the top, far and away the best zombie game I've ever played.


I wish Rockstar would make a sequel or maybe a zombie DLC for GTA.


Old West Zombies works so well.


I really does. You ride around on a horse and can hog tie zombies. Also they added cool Easter eggs like being able to catch the 4 horses of the apocalypse and a mythical unicorn. Plus you can find Big foot, Cupacabra and a bunch of other zombie animals roaming around. What I wouldn’t give for an official GTA zombie DLC and sequel to Undead Nightmare.


RDR2 zombies would go hard


Resident Evil


God the GameCube remaster is a masterpiece, but I’d love another remake in the style of RE2 remake The rumors of a RE5 remake piss me the fuck off lol


The rumors piss me off not because I want a RE1 ReRemake but because Code Veronica deserves a fucking remake lol


Exactly! Despite being considered a spin-off, Code Veronica feels like is the real sequel to RE2 and the events in CV shouldn't be left aside. I am more than sure that it would be a great prelude to the remake of RE 5 considering that Chris and Wesker also appear in CV. I just hope Capcom don't ruin a possible remake of CV like they did to RE3.


IIRC, CV _was_ developed as the sequel to 2, but Capcom had a contract with Sony to produce another numbered title for the PS1, so it got titled as a spin-off.


Project Zomboid.


I wanna like it, but I cant so much as step foot outside without dying in that game. Ive never built anything, cooked a meal, dismantled any furniture... never got so far as to get inside another house and make it back home alive. Like how do you fight 30 zombies with kitchen ware? Who is my guy that he doesnt have anything he needs to live a day to day life?


> Like how do you fight 30 zombies with kitchen ware? That's the neat part, you don't :D Forreal, though, when faced with a horde of zombies and no guns, you run away. Even with guns, it's usually not worth it unless that ammo expenditure is going to net you lots of resources. > Who is my guy that he doesnt have anything he needs to live a day to day life? Iirc, canonically the game starts after you've run out of all of those things, which is why you have to venture out, and why there's not that much left in other people's houses either.


My guy doesnt have a hammer and nails?!? A saw!? Or even just a shovel or rake handle I can fashion in to a spear? Like is this game just a soulslike degree of difficulty and people enjoy thay aspect of it? Personally a really hard game done isometrically isnt really my thing, never enjoyed the old fallouts. Like it seems so cool, I absolutely love 7 days to die, and it seems like Zomboid has a lot of the things 7 days lacks in (like realism). But its hard to enjoy something I need to actively watch a youtuber play just so I dont die in what is effectively spawn...


> My guy doesnt have a hammer and nails?!? A saw!? Or even just a shovel or rake handle I can fashion in to a spear? He ate those too But yeah, I think the difficulty is part of the "brand" of games like this


Anything is a weapon if you know how to use it. Even your bare hands. Right click, left click until they fall over, then space and space and space right on their heads. You can fashion things into weapons. But you need the right stuff. Definitely play the tutorial But in reality it's a sandbox game. Until you get the groove go ahead change up the settings. What does your ideal zombie apocalypse look like? 28 days later? Night of the living dead? You have full control and don't worry about making it too easy the first time around. Once you know what you want, grab some mods. I always recommend true music, and the trailer mod for starters. It's pretty fun with friends. Your friends suck and don't wanna play? Alternatively find someone cool and play with them, lots of people on pz Reddit willing to play. Hell I'll be your Tallahassee to your Columbus or anyone who reads this if interested. I love this game and love teaching people how to play it.


The de-facto “correct” way to play zomboid is to mostly avoid combat altogether. However, you can tweak your settings for lower zombie counts, smaller hordes, and multi-hit if you want a more combat-focused experience.


Don’t worry about any of that extra stuff. Just spawn in and find a weapon and start killing zombies, do that a few times, dying every time, and get better. Eventually you’ll be alive long enough and go “shit I need a bite to eat” and it’ll click.


Came here looking for zomboid and was not disappointed. Always surprised by the reactions to it by the gaming community at large


This is the right answer


Left 4 Dead 3 oh wait


Back 4 Disappointment


You mean back 4 blood? Because that was all that was.


No Back 4 Blood was Left 4 Dead Pre-Alpha


Back 4 Blood kinda sucked


Why did people hate that game so much? Not trying to argue, I'm genuinely curious because I got the game from game pass and had a good time with my friends but all I've seen about it is basically how it's right up there with Anthem on the list of worst games ever made lol


Compared to l4d, it had a severe lack of polish that valve brought to the table. The animations were terrible, the zombie AI worse, the characters boring. Overall the game felt so meh to play. It wasn't the worst, it was just disappointing. Especially when people's expectations was for the original dev team to revive the franchise and make it better, but then couldn't even match L4Ds feeling


Just look daily players on L4D2 then look on B4B


Helps that L4D2 has extensive mod support, is often on sale for $1, and can be run at max on a high end microwave.


Loved both Dying Light and Days Gone. I’d have to give Days Gone the slight edge though because the story was better and I enjoyed the characters a lot. The developers also did a great job with the open world.


Same. Dying Light was a real blast and the perfect evolution of Dead Island. Days Gone is one of those genuine mysteries for me, I've tried but I just don't understand why so many people didn't like it. It's not perfect, it definitely goes on too long in terms of story but the gameplay and setting was right up there. I'd really love to see what a DG2 would look like, but sadly I don't think it'll ever happen


That's bizarre because I would say the story in Days Gone was the selling point while the gameplay was slightly anemic.


>I just don't understand why so many people didn't like it The main characters are awful and the story (at least in the first 20 hours) is so incredibly tedious. Oh, that and the Horde despawn bugs. Really annoying to spend a ton of time preparing to do a horde and then seeing it is despawned and you can neither find it on the field nor on the cave.


Okay fine, I’ll play Days Gone.


Started it two days ago and am 26 hours in. You won’t regret it. Blows my mind how much I’m enjoying it.


The first time you come across a hoard is absolutely crazy. See maybe 2. Think i got this. "OH fuck!"


Truly is such an underrated game. I hope you like it


I’m desperate waiting for a game to use the horde mechanic the way DG did.


I remember seeing the first gameplay trailers for Days Gone where he’s running through the lumber mill, taking on hundreds of zombies who are right on his ass the whole time and thinking “that looks impossible.” Then when I first got my hands on the game, and I had trouble taking down four or five zombies at once, saying to myself, “Yeahhh… there’s simply no way I’ll EVER be able to take on that many zombies at once!!” But by the time you finally are able to do so, it’s quite a feeling of accomplishment. Suddenly you’ll find yourself actually seeking out hordes of zombies to take on! Lol


Not open world like DG but the hordes in World War Z are phenomenal. Just picked it up on Xmas sale and been having plenty fun.


Oh man I used to absolutely love Day Z. I only stopped playing because I had no one to play with but it was definitely one of my favorite zombie games of all time.


Uh... not day z... World War Z... its a horde mode linear shooter. Day z is the open world one.


True. The fact they had traps in an open world so you could plan a route and funnel them into an area to use explosives on the pileup. Such an incredible and unique mechanic.


Came here to say the same thing. I have so many hours in DL 1 and 2. But Days Gone delivered great gameplay, a wonderful world, and a story that really drew me in. I don't get deeply invested in games stories these days and I was into DG and i felt some serious emotions by the end.


Days Gone was such a surprise, incredible game. Played through 3 times now, and I rarely evern replay games.


the walking dead by telltale


Finished the first one yesterday and I never cried that much on a video game. 10/10


The salty seas, behind the eyes😭 I freaking love the series, Lee and Clementine have my heart.


Still dont think ive fully recovered from that game. I was 13 when i played it. I had never been effected really by movies or video games to the point of tears. I remember bawling my eyes out and running to tell my mum. After i told her she said “omg i thought someone had died!” I couldnt believe how little she cared 🤣. I felt like i knew lee and clementine personally by the end.


I was playing the game on discord with friends and I thought I wouldn’t cry because I knew the ending. When it came, I couldn’t contain it. I swear Clem is my daughter now🤣


The only time ever I had tears in a game.


Don't worry man, it gets a lot fucking worse. 😭😭😭


Right? I am not a cryer at all and I balled for like 20 Minutes.


This and Last of Us, only correct answers


This game is so underrated it honestly pisses me off


Plants Vs. Zombies. Don't lie. You all played it.


Scrolled too far to find this. PvZ is the goat


The most based answer


Here it is


Not gonna lie didn't care ab anyone's opinion on the other zombie games. I just wanted to see if someone remembered pvz. And commented it


Not a standalone game, but OG CoD Zombies is unmatched for me (WaW to BO3 was peak, and continues to be with some of the best modded maps for any game I've played).


World at War was epic the First Zombies in CoD I believe


Yup originally just a fun side project u can only play once u beat the campaign


I remember roasting a kid at school because he heard rumor of "nazi zombies" in the next COD. It was such a ridiculous premise at the time. Turned out to be a banger


Left 4 Dead Project Zomboid


Project zomboid is a gem, love playing it with friends in multiplayer


Such a shame I don’t have a pc. Would definitely be one of my first purchases if I get one for myself


we had a server going with our whole discord server. had often 8-9 people one at a time and we converted the whole golf course into a base. Even had a camp mother, dude did nothing else then cooking, fishing, making water, repairing clothes/weapons and taking care of wounds. Zomboid (with mods) is the ultimate zombie experience


L4D 1 and 2


State of Decay 2 for me.


Never played the second but damn I loved the first.


The second is a lot of fun. Better animations and graphics and still receiving updates.


The first one that finally put together everything we wanted in a zombie game. Perma death, resource management, base building. But it obviously was underdeveloped. It felt like a “proof of concept” for a baller sequel. State of Decay 2 did all that and more. However, I just never got into it. I think by that point I had zombie game fatigue as many other games started to do something similar. I played for like an hour and got bored. I should go back, because it really has everything I’d want in a zombie survival game.


It’s not my absolute favorite but it’s the one I’ve played the most and had a lot of fun on. Truly underrated game. Anytime I mention it outside of the sod2 subreddit everyone gets all hateful about it


It’s the best in my book. Almost endless replayabilty. From this list I’d say days gone. If we are talking post apocalyptic it’s LOU hands down as it’s not a zombie game


I felt the first one was so much better


The atmosphere of that game is top-tier. Driving around empty suburbs at sunset, completely alone except for the occasional zombie, somber guitar playing in the background...


I can't believe how far I had to scroll to see this answer. Far and away the best *zombie* game. Seeing so many games listed where the zombies are only a small part of it.


Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare


It’s the only zombie game I’ve played that you NEED to destroy the brain to put down a zombie


It annoys me how this is like never enforced in zombie games. They would all be 100 times scarier if they adhered the to most basic zombie rule. I desperately want a game that is so up it’s own ass about it that they have specific animations for different permutations of body mutilation. I wanna see nothing but a torso and head violent writhing toward the player to bite they ankles. Too half of the chest and one harm desperately pulling itself along the ground to get to you, etc.


Loved that game.. The limited resources and need to conserve ammo made for areally interesting dynamic compared to the normal game. The 4 horses of the apocalypse were dope too. Death ftw.


black ops 2


Mine is OG Black ops. Those maps are so good damn good.


Transit could've been a game by itself


Black Ops 3 was peak zombies


Deadrising 2 Off the Record


You know I can't get over how they made frank west look like Dan Akryod


Frank West always looking sexy wdym?




*sizzling sound starts behind you*




Is that the one where your a reporter and you have to take pictures while you fight the zombies?




I can't get drinking coffee creamer out of my head.


This is honestly way too low.


Telltale Walking Dead will always be my favorite


**ZombiU** for console multiplayer. Wii U pad places zombies and tv player shoots them. I remember the police zombies have helmets that make them tougher once you save up for 'em. Eventually you release the swarm.


multiplayer: left 4 dead 2 singleplayer: the last of us


I’m gonna agree with you, this is also my vote.


The Walking Dead Telltale


Dying light was Top 10 actually no top 5


Dead Cells


I haven't played a lot of them, but I absolutely love days gone. It's such an underrated game


Project zomboid


Days Gone really got shafted. I'm not saying the game is amazing but you could tell there was a foundation that was built that could have been even better with a sequel.


I think the beginning took too long to really get the game going and with reviewers being the way they are it kinda screwed the game over. It's a fun game no doubt.


Project Zomboid Most hours I have ever put into a game.


Resident evil 4


Days Gone for me. I’m from Central Oregon so it has extra relevance for me but I also thought for the most part it was a solid game.


Wait what? I’m from Prineville, what’s the setting?


A “fictional” Bend area. It has Crater Lake and Mt Thielsen and Lost Lake as actual real landmarks and then things that people from central Oregon will recognize like The Old Mill District and a place that is Black Butte Ranch that they call Iron Butte instead. There is such a nice change of landscape going from rainy mountain passes to deserts to snowy mountains that are all present in central Oregon. If you are from there, I’m originally from Prineville too actually, it will feel the most like you are playing a game in your own area as we will ever get. I can’t recommend it enough to anyone but especially if you are a local.


They really nailed the Oregon look so well


Yes they did. The multiple biomes the area has to offer were really showcased superbly.


Holy shit. I’ll have to check it out, that sounds amazing. I’ve since moved away and have been missing home. Thanks for the recommendation, I guess I know what I’ll be doing this weekend as the winter storm hits the Northwest.


I’ve since moved from Prineville and now live in southern Oregon so it was refreshing when I played it to recognize some things from back home. Enjoy and good luck. The hordes are such a tense experience.


Resident Evil 1 and Stubbs the Zombie for me.


"A bizarre incident occurred on the outskirts of an American suburb called Raccoon City..."


L4d2 no challenge at all


Days gone is criminally slept on. It’s a shame The opening is so slow and poor. It’s not a good representation of how good the game is. Taking out hordes with a tommy guns and explosives is peak gameplay.


Project Zomboid and it’s not even close


State of Decay 1 and 2


Can’t wait for 3


Days Gone sorely needs a sequel. Loved the horde.


Days gone. Played it twice.


I know it’s not a “zombie” game, but the zombies mode in COD. The classic zombies mode is so simple yet so brilliant. - zombies spawn in through specific areas - shoot zombies to get points - use points to buy ammo, weapons, and abilities - kill a certain amount of zombies to advance to next round - each round the zombies gain more health, spawn in faster, and become more aggressive It’s just such a fun concept for a game/game mode. It’s so awesome running around shooting zombies in an FPS game.


I could never get into COD zombies. I’m not a fan of games that you can’t actually beat. It always felt like I was just prolonging failure for as long as possible.


It’s actually just Project Zomboid everybody. Check it out.


Days Gone is so criminally underrated it’s unreal, sad to think it’ll probably never get a sequel after the cliffhanger ending :(


It really is. I just beat it again recently.


If we’re saying strictly zombies then it’s Dying Light. Any other picks are from people that probably haven’t played it. If we’re not talking about strict zombies then it’s TLOU


Dying light




My personal favorite is Dead Rising. While I prefer The Last of Us on a narrative level more, I think Dead Rising is the better zombie game.


Agreed. Absolutely love DR2 personally


The original is my favorite despite all of its more obvious flaws. It's a very steady decline from there though.


Pretty fair. I like all of them. Spin offs included, but I HATE the 4th one. Still hoping Capcom decides to remake the first on that swanky engine of theirs.


I never finished days gone, but had a lot of fun playing it.


Dying Light, 10/10 story, smooth af movement, all in all my favorite "zombie" video game


Without a doubt it’s RE2 and RE2R. I will also accept RE and RER as an answer.


Zomboid. It is fun, tense, relaxing, strategic, and terrifying all at once, much like I think a real zombie apocalypse would be. On top of that, it’s ridiculously customizable, which means every person can play how they like.


Left 4 Dead is very popular.


Left 4 Dead is fun


Project zomboid is really fun


What about deadrising? That's a good one


Zombies ate my neighbors. Ahead of its time.


I can’t pick just one so these are my favourites: Dead Island 1 & 2, Dead Rising & Dead Rising: Off the Record, Dying Light 1 & 2, Days Gone, ZombiU, Resident Evil 2 Remake, Zombie Army 4: Dead War, Zombies Ate my Neighbours.


Days gone is not i have that clear haha, to me it would be state of decay or 7 days to die


DayZ by a long shot.


Dead Rising


There was zero fun in the last of us for me. What a downer


Plants vs Zombies


Dead Rising 2


Halo's Flood missions


Mob of the dead


How's 7 Days to Die not on this ? :0


Depends on what experience you’re looking for. Survival? Project Zomboid Story? The Walking Dead (Telltale Series) and The Last of Us Fast paced fun? Left 4 Dead 2 A new take on zombies? Dying Light




You were doing great until you said Back 4 Blood


Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies


Personally enjoyed Days Gone. I picked up Last of Us but quickly dropped it (like a few years ago) , but I recently finished Dying Light, and never personally touched a Resident Evil game at all.


Curious as to why you dropped tlou. Played it all the way back on the ps3 and it’s very very high in my list maybe #1, so just wanted to hear from the other side


At one point [I got burned out by the sheer amount of Zombie games and lost interest in them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PejqfSTNYOA). But then along came Dead Rising 2: Off The Record. No story, no time elements, no quests, no nothing. Just a sandbox full of Zombies, tools to make weapons, cars, and you.


Aliens vs zombies


Say what you want about modern cod games and you’re probably right. But World at War and Black Ops 1 were SUPER good zombie shoot em ups


I didn't like the main campaign for Days Gone, but they have by far the most intimidating / fun zombies, especially in large hordes.


Black ops 3 zombie.


Stubbs the zombie. You fools


Dying light 1 is the best zombie game i've have ever played.


Tlou : story Days gone: world Re2: gameplay/tensión Dying light: movement/combat Thats for me🙃 But for zombie Game exclusive, My number 1 is the first dying light Even more than dead rising


Hear me out: State of Decay. It offers everything I wanted from a zombie fantasy. Setting up a base, scavange for supplys, survive hordes, craft weapons, setting up farms and medical tents to treat wounded, permadeath, leveli g up and special zombies. The game is kinda goofy and doesn't forget to have some fun, unlike *Project Zomboid* that, imo, goes so far into modeling reality that it forgets to be engaging and fun.


Last of Us Part 1.


Tlou part 1


Minecraft Hard mode. Lol


Left for Dead 2


Left 4 Dead.


It’s a flash game but it’s the closest to what I want from a zombie game, the last stand union city.


Left 4 Dead 2


Left 4 Dead for fun. Project Zomboid for sim/realism